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37637   David Losh   2013 Sep 22, 4:47am  

Tim Aurora says

I think you just redefined business

You don't see the problem?

Great, why would I care.

The doubling of the price of housing is just another thing that the consumer has to contend with.

The consumer has a budget that will need to be met.

If you can't see that housing is a very simple thing for everyone to promote as a way to economic stability then you aren't paying attention.

The Fed is attempting to create inflation without job creation. The idea under Bush was that construction provided good paying jobs. This time around the workers are taking what they can get, and there are wage increases begrudgingly.

So what do you think will give first? Do you see hyper inflation, because I don't, do you see job creation? What is it that will support the price of housing?

$1000 a month is a big portion of the consumer budget no matter what. How about $1200, or $2000?

I own property, and want to sell now, rather than wait. Will I buy more? Maybe, but my focus will be on commercial rather than residential.

If you want to discuss the benefits, and draw backs of Real Estate, fine, but you are like Bob here in this thread without a point.

Tim Aurora says

Every transaction in this world is somebody selling and somebody buying

and that is always true about Real Estate, there is a deal every day, you just have to find it.

37638   freak80   2013 Sep 22, 4:53am  

Anyone up for an "ignore this thread" option on PatNet?

37639   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 22, 7:04am  

egads101 says

Obama walked in as we lost 700,000 jobs a month into the great recession



37640   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 22, 7:09am  

finehoe says

The new CBO long-term budget projections are out, and while they’re not good, they don’t show crisis levels of debt even looking out a quarter-century.

btw, those CBO projections are UTTER CRAP.

If you dig behind the numbers, you'll see they are predicting 5.4% wage growth next year, and 5.8% growth the following two years.

When you juice the denominator like that the deb-to-GDP ratio looks a lot better than it will actually be.

Plus there's another $4.8T of intragovermental debt they're not counting, but is going to be needing to be liquidated over the next 30-years (these are trust accounts to pay off the various boomer retirement funds).

37642   freak80   2013 Sep 22, 2:18pm  

Good point. But those little "unread comment" icons suck me in.

37643   freak80   2013 Sep 22, 2:25pm  

I'm afflicted by SIWOTI syndrome.

37644   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 22, 3:33pm  

mell says

It's just hard for me to believe somebody promising to half the deficit (if I recall correctly)

"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office"

Debt to the Penny:

09/19/2013 11,961,016,186,546.38
09/19/2012 11,253,971,990,768.93

FY13 deficit: 707,044,195,777.40

09/18/2009 7,504,720,341,482.68
09/19/2008 5,552,620,101,517.17

FY09 deficit: 1,952,100,239,965.51

hey, whaddya know, thanks to the sequester, Obama's more than beat his 2009 promise to cut the deficit in half. . .

37645   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 22, 3:44pm  

The deal with the deficit and sequester is that back in 2009, Obama idiotically thought he could pull another Clinton, preside over a bouncing back economy and be all fiscally tight like Clinton's first term was.

AFAICT he was getting horrible advice from the center-right brain trust around him, nobody understands even now how the $6T consumer credit bubble floated all boats 2002-2007, so of course nobody back then did either.

The sequester is "a golly-gee isn't it so bad we've been forced to do that" artifice when the truth is the Feds are spending a helluva lot of money now and nobody wants to be removed from the trough.


real (2009 dollars) per-capita (age 16+) federal spending.

throwing in state & local:


we get $36,000 per capita gov't spending now. Yes it's been flat since we've had divided gov't. But it's still a helluva lot of money and I don't actually understand how it's even possible, really.

37646   mell   2013 Sep 22, 3:59pm  

Bellingham Bill says

"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office"


He's late, but better late than never. Of course this doesn't help much the problem of total debt and the debt to GDP which will stay stubbornly high, just one crisis/recession away from blowing it out again. Btw. I am in favor of the sequester, regardless of whose idea it was ;)

37647   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 22, 4:06pm  

mell says

Of course this doesn't help much the problem of total debt and the debt to GDP which will stay stubbornly high, just one crisis/recession away from blowing it out again

The debt is literally just numbers on the screen. Actual interest costs now are 40% lower than the 1990s:


Yes, this is the Japan trap. No, there is no getting out of it.

37648   Bellingham Bill   2013 Sep 22, 4:38pm  

Tim Aurora says

So now we are jumping to an argument where we are not supposed to make profits as it is bad for consumer. I think you just redefined business , another coming of communism, except that it is just a rant

I would respond with: profiting from a good or service you have not created is not capitalism per se.

