The Mind of the 1%

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2014 Apr 27, 3:20am   15,684 views  81 comments

by Bellingham Bill   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


Do you know that you have a whole team that's black, that plays for you?

You just, do I know? I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have—Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners, that created the league?

This is their world, we just live in it.

After-tax Corporate profits:


The top 5% of the economy makes a bit more than the bottom 75% put together

The middle 5- 25% also make less than the top 5% (they're each about 1/3 the distribution).

This 5% are not generally-speaking supermen in the entrepreneurial or productive sense. They just have assets working for them, the higher you go up in the income curve, the more this is true.

Even the GOP is going to have to admit this basic fact of reality eventually.

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2   Ceffer   2014 Apr 27, 3:42am  

Shouldn't it be reassuring to the masses that you can be an idiot and still become a billionaire?

Maybe he should be nicknamed "Colonel Bullwhip".

3   Y   2014 Apr 27, 4:15am  

Well, this is the type of personality you get when you live in Beverly Hills, and contribute to the likes of Grey Davis, Bill Bradley, et al....

Ceffer says

Shouldn't it be reassuring to the masses that you can be an idiot and still become a billionaire?

Maybe he should be nicknamed "Colonel Bullwhip".

4   clambo   2014 Apr 27, 4:52am  

He is free to say and think what he wants to.

His players are free to complain, quit, etc. Rabid basketball fans are free to stop watching games.

His girlfriend is free to hang out with basketball players, thugs, tattooed ghetto bangers, and whomever she chooses to.

This is a nasty fight between a bimbo and her sugar daddy. She wants to make it about him. This is of course the standard procedure.

This guy doesn't know you should hire golddiggers by the hour, not make them your "girlfriend".

5   Bellingham Bill   2014 Apr 27, 5:42am  

clambo says

His players are free to complain, quit, etc

that's the standard defense of monopolists. Hey, if you don't like the system, fuck off!

This ignores the immense power differential the established owners an controllers of capital have over labor.

but the truth of the matter is that labor is making the wealth -- spectacle -- that people are paying to see, and a few fat cat owners are raking half the profits. An empty basketball arena is not going to sell many season tickets, but how the NBA basketball monopoly is structured is how corporate america wants to structure everything.

The more successful economies -- mostly in Scandinavia, and Germany -- instituted leftist reforms to even the distribution out more, and their societies are immensely more wealthy than ours for it (though except for Germany they've done an uneven job wrt real estate public policy, allowing valuations to balloon out of all proper proportion).

people here are slowly, slowly, waking up to this fact here, how things are really screwy. Seven-plus years ago there was nothing like the discussion on wealth inequality that we have now.

UCSC's study on wealth inequality was just about it wrt the data one could get online.

The 1990s productivity boom papered over a lot of issues, and the housing bubble obfuscated reality a bit more. When everything crashed in 2008 things got tough for a whole lot of people.


maybe the 1% is strong enough to defend their position in the economy. They've certainly invested in owning enough of the "liberal media" to shape and filter what messages the people see daily.

We're not going to get any reforms out of this Congress, or the next, but maybe after 2020.

Going to be a crazy ride to get there.

6   Eman   2014 Apr 28, 5:01am  

It would be interesting to know if the owner of the L.A. Clippers is a liberal Democrat or a Conservative Republican.

7   prodigy   2014 Apr 28, 5:49am  

This post indicates an affiliation....


E-man says

It would be interesting to know if the owner of the L.A. Clippers is a liberal Democrat or a Conservative Republican.

8   prodigy   2014 Apr 28, 5:52am  

only two tiny contributions to democrats in the early 90's....
apparently he's so cheap with his billions he won't pay off the pols or the hos'

9   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 28, 5:59am  

E-man says

It would be interesting to know if the owner of the L.A. Clippers is a liberal Democrat or a Conservative Republican.

Impossible, he is a communist!

10   clambo   2014 Apr 28, 6:06am  

the guy doesn't have a monopoly.
the players can go play for another team.
they could pool their money and start their own league, etc.

the creep in question is an ambulance chaser who is a democrat.

11   dublin hillz   2014 Apr 28, 6:08am  

For a jewish person to make the sorts of statements that he has made is nothing short of embarassment. The lack of perspective is stunning.

