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41217   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 9:27am  

Call it Crazy says

It is fairly well accepted that mortgage rates will only move in one direction from this point forward. So why would anyone lock into an artificially low rate via an ARM that is set to adjust in a short time frame?

Why get a 30 year fixed if you plan on moving in 5 or 6 years. An ARM that is fixed for the first 5 years makes perfect sense.
Most developed countries like UK don't even have 30 year fixed mortgages. They are perfectly happy with ARM's.

41218   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 9:32am  

thomaswong.1986 says

"Hewlett-Packard and Dell are the top two computer-makers in the world. Corporate headquarters for HP are located in Palo Alto and Dell is in Round Rock, Texas. Obviously, they both have people and facilities around the globe.

In those two communities where their corporate headquarters are and where a lot of research and development takes place, the median resale price for a home in Palo Alto is about $1.6 million. In Round Rock, Texas, it's about $180,000, except the home and property are bigger.

We hear from HP all the time that a huge deterrent to the ability to recruit and retain people anywhere near Silicon Valley is the housing issue. We don't hear that from Dell, which is also a member company, about their operations in Round Rock.

It does continue to plague us and we will continue to sound the alarm."

So why would Apple build this in Cupertino?

41219   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 9:37am  

Strategist says

So why would Apple build this in Cupertino?


As everyone (Tech old timers) would say, when your building that audacious global world headquarters in SV, the end is surely near.

Seems to have been the trend for the past several decades, without exception.

My take ? EGO, the true legacy of Apple Computers and the One called Steven Jobs ! And yes, there are lots of former Apple employees what would agree with that.

41220   New Renter   2014 Jan 5, 9:40am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Hard to believe there is so little concern for tit-fucking Christina Hendricks.

Careful now, those things are a clear suffocation hazard.

41221   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 9:42am  

thomaswong.1986 says

My take ? EGO, the true legacy of Apple Computers and the One called Steven Jobs ! And yes, there are lots of former Apple employees what would agree with that.

I'm sure he had a big ego, but you gotta admit Steve Jobs is probably the greatest entrepreneur that ever lived. I have faith in his decisions.

41222   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 9:49am  

Is there a reason why 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012 are missing from that chart? Looks fishy.

41223   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 9:59am  

Strategist says

I'm sure he had a big ego, but you gotta admit Steve Jobs is probably the greatest entrepreneur that ever lived. I have faith in his decisions.

na! no where near these guys... these guys made it all happen...

Jobs was a speck of dust...

41224   tatupu70   2014 Jan 5, 10:54am  

Call it Crazy says

Election years...


41225   Strategist   2014 Jan 5, 11:23am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Why get a 30 year fixed if you plan on moving in 5 or 6 years. An ARM that is fixed for the first 5 years makes perfect sense.

You're STILL not paying attention... ARM's just recently ramped up, why??

If what your saying is correct, ARM's would pretty much stay the same YoY, as a portion of the population would get them for your reason.

But, ARM applications have tripled recently. Either a hell of a lot more people are looking to flip houses, or as the OP states, people can't a afford a conv. 30 year at today's rates and prices....

So, which is it??

I would imagine the spike in ARM's applications would occur every time interest rates jump. Buyers would have sticker shock and start raionalizing.......hey, I don't plan on living there for ever, why not save some money?
I'm sure there are some who fall in love with a home, and when interest go up to a level they can't really afford, they take ARM's because they are not willing to give up their love.
That and lots of other reasons.

41226   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 11:56am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Mountain Biking, Surfing, Hunting/Fishing or Camping

Little games are for little boys; I've find out there are other joys

41227   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 12:06pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

na! no where near these guys... these guys made it all happen...

And don't let the horn-rims and square cuts fool you -- those old engineers from Ampex and HP were some of the hardest drinking, hardest riding and all round good sports around!

41228   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 12:09pm  

Call it Crazy says

Watch out..... When you "grow up", you die....

I just meant that, at my age, the only three things that keep me going past breakfast are pussy, good suds and gasoline.

41229   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 12:20pm  

tatupu70 says


Ring a bell what happened in 2012

"If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare the voters," he proclaimed, "If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from."


41230   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 12:36pm  

JodyChunder says

And don't let the horn-rims and square cuts fool you -- those old engineers from Ampex and HP were some of the hardest drinking, hardest riding and all round good sports around!

this is true....

