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21   FortWayne   2012 Aug 16, 3:23am  

He wasn't planning on doing that until he got struck with all the tea party protests about over the top spending that had 0 oversight and just went to fuel local corruption. If Republicans did not oppose spending, Obama would be a leader in spending by now.

It's why he was named the second Carter, because he started exactly like him. Unchecked crony political spending, went to some well connected groups and union bosses... the rest of the country got stuck with the bill and an economy that isn't moving or going to move.

22   Rew   2012 Aug 16, 3:51am  

FortWayne says

... the rest of the country got stuck with the bill and an economy that isn't moving or going to move.

Private sector hit hard because of lack of financial oversight and regulation. Economic activity and velocity of money way down. Local banking crises turn into national banking crises. Crisis of faith occurs. Interests rates pushed to rock bottom levels to try and keep economic activity going.

You're the government in the above situation. You have several choices but the two main ones are:

A) cut government spending, decrease government activity, and decrease taxes
B) increase government spending, increase government activity, and decrease taxes

Which do you choose and why? What does your choice do to the private sector economy?

23   deepcgi   2012 Aug 16, 5:12am  

Bellingham Bill says

deepcgi says

The poorer majority will always vote for the richer minority to pay all the bills, while demanding they deserve everything they need for free. For the best...for the worst...whichever...it's not mine to say. Sound money is the only way to bring responsibility to budgets.

pure rightwing bullshit.

The top 5% of this country don't have magic money machines that pull in 30% of the national income.

They get this 30% rake -- largely FROM the 95% -- via rent-seeking, in high-finance (Bain Capital), land, health-care, defense, government contracts (like how the Ryan family made their millions).

Debt is how we balance the upwards outflow from working America to keep the monopoly game going. It doesn't have to be this way, we could raise taxes and tariffs instead.

Bill: Actually, the argument that the richest 5 percent have money-machines that pull in 30 percent of the income is a left wing mantra not a right one.

Asking for increased taxes and tariff is exactly what "those without" will vote for everytime.

Raising taxes does nothing to slow the creation of credit (debt) out of nowhere. Left, right, right, left...both sides love the fact that the money has no backing. If it had backing (a basket full of commodities for instance), governments, central banks, high financiers couldn't "create wealth" with the stroke of a key. It would require real demand.

All of you keep falling back into the fallacy that this is a right versus left issue. All you are arguing about is that YOUR spending priorities are the best. You are not aware of how new credit or debt is created on massive scales and/or you don't care.

It's not concrete below your feet, it's complexity. Derivatives are second only to Quantum Physics when it comes to complexity. The problem with derivatives however is that once you untangle all of the strings that supposedly keep everyone aloft, you're left with some very small collateral. They take a 400,000 mortgage debt as collateral and leverage it 50:1. Bingo, 20 million dollars! With only ONE house for backing.

But uh oh...of the fifty who share it, how do we know that TWO investors won't show up on the same day to collect on the collateral of their investment?? Well, because we chop each mortgage into 50 pieces (if not 1000) and mix it up together with 2000 other mortgages of mixed quality. The high risk mortgages are Soylent Red the low risk Mortgages are Soylent Green! I love Christmas! Now we can layout the red and green on one big table and give it a name like the "Pan American Soylent Securities Buffet". Mmm yummy. Now that it has a NAME it's a "product". And a product can ITSELF be leveraged at another 20:1. If more than one of the iVestors shows up to collect on the collateral, the powers-that-be say alrighty...here is 1/1000th of this mortgage and 1/1000th of this one, and 1/1000ths of this one, and 1/1000th of this one....and on and on.

See why the bankers feel safe? No one has ever taken them up on the collection of the collateral out of sheer complexity!

Complexity not concrete. Look at how many millions of dollars in "wealth" are created out of very little demand for the actual collateral!