12   FortWayne   2014 Apr 28, 9:37am  

clambo says

the guy doesn't have a monopoly.

the players can go play for another team.

they could pool their money and start their own league, etc.

It'll be called All African American league, no white men allowed.

Which will be pretty much like what it is now, except the owners will also be black. This way Barack 0 and Al Sharpton can have their good time criticizing white people like they like to do.

13   mmmarvel   2014 Apr 28, 9:50am  

dublin hillz says

Impossible, he is a communist!

Communist - Democrat, same thing!

14   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 10:47am  

Sounds like Sterling was set up. For crying out loud, the gold digger herself is half black. How racist and anti-black can he be if he has been sleeping with her for years, not even treating her as a whore but as a girlfriend? The old fart got jealous because she and her co-conspirators deliberately posted a bunch of pictures of her hanging out with well known studs that have a reputation for predatory behavior with young women, leading to comments by others about his manhood. Then she steered the conversation towards about blacks instead of about black "players". Players in the sense of predating on attractive women.

15   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 11:17am  

Of course she set him up. We are listening to this tape because she illegally recorded the conversation while calling him honey-this, honey that, in a very calm voice. The whole recording is utterly creepy . . . and you are calling me "sociopath"?? Do you not realize if not for her setting him up there wouldn't be this recording? She and her lawyer claims there are 100 hours of recording. This is obviously a very deliberately planned operation. The tape as presented does not have the beginning of the conversation. So she as the recorder obviously steered the conversation and presented us the segment.

Here is a more in-depth analysis:


16   control point   2014 Apr 28, 12:33pm  

Reality says

What are you trying to say by "racist prick"? That he only fucks black girls? Because his most recent girlfriend, for many years, is black.

It is a well known fact that slave owners in the Antebellum South never fucked their chattel.

But owning a slave does not make one a racist, right?

There are over a million black people on this earth with a higher IQ than you. Sleep tight.

17   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 12:41pm  

control point says

Reality says

What are you trying to say by "racist prick"? That he only fucks black girls? Because his most recent girlfriend, for many years, is black.

It is a well known fact that slave owners in the Antebellum South never fucked their chattel.

But owning a slave does not make one a racist, right?

How many slave owners gave their chattels Feraris and Bentleys and $1.8M to buy her own house? Sterling obviously did not treat her as chattel but treated her as his girlfriend.

There are over a million black people on this earth with a higher IQ than you. Sleep tight.

Are you some kind of racist and think black people are stupid? There are over 900 million people in Africa alone. Even if I make the cut for top 1% in terms of IQ, there should be something like 9 million black people on this earth with a higher IQ than mine, not just 1 million.

18   Y   2014 Apr 28, 12:55pm  

This is obvious to anyone listening without an agenda.
It was like she was reading from a script.
It did not even sound like a couples discussion, more like she was interrogating him on an endless loop hoping that he would wear down and make some offcolor remark, which he did being over 80 years old and unable to keep up with the constant pressure of questioning.

Reality says

Of course she set him up. We are listening to this tape because she illegally recorded the conversation while calling him honey-this, honey that, in a very calm voice. The whole recording is utterly creepy . . . and you are calling me "sociopath"??

19   control point   2014 Apr 28, 12:57pm  

Reality says

How many slave owners gave their chattels Feraris and Bentleys and $1.8M to buy her own house? Sterling obviously did not treat her as chattel but treated her as his girlfriend.

Zero, they didn't have to in order to fuck them. Let's not move the goalposts here and focus on your point first - your argument was he was not racist, and your support was because he chose to fuck her, and she was black. My counterpoint was it is not unheard of for known racists to fuck black people.

The economic situation under which the fucking occurred in completely irrelevant. That Sterling was prohibited from owning his fuck buddy, while a southern gentlemen 150 years ago was not, makes no matter. They both desired to fuck black women, and they are both racists.

Reality says

Are you some kind of racist and think black people are stupid? There are over 900 million people in Africa alone. Even if I'm in the top 1% in terms of IQ, there should be something like 9 million black people on this earth with a higher IQ than mine, not just 1 million.

You've made the claim that your IQ is above 140. At minimum, this implies your alleged intelligence would be greater than 99.7% of the population. Assuming 1 billion black people on earth (not everyone in Africa is black, btw) the expected value of black people with IQ higher than yours would be about 3 million. I conservatively said more than 1 million owing to the possibility that your claim of IQ "Above 140" might be an additional half standard deviation higher.