41231   FortWayne   2014 Jan 5, 12:41pm  

So you think LBJ was just the front man for the operation, or do you think he was the head?

41232   carrieon   2014 Jan 5, 12:48pm  

Kennedy was taken out because he ordered the U.S. treasury to issue lawful currency, just 10 days before the assassination.

41233   carrieon   2014 Jan 5, 1:08pm  

What's it matter? In NC, 90% of the population is already eligible for medicaid.

41234   anonymous   2014 Jan 5, 1:28pm  

JodyChunder says

thomaswong.1986 says

Mountain Biking, Surfing, Hunting/Fishing or Camping

Little games are for little boys; I've find out there are other joys

You are obviously not a surfer...you do not choose to surf. The surf chooses you. :)

I personally NEED to live within 20min of a nice surf able beach and 2hrs to a place where I can ski. Close to mountains to mountain bike and dirt bike ride...horses...and...I do like city style infrastructure, shops and restaurants within walking distance or very short drive.

People spend too much time in the office. CA lifestyle takes place outside of that and thats what we love about it. (well..I do) - If you don't love that then get the hell outta my state lol ...there is a nice arctic storm coming to the east coast by Wednesday..enjoy!! :)

41235   JodyChunder   2014 Jan 5, 2:23pm  

SubOink says

You are obviously not a surfer...you do not choose to surf. The surf chooses you. :)

I respect the surfer and the ski bum. I tore around the dunes on my bikes as a much much younger man.

Outside of bowling, these days, I'm more of a homebody. (Three ex wives will do it to you!) I drink beer, read old books and putter around with my wood lathe.

41236   thomaswong.1986   2014 Jan 5, 2:56pm  

SubOink says

I personally NEED to live within 20min of a nice surf able beach and 2hrs to a place where I can ski. Close to mountains to mountain bike and dirt bike ride...horses...and...I do like city style infrastructure, shops and restaurants within walking distance or very short drive.

Charlie dont surf ! Charlie didn't get much USO. He was dug in too deep into Palo Alto or moving too fast in his Silicon Valley job. His idea of great R&R was cold rice and a little rat meat.

41237   anonymous   2014 Jan 5, 4:31pm  

JodyChunder says

SubOink says

You are obviously not a surfer...you do not choose to surf. The surf chooses you. :)

I respect the surfer and the ski bum. I tore around the dunes on my bikes as a much much younger man.

Outside of bowling, these days, I'm more of a homebody. (Three ex wives will do it to you!) I drink beer, read old books and putter around with my wood lathe.

Bowling is fun but I really suck at it.

Damn! 3 Ex-wives...

41238   Carolyn C   2014 Jan 5, 5:39pm  

I bought a 2008 corolla with 15k mi last year for 10g from a nice older Filipino lady. Hubby does most of the work. What do you think about that!

41239   everything   2014 Jan 5, 10:11pm  

Yeah, that 08 corolla is an alright good buy, I'm seeing some of the older ones climb past 200k with no problems yet, the Yaris, looking to be another good long term buy, the newer Camry's .. ouch.

December is the slow season for car sales.

41240   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 5, 10:38pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

I've known a few hard core smokers from the entertainment industry and the ones who persist in the habit into middle years often - at least more often than would be explained by a representational proportion of the census curve - develop a persistent crabbiness, much more so than enthusiasts of, say, pizza.

I don't know it's the chicken and the egg, was I crabby before or after? Perhaps I smoke so I can forget what I was crabby about. Then that just makes me even more crabby, because I hate it when I can't remember... and... eh... huh... What were we just talking about?

41241   bob2356   2014 Jan 5, 10:57pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I had insurance for only 1 year in my life and that was last year, it cleared my savings account out. Say what you want, but Obamacare is that insurance system. The insurance being offered at that same company today is the same BCBS Florida Blue plan as it was for 2012.

So your plan previously if you get really sick and it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars was to just not pay it and leach off of everyone else. I could see why you are so testy about ACA ending the mooching optiom.

41242   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 5, 11:09pm  

No my plan was to pay my own in a what I thought was fair system.

Your Boy should have made it a fair system. You thought he was going to do that, because he threw a few words like "Affordable" in the name of his signature legislation. I'd worry more about your own short comings if I were you, and quit looking for fault in others.