Raising taxes has nothing to do with it. You're just wishing you could get in on the deal the other securities investors are getting. The left wants to spend it here, the right wants to spend it there...but both sides are cool with where all the wealth comes from. That's what Keynesian Economics has become.

You guys continue arguing about the right vs left and I'll watch while the ground erodes from beneath us all. This is why Ron Paul was popular and simultaneously an enemy of both parties.

24   Homeboy   2012 Aug 16, 5:22am  

lenar says

I'm looking at this thread in disbelief.

Obama administration spends more than any other president. MORE than ANY.

ALL the presidents on that chart spent more than any other president before him, genius. MORE than ANY. Do you know how to read a chart?

25   lenar   2012 Aug 16, 5:31am  

Homeboy says

ALL the presidents on that chart spent more than any other president before him, genius. MORE than ANY

Therefore it's acceptable to lie, misrepresent facts, and redefine concepts. Is that what you are saying? WTF are you saying?

26   bob2356   2012 Aug 16, 5:41am  

country_stroll says

It could be argued, I think correctly, that the increase in spending on government social benefits (line 23) which began under Clinton (588B to 846B), exploded under Bush (946B to 1,401B) and continued under Obama (1,621B to 1,753B), are largely responsible for the current deficit.

How could that be argued correctly? The vast majority of social benefits are SS and MC which are paid out of FICA, which is still running a surplus at this point. The deficits are on the general revenue side budget. That's over 50% defense/homeland security. Federal contribution to Medicaid is the only big ticket item social item paid by general taxes at about 15% of the general budget. Note that medicaid is almost always lumped in with Medicare and include the state contribution amount to hide this number. The entire rest of federal government interest on the debt, roads, air traffic, education, staffing, pensions, welfare, foreign aid, etc., etc., etc., is the rest of the federal budget. Government social benefits are a very small part of that amount. The huge deficits are a result of the huge drop in tax revenues in the general budget combined with huge increases in unemployment. Not really Obama's fault, but no one can accuse him of trying to get it under control either.

Just goes to show how Johnson rolling of ss/mc into the general budget as a "unified budget" was a very successful strategy to hide where the actual deficit is in people's minds. SS/MC is technically off budget again since 1990, but no politico wants to show the budget that way since the true cost of borrowing for defense spending would be too obvious.

27   Homeboy   2012 Aug 16, 6:14am  

lenar says

Therefore it's acceptable to lie, misrepresent facts, and redefine concepts. Is that what you are saying? WTF are you saying?

I'm saying that ALL presidents spend more than the previous president. You may as well fault Obama for breathing oxygen.

ALL the presidents on the chart increased spending. Obama did that LESS than the other presidents. Can you explain how that is a reason for republicans to criticize him?

Or as you would say, WTF are you saying?

28   lenar   2012 Aug 16, 6:19am  

Homeboy says

ALL the presidents on the chart increased spending. Obama did that LESS than the other presidents.

Do you know the difference between decrease in growth and decrease in value?

I blame publiK education.

29   david1   2012 Aug 16, 6:31am  

The goverment does not have a spending problem. It has a revenue problem.


Further including exploding Medicare costs which certainly cannot be attributed to Obama since he has tried to reign in costs:

Average Total Outlays as a % of GDP
1981-89, 22.3%
2009-12, 24.4%

Excluding Medicare:
1981-89, 20.8%
2009-12, 21.2%

Finally, Quite a few more more people on SS now than back under Ronnie Ray-gun, so excluding SS and Medicare:
1981-89: 16.2%
2009-12: 16.3%