People profiting from rental properties is not very far from the extortions of the protection racket. The cancer of any economy, capitalist or command, is rent-seeking.

There's damn little wealth creation going on here. Yes you rehab the houses, but your profits have very little basis in this cosmetic crap, and these efforts are not unreproducible works of art that others would find difficulty in doing for themselves.

The main profits derives from the naked site value, what the community offers in terms of employment and amenities. Landlords reap where they have not sown.

To object to all of this is not "communism".

"[Henry George] built up the most complete and most impregnable defense of the rights of capital that was ever constructed, and if the capitalists of his day had had sense enough to dig in behind it, their successors would not now be squirming under the merciless exactions which collectivism is laying on them, and which George would have no scruples whatever about describing as sheer highwaymanry." -- Alfred Nock, "Thoughts on Utopia"

37649   freak80   2013 Sep 22, 10:41pm  

Bellingham Bill says

What do I care about making the world a better / less shitty place.

Why? Jesus is coming back soon.*

*a significant part of the voting public actually has that attitude.

37650   Iwag   2013 Sep 22, 11:39pm  

anyone who bought homes after 1997 is getting so fucked

37651   Shaman   2013 Sep 23, 2:04am  

The solution is simple: put a new federal property tax in place on 2nd to 3002nd homes, say set at 2x mil rate. This will make rent seeking unprofitable, causing rent seekers to sell, the market to even out somewhere reasonable, giving everyone more money to spend (not on housing) but on growing the economy by purchases of goods and services.
Rent seekers would be free to put their money up for rent in mutual funds or use it to start businesses that contribute to employment.
Incompetent rent seekers would soon become renters.

37652   pkennedy   2013 Sep 23, 2:07am  

Um, lots of people living in California and thus lots of competition for the "best" houses, which look like crap elsewhere in the country but have 90%+ of their value tied up in the land.

Housing is affordable to those living in those houses because they're the one with the incomes that are supporting those houses. If someone is unwilling to pay the huge prices, then move further away and spend that time commuting. It might take you 2+ hours a day extra to get what some would say is affordable housing.

Land is a huge premium in california, and people are always complaining they can't get 2+ acres in downtown LA for what they could get a ranch for in Texas. It's a massive, sprawling city where land values are high for hundreds of square miles due to population density.

37653   freak80   2013 Sep 23, 2:41am  

And in other news, the earth is now believed to be approximately round.

37654   zzyzzx   2013 Sep 23, 2:48am  

Call it Crazy says

In the meantime, California officials have become too lax in figuring out how they can solve home affordability and work-access issues.

I thought that the way they were fixing the long commute for "affordable" housing in CA was to get as many people as possible on welfare and Social Security "disability".

37655   exfatguy   2013 Sep 23, 3:16am  

A combination of a shit-load of money and low-standards means this isn't your father's California.

You could throw your empty TV box on a plot of land and it would sell for $200K minimum.

37656   exfatguy   2013 Sep 23, 3:24am  

Call it Crazy says

Wow, how does someone fit inside a flat screen box??

Doesn't matter, the person in China that buys it sight unseen won't notice until after closing, and even then, won't care, as he's just gonna flip it or rent it out, anyway.

37657   EBGuy   2013 Sep 23, 3:32am  

dfj said: I'm 110% certain that the Republicans have the moral high ground here
I have news for you DFJohn. In most cases the Republicans hold the high ground. A responsible party would bring the other side to the table and force some kind of grand bargain -- you know, the kinda that would put the country on better financial footing for the coming century. Instead the Republicans have been taken over by zealots who practice a kind of scorched earth policy. Grandstanding on Obamacare without a viable alternative does no good for anyone. They're going to burn this sucker to the ground (and then wonder where the first degree burns came from).

37658   kashif313   2013 Sep 23, 3:35am  

egads101 says

As compared to just continuing to rent forever? Of course you'd be better off, sell the home, pocket the profit tax free since it was your personal residence, and go back to renting...

Oh, you mean like timing the market - I stand corrected, you are also a genius if can time the market (any market: real estate, stock, etc..). As for me, Im not so smart.

At the end of the your scenario I go back to renting - right back to where I am now.

In the interim, banks, real estate agents, loan processors have all made their take and everything is hunky dory.

37659   JH   2013 Sep 23, 3:42am  

The minority party typically opposes debt ceiling limits until they are in the majority.

37660   kashif313   2013 Sep 23, 6:30am  

egads101 says

you should concentrate on what YOU get out of an investment, and nothing else.

