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38441   anonymous   2013 Oct 14, 4:04am  

Therefore the only way to keep money in the hands of consumers is for:

1. Government to give it to them outright. (food stamps, welfare, unemployment insurance)
2. Give it to them through government jobs.
3. Give it to them through war spending.


What about

4. Working a job and cashing a paycheck


38442   mell   2013 Oct 14, 4:12am  

Call it Crazy says

They BOTH have issues with out of control spending, and NEITHER will do anything to stop it!!!

Don't confuse em with facts again ;)

38443   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 4:57am  


I think the point is that you started a thread about out of control government spending then blamed it on Dems:

Call it Crazy says

See, if you add zeros to the numbers above, that’s our federal government, in
particular Barack Obama, Treasury Secretary Lew, Nancy Pelosi and Harry

If it's "both parties" as you now claim, why single out all the high ranking members of ONE party??

And, futher, the truth is that it's the members of the unmentioned party that are actually responsible for the out of control spending. I would think that would be worth a note--don't you?

38444   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 5:28am  

Call it Crazy says

As usual.....

I didn't write the article in the OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's a pretty lame defense. I wouldn't think you'd be posting excerpts from articles you disagree with... Or if you do, I would expect that you'd comment on it.

Call it Crazy says

Didn't view the charts above, I see....

You guys with the Blue tinted glasses are really "blind"...

I viewed the charts. This may be earth shattering news to you, but the costs of bills passed during one Presidential term may actually hit during the next Presidential term. That's why I asked, specifically, which laws have passed during Obama's term that have increased spending. Let's get down to the nuts and bolts and figure out what's causing the out of control spending rather than just blindly complaining.

38445   smaulgld   2013 Oct 14, 5:49am  

HydroCabron says

I assume you are referring to Austrian Economics. Why use that term, "Austrian"? Is there any other kind of economics?

Keynesian "economics" is not a branch of economics but rather academic justification for taxation, central banking and government intervention in the economy.

38446   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 6:04am  

smaulgld says

HydroCabron says

I assume you are referring to Austrian Economics. Why use that term, "Austrian"? Is there any other kind of economics?

Keynesian "economics" is not a branch of economics but rather academic justification for taxation, central banking and government intervention in the economy.

Keynesian economics is due to a misspelling.

It is actually Kenyan economics, and came out of Nairobi.

38447   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 6:24am  

The Republicans are the only thing protecting America from the special interests: the poor and the middle class.

38448   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 6:27am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Nope. Only in the time of darkness will people open their eyes and start
fighting for a better life again. Life is too easy in this country and time for
everyone to wake up. I see it all day long. A depression is exactly what we need
to challenge us again. I'm ready, bring it on!

We just had an effing depression, what the heck are you talking about??

Life is too easy, but we need to wake up and make it better?

38449   socal2   2013 Oct 14, 7:54am  

Homeboy says

O.K., I'll add a third voice, then. Dan's an asshole, but he happens to be
right this time. This is one hundred percent the republicans' doing.

Roughly 80% of Federal workers are still working.

That means someone is making the POLITICAL decision to put up baricades around open air memorials. Someone in government even made the decision to priortize other government spending over paying out soldier death benefits to widows.

I understand that conventional wisdom and even the polls are putting most of the blame on the Republicans right now. Big shock since the media blames the GOP 24/7. But I think both the sequester and the shutdown are showing many more of us that:

#1 The US Federal government is so utterly incompetent that it can't even run an ice-cream stand (i.e. work within a budget and priortize cuts as needed).

#2 The US Federal government is filled with a bunch of venal union hacks that get off making life hard on us plebes when we demand accountability from them.

Throw on the IRS and NSA scandals that are not going away and I think the past few years is providing quite a bit of real-time ammunition supporting smaller government.

Seriously - can any Liberal point to any government program or actions in the last 5 years of Obama's presidency that gives you more faith in big centralized government?

38450   edvard2   2013 Oct 14, 8:04am  

Call it Crazy says

Sounds like echos of the duck.....

I suggest reading some recent polls. Something like 3/4 of all Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown and the overall approval rating of the GOP is down a full 10% in one month. So its funny that you seem intent on posting post after post trying to pin blame on the democrats when the public has already spoken, and in spectacular fashion proven you wrong without me even really needing to post this response.

