The Mind of the 1%

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2014 Apr 27, 3:20am   15,675 views  81 comments

by Bellingham Bill   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Do you know that you have a whole team that's black, that plays for you?

You just, do I know? I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have—Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners, that created the league?

This is their world, we just live in it.

After-tax Corporate profits:


The top 5% of the economy makes a bit more than the bottom 75% put together

The middle 5- 25% also make less than the top 5% (they're each about 1/3 the distribution).

This 5% are not generally-speaking supermen in the entrepreneurial or productive sense. They just have assets working for them, the higher you go up in the income curve, the more this is true.

Even the GOP is going to have to admit this basic fact of reality eventually.

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40   Y   2014 Apr 29, 2:37am  

Just reread your own posts....that should satisfy you.

sbh says

say something formless and stupid for me to read when I get back.

41   bob2356   2014 Apr 29, 2:45am  

indigenous says

In comparison indentured servitude is more akin to slavery.

So you are saying (or maybe not, since you never actually make a definitive statement in any of your posts) is that you believe hunting people down and hauling them away in chains is the equivalent of signing a contract agreeing to work off your debt. Ok, sure, right.

indigenous says

The point is that slavery is not necessarily a racial idea.

Irrelevant, the topic of discussion was slavery in the south which was purely racial.

42   indigenous   2014 Apr 29, 2:52am  

bob2356 says

signing a contract agreeing to work off your debt.

I think it would have been more like sign this or you are going to debtors prison.

bob2356 says

Irrelevant, the topic of discussion was slavery in the south which was purely racial.

I don't agree. In this case much of the steam of this subject comes from conflation.

43   corntrollio   2014 Apr 29, 3:05am  

Reality says

My emphasis was on slave owners who freed slaves voluntarily. They were obviously racially progressive for their time. They were literally giving up the bulk of their own inheritance to elevate the black men and women that had been their parents' slaves.

Yeah, all three people who actually did that, awesome.

44   bob2356   2014 Apr 29, 3:39am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

signing a contract agreeing to work off your debt.

I think it would have been more like sign this or you are going to debtors prison.

You've still got your head in the wrong end of the horse. To be a debtor one has to borrow money. So you are saying people who borrowed money of their own free will then had to live with the consequences (which they knew) are the same as people who were hunted down with guns and hauled away in chains. Explain the equivalence. Or try to explain without drifting off into some other irrelevancy.

45   indigenous   2014 Apr 29, 3:42am  

bob2356 says

Explain the equivalence.

Already did

46   bob2356   2014 Apr 29, 3:47am  

indigenous says

bob2356 says

Explain the equivalence.

Already did

Your definition of explain differs radically from anyone else's. I will say you have a true self delusional gift for saying a lot of nothing and believing you have made some type of point.

47   indigenous   2014 Apr 29, 4:08am  

bob2356 says

Your definition of explain differs radically from anyone else's. I will say you have a true self delusional gift for saying a lot of nothing and believing you have made some type of point

In other words you are not hearing what I'm saying, ok.

48   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 29, 4:34am  

Looks like sterling just got a lifetime ban and a 2.5 million fine. He's probably gonna be dead within 12 months of the "discipline" like joe paterno.

49   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 29, 4:36am  

For an NBA owner to say the things that he has said requires a certain level of self loathing that not even a goth rock musician can match....

50   Y   2014 Apr 29, 4:42am  

Got the racist.
Now time to witchhunt the wench for illegal recording.

Recording in private
Even the most well-known public figures have a reasonable expectation of privacy when they speak in their homes or other private retreats. Accordingly, courts and the government have made it illegal for information gatherers and others to engage in any of the following activities (Always keep in mind, however, that these prohibitions may not apply to law enforcement and other government officials):
bugging a room, secretly monitoring telephone conversations (to which the recording subject is not a party) or intercepting computer communications (publishers may, however, disseminate illegally taped conversations if they are of great public interest and the publisher broke no law in acquiring them);
hacking into telephone systems to acquire previously recorded conversations; and
acquiring a person’s phone records from a phone company by posing as someone authorized to see the records.


dublin hillz says

Looks like sterling just got a lifetime ban and a 2.5 million fine. He's probably gonna be dead within 12 months of the "discipline" like joe paterno.

51   Y   2014 Apr 29, 6:07am  

We are all descendants of monkeys, ShopBitchHoe....
Stop denying your heritage..

sbh says

SoftShell says

Just reread your own posts....that should satisfy you.

sbh says

say something formless and stupid for me to read when I get back.

Both formless and stupid. The monkeys did well.

52   Y   2014 Apr 29, 6:09am  

So how was your workout?
Hopefully you gave your hand the full 30 second recovery between sets...

sbh says

I'm off to the gym for a couple hours,

53   Tenpoundbass   2014 Apr 29, 6:18am  

I'm fine with what he said... BUT!!!!!

He can't say that shit and be in the business he's in.
Which is why I don't think he really is racist. He never once, used the "N" word. I think what he said to her, had less to do with what he thinks about black, or Magic as a person. As it was his choice of words he used, trying to "CONTROL" her and her actions.

