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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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47050   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 4:48am  

bgamall4 says

You like that people would not have to serve blacks at their restaurants? That would be a good thing, Wayne? I don't think so.

I'm not saying it's good. I'm saying it was a generational thing, it wasn't "libertarians only" ordeal.

47051   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 5:09am  

bgamall4 says

Of course, a generational thing. Yes, I agree. But I think libertarians incorporate it into their view of voluntary associations, so that they probably would stand by that "liberty" to not serve blacks or anyone they voluntarily refuse to serve, even in these times.

I don't think anyone cares about those things anymore outside a small group in South Carolina.

47052   ttsmyf   2014 Jun 10, 6:45am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Tuesday, June 10, 2014 __ Level is 106.6

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

47053   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 8:02am  

What did liberals think would happen when they tried to shove big government down our throats?

47054   anonymous   2014 Jun 10, 8:14am  

Wealth disparity isn't the problem, its a symptom.

And raising minimum wage won't put a dent in wealth disparity. Unless your argument is that the FT min wage worker will begin to catch up with those at the top, by bumping his gross income 100$ per week.

Wealth disparity isn't caused by too low of a minimum wage, so you won't change the course by raising the lowest rungs income a few sheckles

You want to help out the working class, eliminate federal income taxes.

47055   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 8:16am  

errc says

Wealth disparity isn't the problem, its a symptom.

And raising minimum wage won't put a dent in wealth disparity. Unless your argument is that the FT min wage worker will begin to catch up with those at the top, by bumping his gross income 100$ per week.

Wealth disparity isn't caused by too low of a minimum wage, so you won't change the course by raising the lowest rungs income a few sheckles

You want to help out the working class, eliminate federal income taxes.

I think so too. They shoved entire burden onto the working class out there. And it's showing big time.

47056   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 10, 8:31am  

bgamall4 says

They were libertarians, which is now an accepted wing of the Republican Party. That acceptance is unfortunate.

Is there a Facebook Page where all of the ideologies Like and Poke each other?

WTF, do you guys rehearse this shit first, or do you just lay it on us?

And FWIW, I doubt either one of those clowns knew much about politics. Do you have a website where they listed a manifesto and came out a GOP card carrying Libertarians? Or is this information you got from your anti Zionist sources?

47057   anonymous   2014 Jun 10, 8:39am  

Help me understand your position better.

That wealth disparity is the only problem.

How did we get here? How did those at the top, corral so many dollars inside their fences?

Working class people, only obtain dollars by working.

How do those at the upper echelon obtain their dollars.

You say there's an ocean of cash out there. Where did it come from? How did it find a home with a select few? Why don't the dollars ever wash back out of their possession? Are dollars forever? Why doesn't the wealth suffer from time decay (like everything else)?

47058   cloud15   2014 Jun 10, 11:33am  

They closed at 1162K , all closing costs were paid by buyer ( about 25K ) and 2 months of free rent back to owners.

Where is Jojo ?

47059   indigenous   2014 Jun 10, 12:18pm  

Who Hoo, that is what I'm talking about.

47060   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jun 10, 12:36pm  

VA has an open primary, so Democrats could muck with the GOP side.

I did the same in CA, voting for the (R) nutjob going up against Brown; didn't work alas.

47061   indigenous   2014 Jun 10, 12:43pm  

Bellingham Bill says

nutjob going up against Brown

As if Brown needs any help. He is getting up there maybe he will croak. Then who Gavin Newsome? more of the same. Around the drain we go, faster and faster...

47062   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 10, 12:45pm  

In Russia the Brat beat you!

47064   Vicente   2014 Jun 10, 2:32pm  

So who will be the next Majority Leader is the real question.

47065   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 10, 2:50pm  

Guy had some anti-bankster rants.

Interesting how the media are ignoring that stuff.

This guy is definitely less of an asshole than Cantor, who fed his constituents all the usual conservative venom while chugging on banker dick.

I suspect he's not that right wing, which is why the national Tea Party organizations ignored him.

Something's weird here.

47066   Ceffer   2014 Jun 10, 3:16pm  

Cantor lost his valuable opportunities to espouse soaking welfare recipients and illegal immigrants in kerosene and use them to light up oligarch's garden parties.

47067   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jun 10, 3:24pm  

errc says

How do those at the upper echelon obtain their dollars.

Their money is making money for them, obviously.

Just look at Romney's tax returns for how this dynamic is structured.

Big Money has the best money advisors and the inside track on investment opportunities.

And . . . Interest Never Sleeps.

Going beyond this, the rich have millions of ways to beat money out of the poors. The poor only have two ways, and one of them (the non-collectivist approach) is a felony.

Inflation, LOL.

The rich are the ones in the inflation-hedged positions. Real estate. Energy. Multinational corporations.


The real question to ask is how have corporate profits tripled in 10 years???

47068   Vicente   2014 Jun 10, 4:10pm  

"The only problem with Republican principles," Brat said, "is no one is following them."

47069   indigenous   2014 Jun 10, 4:17pm  

Vicente says

Republican principles

that would be get as much for your self as you can? Zero diff between that and the Democrat principles. Fuck both of them.

47070   anonymous   2014 Jun 10, 4:18pm  

The real question to ask is how have corporate profits tripled in 10 years???

Sales -expenses = profits

This isn't a tough one. Everything has gotten expensive as it can be. Technology always serves us to accomplish more, in less time. Corporations pay labor in TIME. The by-the-hour worker gets slaughtered by time decay on the value of their hour. The strength of the currency, is measured against other currencies. The value of currency for a person that obtains currency via their own labor, can be better measured by the costs of the things they need to purchase. Mainly housing and fuel.

Give us back 1998 prices, and there'd be no minimum wage problem.