30   deepcgi   2012 Aug 16, 7:36am  

Krugman: King of the Keynesians. Yes, the whole trouble is that we are not creating enough wealth. The average under Bush AND Obama has been about 1.5 billion dollars per day. The difference between the two administrations being that under Bush, China was buying most of the treasuries and now they're not. In fact, the largest single purchaser of US Treasury Bonds is the Federal Reserve. Yes, you heard that right. If foreign entities, don't have the cash or the wherewithall to buy our Treasuries when we need the money, we issue credit to ourselves. And then the Fed can lie all they want about how much they buy, when they buy and with whom the deals are made, because they cannot be audited. Krugman thinks we should quintuple the amount of money being created in order for more of that revenue to find its way to main street. In his mind, all of the equities are deflating so rapidly that "real money" is disappearing at rates more than double that at which we issue it. The house is worth 400,000 today...but it sells for 250,000 tomorrow and YIKES 150,000 dollars has disappeared. To Krugman, printing 150,000 is the LEAST we can do!! In fact, you aren't going to encourage anyone to change their purchasing habits unless we print money at multiples far beyond the deflation rate. According to Paul. What's the missing element? Well, the vast majority of the wealth is generated from the fractional reserve banking. The lost 150,000 only matters if the word gets out about it. If we can just keep it all quiet and change one of our products from a 50 to 1 leverage to a 51 to 1 leverage, the problem is solved.

Add a zero and all is well, because we are geniuses with our modern financial instruments. Gandalf has nothing on us. He'd be working in the mail room if he was on Wall Street. He actually thinks the ring had real value just because it actually existed!! What a fool. On paper, the ring is STILL IN Mordor. If we keep everyone out of the Volcano they can't prove it's really gone and we can leverage it 50:1!

Enough of this. Read some Ron Paul. He's not as big a smart ass as I am.

31   FortWayne   2012 Aug 16, 1:08pm  

rewrew7 says

A) cut government spending, decrease government activity, and decrease taxes

I'd go with A, businesses should be needed by the market. Government spending usually fuels unnecessary inefficient enterprises and redirects money from private sector needs to politically connected wants.

32   Homeboy   2012 Aug 16, 4:35pm  

lenar says

Homeboy says

ALL the presidents on the chart increased spending. Obama did that LESS than the other presidents.

Do you know the difference between decrease in growth and decrease in value?

I blame publiK education.

Son, you are thick as molasses.

Yes, I know the difference. Do you?



Which part of that are you having trouble understanding?

33   david1   2012 Aug 16, 11:39pm  

deepcgi says

Enough of this. Read some Ron Paul. He's not as big a smart ass as I am.

I will say this about Ron Paul - he is a strict idealogue. I will tell you this before I go any further in the interest of full disclosure. Ron Paul actually brought me to patrick.net in 2008. I donated money to his campaign in 2008 and I still get the Campaign for Liberty emails in my spam folder four years later. I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 primary in Florida and in the 2012 primary in SC as well.

I was, up until that time, a lifelong Republican. Strictly a fiscal conservative, but never cared for the religious right wing social conservatives and when Ron Paul blamed Bush's policies on the Neoconservative movement, I was hooked. I have read many of Ron Paul's books. A republic is you can keep it. End the fed. Mises and Austrian Economics.

Then here is what happened. I invested a fair amount of money in the near certain impending inflation in 2009 due to the exploding money supply. Shorted treasuries. Lost quite a bit.

So then I started thinking...hmmm...how did that happen? My first inclination was it was just a market timing thing and I went too early, inflation would take off soon. The reason why it didn't was because of continued manipulation by the banking cartel. Plus the inflation number was manipulated by the government. I bought into the conspiracy.

You can actually see this all happen if you care to look back through my posting history at patrick.net. I talkd about it then.

Here is the thing: I keep reading. Started with more Austrian Economics then branched out to crtiques of Austrian Economics. By this time it was the end of 2010 and nearly two years after we were supposed to have hyperinflation caused by the money supply explosion. By this time I had read some stuff on post Keynesianism and knew of liquidity traps. Being a math major as an undergrad I liked how the models and theories supporting Keynesian were data based.