THAT being said...

It's out there, and being the business that he's in. He's got to go. Less he want's to be the guy who owns a team with no where to play, no teams to play, or any one on his team, and all of his fans alienated.

He used a piss poor choice of words, but being in the context and everything else with the recording coming to light. He has to pay the price, and it's understandable.

This is one case you wont hear me defending this guys right to say what ever he wants and it's being blown out of proportion. If he was the owner of a Mayonnaise company, or Hokey team I might think different given their demographic.

But I personally don't think he's racist. He said some shit and was trying to Manipulate that woman, because he was Jealous or he didn't want to see her there and thought she might not come if she can't bring Magic. Which was wrong in its self, and should be the real story about how he was trying to manipulate this woman. What else would he say to manipulate people into him getting his way?

I've know hateful spiteful racist people and he just didn't sound the part.
In the context of him saying what he did to her, is no different than a Jewish person warning someone NOT to bring a Goy or Shiksa to an event.
The big difference here is, at least everyone at their event and the important key players will ALL be Jewish.

It makes no sense for a Racist person to tell someone NOT to bring a person of certain race, to a sporting event that is predominately THAT race.

"Hey Don't bring Romonda to my Bull fight, why I can't have spics running around"

Or more analogous to this context...

"Hey don't bring Romonda to my Bull fight, I mean you don't want to be seen with Spanish people do you?"

See both sound racist, if not down right silly. But only the top sounds like he doesn't want to see her with Spanish people because he's racist. The other one sounds like a Jealous fool. When you realize he's hosting a Bull fight and 90% attendees are going to be Spanish and the bull fighters them selves will be the best from Spain.

It just don't add up.

This makes the man stupid that he said that over the phone where it could have been recorded, especially since he isn't actually racist. Well not anymore or less than someone 80 years old of any race or ethnicity.

I think he's a manipulative person and more dirt will start to come out about his character; but I bet there wont be any race dirt on him uncovered. Unless we're going to go back to 60 years or more ago, when everyone was a product of their time.

54   Y   2014 Apr 29, 7:05am  

Sure...go ahead.
You've been guessing your whole pathetic life...

sbh says

Let me guess

55   Y   2014 Apr 29, 7:06am  

You can stop right there...
I can't stand people pissing their pants in public.

sbh says

SoftShell says

We are all descendants of monkeys

I may have misjudged you

56   Y   2014 Apr 29, 7:07am  

160 blow jobs per minute??
shit, you sure are one quick seedy bastard...

sbh says

SoftShell says

So how was your workout?

Brutal. Thanks for asking. Some weights. Cardio for 45 minutes at 160 bpm.

57   Y   2014 Apr 29, 7:08am  

Why do you always have to project peoples peepees into the conversation?
Are you a peninsula punk?

sbh says

Let me guess, you're a short little fat fuck like CaptainShuddup who without a mirror hasn't seen his dick for 25 years.

58   Tenpoundbass   2014 Apr 29, 10:31am  

sbh says

I saw on the tube at the gym (with the sound off) that he had three previous run-ins involving race related rental discrimination,

Some people can burn your house down, then sue you when you evict them. Or might sue you for discrimination if you try to evict them.

59   Y   2014 Apr 29, 1:57pm  

I would use the drugs, but your mother washes the diapers for free when she comes over to change me...I think it's more cost-effective that way.

sbh says

There are drugs to help you control your bladder, but I suspect you're too cheap and just wear diapers.

60   Y   2014 Apr 29, 2:57pm  

Well, she tried, but to my credit I backed her off and told her I wasn't in to that kinky west coast style...

sbh says

Nope, my mother is from Potter county and wouldn't set foot in a shithole

61   Y   2014 Apr 29, 3:12pm  

I accept your unconditional surrender.
Thank you.

sbh says

SoftShell says

Well, she tried, but to my credit I backed her off and told her I wasn't in to that kinky west coast style...

sbh says

Nope, my mother is from Potter county and wouldn't set foot in a shithole

Whence comes your ignorance?

62   anonymous   2014 Apr 29, 3:24pm  

Potter county, as in GODs Potter county, Pa?

63   Y   2014 Apr 29, 10:33pm  

You can't make this shit up.
Of course you don't have to since your source is your life experience.

sbh says

So you wear a diaper and let your daughter sew it into her prom dress. Is this part of your homeschool regimen? There are other uses, I'm sure, but really, making her wear them to school is a little harsh. In August, when the temp starts to climb and the wall insulation really reeks she has to go somewhere to escape the stench. Is it fair to make an innocent kid suffer for your lunacy? I mean, really!

64   Y   2014 Apr 29, 10:39pm  

Your old lady does...
She's 20 minutes away, but gets here in 8....go figure...

sbh says

How boutcha SoftDick, do you know your Texas counties?

65   Y   2014 Apr 29, 10:40pm  

Don't ever say I don't have a compassionate side...

sbh says

Or are you just a limp dick transplant from San Fransisco masquerading as a redneck badass, working as a cubicle slut in an insurance outlet off of I-20?