38451   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 8:11am  

Obama personally ordered those monuments closed. Indeed, he took the time to make this decision from the Oval Office. Because pissing off veterans and creating a photo opportunity for wingnut media - whose buck-toothed Pavlovian zombie Confederate-Flag-waving followers understand only cheap symbolism - is a shrewd winning strategy.

Still, Fox has stumbled a little here: accusations that Obama burned the flag and kicked a baby would fit better here, I think.

Bush creates, then maims/kills thousands of veterans, while cutting military pay and benefits --> BUSH HUGE PATRIOT

Random bureaucrat closes monuments on National Mall due to funding and security cuts --> OBAMA DARKIE TRAITOR

38452   socal2   2013 Oct 14, 8:19am  

HydroCabron says

Obama personally ordered those monuments closed. Indeed, he took the time to
make this decision from the Oval Office. Because pissing off veterans and
creating a photo opportunity for wingnut media

Then your argument is that government is just incompetent and can't run an icecream stand?

Someone within the massive maw of our Federal bueracracy - they decided they needed to spend more labor to put up barricades to keep veterans away from THEIR MEMORIALS.

Someone within the government decided to cancel the Miramar airshow even though the airshow is a net profit for the City and Government.

Someone within the government decided paying widows the death benefits was less important than paying the other 80% of the Federal government that is still running.

38453   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 8:19am  

Call it Crazy says

Funny, I don't see any "decline" in that chart.... Must be in 2013...

Did you notice the chart from ThreeBays? Sure looks like we have a revenue problem to me.

38454   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 8:24am  

Someone within the massive maw of our Federal bueracracy - they decided they needed to spend more labor to put up barricades to keep veterans away from THEIR MEMORIALS.

Someone within the government decided to cancel the Miramar airshow even though the airshow is a net profit for the City and Government.

You seem angry at a lack of government services that you approve of. You actually believe that the government can do some things well?!

Are you a communist?

38455   socal2   2013 Oct 14, 8:29am  

HydroCabron says

You seem angry at a lack of government services that you approve of.

Are you a communist?

I am angry at government incompetence and big government fan-boys (like you?) that never seem to want to hold our government accountable with the tax dollars we send them every year.

I am also angry that our government appears to be filled with a bunch of venal hacks who are only in the civil service to punch a time card and look after their benefits. And if the people dare criticize their incompetence, these guys shut down the parks and sick the IRS on us.

What's there to be angry about??

38456   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 8:33am  

Call it Crazy says

Do you handle your finances at home the same way?? Just keep charging and spending even though you don't have the wages to cover it??

Nope. I'm a firm advocate for cutting military spending. But I also see the big picture that we also need to increase revenues.

You see, to continue your analogy, I wouldn't tell my boss to keep reducing my salary every year when I was already spending more than I made. It would make more sense to ask for a raise, wouldn't you agree?

38457   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 8:43am  

Call it Crazy says

And if you didn't get that raise, would you continue to spend MORE then you take home??

Well, I sure as heck wouldn't tell my boss to reduce my salary. I'd probably start looking for another job that pays more.

38458   freak80   2013 Oct 14, 9:07am  

New Renter says

Don't forget to hit up your soon-to-be former municipality for your free one way bus ticket!

You think the Village of Horseheads, NY would buy one for me? ;-)

38459   AverageBear   2013 Oct 14, 9:08am  

Only a sad, sad man would put up barricades to 'close' 'open-air' monuments, huge sections of ocean, and small, privately owned businesses, alongside a national park. Deny veterans access one day, but allow illegals/La Raza, etal, to use the same areas the next day. (I guess every day is vote-buying day in "Obama-Land".....

What a small, petty man our president is...

38460   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 9:13am  

This is heueuge - could be the final blow to the Obama dictatorship.

Everywhere I go, people are seething over the IRS scandal, Benghazi!, and the Long Form.

Once they are told by Roger Ailes to be angry about this, it's the end for Obama.

38461   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 9:36am  

AverageBear says

Only a sad, sad man would put up barricades to 'close' 'open-air' monuments, huge sections of ocean, and small, privately owned businesses, alongside a national park. Deny veterans access one day, but allow illegals/La Raza, etal, to use the same areas the next day. (I guess every day is vote-buying day in "Obama-Land".....

What a small, petty man our president is...