So keep reading and if you still want to buy into the Ron Paul Austrian voodoo, by all means, go for it. But I can honestly tell you this: I have no dog in this fight; I only seek knowledge and the truth. Economics has always interested me; and literally almost NO ONE who studies macroeconomics for a living is an Austrian. There might be a few monetarists here and there, some neoclassicals, but Austrian economics is only taken seriously in internet chat message boards by guys who are not economists. By that I mean to say they do other things for a living - they don't devote their life's work to the study of macroeconomics. Anyone who is a true scientist knows they need to have some sort of data that will back up their models and in for Austrians, there isn't any. It's not really science if you dont have empirical evidence, it becomes more of a religion or faith.

Honestly, that is what Austrian Economics has become. It is a religion or cult.

You cannot have a single time in history were Austrians were proven more wrong than the past four years. Everything that has happened according to austrian economics should have lead to inflation of some sort. It hasn't happened. On the other hand, you can see the effects of Keynesianism clearly.

You have low inflation due to high unemployment. You have sputtering economic growth since two years ago the Republicans gained a filibuster in the Senate and have effectively shut off all Stimulus spending and have focused solely on tax cuts. You have liquidity traps with all the monetary stimulus with everyone saving and paying off debts.

There hasn't been a clearer more obvious example of post keynesian theories being observed since the Great Depression.

I am so sick and tired of guys getting all charged up about Ron Paul, reading a few blogs about Austrian Economics and awarding themselves a Phd in macroeconomics and criticizing a guy like Paul Krugman. The guy was awarded the Nobel prize in Economics by himself. He is one of the smartest guys on the planet and has dedicated his life to the study of macroeconomic models.

Its fair to say he knows more about the subject than you. And Ron Paul. You tell me to go read some Ron Paul. Rest assured..I have read it.

You go read some Krugman. Not just his NYT column. Try End this Depression Now. Or The Return of Depression Era Economics. If you really want to get deep in rigorous macoeconomic study try The Self Organizing Economy or Currency Crises.

Look at the numbers and get back to me.

34   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 12:13am  

Call it Crazy says

No, you proved my point... all the big banks, Wall Street and big corporations have bailed on Obama because they have figured out he is a loser and has FAILED as a LEADER.... They have jumped ship from their losing cause in hopes that Romney can make a difference (fat chance of that)..

Wait a second. You can't have it both ways. I thought donations from Wall St. = a politician is bought and paid for by moneyed interests. Now it means that bankers are looking for a politician that can "make a difference"?

Or is that when Dems get donations it means that they are bought and paid for, but when Reps get donations it's because they can make a difference? Is that the theme?

Wall St. gave money to Obama in 2008 because everyone knew he was going to win. And they wanted to at least show they were on the bandwagon. In 2012, they realized that their donations didn't really help their cause so they are doing whatever they can do get Romney elected. They KNOW that he will work in their best interests (rather than the US best interest)

35   StoutFiles   2012 Aug 17, 1:30am  

Call it Crazy says

Wall St didn't get what they wanted from Obama, so it's on to Romney.... Same shit, different monkey!!

Wall St. pays off both sides actually. They just give more support to who they prefer, but they hedge their bets.

36   xrpb11a   2012 Aug 17, 2:08am  

How can you verify this?

Call it Crazy says

It looks like more is flowing towards Romney this go around

37   lenar   2012 Aug 17, 2:21am  


Son, you are thick as molasses......Which part of that are you having trouble understanding?

Brief summary:
You defend a false statement that Obama spends less than predecessors. You get caught. Your pants are on fire. You think about how to make that lie credible. You appeal to the chart - the one that shows how every president spends more than predecessor. By that chart, Obama spends more than others. Then you try to pass growth in spendings for absolute value of spendings (and Obama does well compare to others on the chart) You get caught again. The fire on the pants gets bigger. You resort to personal pleasantries. Do you also cry quietly?

Which part I have trouble understanding? I have trouble understanding how someone with your mental capacity can type.

