RIP Christie's career

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2014 Feb 12, 4:11am   11,496 views  30 comments

by Homeboy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the New Jersey governor trailed Clinton 58 to 37 percent.

In the poll, 45 percent of voters said they believe Christie was being truthful when he said he was not aware of his staff’s role in ordering the lane closures as an act of political payback against a local mayor who’d declined to endorse his reelection bid. 47 percent of voters said he was not being truthful.

So there you have it - more voters think he's a liar than not.

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1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 12, 5:17am  

Christie lost his Right votes, after he pandered it up and hawked Obama during his final campaign push, to get FEMA funds, he legally had coming to him anyway. He had already exhibited what he was willing to do. Like Obama, he can do what ever he wants.

The Liberals are going to have a hard time building up and knocking down the GOP contenders in the next election. The last batch of idiots played into every single Liberal news meme, that first star struck them with attention, then beat the shit out of them, with pictures and words taken out of context. Quotes from year old speeches to go with images of them sucking down a corn dog, 4 inches at time.

Then you ignored and marginalized the ones that didn't play into their bullshit. Rand unlike his father, is going to make a stink so fucking loud, FOX nor the other half of the journalist political agenda spectrum wont be able to ignore him. While he's hosting the biggest political media circus since Watergate.

It will be hard to ignore the guy suing NSA and the IRS at the same time.

You clowns need to step up your game, Christie was toast long before this. Hurricane Sandy took down his credibility.

2   humanity   2014 Feb 13, 2:28am  

CaptainShuddup says

Christie was toast long before this. Hurricane Sandy took down his credibility.

Yeah, when he was cordial and even slightly friendly with Obama, acting like he doesn't even hate him, that was a BIG BIG mistake. These days the GOP is all about hate (the ignorance factor and Captain style emotional based "logic" goes without saying).

If you can't hate well, then fuck you, you're not even a RINO in that case.

3   tatupu70   2014 Feb 13, 3:47am  

Call it Crazy says

It must be nice to be so clueless...

If you guys saw first hand the amount of destruction Sandy did to NJ, you
might just understand Christie's actions..

Hell, Christie should of gotten on his knees and gave Obama a blow-job if it
meant NJ could get additional help from the Fed Gov't. to help the magnitude of
destruction that the state experienced...

But the clueless ones here just look at a photo op to make their
determination... Geeze.....

Uh--read his comment again. I don't think you got the point..

4   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 13, 4:28am  

Call it Crazy says

Hell, Christie should of gotten on his knees and gave Obama a blow-job if it meant NJ could get additional help from the Fed Gov't. to help the magnitude of destruction that the state experienced...

He had it coming he had several options to bring attention to his cause. He chose to kiss Obama's ass at the eleventh hour during an election year/month, and painted the Republicans as heartless.

The last time I remember, after natural disasters it's the President who is supposed to tour ravaged areas and release funds accordingly. And they do so with out even asking Congress for permission. Debt ceiling debate or not, the impetus was on Obama to give him help, with out making him kiss the Mafia ring and choosing allegiance to any party during an election. He politicized the issue, not Congress, FEMA has nothing to do with those turkeys. He chose to kiss Obama's ass, and now his Chicken Lips on Obama's ass have come home to roost.

5   dublin hillz   2014 Feb 13, 6:28am  

CaptainShuddup says

and painted the Republicans as heartless.

That ain't really all that difficult to do lol...

6   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 13, 7:35am  

humanity says

(the ignorance factor and Captain style emotional based "logic" goes without saying).

What do you have against honesty?

I challenge you to find one untrue thing I've posted about Obama, Liberals or Obamacare.

7   Automan Empire   2014 Feb 13, 8:04am  

CaptainShuddup says

I challenge you to find one untrue thing I've posted about Obama, Liberals

How about that bogus Scott Walker/Reagan headline you linked?

8   Homeboy   2014 Feb 13, 10:34am  

"Christie was toast long before this."

What bullshit. He was ahead of Hillary in the polls, after Sandy and before Bridgegate.

9   upisdown   2014 Feb 14, 1:16am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says



Imagine the screeching when Nugent realizes that he's the 'tits' part of that slogan.

