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44412   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 7:38am  

Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday accused President Obama of being “naïve” about Russian President Vladimir Putin's agenda and said he lacks the foresight to have prevented Putin from taking over a Ukraine peninsula.

During Romney’s 2012 presidential race against Obama, the president criticized him for saying Russia -- not Al Qaeda -- was America's "number one geopolitical foe."

Romney acknowledged that more pre-emptive action had only the potential to prevent the invasion.

But he also blamed of Secretary of State John Kerry and former secretary Hillary Clinton, suggesting that the Obama administration’s so-called “reset” diplomacy was a mistake.

"They thought resetting relations with Russia, handing out gifts to Russia, would somehow make Russia change its objectives. Well, that certainly wasn't the case," Romney said. “Russia is not our friend.”

44413   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 7:55am  

CaptainShuddup says

Mitt Romney on Sunday accused President Obama of being “naïve” about Russian President Vladimir Putin's agenda and said he lacks the foresight to have prevented Putin from taking over a Ukraine peninsula.

He was too busy laughing bout the color coordination of the Olympic village in the Sochi guest suites, like a shallow little fucking wise ass cunt, to have noticed the movement of the unmarked forces moving to the Kremier peninsula. I mean he's only got real time satellite live feed being pipped into office. Instead of watching that, Obama was tweeting...

"OMFG!!!!! Did you see the double toilets and one toilet paper rack? (high pitched voice)TACKY!!!"

44414   Vicente   2014 Mar 23, 7:59am  

CaptainShuddup says

Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney

Who was this loser? Oh right one of those bitter water boys who grumble from the sidelines about how they could do it differently. If only he could get a shot.


44415   lostand confused   2014 Mar 23, 8:02am  

Much as I dislike Obama, the repubs are worthless when it comes to foreign policy. 9/11 happened on their watch and Bin laden was free roaming the earth, taunting us with taped releases. of course then we invaded Iraq.

Obama at least got Bin laden and is handling this Crimea thing without too much escalations. Not that the republicans would do anything -they are full of hot air-Georgia happened under their watch too.

Wether Crimea is right or wrong-we really don't have too many options-except some talk. Glad old McCain was not elected-fool talks about arming Ukraine-I am sure we would like it if Russia started arming Mexican drug cartels and Venezuela. Dumb asses- Sarah Palin looks like the sane one in that combo.

I hate both parties-can I have a column that says vote for neither???

44416   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 8:04am  

Vicente says

Who was this loser?

...Yeah, but juuuuuuuuussssssssssst barely.

If that accounts for anything.

44417   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 8:08am  

Say what you want about Sarah Palin but She can see Russia from her house, and she's not the one with the NSA tricked out satellite movie theater.

To laugh at someone who says they are on the ball, and will be vigilant and alert while making excuses for the asshole with the tools and resources, to have caught and noticed that the cheesy movie set that was Socihi was just a distraction for something else. Is just the most infantile point in this whole affair.

And I am personally revoking all of your "Right to bitch" licenses.

44418   lostand confused   2014 Mar 23, 8:22am  

Actually looking at Sarah Palin, I think she is a smart cookie. One thing I admire about her is that she is a woman who made it on her own-unlike Hillary who would have been a lawyer in Arkansas without Bill. I think she was pushed to the limelight way too soon. She was a mayor of a tiny town and not even half term Governor of a state with less population than any big city in the US. She was never exposed to national politics and it was thrust on her.

But she took the cards dealt to her , built a big empire-including TV shows and such and is not out there asking for handouts and crying a sob story of being a woman blah, blah, blah. Under the right circumstances and say a 5-10 years of national exposure-she might have turned out very different. But nothing wrong with her now-she is successful, provides for her family and supports her man too!!!

44419   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 23, 9:20am  

Everything I read about Carter only confirms my belief that his supposed bad presidency is a media spin you all fell for. His voting record is proof why they would undermine him and make him appear weak. What happened with Ron Paul in the last election was predictable for the same reason.