66   Y   2014 Apr 29, 10:41pm  

Uhhh....your birth certificate is an apology from the trojan factory??

sbh says

C'mon, boy, say something hard and pithy, like the shit-kicker wannabe you wannabe.

67   deepcgi   2014 Apr 30, 12:41am  

I don't know him. If I did, I'd probably hate his guts. I am free to hate him (currently). He should also be free to hate if he chooses. Players are free to quit, strike, and protest if they choose. The league is free to ban him.

The scary part arises when ruling bodies begin tracking speech for signs of hate and then equate that speech with other more heinous acts.

The only saving grace is that whatever technology they use can also be used against them. Unfortunately, they flaunt their surreptitious powers with push-button ease.

I hate that.

68   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 30, 1:40am  

What was most puzzling about his comments was sterling's concern for image. That's fundamentally unamerican cause we are not supposed to give a damn what other people think, that's something that you would expect from more collectivist cultures where emotion of shame reigns supreme.

69   Y   2014 Apr 30, 8:36am  

Pre-kindergarten babbling...how 'glassy eyed with nothing inside' of you....
I can picture your mother changing your diapers while you spout out these little baby turdsgaas....and we all know WHY I can visualize your mother changing diapers...

sbh says

Probably little use for condoms in your hovel since they irritate your sores

70   turtledove   2014 Apr 30, 2:32pm  

Wow! What he said is pretty disgusting. If that was his way of telling his girlfriend that he doesn't want her hanging around guys, he could have left race out of it. Clearly, there's a lot of jealousy there. He didn't seem too pleased when she brought up how he would feel if she were hanging around Larry Bird... and he said that she could take and post all the pictures she wanted with her sisters (who I presume are the same race as the girlfriend), suggesting that his issues have as much to do with sex as they do with race. Why she feels compelled to tape him and make it public is another story.

71   Reality   2014 Apr 30, 4:33pm  

He did not bring up race. She did. She used the word "black" first.

He was obviously a little senile, and having trouble memorizing the long list of her friends: "that second Dennis" instead of Dennis with a real last name that he couldn't remember. So when she started to use "black" to summarize her long list of male athlete friends, he followed with the same word. What he did not know was that she was recording to entrap him.

Also, keep in mind that Magic Johnson was a member of the Laker team, the cross-town rival of the Clippers. Therefore she was bringing "the enemy" to a Clipper's game. On top of that, Magic Johnson was known to have slept with 10,000+ women.

72   Reality   2014 Apr 30, 4:35pm  

dublin hillz says

What was most puzzling about his comments was sterling's concern for image. That's fundamentally unamerican cause we are not supposed to give a damn what other people think, that's something that you would expect from more collectivist cultures where emotion of shame reigns supreme.

LOL. Is that what they call the keeping up with the Joneses suburbia?

73   Reality   2014 Apr 30, 4:44pm  

Dan8267 says

I think Reality should have to prove he's not a homophobe.

I commend real gay men who are only into other men. They leave more women available for me. I do not like lesbians unless they are bisexual and would let me join.

I hate fake gay men who can still get their dicks hard in the presence of women and impregnate them. Naive pretty girls seem to have a soft spot for those and get themselves into trouble.

I wish every single man in the world, excepting myself, were strictly homosexual. So there.

74   Y   2014 Apr 30, 10:39pm  

Not all mothers, just yours.

sbh says

SoftShell says

and we all know WHY I can visualize your mother changing diapers...

Cause you've got a thing for mothers.

75   Y   2014 Apr 30, 10:55pm  

There you have it folks.
Liberal Logic 101.

sbh says

SoftShell says

and we all know WHY I can visualize your mother changing diapers...

Cause you've got a thing for mothers. That's why you didn't fuck your sister......you didn't want to make your mommy jealous. You banged your brother for years, primarily out of frustration, so there's that.

76   indigenous   2014 May 1, 1:09am  

sbh says

Only Luddites deny this fine american is a paragon of ownership and social grace.

Wow can you say non sequitur?

77   Y   2014 May 1, 1:12am  

Yeah, I know.....
I'm trying to rehabilitate him...

turtledove says

Wow! What he said is pretty disgusting.

sbh says

Cause you've got a thing for mothers. That's why you didn't fuck your sister......you didn't want to make your mommy jealous. You banged your brother for years, primarily out of frustration, so there's that.

78   Y   2014 May 1, 1:18am  

Well how do you reconcile his apparent racism with his statement that he did not care if she went out and fucked black men? That just does not compute for anyone who is a true racist.
This is more about him getting one up on his white billionaire buddies who apparently are giving him shit about her tweets....
The problem here is senility, an infinite bank account, oldster boredom, golddigging, and donating to liberal politicians.

sbh says

He's actually an artiste of blackness as evidenced by his invitation to guests to join him in the locker room to check out his players' "beautiful black bodies".

79   Y   2014 May 1, 1:36am  

Your mother is extremely efficient! I think I may need the green pills...

sbh says

You're getting softer and softer ; limping actually.

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