What harm could patriots carrying Confederate Flags possibly do during a staged GOP anger-generation event?

I am grateful to you for telling me I should be livid over this vague, mild symbolic outrage.

What else has Rush told you to seethe about lately?

socal2 says

HydroCabron says

You seem angry at a lack of government services that you approve of.

Are you a communist?

I am angry ...

I am also angry that ... venal hacks... their benefits... these guys shut down the parks and sick [sic] the IRS on us.

You do not mention Benghazi! in any of your rants.

Are you an abortionist?

38462   justme   2013 Oct 14, 9:49am  

Careful there, Comarade Obamakov. Not everyone understands sarcastic forms of humor.

[HydroCarbon was using a photo of Obama with a Stalin-like mustache on top at the time of the above writing]

38463   Robert Sproul   2013 Oct 14, 9:54am  

ThreeBays says

Instead of partisan bickering, Congress should be focusing on policies to lift the long term economy, and dealing with long term cost problems including sustainable healthcare.

"There is no political ideology among decayed ruling elites, despite choreographed debates and elaborate political theater. It is, as it always is at the end, one vast kleptocracy." Chris Hedges 10/14/13


38464   mell   2013 Oct 14, 10:15am  

Robert Sproul says

ThreeBays says

Instead of partisan bickering, Congress should be focusing on policies to lift the long term economy, and dealing with long term cost problems including sustainable healthcare.

"There is no political ideology among decayed ruling elites, despite choreographed debates and elaborate political theater. It is, as it always is at the end, one vast kleptocracy." Chris Hedges 10/14/13



38465   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 10:24am  

Call it Crazy says

Dan, you need to read the WHOLE thread before posting... Besides, going off on a particular piece of the spending, you're missing the point of the OP.

I did. My point stands.

The warfare spending is the very first thing that must go. At least we get something out of Social Security, Medicare, and welfare. Eliminating all those immediately would have devastating effects on people's lives and would cause a massive increase in crime as people had to rob to survive. Those things can only be reduced gradually.

Warfare spending, on the other hand, gives us absolutely nothing. In fact it is counter-productive. The massive amounts of warfare spending makes less safe because it creates a strong financial incentive for increase conflict, failures in security, and dangers.

So I stand by my statement. Warfare spending is the very first thing that must go. Then we can talk about the next biggest waste. But as long as Republicans refuse to cut warfare spending and end the defense contract welfare queen's gravy train, there is no point in talking about cutting anything else because whatever we cut will simply be reallocated to the warfare industry.

38466   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 14, 10:32am  

ThreeBays says

Lower revenues due to a recession are temporary.

You are assuming that this isn't the new normal.

38467   zzyzzx   2013 Oct 14, 10:33am  

Dan8267 says

A can think of thousands of large-scale projects that should be done if you want stimulus spending, projects that are far more productive than warfare.

A can think of thousands of large-scale projects that should be done if you want stimulus spending, projects that are far more productive than welfare.

38468   Bap33   2013 Oct 14, 11:30am  

Bush's fault. No patnet libs will utter a word about this. It looked like an Obama - Trevon ralley.

38469   RWSGFY   2013 Oct 14, 11:52am  

Every transaction is recorded so there shouldn't be a problem to claw back every cent.

38470   tatupu70   2013 Oct 14, 11:59am  

Yes--God forbid some poor people were able to get slightly more food than they were allowed to get. That is just awful.

I agree--let them starve.

38471   Bigsby   2013 Oct 14, 12:32pm  

Call it Crazy says

tatupu70 says

Call it Crazy says

Funny, I don't see any "decline" in that chart.... Must be in 2013...

Did you notice the chart from ThreeBays? Sure looks like we have a revenue problem to me.

So your answer is to just keep spending like drunken sailors, right, even though revenues are down??

Do you handle your finances at home the same way?? Just keep charging and spending even though you don't have the wages to cover it??

Isn't it more accurate to say that the householder has decided for whatever reasons not to access all the available income streams to them and instead run up the difference on their credit card? The point wasn't simply that revenues were down, it was that they were down as a % of GDP and could (and should) therefore be raised to tackle the issue. That wouldn't mean excessive taxation rates. If you as a householder had access to substantial additional revenue that you used to access, wouldn't you simply start using it again? Better that than continuing to increase your credit card bill.

