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2014 Apr 30, 12:59pm   6,546 views  21 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

Gentiva Health Services is a huge-ass company - it used to do home health care, but it bought out Odyssey Hospice a couple of years ago. It also bought several hospice companies over the past few years, rendering it one of the largest healthcare providers in the U.S.

Well, at the end of March it announced to the Odyssey employees of the Las Vegas office that it was shutting down that site. This is significant because the Las Vegas office was the one that was featured in the company brochures and had a 22 bed inpatient unit, which is fairly good-sized. But after Gentiva bought out the site, the Vegas office tanked. The number of patients served decreased to the point that the office wasn't viable.

But - here's the thing. Past employees (those who were laid off) said that the company is closing a shitload of sites across the country. There's been no official announcement at all, not about the Las Vegas office closing and nothing about any others that closed.

I physically went to the Las Vegas office, and it's closed. The building is being leased out to another company because Gentiva has a lease on the building for another year. It's a publicly held company, and I would think that they would have to report this to the shareholders.

Hmmmm. I wonder what's happening.

Comments 1 - 21 of 21        Search these comments

1   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 1, 5:03am  

It's my fault Ellie sorry, it must have been because I don't believe in Liberal unicorns and high lofty premiums pixie dust.
Bang up job on the ACA guys, lets hear it for

REFORM: make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
"an opportunity to reform and restructure an antiquated schooling model"

2   elliemae   2014 May 1, 3:22pm  

The only thing that's your fault is your inability to formulate and eloquently translate your thoughts to paper (computer screen). That a publicly held company would go out of business at multiple sites and put thousands of people out of work without making a peep has nothing to do with the ACA.

You seem to blame everything on the ACA, even though you have nothing more than a vague idea of what it's about. You might want to use your insurance to quell the voices in your head so that you can listen to something more than whatever it is you're hearing.

But it's nice you can read a dictionary. That shows progress.

3   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 1, 3:40pm  

Tell me another Healthcare Reform success story why doncha?

4   Ceffer   2014 May 1, 4:45pm  

Do you get a discount on non-pitchforked organ harvesting from nursing home residents?

The organs must be a little skanky, they should be cheaper.

5   MMR   2014 May 2, 4:57am  

I noticed one Gentiva Hospice just closed down the road from me in Decatur GA without so much as a peep.

6   elliemae   2014 May 2, 6:42pm  

MMR says

I noticed one Gentiva Hospice just closed down the road from me in Decatur GA without so much as a peep.

It's crazy. Odyssey did have it's share of problems - paid millions in fines several times after it settled on some whistleblower complaints. The was very poor oversight, and when Gentiva bought them out they (probably) found those issues to be ongoing, plus little oversight of the separate sites. The original owners got their money (sold for a billion dollars!)and got out - and they made a shitload, so what do they care?

I had personally called one of the original owners/vice presidents when the site I worked for committed all sorts of frau and unethical behavior... I was fired even though they investigated and found every allegation to be true. There's a fat bitch named Beverly in human resources who told me that I violated company policy by going out of the chain of command when I reported the behaviors.

So ya- I'm bitter about having worked for a company for 10 years, but when shit got real they dumped me in favor for two different general managers who ended up tanking the site so badly it shut down. I don't blame Gentiva for closing the sites - Odyssey was a for-profit, poorly managed company that looked great on the books.

But now there are thousands of hard working people out of work, Gentiva hasn't announced it probably due to paranoia about their stock prices. They shut down 46 home health sites a few months ago, with press releases and smoke blowing up people's asses that it was a positive move. It's odd that they could pull it off this time without the media crawling all over it.

CaptainShuddup says

Tell me another Healthcare Reform success story why doncha?

The problem is that you hate the ACA so much that it peppers your every post. You lost credibility long ago.

7   monkframe   2014 May 3, 3:33am  

Ellie Mae,
Your story is a prime example of why the profit motive needs to be removed from the health care industry. Single-payer is the answer, and a social security-like efficiency in administrative costs will transform the present patchy mess.

8   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 3, 5:07am  

elliemae says

you lost credibility long ago.

