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2012 Oct 14, 3:58pm   343,388 views  375 comments

by GonzoReal   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

don matter so don beech

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250   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 4:15am  

The Professor says

Sometimes I wish I had never learned. Ignorance is bliss.

You must be very happy indeed then.

251   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 4:30am  

The Professor says

I do not push this story for my own gratification or to get attention. I am an anonymous poster on the internet. I keep on running across information on this conspiracy that I think should be shared.

Then why is it you constantly post up stuff that you've already posted before?

252   coriacci1   2013 Oct 24, 7:10am  

Bigsby says

The video is embarrassing, embarrassing to Harrit. He is a run of the mill 'truther.'

you are a run of the mill troller

253   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 12:38pm  

coriacci1 says

Bigsby says

The video is embarrassing, embarrassing to Harrit. He is a run of the mill 'truther.'

you are a run of the mill troller

And you are a run of the mill conspiracy nut.

254   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 12:44pm  

The Professor says

I still have Bigsby on ignore. If he ever says anything of substance (not likely) I would appreciate somebody quoting it so I can respond.

A shrinking minority actually believes that 19 jihadi took down 3 buildings with 2 airplanes. Spread the word so that "the war on terror" can end.

Take me off ignore and respond to my points rather than running away and simply repetitively posting the same guff over and over again. You quite obviously ignore any reasoned points in favour of conspiracy nonsense. That is your choice, but don't try and pretend you are offering anything insightful. You are simply making assertions without any evidence. It's idle speculation or down right lies that you are interested in passing off as the 'truth.' Bgamall's Rooke story is a perfect example of what you conspiracists do. You simply lie and then ignore the rebuttals that people put up. You then deflect and move on, and further down the line simply repeat the already disproved claim. You are a bunch of intellectually dishonest individuals whose arrogance and lack of rigorous thought make for an unfortunate combination on the internet. It's a shame that you now have such a large outlet for your unsubstantiated gibberish.

255   coriacci1   2013 Oct 24, 1:01pm  

Bigsby says

you conspiracists

who pays you to write this stuff?

256   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 1:02pm  

coriacci1 says

Bigsby says

you conspiracists

who pays you to write this stuff?

I rest my case. An utterly typical conspiracy nut response.

257   coriacci1   2013 Oct 24, 1:03pm  

here you go prof.......Bigsby says

Take me off ignore and respond to my points rather than running away and simply repetitively posting the same guff over and over again. You quite obviously ignore any reasoned points in favour of conspiracy nonsense. That is your choice, but don't try and pretend you are offering anything insightful. You are simply making assertions without any evidence. It's idle speculation or down right lies that you are interested in passing off as the 'truth.' Bgamall's Rooke story is a perfect example of what you conspiracists do. You simply lie and then ignore the rebuttals that people put up. You then deflect and move on, and further down the line simply repeat the already disproved claim. You are bunch of intellectually dishonest individuals whose arrogance and lack of rigorous thought make for an unfortunate combination on the internet. It's a shame that you now have such a large outlet for your unsubstantiated gibberish.

258   coriacci1   2013 Oct 24, 1:08pm  

Bigsby says

I rest my case. An utterly typical conspiracy nut response.

an utterly typical debunker personal attack

259   coriacci1   2013 Oct 24, 1:08pm  

one for the prof ..Bigsby says

I rest my case. An utterly typical conspiracy nut response.

an utterly typical debunker personal attack

260   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 1:11pm  

coriacci1 says

one for the prof ..Bigsby says

I rest my case. An utterly typical conspiracy nut response.

an utterly typical debunker personal attack

What do you expect in response to your post? Put up something meaningful and I'll be happy to address it. That's not what you did though, is it?

261   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:07pm  

The Professor says


Start denying bigsby. Pick any point you want.

Perhaps you'd like to tell me which of those points hasn't already been covered in painful detail. And why do you seem to get most of your 'evidence' from conspiracy websites? In this case, a site calling itself Consensus 9/11. Presumably tongue was firmly planted in cheek when coming up with that name.

262   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:19pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Take me off ignore and respond to my points rather than running away and simply repetitively posting the same guff over and over again.

He should just delete your dumb comments.

And he should ignore your clear and demonstrable lies. Does the Rooke case ring a bell?