38   Homeboy   2012 Aug 17, 4:11am  

lenar says

Brief summary:

You defend a false statement that Obama spends less than predecessors. You get caught. Your pants are on fire. You think about how to make that lie credible. You appeal to the chart - the one that shows how every president spends more than predecessor. By that chart, Obama spends more than others. Then you try to pass growth in spendings for absolute value of spendings (and Obama does well compare to others on the chart) You get caught again. The fire on the pants gets bigger. You resort to personal pleasantries. Do you also cry quietly?

Which part I have trouble understanding? I have trouble understanding how someone with your mental capacity can type.

That's an excellent work of fiction, son. What's scary is that in your crack-addled mind, you believe that to be the conversation that actually transpired. Let's look for that part where I "defended a false statement" - Aw gee, it's not there. Hmmm....

So have fun with those voices in your head. For anyone who's actually interested in what REALLY transpired, it was the following:

YOU: "Obama administration spends more than any other president. MORE than ANY. Waaaah! MORE THAN ANY!!!! BOO HOO!!!!"

ME: "Um, ALL the presidents spent more than any before him."

YOU: "Blah, blah, blather, irrelevant, strawman, lies, rant, drool...."

39   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 4:12am  

Call it Crazy says

Wall St didn't get what they wanted from Obama, so it's on to Romney.... Same shit, different monkey!!

No, obviously not the same shit. Obama didn't give them what they wanted, while Romney will. That should be sufficient reason to vote for Obama by itself.

40   lenar   2012 Aug 17, 5:58am  

Homeboy says

That's an excellent work of fiction, son.

That's twice. You are persistent with that "son" line, you little bugger. Are you a priest? Liberal priest - that would explain illiteracy and lack of respect for trivial math.

Consider reading up on it, when you are not busy getting close and personal with altar boys.

41   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 6:06am  

Call it Crazy says

Wall Street made a "bet" on Obama and they lost!!!

So, do you agree then that even though he took their donations in 2008, he didn't do their bidding?

42   mell   2012 Aug 17, 6:37am  

The article is stupid - that's all. While one might give Obama credit for slowing the spending GROWTH it does not nothing to help curb the runaway debt. Once you have a gazillion trillion $$ of debt and yearly spending has reached a similar ridiculously huge amount, a spending increase of just 0.01 % is a nightmare, esp. if there is no real GDP growth to counteract and pay off the interest, let alone the principal. Cut drastically (that means a significant percentage of spending DECREASE) for years to come, default, or hyper-inflate, 3 options.

43   deepcgi   2012 Aug 17, 8:30am  

david1 says

You go read some Krugman. Not just his NYT column. Try End this Depression Now. Or The Return of Depression Era Economics. If you really want to get deep in rigorous macoeconomic study try The Self Organizing Economy or Currency Crises.
Look at the numbers and get back to me.


I've been at it much, much longer than you. I discovered Austrian Economics long before I discovered Ron Paul. Austrian Economics does not say when Hyper Inflation would be coming - nor does it say it would be "hyper". There aren't any Austrian Economists because it's impossible to operate as one on the Planet Earth since 1971. I haven't lost money over the past four years because, being a student of Austrian Economics, I sold my house, began renting, and bought heavily into gold when it was around 425/oz. Does your math background mean that you have studied derivatives? Because THAT is where the longevity of the debt-based society has arisen. If you have, as I have, you would know the risk to the world's liquidity and credit is mind-bogglingly ugly. Treasury yields say nothing, either. When demand is flagging, the Fed simply buys up the Treasuries itself - along with all of the bad debt, bad mortgages and bad securities it can get a hold of.

According to Paul Krugman, gold should NEVER have held up at 1600/oz for the past six months. Demand has fallen in ALL of the "traditional" gold buying markets, from India to right here at home, and yet the price holds up, because every dip is being bought into by China.