41243   bob2356   2014 Jan 6, 12:19am  

CaptainShuddup says

No my plan was to pay my own in a what I thought was fair system.

Your Boy should have made it a fair system. You thought he was going to do that, because he threw a few words like "Affordable" in the name of his signature legislation. I'd worry more about your own short comings if I were you, and quit looking for fault in others.

So 1 years insurance premiums wiped you out financially but you were going to pay your own way if you had some major illness. That makes zero sense.

He's your boy more than mine. I voted against him and have been against the ACA since the beginning. The difference is I think the ACA as a bad law that just kicks the can down the road while you see it as the end of your free ride on other peoples backs.

41244   edvard2   2014 Jan 6, 12:59am  

The bottom line is that the ACA is here, and those who blindly were against it from day one just because it was something proposed by a Democrat lost. Too bad. Time to move on.

41245   zzyzzx   2014 Jan 6, 1:05am  

Call it Crazy says

Many people signed on for the lowest cost "Obamacare" plan without understanding their TOTAL costs out of pocket...

It will be a HUGE awakening for many people when they need treatment since many don't pay attention to the finer details....

I would refer to those people as morons.

41246   zzyzzx   2014 Jan 6, 1:13am  

dodgerfanjohn says

Walked by 4 dealerships at 7pm last night. Not one customer. This was in LA County South Bay Area....probably one of the wealthiest areas in the US.

Were they even open at 7PM?

41247   zzyzzx   2014 Jan 6, 1:14am  

CaptainShuddup says

I bought two cars last year, and the dealer sends me emails every day begging me to buy another. They must be desperate.

Last time I bought a new car was in October 1995. I still occasionally get offers in the mail from Ford, but my 1995 Escort is still doing just fine.

41248   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 6, 1:47am  

bob2356 says

So 1 years insurance premiums wiped you out financially but you were going to pay your own way if you had some major illness. That makes zero sense.

Yep keep thinking that, that is all there is to this WONDERFUL health care system, it's that forward backward thinking that is going to seal the Liberal's fate in the next two elections.

You keep telling eveybody that they have "Free Healthcare".

Like my friends girlfriend yesterday who was singing the praises of Obamacare. She said her premium is just a little over $250 a month. For her age, over 50 she was ecstatic that she had coverage.

But when I asked her if she had that extra $25,000 saved up, she had no idea what I was talking about. So I asked her, if she used her healthcare yet. Which she replied she did not. So then I informed her that if she went to the Doctor tomorrow and had tests ran. Besides her initial Doctor visit copay, she should expect a bill in the mail for everything beyond the tongue depressor that the Doctor used. Blood work, Lab fee, tech fee, and a few other Doctors you never heard of or even saw.

But that's not the worst of it, if the blood work comes back, and it is determined that you will need a $30K operation. You will need at least $10K to cover your co insurance part. Do you have 10 grand in the bank? She replied that she did not, so I informed her that I was sorry but she was going to DIE.

To which her boy friend, who is also a ACA champion, (but only because he will get Diabetes medicine for free under ACA, which would cost him $1,000 a month otherwise.) Agreed with me 100% on everything I told her, Like me he's seen it first hand. Not only personally but while his late wife was fighting 4 stage lung cancer in 2012.

He knows what we've got, and he welcomes Obamacare. But he's also praying lie hell his diabetes meds keeps every thing in check and he never needs anything major done. But he knows, and now so does his GF.

You'll find out too Slick so don't get sick.

41249   edvard2   2014 Jan 6, 2:23am  

Call it Crazy says

I think we'll see a lot more of these "awakenings" as we progress down the Obamacare road....

That's what people on the right want because otherwise their entire platform for the past 5 years will have been for naught.

41250   edvard2   2014 Jan 6, 2:43am  

Call it Crazy says

Why the fuck is it ALWAYS a right, left thing with you?

You mean to tell me ALL the "lefties" totally understand the Obamacare plans they signed up for????


Perhaps the same should be asked of your responses, seeing as how it would seem your responses, posts, and conversations seem to tread very reliably right-leaning.

Whats also clear is that the GOP and their eager followers wanted the ACA to fail the very second it was mentioned, and furthermore, they aren't about to give it a chance to work out all the kinks. This stuff takes time.