10   rooemoore   2014 Feb 14, 3:38am  

CaptainShuddup says

Then you ignored and marginalized the ones that didn't play into their bullshit. Rand unlike his father, is going to make a stink so fucking loud, FOX nor the other half of the journalist political agenda spectrum wont be able to ignore him. While he's hosting the biggest political media circus since Watergate.

It will be hard to ignore the guy suing NSA and the IRS at the same time.

There are a lot of reasons why Rand Paul will never be President. The most glaring and perhaps the one that disqualifies him immediately is his toupee. Hair now matters in the Presidency. We can thank JFK for that.

11   bob2356   2014 Feb 15, 9:41pm  

bgamall4 says

Call it Crazy says

EDGEWATER — The traffic jam deliberately orchestrated by members of Gov. Chris Christie’s staff that caused days of gridlock in northern New Jersey appeared not to lead to anyone’s death or seriously compromise their medical care, according to a comprehensive review by the Associated Press of five hours of emergency dispatch audio, interviews and dozens of pages of call logs.

It was a lot longer than 5 hours.

I think I will put more stock in the AP wire service evaluation than the opinion of someone who believes zionists are responsible for sunspots.

12   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 12:09am  

rooemoore says

There are a lot of reasons why Rand Paul will never be President.

The old farts will elect the next president.
There will not be any Social media meme Voting like we had in 2008. Obama wasn't elected into office, he was Tweeted into office.
One asshole was tweeted his lie and he tweeted it to the next gullible asshole, who didn't know what to do with misinformation.

The jig is up, and lie is tired.

I don't even expect the black vote to come out and save your sorry asses. I mean they made lines a mile long that wrapped around the corner from the polling station to the school house.
They waited in line until 10pm in some cases, just to get their vote heard.

Just to end up with this...

People with serious pre-existing diseases, precisely those the president aimed to help with ObamaCare, could find themselves paying for expensive drug treatments with no help from the health care exchanges.

Those with expensive diseases such as lupus or multiple sclerosis face something called a "closed drug formulary."

Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the American Enterprise Institute explains,"if the medicine that you need isn't on that list, it's not covered at all. You have to pay completely out of pocket to get that medicine, and the money you spend doesn't count against your deductible, and it doesn't count against your out of pocket limits, so you're basically on your own."

13   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 4:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

I don't even expect the black vote to come out and save your sorry asses. I mean they made lines a mile long that wrapped around the corner from the polling station to the school house.

They waited in line until 10pm in some cases, just to get their vote heard.

Just to end up with this...

Right - Romney would have fixed everything. We would all be getting free healthcare and be immortal. What was his plan again? Oh, yeah - "vouchers" or some such bullshit. Give me a god damn break.

14   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 4:14am  

Love how the Captain turns EVERY thread into an anti-Obamacare rant.

15   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 4:19am  

Nutting for Nuttin slick...

But isn't the Left praising a self pandering fat bastard as the Rights best foot to put forward, while kicking him in the Ass as you parade him around on the knucklehead pageant runway; a fucking excellent time for an Anti-Obama rant?

16   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 4:25am  

Automan Empire says

CaptainShuddup says

I challenge you to find one untrue thing I've posted about Obama, Liberals

How about that bogus Scott Walker/Reagan headline you linked?

Are you saying that Scott didn't want to feed Obama his proposal at his own State dinner where he was schmoozing it up with the French President, after telling him he's the King around and may do what ever he damn well pleases. As he forked into a 20oz Ribeye steak smeared in BluCheese.

Scott Walker wanted him to eat his School Lunch that his wife demands that the School kids eat.

You're free to post a link that says otherwise.

And Tip O'Neil and Ted Kennedy once did the same shit to Reagan, the difference was. Reagan had a heart, and the next day reversed his recommendation that ketchup be counted as a vegetable and several other odd money saving lunch items.

I'm sure Obama beefed up security on detail and gave them orders to shoot to kill if Scott Walker showed up with Caterer racks of hot prepared food.

17   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 4:38am  

CaptainShuddup says

And Tip O'Neil and Ted Kennedy once did the same shit to Reagan

Link, please.