20   New Renter   2014 Apr 28, 1:11pm  

Reality says

What are you trying to say by "racist prick"? That he only fucks black girls? Because his most recent girlfriend, for many years, is black.

Strom Thurmond had a daughter with a black woman while a teenager.

Was he a racist?

“There’s not enough troops in the army to force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the n—– race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes and into our churches.”

Cleary not since he not only banged black women but actually fathered children with them!


Was he a democrat? yes but only until 1964 "because of his opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, disaffection with the liberalism of the national party, and his support for the conservatism and opposition to the Civil Rights bill of the Republican presidential candidate Senator Barry Goldwater."


21   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 1:11pm  

control point says

Zero, they didn't have to in order to fuck them. Let's not move the goalposts here and focus on your point first - your argument was he was not racist, and your support was because he chose to fuck her, and she was black. My counterpoint was it is not unheard of for known racists to fuck black people.

No, you fucking retard! He is not a racist because his girlfriend of several years is half-black. We are not in pre-Civil War with slave ownerships, you retarded fucking asshole. Finding a girlfriend nowadays involves mutual consent. In case that's news to your stupid loser prick spent too much time in your own hand. Find me several current KKK members with black girlfriends before you make your stupid case.

The economic situation under which the fucking occurred in completely irrelevant. That Sterling was prohibited from owning his fuck buddy, while a southern gentlemen 150 years ago was not, makes no matter. They both desired to fuck black women, and they are both racists.

Are you really that retarded?? Many southern gentlemen 150 years ago were not racists by the standards of their own era, even if they owned slaves. Many slave owners freed their slaves voluntarily. That's much more self-sacrifice to elevate the black men and women than you stupid fucking muppet moving your fingers on a keyboard yammering about racism.

control point says

You've made the claim that your IQ is above 140. At minimum, this implies your alleged intelligence would be greater than 99.7% of the population. Assuming 1 billion black people on earth (not everyone in Africa is black, btw) the expected value of black people with IQ higher than yours would be about 3 million. I conservatively said more than 1 million owing to the possibility that your claim of IQ "Above 140" might be an additional half standard deviation higher.

All I knew was that my IQ test score came out to be 140+. I did not pay attention to where that put me in percentage terms. I have my doubts regarding the statistical claim because the vast majority of the populations of the world, with population concentrations on both ends of the spectrum, have never been tested.

22   control point   2014 Apr 28, 1:27pm  

Reality says

No, you fucking retard!

Reality says

you retarded fucking asshole.

Reality says

Are you really that retarded??

Reality says

you stupid fucking muppet

Keep crying. Its funny.

Reality says

Many southern gentlemen 150 years ago were not racists by the standards of their own era, even if they owned slaves.


Are you honestly claiming that someone who believed he has the right to own another human being solely due to their race is not racist? How many white slaves were there in the antebellum south again?

You know, owing to my general policy of avoiding arguments with hopeless chumps, I'm a little surprised here. Go ahead, call me a retard again. Your case is so strong without them, but given that AND the verbal abuse, I am shaking in my boots about what you might say next.

I am about to meet my master, I'm sure.

23   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 1:46pm  

control point says

Are you honestly claiming that someone who believed he has the right to own another human being solely due to their race is not racist? How many white slaves were there in the antebellum south again?

Slavery in the south had both black and white slaves. There were also black freemen. The deciding factor was not race but whether the parents were slaves; although by the mid-19th century most white slaves had either redeemed their own freedom or had been redeemed by the church and civic organizations, excepting perhaps debt slaves and criminals for limited duration. By the time before the Civil War, slave owners had not imported any new slaves from Africa in their own life time. All slaves were inherited from the owners' parents, just like we inherit pets today. Before the end of Civil War, slaves were considered private property, as decided in the Dred-Scott Case by the SCOTUS.

My emphasis was on slave owners who freed slaves voluntarily. They were obviously racially progressive for their time. They were literally giving up the bulk of their own inheritance to elevate the black men and women that had been their parents' slaves. Would you muppets have done the same if you were in their shoes? Probably not. When was the last time you donated your new car or your house to the homeless?

24   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 1:56pm  

control point says

Keep crying. Its funny.