Not buying 2 to 3 years ago was a mistake. BIG MISTAKE! there is no other interpretation for it.

How do you know my personal finances? How do you know if something was a big mistake for me? Answer: You don't. I could have invested my downpayment in the stock market and I would be doing better than buying a home, I would be more liquid and I wouldn't have to pay exorbitant commissions.


37661   David9   2013 Sep 23, 6:37am  

What? Any novice Redfin user could see many to most of the sales were investor flips, been that way for years.

37662   freak80   2013 Sep 23, 6:49am  

We have the best government money can buy. Are you surprised?

37663   anonymous   2013 Sep 23, 7:11am  

Iwag says

anyone who bought homes after 1997 is getting so fucked

so...lets say its 1999...a family with 2 kids is in need for a place to live. 2 options...rent or buy. They decide to buy a CA 3bed/2bath 2500 sqft house in a decent neighborhood for $300k with a 30year fixed loan which they defy every time the interest is 1 point lower.

Explain how they are f-ed now in 2013...when the house is 800k and their mortgage is WAY below any amount that you could rent a doghouse for...HOW are they f-ed??

37664   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Sep 23, 7:16am  

SubOink says

Explain how they are f-ed now in 2013...when the house is 800k and their mortgage is WAY below any amount that you could rent a doghouse for...HOW are they f-ed??

They're not f-ed.
Anyone that buys from them at 800K - expecting a repeat - is F-ed.

37665   kashif313   2013 Sep 23, 7:17am  

egads101 says

today, it really depends where you are...

Please elaborate, I live in the Yorba Linda area.

37666   everything   2013 Sep 23, 7:43am  

Hmmm, sounds like recently they said inventory was down, I bet after all this buying inventory is still doing just fine. Somebody I know just did a cash for keys deal with WF, certainly enough they are coming and going, but that's good, transaction costs.
You would think we would see the market wash out some, but not with these kinds of rates, and credit seems to be still loosening up. I was priced out, or taxed out myself, and don't see how others can swing it, the property taxes on the 1500 Sq./ft. home I sold are equal to about 6 months current rent, three years later.

37667   Iwag   2013 Sep 23, 8:01am  

SubOink says

so...lets say its 1999...a family with 2 kids is in need for a place to live. 2 options...rent or buy. They decide to buy a CA 3bed/2bath 2500 sqft house in a decent neighborhood for $300k with a 30year fixed loan which they defy every time the interest is 1 point lower.

Fantasy scenarios never interest me

37668   anonymous   2013 Sep 23, 8:12am  

Iwag says

SubOink says

so...lets say its 1999...a family with 2 kids is in need for a place to live. 2 options...rent or buy. They decide to buy a CA 3bed/2bath 2500 sqft house in a decent neighborhood for $300k with a 30year fixed loan which they defy every time the interest is 1 point lower.

Fantasy scenarios never interest me

...that's what I thought.

37669   anonymous   2013 Sep 23, 8:21am  

Heraclitusstudent says

SubOink says

Explain how they are f-ed now in 2013...when the house is 800k and their mortgage is WAY below any amount that you could rent a doghouse for...HOW are they f-ed??

They're not f-ed.

Anyone that buys from them at 800K - expecting a repeat - is F-ed.

It depends...if you have no choice but rent or buy you will simply look at payment to payment comparison.
In my neighborhood, rents have skyrocket. Buying is cheaper even after this runup. Except...there is nothing but one house for sale at this moment.

If house vs rent = a wash ...then...buying makes more sense IF you love the house/neighborhood and have a pretty good feeling you will stay in that neighborhood for at least 10 years. If you know that there is a big chance that your job may move to NY, you're on the brink of a divorce, may be without a job soon, want to move around then buying makes no sense. In that case buying makes no sense no matter where prices are. Some people enjoy the oakwood furnished apartment lifestyle. Full independence. Do what you want, no liability. BUT...simply speaking from a "whats a smarter financial move" its certainly not the winner. But who cares...life costs money. You can decide how you spend it. I have friends that live by that...invest in stocks and waste in rent because if the freedom of liability. But neither of them think renting is smarter than buying. It's a lifestyle choice in their case.

