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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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37339   Bigsby   2013 Sep 17, 1:07am  

David Losh says

Bigsby says

Why would you know what cases were brought against you? Why would you care? Really?

Yes, really, why would I care?

What's so hard to figure out?

One of the great things about the United States, I've heard you're not from here, is the rule of bankruptcy.

While many, many of my counter parts bankrupted LLCs we chose to pay our debts, even to the banksters.

Everybody is getting paid, but in Bob's mind we maybe should have had those LLCs, bankrupted them, and moved on.

So what's the problem here? We pay, and we're wrong, people who don't pay are smarter than me. Hmmm...

There is no problem, but you did say you didn't know what Rob was talking about, which would appear not to be the case.

37340   kashif313   2013 Sep 17, 1:10am  

>>>I think 5 years from now, a hell of a lot of people are going to have seen enough rent increase, that they are going to look back at the mortgages they could have locked in for life today, last year, the year before, and seriously wonder what the hell was wrong with their thinking, and why they ever listed to the permabear idiots on this site.

This is not true. My rents have not changed over the last 4 years. What makes you believe that they will over the next 5 years? Also if my rent is 30% cheaper than a comparable mortgage, why would I buy? In fact, my rent was cheaper than a comparable mortgage even when the market crashed. I save more by renting - why is that a problem with anyone.

If you choose to pursue a different strategy than me and make more money while doing so, good for you. My piece of mind lies in renting. I may buy when my price range is met based on my calculations. You may not agree with my criteria - that's fine. I dont agree with your analysis..you go your way I'll go mine...nothing wrong with that.

37341   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 1:11am  

Bigsby says

There is no problem, but you did say you didn't know what Rob was talking about, which would appear not to be the case.

I don't know what he's talking about, or if it's true.

Why would I?

Just answer the question, why would I know or care about law suits filed against me?

Sorry, I've got to get back to work now, but this has certainly been entertaining.

37342   Bigsby   2013 Sep 17, 1:16am  

David Losh says

Bigsby says

There is no problem, but you did say you didn't know what Rob was talking about, which would appear not to be the case.

I don't know what he's talking about, or if it's true.

Why would I?

Just answer the question, why would I know or care about law suits filed against me?

Sorry, I've got to get back to work now, but this has certainly been entertaining.

Why would you know or care about lawsuits filed against you? Errmm...

37343   SiO2   2013 Sep 17, 1:18am  

Iwag, an honest question. If you own a house in SF, and believe that house prices will crater, then why not sell and rebuy after the cratering? You could make a pile of dough.

There's several people on patrick.net predicting housing price crashes, yet they still own their overpriced piles of rotting wood and rusting nails. I don't get it, it's inconsistent.

I could imagine that these people think that it's too much trouble, and like their houses. But if so, this feeling will be common among many homeowners who might logically sell but practically won't; thereby limiting supply and preventing the cratering.

37344   nw888   2013 Sep 17, 2:20am  

kashif313 says

1) He says interest rate increases do not matter to the price of a home

He said that they don't necessarily equate to lower prices. There are other factors such as wage inflation and price inflation that influence prices too.

kashif313 says

2) Higher prices equate to higher property taxes.


kashif313 says

3)The economy in California is not fully recovered. If high wage earners are unemployed, who buys homes?

I don't think the majority of unemployed people are high income earners. People that earn a lot of money have specialized skills that are harder to find. Nonetheless, people with large inheritances can continue to buy homes, or people with parents that give them a large down payment.

If interest rates rise a couple more points (without any significant inflation), I could see prices stalling out or taking a step back. I wonder if that would spook owners into listing their properties to sell for fear the market is not going to continue up? That behavior happens in stocks all the time. Only time will tell.

37345   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 2:27am  

SiO2 says

Iwag, an honest question. If you own a house in SF, and believe that house prices will crater, then why not sell and rebuy after the cratering? You could make a pile of dough.

where would i live?