I'm sorry I missed the part where I was credited for anything to do with the ACA.

My credibility has only gone up, and it's been you Liberal suppressionists, revisionists, statitionists, that have been wrong on ever single thing that you have rebuked, rebutted or debunked about Obamacare. You're the last one to be saying anything about Credibility. You're seen what I've been saying every single day of your life, and yet you choose to come here. And tell me to shut up, I'm lying.

Even called me a liar, because I said Navigators knocked on my door. Like that's a surprise to anyone, when Obama only allocated enough funds to sending the Acorn legion out to reprogram the public to the scale of a second Census.

9   elliemae   2014 May 3, 5:23am  

You said that ACA sanctioned navigators knocked on your door. They weren't sanctioned, and many of the people going door-to-door were scammers attempting to gain personal information.

You have lost credibility; you blame everything on Obama and the affordable healthcare act. For example, your tying a post about a hospice that has closed multiple locations without a peep, probably in an attempt to keep the company stock from tanking. This had nothing to do with the ACA - in fact, with more people insured, hospices gain from the ACA because there are more patients with payment sources.

Your perceived ills can't always be someone else's fault, you know.

CaptainShuddup says

You're seen what I've been saying every single day of your life, and yet you choose to come here. And tell me to shut up, I'm lying.

You also display an inability to communicate. Seriously, WTF does that (above) mean?

monkframe says

Ellie Mae,

Your story is a prime example of why the profit motive needs to be removed from the health care industry. Single-payer is the answer, and a social security-like efficiency in administrative costs will transform the present patchy mess.

Absolutely. Now - TPB, THAT makes sense.

10   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 3, 2:31pm  

Does what make sense? If you're asking me, if we'll ever have a Health insurance monopoly in this country? Then YES!

But they wont be doing it to make you warm and fuzzy and sleep sound at night. It will be for profit, in a industry that has 0 competition, that you and those like you bestowed on them with your blessing. You're really dreaming if you think a "Single Payer" would anything other than that. We need "Socialized Medicine" say it? Say IT! I know it sounds dirty, and just makes Democrats, and Republicans alike soil their shorts, and call their investment brokers, you know just to hear their warm familiar voice. Because they are there for YOU, you know.

11   monkframe   2014 May 4, 2:07pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Does what make sense? If you're asking me, if we'll ever have a Health insurance monopoly in this country? Then YES!

But they wont be doing it to make you warm and fuzzy and sleep sound at night. It will be for profit, in a industry that has 0 competition, that you and those like you bestowed on them with your blessing. You're really dreaming if you think a "Single Payer" would anything other than that. We need "Socialized Medicine" say it? Say IT! I know it sounds dirty, and just makes Democrats, and Republicans alike soil their shorts, and call their investment brokers, you know just to hear their warm familiar voice. Because they are there for YOU, you know.

So Captain, I assume you haven't looked at other countries' lifespans, medical outcomes, other such indicators that place the US well down in the pecking order of countries that actually offer their citizens health care coverage. We are pathetic, and in need of major reform. The ACA is a first step. I'll be the first to admit its flaws, but YOU have yet to suggest a viable alternative.

12   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 4, 11:30pm  

And I can only assume you've never been past the airport gate. And go around life regurgitating made up facts, by other clueless people that have never been any further than Starbucks.

And second of all, other countries are starting to hold America to the Shit standard, when they want to describe "Healthcare" they "Don't" want.

13   HEY YOU   2014 May 8, 5:32am  

On the trolling proficiency scale of 1 to 10,10 being best, you are a -4.
Here's how it done.

"Anyone that can't pay cash for healthcare is an abject failure."

Your homework for tonight is a 5000 word essay on trolling.


14   Tenpoundbass   2014 May 8, 5:46am  

Hey You you only eat at night because Burger King let's you take home a dogy bag after work.

15   elliemae   2014 May 9, 3:22pm  

HEY YOU says

Your homework for tonight is a 5000 word essay on trolling.

Oh, please. There's no way I could make it through 5,000 words of Cap'n's rambling rants about his hatred of Obama.

16   Vicente   2014 May 9, 3:38pm  

elliemae says

Hmmmm. I wonder what's happening.