263   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:22pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

What do you expect in response to your post?

For you to go away. That is what we want. Is Rupert paying you?

You want me to go away so that you can freely post up lies without anyone challenging them in the hope that someone else will stumble across them and become as misinformed as the three of you. I'm unsurprised that that is what you want. Obviously any discussion, analysis or questioning of what you post up is best avoided otherwise you might end up embarrassing yourself on an all too frequent basis. Care to hold up your hands about the Rooke case yet? Thought not.

264   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:26pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Perhaps you'd like to tell me which of those points hasn't already been covered in painful detail. And why do you seem to get most of your 'evidence' from conspiracy websites?

We get evidence from videos too. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. You, on the other hand, get your evidence from popular mechanics owned by that British liar Rupert Murdoch.

That you source from conspiracy websites.

And Murdoch is Australian with American citizenship now, is he not? You aren't very good at getting your facts in order, are you?

265   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:30pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You want me to go away so that you can freely post up lies without anyone challenging them in the hope that someone else will stumble across them and become as misinformed as the three of you.

What do you care what people post? We have made our minds up and you won't change them so what is your point? At every chance we post prove, like videos of firefighters saying there were explosions on the ground and basement floors before the towers came down. You can't refute that. You just rattle off a bunch of crap and the more you post the more people reading this realize what a fool you really are. So keep posting and we will keep proving.

Why would you inflict punishment on yourself like that Bigsby?

You don't post up proof. You claim ridiculous arguments to be proof. They aren't. Were your Rooke claims proof or flat out lies? Why shouldn't people respond to such blatant nonsense. You don't check facts. You source everything from your conspiracy websites and take all of it at face value. It's intellectually dishonest and yet you arrogantly claim it as proof. No, it isn't.

266   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:37pm  

bgamall4 says

We have made our minds up and you won't change them so what is your point?

That really says it all, doesn't it? Any kind of real, fact based analysis of what happened is of absolutely no interest to you. Lamentable.

267   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:49pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Any kind of real, fact based analysis of what happened is of absolutely no interest to you. Lamentable.

We have 10 facts for every one you have. So, you are the fossil here.

An utterly baseless claim.

268   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 3:49pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

And Murdoch is Australian with American citizenship now, is he not? You aren't very good at getting your facts in order, are you?

Most people don't know that, so you probably are paid by him. I was testing you.

No, you weren't. You are just clueless. Anybody with an ounce of awareness knows that he isn't British. Naturally, you thought he was.

269   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 7:09pm  

I 'pounce' on the crap that you post not your lack of linguistic ability. Why worry about your poor spelling when there is so much more to shake my head at in disbelief? And there is no such thing as 'compelling evidence' to you except when you think something 'proves' your nonsense 9/11 demolition theories (which of course none of it does).

270   Bigsby   2013 Oct 24, 10:32pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

"Minor, random, small fires (in WTC7)." Err...

Actually that is true Bigsby. Give it up.

No, it is demonstrably not true. Is this what you consider to be 'minor, random, small fires?'


271   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:38pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

I 'pounce' on the crap that you post not your lack of linguistic ability.

You pounce like a pig, or a duck. You have no pounce because you have no facts.

I have no facts? You mean like your Rooke case claims? Or the 'dancing' Israelis? Or pretty much everything you post...

Seriously, you really shouldn't be attacking other people about a lack of facts given the nonsense you post up on a daily basis.

272   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:40pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

No, you weren't. You are just clueless. Anybody with an ounce of awareness knows that he isn't British. Naturally, you thought he was.

Prove it.

Er, you posted up that he was British.

273   Bigsby   2013 Oct 25, 2:42pm  

bgamall4 says

The Professor says

He always pounces on my spelling errors.

He may be the most irrelevant man in the world.

I get the feeling that is rather descriptive of you - hence your love of all this conspiracy nonsense. You think it empowers you when in fact it just makes you look like a crazy old man.

274   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 2:46am  

The Professor says

In the words of Engine 7′s Joe Casaliggi: “You have two 110-story office buildings. You don’t find a desk; you don’t find a chair; you don’t find a telephone or a computer… . The biggest piece of a telephone was half of a keypad.


I presume that means something different to you and Bgamall than it does to the rest of us.