There is nowhere for the cheap money to come from, to drive any recovery, except from the further acquisition of bad debt by the Fed. Interest rates give us nothing and have zero effect. The raising of rates would bring destruction. Austrian Economists predicted the fall of the Tech Stocks, The Real Estate Market, and All of Europe. The Fed and the US Treasury are the only saviors who will be able to feed Europe. What do you think will happen there? Will Germany fund a European Central Bank? Will China? Will the US? Nope, i'll tell you what the plans are....derivatives. Derivatives where banks can lose 1000 times the money theoretically put-at-risk. Your faith in Krugman is based on your ignorance of Derivatives and the bad taste in your mouth in doubting the voracity and sheer bald-faced flaunting of illegal transactions on the part of the Federal Reserve.

Finally, remember that Obama did not give Krugman anywhere near what he believed was needed to prevent the "Depression" - a re-election is his only hope. Ironically, in terms of my investments, it is also mine. If Krugman gets his way, i'll make a fortune. It has nothing to do with his philosophy. He believes the wealth creation is made up for by the deflation and aquisition of bad debt. That wealth simply disappears (as far as he is concerned) and the Fed's aquisition of that bad paper is net zero and risk free.

Canada will Crash. Australia will Crash. Europe will panic. And Krugman wealth creation won't do a bloody thing. According to the Keynesians, gold should be at 650/oz by now. The investors are ice cold on it. The miners are ice cold. The traditional market is ice cold and falling, but we're still at 1600. I'd love to see a drop to 1200 or so, so i could buy some more.

Nixon did not have the power to destroy the value of gold in one night. "We are all Keynesians, now". Yep, that's was a true statement. And that is also why you can't find an economist that's an Austrian. Or that got Gold right.

44   Bellingham Bill   2012 Aug 17, 8:40am  

deepcgi says

Canada will Crash. Australia will Crash.

LOL. Populations smaller than California sitting on continental wealth stores.

Your ideology is making you really, really stupid.

You've clearly got gold on the brain.

45   deepcgi   2012 Aug 17, 9:07am  

Bellingham Bill says

continental wealth stores

Continental wealth stores? You mean commodities? Leveraged to what? Against What? By whom? What is the change in debt load of the citizens versus the government vs. foreign entities? We know about the relationship of the European real estate markets to the US market. Why are those countries immune? Why are the resources of those places not supporting the growth in the real estate markets that the percentages would predict? If you haven't researched derivatives, you're guessing.

I'm making that prediction for the very reason that no-one else will dare. Ironically, you'll here about it first...and blow-by-blow right here at patrick.

46   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 9:27am  


To try to get back on topic. Do you agree with the following:

1. Obama is NOT in the banksters pockets (as evidenced by the fact that Wall St. isn't donating this year and realized they made a "bad bet" as you call it)

2. Romney IS in the banksters pockets (as evidenced by the fact that Wall St. IS donating heavily to his campaign)

If so, then you must agree that Romney and Obama are NOT the same.

47   Bellingham Bill   2012 Aug 17, 10:15am  

deepcgi says

What is the change in debt load of the citizens versus the government vs. foreign entities?


compares central gov't debt to GDP for US, Oz, and Canada.

I took the liberty of throwing in the $4T of trust fund debt into the US figure to make the comparison more apples-to-apples.

Why are those countries immune?

They can pay their own way in the world. The world needs them more than than they need the ROW.

Why are the resources of those places not supporting the growth in the real estate markets

That you would use the word "real estate market" provides the answer to that question, really. Real estate is 99% bullshit that sucks every free dollar from an economy that we allow. Both Oz and Canada have immense housing boom/bubbles going on now, in their desirable areas to live. This is due to sustained prosperity and people speculatively front-running future land value inflation.

Denmark has similar issues with land value speculation. They've over-leveraged themselves horribly chasing up land values in their crowded country.

If you haven't researched derivatives, you're guessing.

My thesis is nations running roughly balanced trading regimes aren't in bad straights right now.

Canada is doing very well, budgetary wise. Australia, OK.