37346   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 2:33am  

kashif313 says

His predictions do not hold any validity both from an economical and mathematical sense.

he claims prices are going to go much higher next year yet people wont list their homes

what a dumb ass, this thread is going to be funny next year when i expose this realtor liar

37347   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 2:35am  

this asshole also claims he's a guru but he is one of the most ignored people on this website along with tatupupu, his alt account, and every comment he post has a dislike

talk about being a liar

yeah a well liked guru! hahahaha

37348   nw888   2013 Sep 17, 2:54am  

kashif313 says

Time will tell which way housing goes- yes it will and either way I will be here making my rent payments on time living debt free.

It sounds like you're doing nicely, and happiness is the key.

Owning a home IMO is more of an emotional investment for people (outside of flipping and renting homes for a living). You pay a premium to have the control to rip out a wall or change the floors, etc. Renting for the most part is always going to be cheaper in desirable areas.

As for inheritances, I couldn't quantify it of course. I definitely see it in my circle though. A lot of people from all walks of life get major help from their parents, either living or deceased.

37349   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 3:03am  

egads101 says

Gurus and geniuses are always treated well when they share their knowledge. Copernicus and Galileo come quickly to mind, they too were loved for their ideas! The oracle accepts the downsides that come with the gift of knowledge.

look at this asshole he's still going

dont you have any shame Roberto? you know embarrassing you are as a person? i literally cringe when i see you posting as 'the oracle'

you literally had to change your entire pat net identity because of badly you got destroyed for being a liar

37350   humanity   2013 Sep 17, 3:25am  

We only get spending under control by having taxes close to what we spend.

The people who have the most influence on how the government spends money are the same ones who would pay much more if we actually pay for what we spend.

They would be more cautious about spending, especially on frivolous wars and corporate welfare, if we actually paid for close to what we spend.

The biggest myth is that spending beyond our means is the fault of liberals. Actually it's the fault of right wingers who are anything but conservative. They insist on not paying for what we spend. IF they (the elite) had to pay for what the government spends, they would figure out a way to spend less. That's the only way they ever will, because the deficit spending benefits them.

But, in the case of actual investments in things like infrastructure, education and productive jobs, deficit spending makes sense. Unfortunately, so much of our deficit spending goes towards the military industrial complex and wars and post war spending such as veteran death and disabilty benefits. (this is only the financial cost - we can't measure the actual value of lost lives).

How do we get a good return on investment for military spending ? It used be by "deterrence." Things have changed though. Justifying a military that large changed somewhere along the line. Eisenhower, a real conservative who believed in paying (and taxing) for what you spend, warned us about this.

37351   JH   2013 Sep 17, 3:25am  

Tim Aurora says

One thing bears do not understand is that in the long term the price of the house will never go below the cost of building a similar house.

And one thing that bulls do not understand is that the "cost of building a similar house" can also decrease.

37352   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 3:32am  

Bigsby says

And I own a home in Monterey, not Monterrey.

mentioning a fake home multiple times, a sure sign that a liar is trying too hard to defend his lie

37353   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 3:33am  

egads101 says

which is an utter lie, from a bitter little loser. the oracle cannot help you, but it seems karma is already paying you quite well for your deeds!

are you trying to lie again roberto that you switched your pat net name to this new 'oracle' character youre trying to lie to everyone with?

how do you explain callitcrazy exposing you for having the same ip? liar

37354   HydroCabron   2013 Sep 17, 3:44am  

Tim Aurora says

One thing bears do not understand is that in the long term the price of the house will never go below the cost of building a similar house.

Other assets have sold for under the cost of replacement for decades. Think of silver: 25 years.

Helium is another example.

37355   Flux   2013 Sep 17, 3:53am  

kashif313 says

>>>I think 5 years from now, a hell of a lot of people are going to have seen enough rent increase, that they are going to look back at the mortgages they could have locked in for life today, last year, the year before, and seriously wonder what the hell was wrong with their thinking, and why they ever listed to the permabear idiots on this site.

I think you are right. Rental nation is gonna get squeezed.

37356   freak80   2013 Sep 17, 4:11am  

Why don't the bulls and bears just "put their money where their mouths are" instead of personally attacking each other? Place your bets. Only time will tell who is right.

37357   Bigsby   2013 Sep 17, 4:15am  

Iwag says

Bigsby says

And I own a home in Monterey, not Monterrey.

mentioning a fake home multiple times, a sure sign that a liar is trying too hard to defend his lie

Coming from the man who invented his Victorian SF purchase...