37670   dublin hillz   2013 Sep 23, 9:06am  

kashif313 says

Im not confused. Let me put it you again, if I want to buy a house to live
in...that's was the pretext of my last scenario and it has not changed. So if I
want to buy a home to live, if there is price appreciation I dont benefit unless
I choose to become a renter or downgrade. What part of that scenario dont you

You can still benefit if you sell and upgrade because you can assume that your "starter home" went up in value from 2011 to 2013 just as the "move up" home went up in value from 2011 to 2013. Assuming that both properties went up by same percentage in the last 2+ years, the gap between the 2 properties is not going to be a whole lot different compared to 2 years ago. Now if you were renting these last 2 years, the only way you could maintain this gap would be via spectacular investments results which is doubtful because normally people don't invest via leverage. That being said, selling 2 years after buying is typically not a good idea, the recommended time is at least 5 years, preferrably 7 because of commish on buy and sell. Better thing to do is to wait before "moving up", if the person is already in the market their place will move up/down over next few years just like the "move up" place, hence more or less keeping the gap in the same ballpark.

37671   Shaman   2013 Sep 23, 9:37am  

Well if you didnt want your date hacking your phone, usin your credit cards to order shit, going through your contacts list, and reading your email, then you had better not fall asleep after sex. It would be the easiest thing in the world for her/him to put your hand on the phone and unlock it while you snooze.
And what about hospital patients? Etc.

37672   upisdown   2013 Sep 23, 9:58am  

Vicente says


Selling for less than cost to run competition out of business is called
price dumping and I believe it's illegal in most states.

You really think that is enforced? It would be difficult to prove without
getting all UP IN the books. And we know the bigger/richer the corporation, the
more likely the lawyers and accountants have money & means to prevent

Not to mention the free shit from the local/county government when they build a new store like turn lanes and utilities run onto the property that other businesses ever get.

My biggest complaint by far, and I have seen this happen in more than a couple of locations is the deals that Wal Mart makes with them keeping the sales tax for X amount of time. They run their competitors out of business and those businesses are then no longer generating/collecting sales tax, so the revenue from that sales tax plummets, and the taxing body with jurisdiction raises the tax rate to offset the drop, and Wal Mart gets a windfall.

Then there's the property tax abatements for 20 years, on average, and when they expire Wal Mart closes the store and builds a new store right next to it to get a new abatement. Ma and Pa Kettle across the street with a 1st or even 2nd/3rd generation business doesn't get that luxury.

Also there's the profit leak whereas the profits do not stay local, and I'm not even factoring in the rise in county services because their employees can barely afford food, but definitely not health care.

37673   upisdown   2013 Sep 23, 10:17am  

thunderlips11 says

Increasingly, Wallyworld is getting the bottom rungs of consumers; whereas
before they had a much more diverse (and profitable) customer base. With that
bottom rung base comes more security problems, as well. Walmart Parking Lots are
often huge black spots in otherwise crime free locales.

One of Wal Mart's biggest chunk of income is SNAP payments. Over half of Wal Mart's income is from food(around 53%) and in some locations 40% or more of their business is from SNAP recipients, and it's very high and common especially in the South.

The recent Farm Bill in congress had the food and farm portions of it seperated with some hard proposals to lower SNAP spending drastically. The way Wal Mart throws around lobbyist money, and the fact that the lowered spending will affect their profits, it won't ever happen. I thought that it was a ruse all along just to up political contributions, considering that 532 companies signed a petition against splitting the two parts.

37674   leo707   2013 Sep 23, 10:26am  

egads101 says

AND... they happen to have a clear high resolution fingerprint... of the proper one of my 10 fingers...

Who needs to sneak around an pickup bar glasses, etc. I bet the surface of a iPhone -- perhaps even the FP sensor -- is a great source of fingerprints.

I bet phone thieves start holding iPhones by the edges and dropping them in little baggies.

egads101 says

AND, they happen to know how to make a fake of it, wait for it to dry and can use it to access my phone...

Impersonating people's fingerprints is pretty easy. Due to how lucrative phone theft is it would not surprise me if phone theft rings get setup to do this pretty quickly.

37675   Facebooksux   2013 Sep 23, 10:46am  

Oh yeah, well take this:


Another hedge fund says F it.


37676   Dan8267   2013 Sep 23, 10:48am  

leo707 says

Who needs to sneak around an pickup bar glasses, etc. I bet the surface of a iPhone -- perhaps even the FP sensor -- is a great source of fingerprints.

I bet phone thieves start holding iPhones by the edges and dropping them in little baggies.

Exactly. Fingerprints are such an obviously bad means of security because fingerprints are so commonly copied. That's why I use my dick print for security. With the exception of Anthony Wiener, most people's dick prints are not publicly accessible.

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