Both of these nations are running a balanced economy, trade-wise:

"Australia reported a trade surplus equivalent to 9 Million AUD in June of 2012."


"Canada reported a trade deficit equivalent to 1.8 Million CAD in June of 2012."


The US, of course, has a trade deficit of $50B per month:


the over-arching reality here is that all western economies are fabulously more productive than the demand can take. Our economic problems are 100% the result of FIRE bullshit and allowing wealth and money to flow upwards too much, without sufficient downwards redistributions. We use debt extension from rich to poor to keep the system going.

48   Bellingham Bill   2012 Aug 17, 10:27am  

Call it Crazy says

I also agree that they are NOT the same, however I also believe they BOTH suck!!

your job as a voter is to determine which alternative our electoral system is vending to you sucks less.

Good luck!

49   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 10:46am  

Call it Crazy says

I think it is more along the saying..."Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice....."

How do you figure? His campaign in 2008 was anti-Wall St. How were the banksters fooled exactly?

50   theoakman   2012 Aug 17, 11:05am  

tatupu70 says

Call it Crazy says

Wall St didn't get what they wanted from Obama, so it's on to Romney.... Same shit, different monkey!!

No, obviously not the same shit. Obama didn't give them what they wanted, while Romney will. That should be sufficient reason to vote for Obama by itself.

Wall St. got exactly what they wanted from Obama. No reform on Wall St at all.

51   Bellingham Bill   2012 Aug 17, 11:30am  

if Obama had persecuted Wall Street the Republicans would be just running on that.

damned if you do and damned if you don't.

barn doors and horses

the actual damage was done 1999-2007:


private sector debt / GDP ratio

52   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 12:17pm  

Call it Crazy says

If the banksters knew ahead of time he was "anti-bankster", why did they donate so much money to him in 2008??

I posted it earlier, but I'll remind you again.

tatupu70 says

Wall St. gave money to Obama in 2008 because everyone knew he was going to win. And they wanted to at least show they were on the bandwagon.

53   Homeboy   2012 Aug 17, 3:39pm  

lenar says

That's twice. You are persistent with that "son" line, you little bugger. Are you a priest? Liberal priest - that would explain illiteracy and lack of respect for trivial math.

Consider reading up on it, when you are not busy getting close and personal with altar boys.

So here's where we are so far:

Lenar: "Obama administration spends more than any other president. MORE than ANY."

Homeboy: "ALL the presidents on that chart spent more than any other president before him."

Lenar: "You said Obama spends less than his predecessors."

Homeboy: "No, I did not say that.

Lenar: "You are a homosexual child molester."

Wow man - you NAILED that argument. That is some ironclad logic there. Congratulations, you are a super classy guy. It's been an honor debating with you.

54   tatupu70   2012 Aug 17, 10:19pm  

Call it Crazy says

Righttttttt.... "...show they were on the bandwagon"... REALLY??
If you believe that, then I guess you still believe in the Easter Bunny...

lol--you really are slow aren't you? Of course they give money to the front runner. Most years they give to both candidates. The fact that they aren't giving much to Obama this year is very telling--it means they know that it's a futile gesture. Again--that's a very good reason to vote for Obama, IMO

55   deepcgi   2012 Aug 18, 1:09am  

Real estate remains the primary collateral for the riskiest central bank gambles in history. Every bit of dirt worth a penny is owned simultaneously by fifty different organizations. The same goes for oil and gas. The income to mortgage payment ratio is worse in Australia and Canada than it ever was in the US. One place I can think of that had it worse was Spain - of course they are in wonderful shape. You all seem to be of the opinion that the Real Estate crash has already happened. How amusing. I believe that Canadian, Australian, German, and other unnamed collateral is holding the rest of the first-world's derivatives aloft. As the Canadian real estate bust progresses, watch the result in Seattle and New England. This is because the owners of those mortgages aren't in-on the high end gambling and are left with something called "jobs". The central bankers must have a lot of faith in the little guy, huh? They think joe will just continue to do all the driving, while they sit in the back and navigate.

