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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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47033   bob2356   2014 Jun 9, 11:49am  

Call it Crazy says

Besides YOUR speculation, I've read multiple news articles from many sources regarding the accident. Many state that Roper said he was awake for 24 hours...

But, not a single one stated what he was doing for that 24 hours. I haven't seen one report that states how many hours he had driven before the accident or how long he was on the road before it.

They filed charges of vehicular homicide, assault and reckless driving with a 50k bond immediately. That's very serious felony charges that are going to require a lot of time and money to prosecute. Prosecutors have very limited time to waste, so there is something serious enough going on to warrant these charges. .

47034   Strategist   2014 Jun 9, 11:53am  

bob2356 says

Call it Crazy says

Besides YOUR speculation, I've read multiple news articles from many sources regarding the accident. Many state that Roper said he was awake for 24 hours...

But, not a single one stated what he was doing for that 24 hours. I haven't seen one report that states how many hours he had driven before the accident or how long he was on the road before it.

They filed charges of vehicular homicide, assault and reckless driving with a 50k bond immediately. That's very serious felony charges that are going to require a lot of time and money to prosecute. Prosecutors have very limited time to waste, so there is something serious enough going on to warrant these charges. .

Walmart and the insurance companies are gonna end up paying millions. Peanuts for a company that makes $10 billion in profits per year.

47035   bob2356   2014 Jun 9, 11:57am  

corntrollio says

Prior experience has shown that to be the case -- e.g. government pension, FHA/VA loan, etc. Somehow, their government benefits are proper, but other people's aren't.

Can you document this prior experience? I'm not familiar with that.

47036   marcus   2014 Jun 9, 1:26pm  

komputodo says

Why do you assume he was asleep at the wheel?

Uhh, I think it's something about the driver going 24 hours without sleep.

I've been in that state on a few occasions where I'm slapping myself pretty hard to stay awake. Definitely not something to do for long.

47037   prodigy   2014 Jun 9, 2:14pm  

Vehicles move...collide over time like the asteroids of the cosmos.
It's all part of the bigger picture.....you know....

47038   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 9, 2:23pm  

prodigy says

Vehicles move...collide over time like the asteroids of the cosmos.

It's all part of the bigger picture.....you know....

10,000 years ago, vast stretches of North America were covered with ice... there are whale fossils on mountain peaks... Arizona was once lush and green.

Both sides in this Walmart truck issue are clearly so dug in and wedded to their beliefs that the truth must lie somewhere in between.

In 100 billion years, all galaxies outside our nearest half-dozen neighbors will have disappeared beyond the cosmic light horizon. Earth will have been destroyed by the Sun's expansion by then. Invest in real estate now!

47039   bob2356   2014 Jun 9, 8:26pm  

Call it Crazy says

Obviously..... Because somebody died and others were seriously injured.... Duh....

Vehicular homicide can be a felony (it will be combined with reckless and assault) with 5-10 years in prison. Assault is felony since someone was died or was injured. That is a pretty unusual charge for a vehicle accident. The reckless charge is being applied to make vehicular homicide a felony. Charges like these are not applied just because duh someone died or was seriously injured. They are applied because the prosecutor felt that the driver has committed a serious crime worth the effort and cost to prosecute it.

I didn't say anywhere it's walmarts fault. Unlike the usual idiots blindly condemning or defending walmart based on their ideology I'l wait until there is more information available to decide the why.

47040   mmmarvel   2014 Jun 9, 10:32pm  

Call it Crazy says

Wal-Mart driving record considered among best.

Makes NO DIFFERENCE!!! It's associated with Wal-Mart so it's bad. Obviously it's Wal-Mart's fault - er, no, wait, it's Obama's fault.

47041   zzyzzx   2014 Jun 9, 11:27pm  

Just another case of black on black crime here.