The media propaganda machine is sophisticated, and some of you who think you are immune just proved that you are not. Ron Paul and Jimmy Carter are both honest, brilliant, compassionate, and that is the reason they would never fit into the Empire holding our congress hostage. I don't always agree with Carter or Paul, but they have been the republic's biggest champions. So naturally, they are unsung heroes and the media and powers that be will make sure the public looses interest in them. Their voting records are what counts, and there is no comparison between their records and the past few presidents.

44420   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 23, 9:26am  

Well met. I laughed myself silly reading this list.

I'll be that princess that is always asking her daddy why the peasants must live so poorly, much to his dismay. Every story needs an annoying little rebel princess.

We must also give Dan and Patrick proper and honorable titles.

44421   Y   2014 Mar 23, 9:29am  

why do you hate peanut farming?

CL says

Carter sucked

44422   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 9:33am  

Is that Apple's new work force?

44423   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 9:38am  

jazz music says


Thousands of years can pass and people will still do the same for the love of money. Ownership has its privileges which must be held in check by something greater than a mere protest demonstration ... where right wing cameras can be turned away and police be sent in to quell the violence stirred up by owner's paid thugs

...OH!!! You're waiting for FOX to pick up the story?


44424   Ceffer   2014 Mar 23, 11:23am  

Blurtman says

The banana republic USA has had criminals serve as Treasury Secretary

Been a tradition, ever since Joseph Kennedy was put in charge of the SEC by Roosevelt. Roosevelt's reasoning was, who better to know what all the crooks are up to.

At a certain level, government isn't about right or wrong, justice or injustice, legal or illegal, it is about mutual accommodations and who has the best blackmail.

44425   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 12:37pm  

Well too bad the Republicans aren't in power right now, so you could write them a scathing letter letting them know you're taken back with the way Obama is running things.

44426   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 23, 1:06pm  

with the who for what?

44427   New Renter   2014 Mar 23, 1:29pm  

lostand confused says

Actually looking at Sarah Palin, I think she is a smart cookie.

That's not saying much given cookies make flatworms look like gods. You might as well say Sarah Palin is smart...for a bag of hammers.

Cookies are tasty but too many are terrible for your health. Same with Sarah Palin - a little of her once in a while is all anyone needs.

44428   lostand confused   2014 Mar 23, 2:17pm  

New Renter says

lostand confused says

Actually looking at Sarah Palin, I think she is a smart cookie.

That's not saying much given cookies make flatworms look like gods. You might as well say Sarah Palin is smart...for a bag of hammers.

Cookies are tasty but too many are terrible for your health. Same with Sarah Palin - a little of her once in a while is all anyone needs.

I am not talking about being President-which I think she is not ready. But as an American, she is a self made millionaire many times over, takes care of her kids and is not on welfare-which is a great achievement these days. Maybe I have missed it, but I have never seen her say-oh poor me, I am a woman, the big boys take advantage of me-she gives as good as she gets and then some.

If her target audience market demands a certain behavior and she delivers and makes millions off it-can't blame her can you. She is just astute and knows how to milk her constituents-just like any good politician/entertainment personality.

44429   thomaswong.1986   2014 Mar 23, 2:30pm  

jazz music says

Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed a case against Royal Dutch Petroleum for human rights abuses in Nigeria.

the reality is pretty much most of African and South-East Asian Cultures
enslave their OWN population regularly.

have a good read... there are 30 Million Slaves today, not one has anything to do with some American or European company.


44430   hrhjuliet   2014 Mar 23, 4:56pm  

jazz music says

If the republicans were in power I would shut down government until they came up with a balanced budget: Let them shoulder that burden for once, and we'll see how many bail outs and tax credits big money gets.

Let their neo-liberal right wing commentators for big cronies wax all indignant about carpet/tea-bagger spenders of the commonwealth.

Fox commentators should be off-shored to where broadcasting infrastructure is more in line with their ideals of austerity for the greater good.

Agree. Nestlé is known for their wrongdoing. This is just one of their many atrocities. BTW Mr. Wong, it doesn't make Nestlé justified because the country itself participates in unthinkable horrors. We can vote against corporations that participate in evil, it's called boycotting them. Don't buy from countries that allow slave labor. No excuses, just don't buy from them.