In other words, you concede the absurdity of comparing modern life dating with mutual consent to pre-civil war legal slave-master relationships.

25   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 2:41pm  

sbh says

Reality says

Are you some kind of racist and think black people are stupid?

Oh god, you're taking lessons from Captainshithead and Softdick: when cornered on your racism accuse the accuser of racism.

I have no idea whom you are talking about, but I learn from you, accusing others of being Neo-Nazi when you are in fact the fascist yourself.

sbh says

No, no, no, you're demeaning the pricing power of a vagina (just ask your "sex partners" as opposed to your girl friends [since you cannot have girl friends] in their transactional relationship that passes for "friendship" with a sociopath):

In case you are not aware, today's girls in their 20's do not like the title of "girlfriend" in the relatively early stages of a relationship. That title somehow conveys the idea of exclusivity and ownership to them, and they prefer non-exclusive in the beginning of a relationship. They prefer "friends" or "fuck buddies" before the "girlfriend" stage is reached. I use the term "sex partner" for this forum because it's a more clear description (for all stages) for us the old generation.

there's no set up, it's merely the marketplace clearing the socio-economics of the two players.

What are you talking about? The taping was quite illegal. The whole case is the gold-digger / scamster committing fraud and blackmail.

He's a racist and she's disgusted and you're an apologist for his disgusting racism. Fucking negates racism and the pricing power of her vagina makes her a conspirator against his racism. You're an idiot and a weirdo.

You are an idiot and weirdo. Did he hire Jewish players to his team? No. Did he exclude black players to his team? No. What racism are you talking about? He even kept a half-black girlfriend for years.

26   Y   2014 Apr 28, 2:52pm  

Race baiters win again....

So an 80-year-old man with a much younger, mixed-race girlfriend is sexually insecure–go figure! He has a friend, a negative-image Iago, who plays on his insecurity and teases him when the mistress posts pictures with black men, however innocent they may be. So the old man asks her not to do it. She can spend all day with black men and even sleep with them, he says, just don’t post photos or attend Clippers games with them. But the young woman already has one foot out the door, and she illegally records her conversation with the old man, and then turns it over to two of the most disreputable gossip sites on the internet.

27   Y   2014 Apr 28, 2:56pm  

As an aside, shouldn't front row seats at an NBA game produce something better than what we got here??

28   Y   2014 Apr 28, 3:00pm  

It's "Asperger's", shit for brains....

sbh says

You talk about your kid as "worshipful", as well. Fuck, dude, do you have Asbergers or what?

29   Reality   2014 Apr 28, 4:50pm  

sbh says

I use the term "sex partner" for this forum

You just get creepier and creepier: "forum", really?

Yes, the term is precise. What's your problem?

You talk about your kid as "worshipful", as well. Fuck, dude, do you have Asbergers or what?

Do you discrimiate against people with Asperger's?

It's as if we're listening to an AI program trying to mimic humanity.

Make up your mind. Asperger's or AI? You are sounding like talking out of your ass while having your head buried deep inside it.

Eewww, I need to go wash my hands.

You need to wash your head, after taking it out of your ass.

Have you perused the transcript of his statements about black people?

Those are his private conversations illegally taped. If everyone ever made a racially charged statement in private were to be ostracized, there wouldn't be many non-racist left; we can start with parents who have told their daughters not to date black, white, latino, asian, what-have-you out of their own groups.

In the transcript, we also have him clearly expressing no objection to his girlfriend sleeping around with black athletes, so long as that is carried on in private so he doesn't have to deal with unfavorable publicity. Sounds like a guy quite open-minded about sharing with blacks . . . not just in breaking bread together!

30   bob2356   2014 Apr 28, 7:22pm  

Reality says

Slavery in the south had both black and white slaves.

I'm always amused at your creative versions of history. There were white indentured servants, not slaves. Indentured servants were working off the cost of their passage and/or their penal sentence for a fixed term. Slaves were owned as property in perpetuity. As a practical matter indentured servants were sometimes as badly treated as slaves and didn't have the terms of their indenture honored making them de facto slaves. The British did ship Irish prisoners as actual slaves to the West Indies in the mid 1600's, but not to the colonies.