37358   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 4:29am  

egads101 says

I think it is fairly obvious on here, that the bulls did put the money where their mouhs are, 2 to 3 years ago, and they've kicked the hell out of the bears's butts to date. Thus, the animosity (and tons of wishful thinking for the crash to restart) on the bear side.

lets see

roberto lives with room mates to pay his mortgage, minus 20 points
roberto has to keep a day job to pay for the debt on all of his shacks, minus 50 points
roberto has a shitty haircut, minus 5 points

yup, looks like roberto is down 75 points against the bears

37359   finehoe   2013 Sep 17, 4:30am  

Quigley says

What is causing our debt crisis?

There is no "debt crises".

It’s not even a picture of a crisis. The new CBO long-term budget projections are out, and while they’re not good, they don’t show crisis levels of debt even looking out a quarter-century.

The point is not that we should completely ignore issues of fiscal responsibility. It is that we are nowhere near fiscal crisis; we aren’t even looking at anything like a fiscal crisis 15 or 20 years from now. So budget deficits, entitlement reform, and all that simply don’t deserve to be policy priorities, let alone dominate the national discussion the way they did for the past few years.

37360   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 4:30am  

Bigsby says

Coming from the man who invented his Victorian SF purchase...

unlike you i don't care if you attack my purchase, i'm sitting in my house right now laughing at your fake Monterey house, liar

anyone who has to lie about living in that area is obviously a loser

37361   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 4:31am  

freak80 says

Why don't the bulls and bears just "put their money where their mouths are" instead of personally attacking each other? Place your bets. Only time will tell who is right.

i put my money by not buying over priced shacks in the desert

i bought in a prime area like s.f which has appreciated over 7 times my initial purchase price since 1991

37362   Bigsby   2013 Sep 17, 4:31am  

Iwag says

Bigsby says

Coming from the man who invented his Victorian SF purchase...

unlike you i don't care if you attack my purchase, i'm sitting in my house right now laughing at your fake Monterey house, liar

anyone who has to lie about living in that area is obviously a loser

Except I'm not lying. I leave that entirely to you.

37363   freak80   2013 Sep 17, 4:36am  

Iwag says

i bought in a prime area like s.f which has appreciated over 7 times my initial purchase price since 1991

That's great. So why the bitter and angry tone? Why do you care about other peoples' investments?

37364   rooemoore   2013 Sep 17, 4:41am  

Iwag says

i bought in a prime area like s.f which has appreciated over 7 times my initial purchase price since 1991

You bought when you were 21. How'd you pull that off? Help from your parents? Inheritance?

For someone who started out so promising, it is sad to see you reduced to this forum and this thread. Why not be more like the person you mock and give us the address of your wonderful home? We can easily find out if you are telling the truth. You are telling the truth, right?

37365   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 4:52am  

Bigsby says

Why would you know or care about lawsuits filed against you? Errmm...

That is the question, why would I know or care?

I think what you are trying to say is that I should care, but you never offer any reasons for that.

The banking system is so screwed up that I don't ever expect to take on more debt.

I never had debt before, so I don't see using it in the future.

The good times for credit are gone.

37366   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 4:55am  

egads101 says

Everybody, say hello

Nothing to say Bob? No deep insight into how screwed up the Real Estate market is?

Did you read today's report of how banks are confident people will hold onto mortgages, because the new crop of home buyers have to actually Promise to Pay the loans.

Yeah, that's the ticket. It has nothing to do with the value of the asset, it's all about that very important Promise to Pay.

37367   Bigsby   2013 Sep 17, 4:56am  

David Losh says

Bigsby says

Why would you know or care about lawsuits filed against you? Errmm...

That is the question, why would I know or care?

I think what you are trying to say is that I should care, but you never offer any reasons for that.

The banking system is so screwed up that I don't ever expect to take on more debt.

I never had debt before, so I don't see using it in the future.

The good times for credit are gone.

So in the US they don't inform you of a lawsuit against you? That's an interesting approach.

37368   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 4:58am  

freak80 says

That's great. So why the bitter and angry tone? Why do you care about other peoples' investments?

i dont give two shits about anyones investments haha what makes you think that?