47071   anonymous   2014 Jun 11, 12:30am  

if you could find someone slightly more to the right of obama, with the stones to support heritagefoundationcare, then the virginian voters will rejoice

47072   control point   2014 Jun 11, 12:40am  

errc says

This isn't a tough one. Everything has gotten expensive as it can be. Technology always serves us to accomplish more, in less time. Corporations pay labor in TIME. The by-the-hour worker gets slaughtered by time decay on the value of their hour. The strength of the currency, is measured against other currencies. The value of currency for a person that obtains currency via their own labor, can be better measured by the costs of the things they need to purchase. Mainly housing and fuel.

This is accurate but it has nothing to do with the value of the currency. The value of labor has fallen relative to the value of things labor buys.

It is a distribution problem.

A capitalist that takes more income from workers can also compete with the worker for real property. That is, the value of real estate has increased vs. the value of labor because there is an investor who is willing and able to bid up the price of the real estate.

Increased Demand increases prices. The unequal distribution of demand is what has caused the loss of purchasing power for workers.

This, and increased demand on (relatively) constant supply of consumables, ie fuel, food, etc. Much more demand for these things from India/China due to increased wealth from those nations.

47073   monkframe   2014 Jun 11, 12:42am  

Cantor is strictly establishment. I think this stunning result shows voters' deep frustrations, but the choice they made sends it further in the wrong direction.

47074   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 11, 1:45am  

bgamall4 says

Come on guys. Aren't you repulsed by this?

I'm repulsed by all Republicans.There isn't a Tea Party,Conservative Party or Libertarian Party because they vote in the Repulsive Party.

47075   HEY YOU   2014 Jun 11, 1:49am  

ASSHOLES! They probably will all die from friendly fire.

47076   Strategist   2014 Jun 11, 2:53am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Gerald Ford - Twit

Jimmy Carter - Jesus twit

Ronald Reagan - Demented tool of fascists

George Bush sr - REALTOR

Bill Clinton - Bankster cocksucker and collaborator

George Bush jr - Bankster cocksucker/tool of fascists and oligarchs and REALTOR

Barack Obama - Bankster cocksucker/tool of fascists and oligarchs

You just can't get good help these days.

47077   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 11, 3:24am  

This guy should get the Paul Ryan award: claiming a belief in Jesus while upholding atheist Ayn Rand as a moral beacon.

This is like being a Jewish Shiite.

47078   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jun 11, 5:14am  

thunderlips11 says

I think the question is, what's wrong with Economics Department at American University (which is not exactly a matchbook university) where he got his degree from?

Or maybe he's just saying what baggers want to hear - a true leader.

47079   EBGuy   2014 Jun 11, 5:42am  

I have to say, I almost feel sorry for the people of Virginia. They're going to lose a lot of political capital with Cantor leaving the House. In 2012, GOP primary turnout was about 1/4 of the GOP voting electorate in the general election. This year, primary voters surged by 20k voters -- chaos ensues.

47080   tatupu70   2014 Jun 11, 6:14am  

clambo says

The minimum wage question was just a typical liberal nonsense question.

Really? Don't you think it speaks to the ability of this gentleman to do his job? He can't even answer a simple question that is squarely in his wheelhouse as a economics professor??

47081   anonymous   2014 Jun 11, 6:23am  

Not your best representation for the united states university degree mills

47082   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jun 11, 6:24am  

clambo says

The minimum wage question was just a typical liberal nonsense question.

It's way more relevant than, say, gay marriages.
A valid question a politician should be able to answer in any case.

47083   Y   2014 Jun 11, 6:24am  

he's = politicians.
baggers = voters

Heraclitusstudent says

Or maybe he's just saying what baggers want to hear - a true leader

47084   Vicente   2014 Jun 11, 8:17am  

CaptainShuddup says

Second it would mean the closure of nearly every McDonald's, BK ect... anywhere near depressed low income areas. As that demographic would not be able to afford to eat these. Like a Wholefoods in the Ghetto, it just wouldn't work.

This is balderdash.

Your Big Mac goes up a nickel, BFD!

Of course the people working there, probably live nearby. If they had more money, they would spend it, and the trickle-down would swamp that few cents price increase.

47085   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 11, 8:23am  

Brat quote:

“All the investment banks in the New York and D.C.—those guys should have gone to jail. Instead of going to jail, they went on Eric’s Rolodex, and they are sending him big checks,” he said.

Doesn't sound crazy to me.

The worry is that, like Cantor, who also claimed to represent the Tea Party followers while running against the Washington gridlock he helped create, Brat will simply go to Washington to mindlessly obstruct while sucking up to big financial interests.

47086   Vicente   2014 Jun 11, 8:27am  

HuggyBumbers McLovkins says

The worry

Substitute "worry" for CERTAINTY. Which Teabagger has NOT gone to Washington to mindlessly obstruct while sucking up to big financial interests. Crazy Uncle Ron doesn't count, he predates the modern Tea Party.

47087   edvard2   2014 Jun 11, 8:28am  

Pure comedy.

47088   socal2   2014 Jun 11, 8:29am  

Vicente says

This is balderdash.

Increasing minimum wages might add a few cents onto your menu items.

$.68 to be conservative. More than just a few cents.


I think the increase in minimum wage will also be offset by more automation as more and more businesses resort to self-check out machines.

In my line of work (engineering/manufacturing) over 35% of my costs is labor.

47089   Vicente   2014 Jun 11, 8:32am  

socal2 says

I think the increase in minimum wage will also be offset by more automation as more and more businesses resort to self-check out machines.

You have to factor in reduced turnover. Henry Ford didn't give raises because he was some kind of F'ing visionary, he did it because he had 300% turnover and it was wreaking havoc in his production lines.

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