18   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 4:45am  

CaptainShuddup says

But isn't the Left praising a self pandering fat bastard as the Rights best foot to put forward, while kicking him in the Ass as you parade him around on the knucklehead pageant runway; a fucking excellent time for an Anti-Obama rant?

I think the left liked him more than other Republicans because he seemed to be a straight-shooter who actually had some opinions that weren't just party dogma. Then we come to find out he's merely a common thug who extracts dangerous and illegal vengeance on his political enemies. It was a SEQUENCE of events, not a simultaneity.

I think for you, it's ALWAYS time for an anti-Obamacare rant.

19   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 5:16am  

Homeboy says

Link, please

Link please are you that dim?

Belive it or not there was life before the interent.

Here's a link but the author of the blog has no idea of the historic signifigance of that luncheon.

Here's some information on the Ketchup as a Vegetable timeline, what doesn't seem to be documented is one of O'Neils famous luncheons where he Served Congress Ketchup and Relish and odd ball shit like that, that made Regan retract his idea of suitable nourishment.

9/4/81 The Agriculture Department proposes cutting the size of school lunches and offering tofu, yogurt, cottage cheese or peanuts as viable meat substitutes. Also, condiments such as ketchup and pickle relish would be reclassified as actual vegetables.

9/23/81 President Reagan plays host to welterweight champion Sugar Ray Leonard and his wife. “We’re very proud,” says the President, “to have Sugar Ray and Mrs. Ray here.”

9/25/81 President Reagan announces that he has withdrawn the proposal to cut school lunches. He suggests that a dissident faction in the Agriculture Department might have come up with the idea as a form of “bureaucratic sabotage.” And just to set the record straight, aide James Johnson explains, “It would be a mistake to say that ketchup per se was classified as a vegetable. Ketchup in combination with other things was classified as a vegetable.” And what things would ketchup have to have combined with to have been considered a full‑blown vegetable? “French fries or hamburgers.”

Any way what I was live and there and remember. Unlike you if it aint on Wiki and Google then Professor Howitwent says, it didn't happen.

20   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 5:21am  

Homeboy says

I think for you, it's ALWAYS time for an anti-Obamacare rant.

I'm not the guy who Voted for the wrong asshole,TWICE! so you're not qualified to make that distinction.

21   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 5:36am  

CaptainShuddup says

Link please are you that dim?

Belive it or not there was life before the interent.



Um, I don't see anything in that article about Tip O Neil trying to pass a law forcing Reagan to eat ketchup as a vegetable. Perhaps you'd care to tell me in which paragraph that appears?

And you've got the nuts to call ME "dim".

CaptainShuddup says

Here's some information on the Ketchup as a Vegetable timeline, what doesn't seem to be documented is one of O'Neils famous luncheons where he Served Congress Ketchup and Relish and odd ball shit like that, that made Regan retract his idea of suitable nourishment.

Oh, it's not documented, huh? I guess that means it only exists in your age-ravaged mind. Get back to us when you can actually document ANYTHING you say, o.k.?

Yes, we all remember that asshole Reagan wanting to count ketchup as a vegetable. No shit, Sherlock. That actually pales in comparison to the Iran-Contra scandal, though. And putting Saddam Hussein in power.

22   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 6:07am  

IT wasn't a Law numb nuts is was an act of classic Liberal defiance against the greedy Republicans, back when being a Democrat meant something.

This was long before your mom bought her house with the basement you live in now.

23   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 6:14am  

I provided you with information that said Reagan proposed relishes and condiments as a vegetable, I also provide you with links that illustrated it was "Liberals" who revolted against the suggestion of Ketchup and Soybeans being served for school lunch. I also provided you with a link that said in March of that same year, Tip O'Neil started a tradition of him cooking state dinners.
Also if you note the timeline from when Reagan suggested it to the time he retracted, is a short window.

What happened, to make him reverse his stance?

Everything I posted is plausible at this point, this was before CNN and FOX news were a rebroadcast of the days irrelevant tweets and Facebook posts.

It's really up to you to prove it didn't happen, I get nothing out that deal. I could find 10 articles that would recount what I've said, if news from the past wasn't selectively summarized to one sentence narratives.

And you would still have your same stance on everything I post about a long long time ago before the internet was invented, not being true because Wiki didn't say so, and the Wiki censors didn't edit out those comments.

