#1 Cause of Death,

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2014 Apr 18, 4:03am   15,201 views  67 comments

by indigenous   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Jot down what you think was the single highest cause of unnatural death,world wide, over the last 100 years..then listen to this... let me know if you got it right (I did not)


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8   JH   2014 Apr 18, 9:59am  

Heroin OD > Car accidents in some parts of this great country.

Occasionally, these two activities intersect.

9   New Renter   2014 Apr 18, 11:17am  

That was the silliest video I've seen in a long time, can I have my 2m16s back now?

10   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 11:18am  

New Renter says

That was the silliest video I've seen in a long time

Why is that ducky?

11   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 11:31am  

Why would OUR government want to kill innocent people? WHY?

12   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 11:37am  

Strategist says

Why would OUR government want to kill innocent people?

Keep the defense contractors busy. The US has provoked every war in the past 100 yr or so.

13   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 11:42am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Why would OUR government want to kill innocent people?

Keep the defense contractors busy. The US has provoked every war in the past 100 yr or so.

In the past we did intentionally kill innocent people by bombing cities. Pathetic and uncivilized. Today we do not.
War just to keep defense contractors busy is a silly conspiracy theory.
US having provoked every war in the last 100 years is absurd.

14   New Renter   2014 Apr 18, 11:54am  

indigenous says

New Renter says

That was the silliest video I've seen in a long time

Why is that ducky?

Because these people are hyping fear of government to justify unrestricted gun ownership. The military isn't afraid of its citizenry armed with full auto high capacity magazine assault rifles - they are very well trained in dealing such threats. You and everyone you know could be so armed and still be massacred should the powers that be wish it so. What is your AK with a 30rd detachable mag of cop killer bullets going to do against a tank? A dropped canister of napalm? A sniper team?

Nothing, that's what.

No its you who have to worry - worry that your kid (or neighbor's kid) will get their hands on such a weapon and use it. Worry that someone will have a bad day and decide to go out with as much company as possible. Worry that someone will break into your well armed neighbors house and get the guns to invade YOUR home.

15   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 12:08pm  

Strategist says

Today we do not.

Not sure Afghanistan or Iraq would agree.

Strategist says

War just to keep defense contractors busy is a silly conspiracy theory.

No conspiracy about it. 3/4 of a trillion most years go to defense, who do you suppose benefits from that? I think they were saying the new x-35 was a billion a pop.

Strategist says

US having provoked every war in the last 100 years is absurd.

Yup FDR provoked Japan through sanctions, Wilson through the Lusitania, LBJ totally fabricated story about the Gulf Tonken, Lincoln and Fort Sumter, Bush 43 and WMDs, etc. Not absurd at all.

16   Ceffer   2014 Apr 18, 12:14pm  

At least 80 million people a year die of, well, death. Everybody has to go sometime.

17   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 12:18pm  

New Renter says

Because these people are hyping fear of government to justify unrestricted gun ownership. The military isn't afraid of its citizenry armed with full auto high capacity magazine assault rifles - they are very well trained in dealing such threats. You and everyone you know could be so armed and still be massacred should the powers that be wish it so. What is your AK with a 30rd detachable mag of cop killer bullets going to do against a tank? A dropped canister of napalm? A sniper team?

Yea that makes sense, consider that largest army in the world are America deer hunters. The cops for the most part have what you describe. Is the army really going to want to kill their fellow citizens? It may not be equal but it is not nothing.

Especially when you consider how the N Vietnamese kicked the US's ass with far less resources than the US, or Afghanistan did the same to the USSR

New Renter says

No its you who have to worry - worry that your kid (or neighbor's kid) will get their hands on such a weapon and use it. Worry that someone will have a bad day and decide to go out with as much company as possible. Worry that someone will break into your well armed neighbors house and get the guns to invade YOUR home.


Don't you think it is peculiar that in the last 30 years that school shootings have hockey sticked, that does not correlate to "violent video games or movies. Ron Paul says it does correlate with pharmaceuticals hocket sticking during the same time period.

18   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 12:20pm  

Ceffer says

At least 80 million people a year die of, well, death. Everybody has to go sometime.

Death is the number 1 killer in the world.

Life is sexually transmitted.

Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today might burn your butt tomorrow.

19   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 12:26pm  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Today we do not.