41251   bob2356   2014 Jan 6, 2:53am  

CaptainShuddup says

Yep keep thinking that, that is all there is to this WONDERFUL health care system, it's that forward backward thinking that is going to seal the Liberal's fate in the next two elections.

You keep telling eveybody that they have "Free Healthcare".

Pretty amazing you are so doped that you can't understand the words I'm against ACA. You should consider donating whatever is left of your brain to science.

CaptainShuddup says

You'll find out too Slick so don't get sick.

If I get sick I'm not going to be using US healthcare. I'm only carrying a policy to cover the ER costs if I get hit by a truck while I'm in the US the next 3 years. Unlike you I won't stick my fellow citizens with the bill if something happened. Anything beyond an being carried to the ER it's adios. The advantage of having multiple citizenship as well as permanent residencies.

41252   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 6, 2:54am  

edvard2 says

That's what people on the right want because otherwise their entire platform for the past 5 years will have been for naught.

If I get in a car that has no gas in it, to take a hundred mile trip the outcome will be predictable.

41253   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jan 6, 3:01am  

bob2356 says

If I get sick I'm not going to be using US healthcare. I'm only carrying a policy to cover the ER costs if I get hit by a truck while I'm in the US the next 3 years. Unlike you I won't stick my fellow citizens with the bill if something happened. Anything beyond an being carried to the ER it's adios. The advantage of having multiple citizenship as well as permanent residencies.

You're a good man, for thinking what you think you're thinking.

But the truth is, if you get sick you're going to die, the bitches want their money upfront.

And Yes, you're damn right, that's what Socialized healthcare is supposed to be, we pay taxes and their is no extra cost. It's supposed to be a healthcare system not a profit center.

You self professed Libs crack me up, you claim out one side of your ass you want a Socialized medicine system, then invent a million words to communicate that thought. But you never miss a trick to bitch and scathe people throwing a few words like "Personal responsibility" while you vehemently defend the gross profits of Obamacare.

But I'll be Goddamn if you can tolerate for one fucking minute anything remotely that even looks like Socialized medicine.

Like people showing up at Emergency rooms because don't have a primary Doctor, or even worse, someone going Healthcare alone with out feeding the Health sector profits.

I might like to get stoned, but I'm never conflicted with my beliefs.

Pick one and stick with it will ya?

41254   bob2356   2014 Jan 6, 3:33am  

CaptainShuddup says

But you never miss a trick to bitch and scathe people throwing a few words like "Personal responsibility" while you vehemently defend the gross profits of Obamacare.

But I'll be Goddamn if you can tolerate for one fucking minute anything remotely that even looks like Socialized medicine.

Like people showing up at Emergency rooms because don't have a primary Doctor, or even worse, someone going Healthcare alone with out feeding the Health sector profits

So your definition of "personal responsibility" is not having health care insurance so if you get really sick everyone else will be stuck paying for it and your definition of "socialized medicine" is not having health care insurance so if you get really sick everyone else will be stuck paying for it?

It's good to not have conflicted beliefs.

What part of "I'm against obamacare" are you totally incapable of understanding? Should I use less words or smaller words?

Perhaps the confusion in your mind is the fact that healthcare insurance and obamacare have become fused as one and the same concept to you. I'm sure it's very hard for you to remember things that happened more than 2 hours ago but trust me when I say that health care insurance existed before obamacare. You of course never had it so you don't remember it.

41255   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Jan 6, 3:39am  

zzyzzx says

dodgerfanjohn says

Walked by 4 dealerships at 7pm last night. Not one customer. This was in LA County South Bay Area....probably one of the wealthiest areas in the US.

Were they even open at 7PM?

Yes. It's so cal, not Buttwart, ND.

41256   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Jan 6, 3:42am  

everything says

Yeah, that 08 corolla is an alright good buy, I'm seeing some of the older ones climb past 200k with no problems yet, the Yaris, looking to be another good long term buy, the newer Camry's .. ouch.

December is the slow season for car sales.

My G35 has 160k miles on it. My mechanic says I'm fine driving it out to Vegas, mid day in August, and it's going to last 300k or more. I asked about the transmission and he said my concerns are misplaced. Haven't had a car payment in years, and don't intend to anytime soon.

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