47042   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 9, 11:53pm  

Wow look a bunch of random pictures of pissed off whites guys at an inept President, who's only qualification for the Presidency was his constituents thought, him being black would make a hell of a footnote in the byline of the history books.

47043   bob2356   2014 Jun 10, 1:21am  

Call it Crazy says

Any chance, since there was a "celebrity" involved instead of Joe 6 Pack, that the prosecutor "loaded" up the charges with the maximum available??

I don't know, you tell me what the DA was thinking since you obviously feel you know. A DA would have to be really stupid to file charges in such a high profile case that weren't going to stand up. That would be a fast track way to become an ex DA.

Call it Crazy says

It's not like trucks and cars don't have accidents every day or people fall asleep at the wheel.... That's just so rare of an event..

There were 2352 people in cars were killed in truck car accidents last year. Since 70-80% (depending on which numbers you want to use) are caused by the car driver then there are about 400-500 deaths (obviously accidents are less) where truck drivers caused the accident. It is a pretty rate event considering the 3 trillion plus miles driven per year in the US. There were 300 charges of vehicular homicide filed last year total, mostly involving drunk driving, so it's not at all a common charge.

47044   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 10, 1:39am  

Call it Crazy says

Any chance, since there was a "celebrity" involved instead of Joe 6 Pack, that the prosecutor "loaded" up the charges with the maximum available??

There are multiple WWII and other war memorials in the area. Elderly veterans travel to several of these memorials on this turnpike on a daily basis. It is a certainty that vets were blocked from visiting memorials during the clean-up of this collision.

Anyone who opposes prison for that truck driver is soft on crime.

47045   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Jun 10, 2:21am  

See. Most awesome Internet troll of all time. Rivals Gote.

47046   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 2:38am  

bgamall4 says

Well, the Republican Party has problems. Instead of traditional conservatives, the party is controlled by the Neocons and Libertarians.

I don't think there are liberatarians there these days. Rand Paul is the only libertarian I know.

If there were libertarians we'd have less government and we'd have our 4th amendment. You know what I mean?

47047   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 3:18am  

bgamall4 says

They believed no one should force you to serve blacks at your restaurant, even if it was the only one open and there was no other place to eat.

Back in those days, almost everyone thought that way. Today's libertarians are different, it's a different generation. Neocons still seem to be same old trigger happy maniacs.

I've listened to a few Ron Paul speeches, few Noam Chumsky. It's what I think libertarian movement is these days.

47048   deepcgi   2014 Jun 10, 3:57am  

If I were to hazard a guess about people who have murdered police officers over the past 20 years, I'd guess that the vast majority were from low income, urban, democratic-learning parents.

I'm currently living in Texas and enjoying it. My boss recently treated us all to a day at the shooting range on his dime. He's got a casual manner, slow delivery, thick southern drawl, too many silly southern metaphors, and a 185 IQ.

I love that about Texas. The underestimated intellect. The overestimated influence of the Christian culture.

Seattle seems so angry, pissed off and intolerant now by comparison.

Just to see the reaction, I wore a Ronald Reagan t-shirt to an anti-war rally up in Seattle during the "Dubya" years and was nearly lynched by peace-loving liberals. Apparently i'm an evil, racist, baby killing, Nazi, motherf----r.

I had to write all that down because I hadn't been aware of it. Ingrid, the black girl I used to date in high school in Houston, would have found it quite surprising, I'm sure, but then she was Republican as I recall, so she doesn't count.

At the time, however, I had been volunteering on occasion with an election campaign for my local republican congressman. He impressed me when he showed up not once but TWICE to speak to my senior year high school government class. There were only 20 of us, but he came anyway!

Actually talked to us about how much he wished Ronald Reagan would live and support the conservative policies which he espoused so well over the years. He even played us (a cassette tape) of a speech Reagan gave back as governor. Said how he inspired he'd been by it.

Then he told us how he had expressed his discontent about the President's actual record in office, directly to his face, and on more than one occasion! How it flew in the face of the principles he appeared to espouse. Pretty gutsy for a lowly congressman.