Not sure Afghanistan or Iraq would agree.

I'm sure they wont, but that not make it true. We go to great lengths to prevent collateral damage. There is no motive for us to kill innocent people.

indigenous says

Strategist says

War just to keep defense contractors busy is a silly conspiracy theory.

No conspiracy about it. 3/4 of a trillion most years go to defense, who do you suppose benefits from that? I think they were saying the new x-35 was a billion a pop.

The defense contractors obviously benefit from that, and they probably want war, but that does not mean the government or the people will want war.

indigenous says

Strategist says

US having provoked every war in the last 100 years is absurd.

Yup FDR provoked Japan through sanctions, Wilson through the Lusitania, LBJ totally fabricated story about the Gulf Tonken, Lincoln and Fort Sumter, Bush 43 and WMDs, etc. Not absurd at all.

ha ha ha. So you are saying we provoked Japan to attack us, so we could counter attack, almost destroying ourselves, ending up destroying Japan, and then spending huge amounts to help Japan rebuild, spending billions more to protect her every year, helping their economy prosper, just so we can destroy our manufacturing, just so we can buy their better quality goods from Japan.

20   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 12:37pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

In the past we did intentionally kill innocent people by bombing cities. Pathetic and uncivilized. Today we do not.

We don't???? Really think so???


We don't. I really know so.
What's our motive for killing innocent people? Life insurance? Steal their goats?
Get a camel ride?

21   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 12:45pm  

New Renter says

No its you who have to worry - worry that your kid (or neighbor's kid) will get their hands on such a weapon and use it. Worry that someone will have a bad day and decide to go out with as much company as possible. Worry that someone will break into your well armed neighbors house and get the guns to invade YOUR home.

Here is a nice story on how that might go.

Burglar's relative says: "He could have used a warning shot first . . . "

From WTTC News in Dallas, we get this heartwarming tale of a long-time criminal, 33-year-old Deyfon Pipkin, who tried to climb in a window of a Texas home.

Result: One Dead Burglar.

The elderly owner occupant saw him and fired one shot, ending Deyfon’s criminal career. As the police do, they came by to investigate, gathered the corpse, then went to notify Deyfon's family of his unfortunate demise. It seems that the family was very upset, because they showed up at the scene.

"He could have used a warning," Lakesha Thompson, Pipkins' sister-in-law, complained. "He could have let him know that he did have a gun on his property and he would use it in self-defense."


"That's certainly true, Lakesha. He could also have invited him in and given him a beer, then helped him cart the television out to the curb."

Unfortunately for Deyfon, Texas is a Castle Doctrine state, and the homeowner chose to shoot Deyfon, as is right and proper to do in Texas. For that matter, Lakesha, you could have warned Deyfon. Why didn't YOU tell him: 'Deyfon, yo' needs to quit breakin' into those peoples' houses and stealin their crap. Someone is goins to pop a cap in yo' black ass.'"

God must love stupid people; He made so many. Don't you just love it when things work out right?

22   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 12:48pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

We don't. I really know so.

Try this and see if you really know.....


Collateral damage is not intentional killing.
When an ambulance answers a 911 call and an innocent child gets run over by the ambulance, is that murder?
Should we ban ambulances?

23   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 12:52pm  

indigenous says

God must love stupid people; He made so many.

he he he.
Everyone here would agree half the people here are stupid.

24   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 1:00pm  

Call it Crazy says

Collateral damage is not intentional killing.

Is that tautology?

25   Strategist   2014 Apr 18, 1:01pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Collateral damage is not intentional killing.

With comments like the this one, I'm wondering where you fit in this comment:

Strategist says

Everyone here would agree half the people here are stupid.

ha ha ha, nice come back, i love it.
You know i will have to take revenge.

26   HydroCabron   2014 Apr 18, 1:18pm  

Extremist libertarianism will kill billions in the coming century.

27   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 1:48pm  

Iosef V HydroCabron says

Extremist libertarianism will kill billions in the coming century.

You misspelled liberalism.

28   New Renter   2014 Apr 18, 2:14pm  

indigenous says

Yea that makes sense, consider that largest army in the world are America deer hunters.

You consider deer hunters an army?

The cops for the most part have what you describe.

No, not really. Cops do not have fighter bombers armed with napalm bombs or spectre gunships.