37369   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 5:00am  

rooemoore says

Why not be more like the person you mock and give us the address of your wonderful home?

are you an idiot? do you think i'm as stupid as roberto is? that guy had the FBI up his ass because he put out too much personal info about himself because he's an idiot

i'm simply here for the haters to be jealous of, and we both know they are, otherwise they wouldnt be here trying to tear at me through the internet with all their might

doesnt change the fact that no one can claim to be a better timer of the market than me

37370   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 5:04am  

Bigsby says

So in the US they don't inform you of a lawsuit against you?

Evidently not, but that doesn't answer the question of why I should know, or care.

It's all the same thing. They ask for money, they get paid.

However the reason I don't care any more is that even if these blood suckers get paid you, the individual, have to ensure that you get a release.

So as far as I know those lawsuits are filings of satisfaction.

37371   Honest Abe   2013 Sep 17, 5:04am  

Agreed. R's are fiscally irresponsible in regards to the military, war and empire building.

D's are fiscally irresponsible in regards to social "do-gooder" spending, feel good spending, bridges to no where, free lunches, the food stamp army, Obama phones, section 8, and lavishing upon the entitlement class EVERYTHING ELSE.

Even worse, the costs of government with respect to the citizens growth to individual competence are unacceptably high by reason of governments constant seduction of the people into childlike dependency.

Dependency = guaranteed votes at election time...gee, what a surprise!!

37372   Bigsby   2013 Sep 17, 5:05am  

David Losh says

Bigsby says

So in the US they don't inform you of a lawsuit against you?

Evidently not, but that doesn't answer the question of why I should know, or care.

It's all the same thing. They ask for money, they get paid.

However the reason I don't care any more is that even if these blood suckers get paid you, the individual, have to ensure that you get a release.

So as far as I know those lawsuits are filings of satisfaction.

If they don't inform you and you know nothing about them, how come you are paying them?

37373   Iwag   2013 Sep 17, 5:19am  

coriacci1 says

no one would sell if they bought back in ’91. california’s prop 13 makes not selling THE NO BRAINER!

this guy is actually intelligent unlike roberto

37374   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 5:21am  

Bigsby says

If they don't inform you and you know nothing about them, how come you are paying them?

All of the creditors? have the same offer. amount owed, no interest, no fees.

egads101 says

sure thing.... you get served for a lawsuit....

Really Bob?

37375   David Losh   2013 Sep 17, 5:25am  

It's always interesting to me how threads become about me rather than the bad decisions people make when they purchase properties.

I think it's because you guys have nothing to contribute, nothing to say, no real insight into the housing market.

To answer your question Bob, people listen to me because I make money.

Evidently something is working because the traffic to my websites keeps growing.

You just don't want people to have information.

If you didn't see 2008 as an opportunity to clear debt, then you missed an opportunity.

37376   hanera   2013 Sep 17, 5:41am  

kashif313 says

Think about what is happening in reality - cheap money means those with first access are purchasing homes and putting them on the market to rent - homes for sale supply is drying up. If more homes are coming on the market for rent than demand - what happens to rents? They remain static or go lower.

Demand for rentals would increase since those out-bidded need to rent. A household would need to buy or rent. So those out-bidded would need to rent.

37377   JH   2013 Sep 17, 5:42am  

sbh says

Republican administrations...complain more loudly about it being solely a Democratic failing, and then refuse to pay their bills just as any deadbeat would, and then claim that the Democrats represent all the deadbeats.

This is quotable...deadbeats complaining about giving help to other deadbeats.

Wait this describes all Republican voters who have ever benefited from a welfare program or a government job. Eh, that's pretty much everyone, directly or indirectly...

37378   SiO2   2013 Sep 17, 5:43am  

I'm still curious. How is it intelligent to hold on to a property if someone believes that it is overpriced and prices will crater? If a house would go from $1m to $500k (or $250k according to Mr. Wong) then that $750k loss avoidance swamps any prop 13 benefit. Anyhow, if someone rebuys after the cratering, they will lock in a new low prop 13 assessment.

And, if "no one would sell" due to prop 13, how will prices crater if there is such a limited supply?

Of course if prices won't crater, then hanging onto the property makes sense.

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