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From time to time, I review the news on some conservation websites, arguably rife with libby fuck tree-hugger jihadi who hate AMERICA! and live to make white people's pets gay, etc. and not once, ever, have I ever encountered one mention of drag queens.
For reasons that are queasily obvious, the guys here who voted for a lisping effeminate draft-dodging twink from Manhattan can't stop staring at them and talking about them. Do your moms and wives know you're staring bug-eyed at pictures of boys in dresses all day?
I have some ideas on bank examinations using garden tools, in fact.
If you want to know what someone is really about, pay attention to what they are critical of and what they obsess over
Liberals aren't concerned over homosexuals because they can't be bothered to care about something that doesn't directly effect them.
Liberals aren't concerned over homosexuals because they can't be bothered to care about something that doesn't directly effect them.
The fact that Liberals dismiss this shows they think pedophilia is nothing to criticize.
The mother of Child Drag Queen Desmond Naples is appalled that a convicted pedophile finds her son sexy and sexualized his performances.
Tom O’Carroll, convicted in the UK in 2006 for distributing child pornography, and former chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) referred to Desmond in a blog post written last month as a “pretty young boy” and “sexy kid.”
“We do not approve of his statements & have written to wordpressdotcom several times but they have yet to remove it. It is highly inappropriate to speak of minors in this manner, said Wendy Napoles in a statement on Instagram. “What Tom O’Carroll has said is out of our control & we do not know him or associate with him or any other pedophiles or sex offenders.”
Check out the guys a wee bit too old to be the kids' fathers in the front row.
Is that Tommy Tooter in the sweatshirt?