Does any civilian police force you know of have HK teams?

I don't

Does the American military?


Hell yes!

Is the army really going to want to kill their fellow citizens? It may not be equal but it is not nothing.

God I hope not!

Especially when you consider how the N Vietnamese kicked the US's ass with far less resources than the US, or Afghanistan did the same to the USSR

Kicked our ass? In terms of casualties 23 NVA/VC died for every American, 5 for every ARVN, and far more per ally. I wouldn't exactly chalk that up as a "win" for the north.


Had we not been so nice about our conduct (and we were, considering) that ratio would have been far, far higher.

Why did we "lose" Afghanistan? Because the only way to not lose that game is to not to play.

Or turn it into a radioactive wasteland. Which we didn't but could have. So could the Russians but didn't.

indigenous says

Don't you think it is peculiar that in the last 30 years that school shootings have hockey sticked, that does not correlate to "violent video games or movies. Ron Paul says it does correlate with pharmaceuticals hocket sticking during the same time period.

It could be pharmaceuticals and/or it could be population growth, more intensive media coverage, greater access to weapons, or all the above and more.

29   New Renter   2014 Apr 18, 2:16pm  

sbh says

Call it Crazy says

If 2% of firearm owners got pissed off, there would be nothing any military or LEO could do...

The firearm owners get pissed off all the time, just like the rest of us. Actually, they are the rest of us. The shitbird loonies that fit into your tale of woe and impending revolution against liberal government fascism couldn't organize a pancake breakfast let alone an uprising that could significantly withstand 100 50 year-old national guard reservists and 5 drones. Just like Bundy, it's symbolic theater staged by punks with a bone to pick. The first bropappy to shoot a Fed gets turned into pink dust. The nation yawns. The sane citizens mow their lawns. The loonies seethe. Time to program the DVR and make dinner reservations.

Yep, well, more of a pink cloud is my understanding but otherwise yep.

31   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 2:28pm  

New Renter says

You consider deer hunters an army?

It would be guerrilla war. Yes it would be an army, many of whom would be ex military. Deer hunters can track and kill quite well. Delta force and Rangers get killed by guerrillas all the time.

Anyway we are better off with the guns than without.

New Renter says

It could be pharmaceuticals and/or it could be population growth, more intensive media coverage, greater access to weapons, or all the above and more.

No it does not correlate.

32   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 2:33pm  

sbh says

The use of "correlate" is the chicken-shit preface to you pulling something out of your asshole and calling it a fact or an axiom.

You are full of shit. It it the way you approach any problem logically. Which is why you don't get it.

33   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 4:18pm  

sbh says

Do you know what correlate means? T

: the state or relation of being correlated; specifically : a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a way not expected on the basis of chance alone

I was prescribed Ritalin as a kid I think I was one of the first kids given Ritalin in the early 70s. Since then the use of these type of drugs has skyrocketed as has school shootings. That is empirical and I have seen a correlation.

34   indigenous   2014 Apr 18, 4:22pm  

src='http://patrick.net/uploads/f/b/e/fbe85c9a8f453586d6944582bae20252.jpg' width=252 height=200 >

35   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 1:03am  

sbh says

You're not allowed to use graphs. It's all conjecture. You're projecting. Yay?

Brilliant retort, I would not expect any thing more from you.

36   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 1:15am  

sbh says

our ranting correlates to the way cockroaches crawl up the wall of your kitchen.

It is a huge point, and that is your response? Man you are fucked up.

37   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 1:34am  

sbh says

No, you ass, it's conjecture on your part. It could be correlated to global warming for all you know.

Yea sure if everything equals everything, this is called insanity.

38   Vicente   2014 Apr 19, 1:35am  

Single greatest cause of death? Birth!

As a former RKBA advocate, and familiar with firearms, I have mixed opinions on this matter. However I do think the socio-political climate is the prime factor to do with the number of massacres. If I had to pick one "government" factor, it would be the gutting of mental health system post-Reagan.

When I grew up in Georgia in the 1970's, there was a huge "loony bin" in Milledgeville. Huge facility, and they weren't shy to lock people up there. Small town, and the name Milledgeville was synonymous with looney-bin for Georgians. It wasn't closed for lack of nutters, but because the funding was eliminated. I know there were "Cuckoo" abuses and terrible things, and maybe the lockup wasn't the best solution. But instead of being fixed, it was replaced with turning them out on the streets and hoping for the best.