More than likely they are reorganizing. This ODSY is like a ghost in the financial news sites I looked. Except for Wikinvest which has a bunch of 10-k filings and so on. Doubtless a bean-counter somewhere is to blame.

17   elliemae   2014 May 11, 4:22pm  

ODSY was bought out by Gentiva (GTIV) in 2010 - for a billion dollars - so it doesn't exist anymore I think. Now Gentiva is quietly closing multiple sites it bought from odyssey.

18   monkframe   2014 May 13, 2:17pm  

CaptainShuddup says

"And I can only assume you've never been past the airport gate. And go around life regurgitating made up facts, by other clueless people that have never been any further than Starbucks.

And second of all, other countries are starting to hold America to the Shit standard, when they want to describe "Healthcare" they "Don't" want."

It's cool, you don't have to make sense, and you fulfill that goal.
I'll tell you a fact: My health care premiums have gone down 80+% since the ACA became the law of the land this year. So shit on babe, them's the facts.

19   Paralithodes   2014 May 13, 11:32pm  

monkframe says

Ellie Mae,

Your story is a prime example of why the profit motive needs to be removed from the health care industry. Single-payer is the answer, and a social security-like efficiency in administrative costs will transform the present patchy mess.

Good point... Because the profit motive results in poor care or delays that could lead to death, and these greedy companies might even be fudging the books and scheduling lists in order to hide these activities.

A government-run system without a profit motive, like the Veteran's Administration, is clearly the answer. They are the model for care and avoiding any of these things... "Government" is always honest and efficient: If some is good, more must be better. Greedy people don't just look for the easiest way to profit regardless of source, they only look for it in the private sector...

20   Paralithodes   2014 May 13, 11:44pm  

elliemae says

It's a publicly held company, and I would think that they would have to report this to the shareholders.

Hmmmm. I wonder what's happening.

elliemae says

Gentiva hasn't announced it probably due to paranoia about their stock prices. They shut down 46 home health sites a few months ago, with press releases and smoke blowing up people's asses that it was a positive move. It's odd that they could pull it off this time without the media crawling all over it.

Shareholders - at least the serious investors - not simply impulse buyers or those owning shares of mutual funds that may hold .0001% of it stock in Gentiva, typically don't wait for the news to write stories about what a company discloses in its easily found reports, nor do they rely on press releases for this type of information, but go directly to company filings/reports themselves.

So the answer is 'YES,' this was 'reported to shareholders' exactly as it should have been.



1. The comparability between reporting periods has been affected by the following items:

a. The Company completed the Harden transaction on October 18, 2013, affecting the reporting periods presented. Annualized net revenues of Harden at acquisition date approximated $145 million of Home Health, $109 million of Hospice and $220 million of Community Care. Net revenues specific to Harden for the first quarter of 2014 are not available as, subsequent to the acquisition date, the Company has undertaken significant consolidations and closures of Harden branches in overlapping and smaller markets for which reporting of separate results is no longer available. As a result of this transaction, the Company's net revenues comparisons were positively impacted for the first quarter 2014 as compared to the corresponding period of 2013.

b. The Company closed a significant number of branch operations relating to the branch rationalization initiative which began in 2013, affecting the reporting periods presented. As a result of these activities, the Company's net revenues comparisons were negatively impacted for the first quarter 2014 by approximately $8 million as compared to the corresponding period of 2013.

21   elliemae   2014 May 14, 2:25pm  

Part a refers to the Harden buyout. Not applicable here.

Part b might refer to the Odyssey closings. The only thing that hit the news was the 46 sites that they closed in February, which included 46 home health branches and 13 hospices. From what I understand, more than 13 Odyssey locations have closed.

If I owned Gentiva stock, I'd sell the shit out of it. Their reputation in the industry has tanked and that they would walk away from a site that had a huge market share is indicative of problems.

A few of the message boards say that they don't know how to run hospices. It's an odd thing - that they would buy a company for a billion and then slash & burn it. Of course, they paid an OIG settlement too. That probably turned them off.

If they'd done their due diligence, they might have found some of the shit out before they bought out odyssey.

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