44431   bob2356   2014 Mar 23, 10:37pm  

lostand confused says

If her target audience market demands a certain behavior and she delivers and makes millions off it-can't blame her can you. She is just astute and knows how to milk her constituents-just like any good politician/entertainment personality.

Personally I would prefer my elected representative to be someone knowledgable in the issues with a solid track record of standing by their believes like Ron Paul rather than an air head who made a fortune being an entertainer who knows what words to mouth to a bunch of low teeth to tattoo ratio rednecks. Paris Hilton also made a fortune (yes I know she started with a fortune also) delivering a certain behavior to her target audience. Should she run for president?

44432   HomePriceFuturesTrader   2014 Mar 23, 11:11pm  

The LAX Case Shiller home price index futures that are traded on the CME were quoted 240.2/243.4 (bid/ask) on Friday for Nov '16 versus the spot index of 214.84 for a 11.8% implied gain. SFR and SDG have higher gains. Anyone wanting to participate in the debate about outright lower California prices is invited to weigh in there, but bears get to sell at a significant premium to spot levels.

44434   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Mar 24, 12:33am  

Bank of America finds the housing recovery hard to believe

44435   Y   2014 Mar 24, 12:38am  

English your 2nd language??

bob2356 says

Personally I would prefer my elected representative to be someone knowledgable in the issues with a solid track record

lostand confused says

I am not talking about being President-which I think she is not ready. But as an American, she is a self made millionaire many times over, takes care of her kids and is not on welfare-which is a great achievement these days.

44436   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 24, 1:41am  

lostand confused says

She is just astute and knows how to milk her constituents-just like any good politician/entertainment personality.

She really did come on the scene as a total Washington outsider, with the naive Idealist view of politics. That made her dangerous to the status quoa in Washington. Her biggest mistake was not aligning her aligence with the throngs of fed up voters who thought they saw something in her, when she was attacked by the Liberal Media propaganda smear weapon. She was taken back the Liberal ridicule, the Republicans comforted her, and told her she better listen to them that only they could protect her. Now shut up and do and say exactly everything we tell you to do.

Had She told them, "Screw you, You do and say everything I tell you to do, I'm in charge now!" She would have had gained more votes, had she put some stones forth. Like the Teaparty say what you want about them, but they don't contort their message to fit the GOP's bidding.

She should have stayed Country strong, but instead she was trained to be a future female Karl Rove, an idiot behind the scenes sanctioning or not, what goes on in the GOP, or Washington, when they aren't even elected people to be wielding so much influence.
And that makes her even more dangerous to those of you, than the thought of her being a one term President.

She'll be around dictating the outcome of GOP choices for Presidents, and Congress for years to come. The Raw Sarah Palin stood to change the GOP, the manufactured Sarah Plain running about live on the scene now, is only there to insure it never changes.

44437   Iwag   2014 Mar 24, 1:44am  

concord inventory up 30% year over year, FACT
concord sales down 20% year over year, FACT

44438   Tenpoundbass   2014 Mar 24, 1:48am  

The majority of the Third house in Washington, has already repealed Obamacare.

The American Household.

44439   Iwag   2014 Mar 24, 2:19am  

"I posted a graph showing prices headed up in Concord."

lol hahahaha

this liar can't even contain his lies when everyone is looking.

44440   FortWayne   2014 Mar 24, 2:21am  

Some people think it's their god given right to use slave labor for profit!

44441   FortWayne   2014 Mar 24, 2:29am  

jazz music says

Mankind historically relies on the obstacle to tell him how much is "enough."

And both parties pretend it ain't so every year when that concept gets in their way. Slave labor and outsourcing, there are no real limits these days, so it keeps on growing.

44442   Iwag   2014 Mar 24, 2:31am  

"Actually you've been banned from the site numerous times for being a troll and you created "iwag" out of childish frustration."

lol ive never been banned from pat net. is that what you do, resort to lies when you get exposed?

do you remember back in the good old days when you were a new member of this website and Honest Abe used to kick your ass all over the forum. too bad that guy that got bored of the forum and doesnt post anymore because i loved reading him humiliate you over and over again.