At one point, we had to find a psych facility for a relative and couldn't find one with an open bed in the entire state. Lest you think this is just GOP-bashing on another front, I had the same opinion for the 30+ years I was a Republican/Glibertopian. It seemed shameful to me even then we decided to stop caring for our crazy people. Pressure is intense on the few beds there are now. We did get this relative into a psych ward, they were evaluated, had meds issued and adjusted and were dumped back out after 2 weeks only marginally better, because they needed to free up the bed.

39   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 1:40am  

sbh says

Now you're just babbling. Who home-schooled you, CaptainShuddup?

Oh now you are just being mean, ok I'm bored, see ya.

40   Shaman   2014 Apr 19, 1:56am  

The problem with being in charge is this: you can't afford to be seen doing blatantly evil acts. Even the Nazis had to hide their genocidal activities from the general public. If it becomes apparent to the people that their government is evil or run by evil men with an evil agenda, revolution comes. Thus, the smart dictator doesn't allow himself to be forced into blatant acts of violence and oppression, but hides behind lawyers who sanitize his actions and provide justifications that any idiot can understand and faithfully spout to their neighbor if he gets a little upset over what shit just went down.
Modern Machiavelli isn't hard to understand, but you do need to be aware of the game or you fall into the role of puppet or pawn.

41   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 2:01am  

Vicente says

However I do think the socio-political climate is the prime factor to do with the number of massacres. If I had to pick one "government" factor, it would be the gutting of mental health system post-Reagan.

So you choose to ignore the correlation that I showed?

42   New Renter   2014 Apr 19, 2:11am  

indigenous says

New Renter says

You consider deer hunters an army?

It would be guerrilla war. Yes it would be an army, many of whom would be ex military. Deer hunters can track and kill quite well. Delta force and Rangers get killed by guerrillas all the time.

Deer hunters CAN track and kill quite well. Rangers can do that and oh so much more....

Like call in airstrikes. Or artillery. Rangers have claymores too, and bunker busters.

Can Bubba do any of that?

Rangers get stocked from the Bausch and Lomb catalogs that Bubba never gets to see and probably has no idea about.

Bubba can take down a deer at 400 yds with a Remington 700. A ranger sniper with a dialed in M24 and a mag full of Lapua can take down a mouse at 1000 and choose which eye to hit.

Rangers can pick your locks and get into your home while you are sleeping. Your wife and *kids* might wake up but you won't.

Now Delta, they are a whole 'nother level

THOSE guys can make you vanish. There will be no record of your existence anywhere. Sure there will be photos, some people will remember you but they will be of a John Doe. IF you are still corporeal you will be in a hole, somewhere far far away contemplating the rest of your short, miserable existence.

More likely you will be a few miles offshore under a few thousand feet of water.

It would take many Bubbas to take down one Ranger. Even more to take down a Delta ranger.

indigenous says

I was prescribed Ritalin as a kid I think I was one of the first kids given Ritalin in the early 70s.

That does clarify things.

43   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 2:19am  

Ok Rambo no more army movies for you. Yup they are good but they are not supermen. A seal told me one time, do not believe everything you see in the movies. It is a bad idea to deify anyone.

44   New Renter   2014 Apr 19, 2:21am  

indigenous says

Ok Rambo no more army movies for you. Yup they are good but they are not supermen. A seal told me one time, do not believe everything you see in the movies. It is a bad idea to deify anyone.

Movies? Who said anything about movies?

45   indigenous   2014 Apr 19, 2:23am  

New Renter says

Movies? Who said anything about movies?

Are you a Delta?

47   New Renter   2014 Apr 19, 3:37am  

Call it Crazy says

indigenous says

Ok Rambo no more army movies for you. Yup they are good but they are not supermen. A seal told me one time, do not believe everything you see in the movies. It is a bad idea to deify anyone.

Ha Ha Ha.... That's exactly what I was thinking.... He's definitely watching too many Arnold movies!!!

Either that, or his imagination is working extremely overtime....

Imagination, yeah, that's it:


Now try to use your imagination to imagine what such a rifle COULD do in the hands of someone with decades of training:


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