Eh, it was probably just that he mentioned his libertarian leanings. You know how easily the pot issue sways 17 year olds. :-) Except I don't smoke.

Anyway, I'm still a fan of his. Contributed quite a bit to his campaign for President. In fact, I voted for him in the last election. He's givng the exact same speeches now that he gave all those years ago.

47049   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 4:36am  

jazz music says

FortWayne says

18 year old socialists who think they know better than their parents

WTF!? Do you ever get out of the ward?

They let us out on Thursdays.

47050   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 4:48am  

bgamall4 says

You like that people would not have to serve blacks at their restaurants? That would be a good thing, Wayne? I don't think so.

I'm not saying it's good. I'm saying it was a generational thing, it wasn't "libertarians only" ordeal.

47051   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 5:09am  

bgamall4 says

Of course, a generational thing. Yes, I agree. But I think libertarians incorporate it into their view of voluntary associations, so that they probably would stand by that "liberty" to not serve blacks or anyone they voluntarily refuse to serve, even in these times.

I don't think anyone cares about those things anymore outside a small group in South Carolina.

47052   ttsmyf   2014 Jun 10, 6:45am  

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999. Note "... how much it will buy."

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
Recent Dow day is Tuesday, June 10, 2014 __ Level is 106.6

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

And up to date (by me) is here:

WOW! The UNtrustworthy are certainly in control of what information is apparent to the people!

And "ThePublic Be Suckered"

47053   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 8:02am  

What did liberals think would happen when they tried to shove big government down our throats?

47054   anonymous   2014 Jun 10, 8:14am  

Wealth disparity isn't the problem, its a symptom.

And raising minimum wage won't put a dent in wealth disparity. Unless your argument is that the FT min wage worker will begin to catch up with those at the top, by bumping his gross income 100$ per week.

Wealth disparity isn't caused by too low of a minimum wage, so you won't change the course by raising the lowest rungs income a few sheckles

You want to help out the working class, eliminate federal income taxes.

47055   FortWayne   2014 Jun 10, 8:16am  

errc says

Wealth disparity isn't the problem, its a symptom.

And raising minimum wage won't put a dent in wealth disparity. Unless your argument is that the FT min wage worker will begin to catch up with those at the top, by bumping his gross income 100$ per week.

Wealth disparity isn't caused by too low of a minimum wage, so you won't change the course by raising the lowest rungs income a few sheckles

You want to help out the working class, eliminate federal income taxes.

I think so too. They shoved entire burden onto the working class out there. And it's showing big time.

47056   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 10, 8:31am  

bgamall4 says

They were libertarians, which is now an accepted wing of the Republican Party. That acceptance is unfortunate.

Is there a Facebook Page where all of the ideologies Like and Poke each other?

WTF, do you guys rehearse this shit first, or do you just lay it on us?

And FWIW, I doubt either one of those clowns knew much about politics. Do you have a website where they listed a manifesto and came out a GOP card carrying Libertarians? Or is this information you got from your anti Zionist sources?

47057   anonymous   2014 Jun 10, 8:39am  

Help me understand your position better.

That wealth disparity is the only problem.

How did we get here? How did those at the top, corral so many dollars inside their fences?

Working class people, only obtain dollars by working.

How do those at the upper echelon obtain their dollars.

You say there's an ocean of cash out there. Where did it come from? How did it find a home with a select few? Why don't the dollars ever wash back out of their possession? Are dollars forever? Why doesn't the wealth suffer from time decay (like everything else)?

47058   cloud15   2014 Jun 10, 11:33am  

They closed at 1162K , all closing costs were paid by buyer ( about 25K ) and 2 months of free rent back to owners.

Where is Jojo ?

47059   indigenous   2014 Jun 10, 12:18pm  

Who Hoo, that is what I'm talking about.

47060   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jun 10, 12:36pm  

VA has an open primary, so Democrats could muck with the GOP side.