275   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 2:47am  

bgamall4 says

Prof, check my new posts out at the thread I started: http://patrick.net/?p=1230890 I don't want to repeat them here but that discussion is worth taking a look at.

Though you have to take into account Bgamall has deleted half the posts.

276   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 12:12pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Though you have to take into account Bgamall has deleted half the posts.

I am trying to keep it on subject. Your posts that have something to add are not being deleted. But there is so much fluff that the good information and videos just get buried. I almost think that is your method of operation, Bigsby.

You've deleted plenty of my posts and those of others that have addressed what you've said. You just don't want to answer what is raised. Instead, you just want to throw around the word cockroach, keep posting up the same old videos and completely ignore any direct questions that you just can't deal with - you just move on to your next conspiracy talking point. You did it for Rooke. You did it for the 'dancing' Israelis. You do it all the time for your amazing silent squibs. You don't address anything. You just post up yet another video of someone saying they heard 'explosions' or some such or multiple videos from multiple angles of the collapse of the WTC7 that simply don't demonstrate what you claim. You are, as I keep saying, intellectually dishonest. You are peddling outlandish conspiracy theories that you state (with a completely straight face) are FACT, but then fail to produce anything that demonstrates those 'facts.'
You are the person peddling fluff - the ridiculous claims of 'proof' that are entirely lifted from conspiracy websites - presumably if you were an ancient alien believer (you probably are), then your 'proof' would be Chariots of the Gods fan sites. Unfortunately, and sadly, you don't appear to understand what is problematic with that approach.

277   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 7:37pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Instead, you just want to throw around the word cockroach,

No Bigsby, I specifically apply the term cockroach to you. You earn it from your consistency and relentless spreading of germs and filth.

Says the intellectually challenged conspiracy peddler who repeatedly posts up the same crap in an attempt to prove his moronic views.

278   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 7:38pm  

The Professor says

We don't know who destroyed the three towers or how they did it. We do know that the official explanation is contrived to steal our wealth and liberty.

It's pretty obvious to anyone with any critical thinking skills that the people who hijacked the planes and flew them into the buildings had a rather direct input into bringing the buildings down.

279   Bigsby   2013 Oct 27, 7:40pm  

The Professor says

to engage him is just "feeding the troll"

Do you even understand what a troll does on the internet? Apparently you don't.

The Professor says

On the positive side he does continually bring the threads to the top of the forum.

Your thread drifts off the front page all the time and then you pop it back up with another stupid video or comment. You would do that whether or not I was commenting. But hey, why not test your theory. Let this thread drop off the front page and we'll see who brings it back to the top once again.

280   coriacci1   2013 Oct 27, 11:28pm  

Bigsby says

t's pretty obvious to anyone with any critical thinking skills that the people who hijacked the planes and flew them into the buildings had a rather direct input into bringing the buildings down.

the oppisite is true.

281   coriacci1   2013 Oct 29, 3:30am  

is anyone here old enough to remember the controlled demolitions in atlantic city circa 70”s-80”s? before i even asked questions about 911 who dunnit, it was was clear to me that those buldings were blown up, based on all the other controlled demos i had seen in atlantic city back in the day.

282   bob2356   2013 Oct 29, 3:58am  

bgamall4 says

No it is not obvious to most people who take the time to understand what really happened.

People that know what really happened know that aliens did it. Don't try to hide nevada boy, home of area 57 where the government has been performing alien/human breeding experiments for 50 years. Admit it, you're half alien. That's why you constantly try to hide the true evidence. you are trying cover up for you alien family.

You can't hide from the truth.

283   Bigsby   2013 Oct 29, 4:04am  

The Professor says

Even Bigsby will not admit that he believes office fires caused the utter destruction of WTC7.

The Professor says

Anyone that understands a little about physics knows that fires cannot bring steel framed buildings down.

What do you know about physics?

The Professor says

I don't want to be a truther. I want someone to convince me that there is a reasonable explanation for the evidence.

Yes, you do.

The Professor says

But they don't.

We do. You just ignore it in favour of the kind of nonsense Bgamall peddles.

The Professor says

Please post links to evidence pro and con. Argue facts and evidence with me. Convince the professor that the official story was correct. Or help me spread the call for truth.