Reality says

My emphasis was on slave owners who freed slaves voluntarily. They were obviously racially progressive for their time. They were literally giving up the bulk of their own inheritance to elevate the black men and women that had been their parents' slaves

There were very, very few slave owners south of Maryland that freed their slaves voluntarily. The church and public opinion in the north was strongly against slavery. Most owners weren't racially progressive at all, just bowing pressure of opinion. Slavery in the north pretty much ended in the north by the 1820's. This wasn't hard since In the north there were very few slaves to start with, 1-2% of the population vs 30-35% in the south. They were hardly giving up their inheritance since the vast majority of slaves in the north were domestic servants.

31   carrieon   2014 Apr 28, 9:30pm  

This whole story is not worthy of being reported anywhere but tabloids, just like anything else that happens today in LA.

32   Y   2014 Apr 28, 10:53pm  

Sorry, dildobreath, we are not accepting topic shifting at this time.
So tell us, what is an "Asberger"?? What did you really mean, 'Assburger'?
Yeah, that's it...you seem like the type to put a slab of somebodies shitmuscle on an bauguette and call it a panini...god don't you just love public Freudian slips...

sbh says

SoftShell says

It's "Asperger's", shit for brains....

sbh says

You talk about your kid as "worshipful", as well. Fuck, dude, do you have Asbergers or what?

Hey asshole, good to hear from you. So you think this turd was punked by a Latina for hire as well, huh? Or do you recognize a male cunt when you see one?

33   tatupu70   2014 Apr 28, 11:07pm  

SoftShell says

Sorry, dildobreath, we are not accepting topic shifting at this time.

SoftShell says

So tell us, what is an "Asberger"?? What did you really mean, 'Assburger'?

Glad you're not trying to shift the topic.

34   indigenous   2014 Apr 28, 11:39pm  

bob2356 says

I'm always amused at your creative versions of history. There were white indentured servants, not slaves. Indentured servants were working off the cost of their passage and/or their penal sentence for a fixed term.

Most slaves in history were white, taken by Islamic countries. The fact that the US slaves fell along race lines was the exception.

The indentured servants were usually forced into it because of debt. Not calling that slavery is a stretch.

35   bob2356   2014 Apr 28, 11:51pm  

indigenous says

The indentured servants were usually forced into it because of debt. Not calling that slavery is a stretch.

Going into debt or being imprisoned for committing a crime then signing an indenture agreement to pay it off isn't the same as being captured at gunpoint and hauled off in chains in my mind. If it makes your one dimensional ideological world work for you then go for it.

indigenous says

Most slaves in history were white, taken by Islamic countries. The fact that the US slaves fell along race lines was the exception.

The specific statement was that there were black and white slaves in the south. Which has nothing to do with arab slavers capturing white slaves. People were capturing slaves a long, long time before islam existed.

36   indigenous   2014 Apr 28, 11:59pm  

bob2356 says

Going into debt

bob2356 says

then signing an indenture agreement to pay it off isn't the same as being captured at gunpoint and hauled off in chains in my mind.

Today in this country you do not go to prison and most likely you will not have to pay off the debt. If you are TBTF then they will even pay off your debt for you.

In comparison indentured servitude is more akin to slavery.

bob2356 says

The specific statement was that there were black and white slaves in the south. Which has nothing to do with arab slavers capturing white slaves. People were capturing slaves a long, long time before islam existed.

The point is that slavery is not necessarily a racial idea.

37   FortWayne   2014 Apr 29, 1:06am  

Reality says

Sounds like Sterling was set up. For crying out loud, the gold digger herself is half black. How racist and anti-black can he be if he has been sleeping with her for years, not even treating her as a whore but as a girlfriend?...

Media doesn't care about facts, liberal media is trained well by Obama to jump and attack everyone at whom the big government finger is pointing at.

38   mell   2014 Apr 29, 1:15am  

indigenous says

The point is that slavery is not necessarily a racial idea.

Very true.

39   Y   2014 Apr 29, 2:21am  

No, I meant "bauguette".
You see, that way I generate feedback from you verifying that my original insult was received and detonated.
Kinda like an 'email read receipt'....

sbh says

SoftShell says

an bauguette

Bropappy, did you mean "a baguette"? You can't do anything right.

40   Y   2014 Apr 29, 2:37am  

Just reread your own posts....that should satisfy you.

sbh says

say something formless and stupid for me to read when I get back.

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