There must not be any economists who've studied the history of evolution. The complex evolution of life on Earth is not a steady predictable sine wave, cyclical, continuous curve. It is a predictable, sine wave, cyclical continuous curve disrupted again and again and again and again by sweeping changes in extremely short periods of time. Punctuated equilibrium. We tend to think of long periods of time, in the economic sense, as being within our own lifetime at the longest. "I've been succeeding in investment for 40 years!" Oh really? Weren't investing before 1971 huh? Interesting.

At this point the trillions are measured and remeasured in microseconds.
"Oh yeah, TJ, I'm going looooonnnggg on paladium...until 2:00pm, after which I will be short until sometime tomorrow morning."

Punctuation. It has nothing to do with human behavior. It has everything to do with complexity. Real estate slides in Canada and Australia, new downturns in Washington State and New England, revolutions in Europe, more war in the Middle East, punctuated events in commodities for physical delivery. The last one is the big one. People don't realize the danger in overleveraging by use of fiat currency. 50-to-1 becomes 51-to-1 becomes 53-to-1. But then four of the 53 get together and show up demanding physical delivery - and shockingly, they are rich and powerful, not Joe the streetsweeper. It's a tiny, tiny, miniscule event, but that is an unpredictable full-stop.

56   lenar   2012 Aug 18, 2:48am  

Homeboy says

So here's where we are so far:

First imaginary conversations, then imaginary friends come. It's a dangerous path.
When you hear or read "go, Homeboy!" - it really is "go home, boy".
Go away. Adults are talking.

57   david1   2012 Aug 18, 3:23am  

deepcgi says

I sold my house, began renting, and bought heavily into gold when it was around 425/oz

Gold hasn't been $425 in the past four years. In fact, you have to go back to the first quarter of 2005 to see it at that level.

There is a bit of a credibility gap there. When did you sell your house, in the past four years (when there has been massive increases in m2 & m3) or 2005?

Anyway I wouldn't touch gold with a 10 foot pole at these levels. We still haven't had inflation. Just a gold bubble.

The rest of what you said...yawn. You are a gold bug, I get it. Good luck with it. I think you'll be sorry if you have everything in gold but we will see.

58   Homeboy   2012 Aug 18, 5:22am  

lenar says

First imaginary conversations, then imaginary friends come. It's a dangerous path.
When you hear or read "go, Homeboy!" - it really is "go home, boy".
Go away. Adults are talking.

Riiiight.... now you're gonna pretend your big trump card wasn't to call me a homosexual child molester. Unfortunately for you, your words are already out there. One only needs to scroll back up the page.

You're all class, Lenar.

59   lenar   2012 Aug 19, 2:12am  

Homeboy says

lenar says

First imaginary conversations, then imaginary friends come. It's a dangerous path.

When you hear or read "go, Homeboy!" - it really is "go home, boy".

Go away. Adults are talking.

Riiiight.... now you're gonna pretend your big trump card wasn't to call me a homosexual child molester. Unfortunately for you, your words are already out there. One only needs to scroll back up the page.

You're all class, Lenar.

We all saw that type on the playground. The ones that poke you and then run screaming "wolf". Couldn't stand them as a kid, don't tolerate them much better as an adult.

Homeboy, you were the one who _started_ communication with me by making a personal derogatory comment, and then continued in the same manner. Anybody can scroll up, going back to the first page, and see for themselves. I was quite patient with you at first.

You are one of those sleazy bully types - the whining type. You may think that if you whine long enough it will all go away. It won't.

Go, Homeboy.

60   marcus   2012 Aug 19, 3:50am  

tatupu70 says

The fact that they aren't giving much to Obama this year is very telling--it means they know that it's a futile gesture. Again--that's a very good reason to vote for Obama, IMO

Good point.

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