44443   Iwag   2014 Mar 24, 2:32am  

he also posted listing prices not actual sold prices

i wonder why

44444   Iwag   2014 Mar 24, 2:47am  

"I never predicted a bottoming of inventory in Concord, however I did say that inventory was still declining in much of California"

listen to this asshole

now he wasn't talking about the real estate market where he's 100% invested in, he's talking about 'other markets' where he has no financial ties at all


44445   wave9x   2014 Mar 24, 2:51am  

Iwag says

bay area home prices dropped year over year in august from 2012 to 2013 and that was with lower inventory and better mortgage rates

some liar is about to get exposed

Since you used Concord as your example, here are stats for Concord...
8/12 median sale $/sqft $198
8/12 median sale $290k

8/13 $/sqft $273 (38% YoY increase)
8/13 median sale $404k (39% YoY increase)

44446   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Mar 24, 3:06am  

Han says

That's $150,000 in five years out of your pocket and into someone else's pocket,

Opposed to your realtor fees, mortgage interest, property tax, insurance, maintenance, lost investment growth from dead equity, etc. going out of your pocket to where? Yup, you guessed it, someone else's pocket.

Analyze both sides and then pick one. However, anyone saying renting is throwing money away and buying is saving all the money is not being truthful.

44447   RentingForHalfTheCost   2014 Mar 24, 3:21am  

Call it Crazy says

jojo says

Where a new listing might have attracted 10 or 12 offers last spring, 3 or 4 are coming in now; where 3 or 4 offers would have arrived, the seller is getting 1.

Interesting... And this from Redfin:

According to Redfin Los Angeles agent Eric Tan, “This time last year, sellers could name their price and still get 20 to 30 offers. This year, even homes that are priced competitively are only seeing two to three offers come in, often at or below list price. Pricing appropriately is crucial.”

God is currently ignoring the need of Realtors to feed their families. After years and years of making sure they had the best, he is finally now turning his back. See what happens when you get greedy. Regular almonds wasn't enough, you had to go organic. Regular bread wasn't enough, you had to push for wheat germ free. Regular yogurt wasn't enough, you had to switch to Greek non-fat. Well now you need to switch back and actually suck it up and jump into the real work force. You know, the one where you actually have to contribute to society somehow. Not just get a cut of a simple sale event. God is not your friend anymore.

44448   CL   2014 Mar 24, 3:29am  

CaptainShuddup says

Vicente says

Who was this loser?

...Yeah, but juuuuuuuuussssssssssst barely.

If that accounts for anything.

Um...5 million votes and 126 EV is not "barely". That's a larger EV spread than Clinton trounced Dole with, and larger on both counts than anything Bush "won" with.

Largest vote totals ever, except for himself in 2008 (obviously population growth is a factor). Still, the largest vote tallies in history are Obama at #1, and #2.

CaptainShuddup says

Obama has been a one man "horror" show.

Because Congress signs off on anything that comes from the WH? Where do you get this stuff?

44449   Han   2014 Mar 24, 3:39am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Han says

That's $150,000 in five years out of your pocket and into someone else's pocket,

Opposed to your realtor fees, mortgage interest, property tax, insurance, maintenance, lost investment growth from dead equity, etc. going out of your pocket to where? Yup, you guessed it, someone else's pocket.

Analyze both sides and then pick one. However, anyone saying renting is throwing money away and buying is saving all the money is not being truthful.

Oh definitely - it is not always better to buy, as I said before. It depends on one's personal situation.

I was referring specifically to people here in SoCal who want a place to live in. These are the folks you will see in middle class SoCal neighborhoods looking for houses - if they can buy a 3/2 house with a mortgage payment of $1,900 a month, there is no way in hell they would choose to instead rent a similar place for $2,500 a month.

Unless, of course, they are here in SoCal temporarily and they think they will be moving back to wherever they came from...

44450   exfatguy   2014 Mar 24, 3:39am  

Why would the Chinese invest in China when there's a perfectly sustainable bubble right here in the United States?

44451   wave9x   2014 Mar 24, 3:57am  

Iwag says

bay area home prices dropped year over year in august from 2012 to 2013 and that was with lower inventory and better mortgage rates

some liar is about to get exposed

Stats for the entire Bay Area:

8/12 median sale $410k
8/13 median sale $540k (31.7% YoY increase)


Prices way up in every single county.

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