24   anonymous   2014 Feb 16, 8:49am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

They'll remember Caliguini eating a clown or fisting an elephant.


25   HydroCabron   2014 Feb 16, 10:36am  

errc says

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

They'll remember Caliguini eating a clown or fisting an elephant.


I wonder: can AF even remember the day he killed and ate his own parents?

26   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 12:21pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I provided you with information that said Reagan proposed relishes and condiments as a vegetable

Yeah, and I said who the fuck doesn't remember that? Nixon said "I am not a crook", Carter had big teeth, and Bush Sr. said "Read my lips". So what? Tell us something that ISN'T obvious.

CaptainShuddup says

I also provide you with links that illustrated it was "Liberals" who revolted against the suggestion of Ketchup and Soybeans being served for school lunch.

Again - so what?

CaptainShuddup says

I also provided you with a link that said in March of that same year, Tip O'Neil started a tradition of him cooking state dinners.

Yeah, and your link says he cooked corned beef. Again, so what?

CaptainShuddup says

Also if you note the timeline from when Reagan suggested it to the time he retracted, is a short window.

What happened, to make him reverse his stance?

The fact that it was all over the news that Reagan "thought ketchup was a vegetable", and EVERYONE was making fun of him. Duh.

Look, I'm not even saying it didn't happen; I'm just asking you for SOME sort of verification. You seem to be able to provide sources for everything about it except the part that you are claiming happened, LOL.

CaptainShuddup says

It's really up to you to prove it didn't happen

Um, no.

27   Homeboy   2014 Feb 16, 12:36pm  

CaptainShuddup says

IT wasn't a Law numb nuts is was an act of classic Liberal defiance against the greedy Republicans, back when being a Democrat meant something.

THIS is what you posted, dick:

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., is pushing a bill that would require meals served at White House state dinners and other functions to abide by the same calorie restrictions as those served to America’s school kids

You posted that he is trying to pass a LAW.

Then you said O'Neil did the "same shit" to Reagan.

Now you're saying it's NOT the same.

You pretty much don't have any fucking clue what you're talking about at any particular time do you?

28   Tenpoundbass   2014 Feb 16, 11:32pm  

Homeboy says

CaptainShuddup says

IT wasn't a Law numb nuts is was an act of classic Liberal defiance against the greedy Republicans, back when being a Democrat meant something.

THIS is what you posted, dick:

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., is pushing a bill that would require meals served at White House state dinners and other functions to abide by the same calorie restrictions as those served to America’s school kids

You posted that he is trying to pass a LAW.

I was talking about what Tip O'Neil did was not a law.
Though in retrospect, I suppose it was early signs that Liberals can't finish the fucking half assed jobs they start. So it only makes sense now, that Scott Walker would finish the job and pass legislation to keep greedy politicians filthy fucking money mitts off the kid's school lunches.
Thanks for pointing out my over sight.

29   upisdown   2014 Feb 17, 3:25am  

Call it Crazy says


Imagine the screeching when Nugent realizes that he's the 'tits' part of that

It's really too bad that wasn't what the village idiot ACTUALLY looked like, because maybe then it would explain or justify what little and pathetic success she's had.

30   Homeboy   2014 Feb 17, 3:27am  

CaptainShuddup says

I was talking about what Tip O'Neil did was not a law.

Then it's not the same thing, is it? Plus, you haven't even provided a shred of evidence that it's even true.

CaptainShuddup says

Though in retrospect, I suppose it was early signs that Liberals can't finish the fucking half assed jobs they start. So it only makes sense now, that Scott Walker would finish the job and pass legislation to keep greedy politicians filthy fucking money mitts off the kid's school lunches.

So in your Fox-brainwashed mind, feeding kids ketchup instead of a vegetable to save money is the same as instituting caloric standards so the kids don't get fat? Just wanted to be clear that's your point.

Didn't think I was going to have to explain the obvious, but here goes:

Ketchup - Bad. not healthy, high in sugar and sodium, not a substitute for fresh vegetables.

Caloric restrictions - Good. high calorie intake makes you fat and leads to diabetes and heart disease.

I guess that's what we should expect from a guy who feeds his kids McDonalds food.

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