I did the same in CA, voting for the (R) nutjob going up against Brown; didn't work alas.

47061   indigenous   2014 Jun 10, 12:43pm  

Bellingham Bill says

nutjob going up against Brown

As if Brown needs any help. He is getting up there maybe he will croak. Then who Gavin Newsome? more of the same. Around the drain we go, faster and faster...

47062   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jun 10, 12:45pm  

In Russia the Brat beat you!

47064   Vicente   2014 Jun 10, 2:32pm  

So who will be the next Majority Leader is the real question.

47065   HydroCabron   2014 Jun 10, 2:50pm  

Guy had some anti-bankster rants.

Interesting how the media are ignoring that stuff.

This guy is definitely less of an asshole than Cantor, who fed his constituents all the usual conservative venom while chugging on banker dick.

I suspect he's not that right wing, which is why the national Tea Party organizations ignored him.

Something's weird here.

47066   Ceffer   2014 Jun 10, 3:16pm  

Cantor lost his valuable opportunities to espouse soaking welfare recipients and illegal immigrants in kerosene and use them to light up oligarch's garden parties.

47067   Bellingham Bill   2014 Jun 10, 3:24pm  

errc says

How do those at the upper echelon obtain their dollars.

Their money is making money for them, obviously.

Just look at Romney's tax returns for how this dynamic is structured.

Big Money has the best money advisors and the inside track on investment opportunities.

And . . . Interest Never Sleeps.

Going beyond this, the rich have millions of ways to beat money out of the poors. The poor only have two ways, and one of them (the non-collectivist approach) is a felony.

Inflation, LOL.

The rich are the ones in the inflation-hedged positions. Real estate. Energy. Multinational corporations.


The real question to ask is how have corporate profits tripled in 10 years???

47068   Vicente   2014 Jun 10, 4:10pm  

"The only problem with Republican principles," Brat said, "is no one is following them."

47069   indigenous   2014 Jun 10, 4:17pm  

Vicente says

Republican principles

that would be get as much for your self as you can? Zero diff between that and the Democrat principles. Fuck both of them.

47070   anonymous   2014 Jun 10, 4:18pm  

The real question to ask is how have corporate profits tripled in 10 years???

Sales -expenses = profits

This isn't a tough one. Everything has gotten expensive as it can be. Technology always serves us to accomplish more, in less time. Corporations pay labor in TIME. The by-the-hour worker gets slaughtered by time decay on the value of their hour. The strength of the currency, is measured against other currencies. The value of currency for a person that obtains currency via their own labor, can be better measured by the costs of the things they need to purchase. Mainly housing and fuel.

Give us back 1998 prices, and there'd be no minimum wage problem.

47071   anonymous   2014 Jun 11, 12:30am  

if you could find someone slightly more to the right of obama, with the stones to support heritagefoundationcare, then the virginian voters will rejoice

47072   control point   2014 Jun 11, 12:40am  

errc says

This isn't a tough one. Everything has gotten expensive as it can be. Technology always serves us to accomplish more, in less time. Corporations pay labor in TIME. The by-the-hour worker gets slaughtered by time decay on the value of their hour. The strength of the currency, is measured against other currencies. The value of currency for a person that obtains currency via their own labor, can be better measured by the costs of the things they need to purchase. Mainly housing and fuel.

This is accurate but it has nothing to do with the value of the currency. The value of labor has fallen relative to the value of things labor buys.

It is a distribution problem.

A capitalist that takes more income from workers can also compete with the worker for real property. That is, the value of real estate has increased vs. the value of labor because there is an investor who is willing and able to bid up the price of the real estate.

Increased Demand increases prices. The unequal distribution of demand is what has caused the loss of purchasing power for workers.

This, and increased demand on (relatively) constant supply of consumables, ie fuel, food, etc. Much more demand for these things from India/China due to increased wealth from those nations.

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