Arf. You claim you want another investigation and in the same breath say that it was a controlled demolition with zero proof. There is only one conclusion from any investigation that you would accept.

284   bob2356   2013 Oct 29, 4:12am  

coriacci1 says

is anyone here old enough to remember the controlled demolitions in atlantic city circa 70”s-80”s? before i even asked questions about 911 who dunnit, it was was clear to me that those buldings were blown up, based on all the other controlled demos i had seen in atlantic city back in the day.

I actually watched the hotel traymore demolition, it was on the news for weeks beforehand so a bunch of us went down to see it. Really cool. Still in the guiness books as the largest demolition. Didn't look or sound anything like the WTC collapse though.

285   Bigsby   2013 Oct 29, 4:17am  

bob2356 says

coriacci1 says

is anyone here old enough to remember the controlled demolitions in atlantic city circa 70”s-80”s? before i even asked questions about 911 who dunnit, it was was clear to me that those buldings were blown up, based on all the other controlled demos i had seen in atlantic city back in the day.

I actually watched the hotel traymore demolition, it was on the news for weeks beforehand so a bunch of us went down to see it. Really cool. Still in the guiness books as the largest demolition. Didn't look or sound anything like the WTC collapse though.

They couldn't make it silent? Amateurs.

286   bob2356   2013 Oct 29, 4:36am  

Bigsby says

They couldn't make it silent? Amateurs.

If aliens had done it like they did the wtc it would have been done right.

Ordinary humans or even half aliens lack the skills needed to manage to cd the wtc while making look like it wasn't a cd so that people would suspect it was a cd since it didn't look like a cd so that they would believe that al queda told all the jews to stay away so they could fly planes into the wtc so that people would believe that the planes were a false flag to cover up for the cd that didn't look like a cd so the wouldn't think that the government hired al queda to fly planes into the wtc to cover up for the government cding the wtc even though it didn't look like a cd all of which was done to cover up for the fact that aliens actually brought down the wtc with a death ray.

It's all very clear, just read what bigmouth4 and the professor have written.

Got to keep bigmouth4's delete finger busy.

287   bob2356   2013 Oct 29, 5:53am  

The Professor says

Bob, You should ignore Bigsby, He has nothing real to say. Ignore really works.

Man works at the circus sweeping up shit after the elephants. He complains day and night that he hates his job. Someone says why don't you quit? Man says "what, and leave the circus".

Never mind bigs, Ignoring you and bigmouth4 would deprive me of the best entertainment on the planet. I haven't had so much to laugh about since shrek got nuked.

288   bob2356   2013 Oct 29, 7:28am  

The Professor says

So Bob. Do you believe that WTC7 was demolished by office furnishing fires?

Of course not. There has never been a case of steel getting hot enough to weaken in a raging fire. All those pictures you see of burned down buildings with steel bent every which way are planted by aliens for the last 150 years knowing that they were going to demolish the wtc. Carefully setting the stage by releasing tens of thousands of altered pictures of burned down buildings so that everyone would believe that fires weakened the steel was a crucial part of their nefarious plan to cd the wtc while having al queda drive plans into it to fool people into thinking it wasn't a cd. It's so clever it's kind of hard to believe.

289   Bigsby   2013 Oct 29, 11:52am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The Professor says

Even Bigsby will not admit that he believes office fires caused the utter destruction of WTC7.


The Professor says

Anyone that understands a little about physics knows that fires cannot bring steel framed buildings down.

What do you know about physics?

These are two examples of Bigsby being an absolute troll, a useless troll. I believe he is the most useless human being that has ever been conceived by a very disappointed mother. I wish we could have warned her.

It's an example of me being a troll is it? Please explain. The Professor claimed that "Even Bigsby will not admit that he believes office fires caused the utter destruction of WTC7." It's kind of him to say what he thinks I don't believe. Unfortunately, that is exactly what I believe happened along with some rather obvious additional factors like, er, planes being flown into the buildings.

How is asking him or you come to that what you know about physics being a troll? The pair of you know nothing about physics and yet you constantly bang on about the physics of what happened as if you are experts. That isn't trolling. That is pointing out the arrogance and stupidity of what you do.

And if my post is an example of being a troll according to you, then what exactly do you think your post is you delusional moron?

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