38472   Bigsby   2013 Oct 14, 12:59pm  

Call it Crazy says

Bap33 says

No patnet libs will utter a word about this.

That's the sad part... Perfectly acceptable by them. Even tatupu thinks so...

Stealing is stealing, but you seem to spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on this type of thing whilst turning a blind eye to what the opposite end of the scale is up to.

38473   mell   2013 Oct 14, 1:33pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

No, in fact, it is really exactly like The Island of Dr. Moreau!

Ted Cruz has to get the analogy right if he is going to successfully sway America to default and hurl the world into irreparable financial cataclysm and cannibal anarchy.

I hope for your prepared and ready good that you will get some rumbling and score some face, but my gut feeling tells me that the default (should it happen) will not be all that dramatic and life will go on. What else can be done to derail the system towards cannibal anarchy?

38474   Homeboy   2013 Oct 14, 1:53pm  

mell says

I hope for your prepared and ready good that you will get some rumbling and score some face

English words using sense not much very make.

38475   mell   2013 Oct 14, 2:07pm  

Homeboy says

mell says

I hope for your prepared and ready good that you will get some rumbling and score some face

English words using sense not much very make.

All your base are belong to us!

38476   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 2:21pm  

Cannibal Anarchy is definitely a green technology, but is it sustainable?

38477   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 2:46pm  

zzyzzx says

Dan8267 says

A can think of thousands of large-scale projects that should be done if you want stimulus spending, projects that are far more productive than warfare.

A can think of thousands of large-scale projects that should be done if you want stimulus spending, projects that are far more productive than welfare.

And the perfect solution is for government to do these large-scale projects as public works rather than giving money as welfare except to those who cannot work. Of course, Republicans would never go for public works projects. There are no private profits in those.

But hey, let's compromise. Divert 95% of "defense" spending and 67% of welfare spending to public works projects that pay $15/hour. The unemployed will be gainfully employed, learning skills, getting useful experience that will make them more attractive to private business, and contributing to society. The defense contractor welfare queens will have to get real jobs and won't be parasites anymore. Our nation's infrastructure will vastly improve.

Sounds like a win all around.

38478   Dan8267   2013 Oct 14, 2:53pm  

Call it Crazy says

Ahhhh... The road to prosperity... Just build more roads and bridges and all our economic worries will be over....

Actually building and repairing bridges would be an excellent public works projects considering how terrible our nation's bridges are.

Across U.S., bridges crumble as repair funds fall short
DANGER AHEAD: America’s bridges and roads crumbling
More than 80,000 bridges across the United States are in dire need of repair.
Pay to Fix America’s Crumbling Infrastructure Now, or Pay More Later

Employing the unemployed to fix this shit before someone dies sounds like a pretty good idea, if only to forgo higher repair costs and lost economic productivity later.

38479   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 3:39pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

You think? Would Obama give us a government grant to sustainably manage the slaughter and cannibalization of white people?

As long as we wore the proper Islamic attire, and tithed to the Oprah, Sultan Obama of New Nairobi (the name for DC after 2016) would smile on our endeavors.

38480   HydroCabron   2013 Oct 14, 3:59pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Comptroller says

If those veterans cared about America, they would have burned crosses at those monuments, waved the flag of the Confederation - the REAL AMERICAN FLAG - and demanded Obama surrender to the court at The Hague for crimes against White people. Then he would have sacrificed his amazon wife Michelle in the name of Jesus Christ and begged Ronald Reagan for forgiveness.

Sounds as if you were there. This is a serviceable description of what happened.

Many carried Confederate flags, and speaker Larry Klayman, of Freedom Watch, accused the president of treason; of deliberately pursuing policies to kill members of the armed services, because he is an Islamist who “bows to Allah”. He also told Obama to "Put the Quran down."

Klayman has advocated for the overthrow of the US government on November 16th: "Short of violent revolution, which looms on the horizon, if we cannot find a way to peacefully settle the score with the political establishment, this is the only way," and outlined Obama's "anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-white, socialist Islamic agenda – are another reminder why the 'Muslim in Chief' must be removed from office without further delay."

Finally, "As in 1776, the people must now take action to rid the nation of this new, far more evil tyrant, who makes King George III look like a Boy Scout."

There was also something about Obama leaving Washington to get his 72 virgins in Mecca, but I can't find the quote.

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