Chelsea Manning to get sex change treatments at military lockup

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2014 Jul 19, 6:04am   12,817 views  40 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

Under Pentagon approval, national security WikiLeaker Chelsea Manning is set to start undergoing sex change treatments in military prison and won't be transferred to a civilian prison, officials said.

The transgender ex-intelligence analyst will begin receiving early-stage gender reassignment treatments at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where she's serving 35 years for leaking a trove of sensitive state secrets to the whistleblower site in 2010 and 2011.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/chelsea-manning-sex-change-treatments-military-prison-federal-jail-article-1.1871873#ixzz37wkYIhm4

Comments 1 - 40 of 40        Search these comments

1   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 19, 6:05am  

yes that greatly adds to his credibility.

2   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 19, 6:06am  

btw- turtledove, your new profile pic isn't seductive it's super creepy.

3   turtledove   2014 Jul 19, 6:16am  

Prisoners have a hard time getting necessary medical treatments, and yet, gender reassignment is somehow a priority. Talk about political correctness gone wrong. I want my taxes back!

4   lostand confused   2014 Jul 19, 6:19am  

Is this a new form of CIA torture-forced sex reassignment surgery??

5   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 19, 6:22am  

lostand confused says

Is this a new form of CIA torture-forced sex reassignment surgery??

no it's a confused young man who found an outlet for his frustrations in blaming the US military.

6   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 19, 6:22am  

and seriously turtledove, you look like a witch. yes, you have lost it.

7   Strategist   2014 Jul 19, 6:42am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Why should it cost anything? They have a garden hoe or an ax or something right. Just need someone to hold him down and someone to swing the hatchet.

If you call it an axe it's torture. If you call it a medical instrument it's modern medicine. Either way it's an entitlement for a deranged asshole.

8   Dan8267   2014 Jul 19, 8:17am  

The Original Bankster says

yes that greatly adds to his credibility.

What does credibility have to do with whistle-blowing? Are you saying the information leaked wasn't true? Then why is Manning in prison?

The videos on war crimes speak for themselves. Who leaked them is irrelevant.

9   Shaman   2014 Jul 19, 9:24am  

I just love that as soon as he declares that he is a woman, and changes his name to a girl name, the media all fall in line like he's suddenly sprouted a uterus.

10   Facebooksux   2014 Jul 19, 9:59am  

The Original Bankster says

yes that greatly adds to his credibility.

Go fuck yourself.

She is nothing short of a hero.

I'd gladly donate money for her medical expenses.

11   turtledove   2014 Jul 19, 11:03am  

sbh says

turtledove says

I want my taxes back!

It gets worse. If the procedure works and she gets pregnant you may have to pay for forced ultrasounds and/or conversion therapy.

You joke, but You have to wonder... If we're willing to prioritize this elective treatment at taxpayer expense, what will happen when a prisoner insists that denying him the right to be a parent is denying a basic human right? Are we going to offer state-funded IVF with donor egg and surrogacy programs to inmates so they can realize their rights to be parents? Don't forget the state-funded nanny. Or how about state-funded cosmetic procedures for our inmates?

I don't get it. Prisoners have been denied possible life saving treatments for actual diseases due to budget constraints. Why would they approve something that's clearly elective?

12   Ceffer   2014 Jul 19, 11:59am  

The government agree to pay because it means they don't even need to put him in a wedding dress for his new life in prison. They even agreed to give him tattoos like the google heroin killer hooker. The prisoners can hardly wait.

13   elliemae   2014 Jul 19, 12:22pm  

turtledove says

If we're willing to prioritize this elective treatment at taxpayer expense, what will happen when a prisoner insists that denying him the right to be a parent is denying a basic human right?

A transgendered person would argue that this surgery isn't "elective," it's "reconstructive. Transgendered people truly believe that they are living inside a body that is the wrong sex. They say that they are area of this truth from as long as they can remember.

I can only empathize with them, certainly I don't personally identify with their dilemma. But to them gender reassignment surgery is as necessary as a kidney transplant might be to another person.

I had a friend growing up who wanted to be a boy so badly when she dressed like one and used the boy's bathroom. She was - and is - one fucked up individual. She ended up doing steroids and working out all the time, acts "like a man" and is one scary dudette. She lacks the ability to receive gender reassignment surgery. If Manning qualifies for the surgery, she should get it.

As with all healthcare, we need better healthcare in the prison system - we're coming along but it needs to be better. With Medicaid expansion, some prisoners are receiving better care now.

14   lostand confused   2014 Jul 19, 12:32pm  

If Jerry Springer is still around, he/she will probably be on one of those episodes where she says, "Honey, I have secret, I was born a man!!"

15   Shaman   2014 Jul 19, 12:48pm  

The ugly little secret to transgender folk is that they think the sex change will make them happy, and it really really doesn't. One of my childhood friends went through that. She(and I use that pronoun because he went all the way to being female) now shares a boyfriend with her wife from when she was a he and they were/are married. And she feels very rejected and unhappy. One of my good friends has an aunt who also went full on transgender (used to be an uncle), and she is miserable too.
Happy is a state of mind, a choice, not something that depends on ones situation. I've known many successful people were were just miserable. And I've known a few drifters who were just the happiest people ever.
Shout out to Pharrel!
I'm happy!

16   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 19, 12:57pm  

Quigley says

The ugly little secret to transgender folk is that they think the sex change will make them happy

actually there is a growing society of transgendered who are advocating not having surgery. Thus the 'chicks with dicks' phenomenon.

17   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 19, 12:59pm  

Quigley says

She(and I use that pronoun because he went all the way to being female) now shares a boyfriend with her wife from when she was a he and they were/are married.

HA everytime I assume I'm talking to normal people on here I get reminder.

18   mmmarvel   2014 Jul 20, 1:15am  

turtledove says

I don't get it.

What don't you get? What was wrong is now right. What was abnormal has been declared normal. What was down is now up and what was up is now down. Black is now white and vice-versa. Bad guys are now the good guys and good guys are now vilified. It's all so simple.

19   Indiana Jones   2014 Jul 20, 1:25am  

The Original Bankster says

and seriously turtledove, you look like a witch. yes, you have lost it.

Is this the newest trend- the vampire look? Or just one too many Twilight episodes?

In any case, difficult and scary to look at.

20   New Renter   2014 Jul 20, 1:34am  

Indiana Jones says

In any case, difficult and scary to look at.

Ugh, its just a !@#$% picture.

But at least you're not choking out your cat in this one.

21   turtledove   2014 Jul 20, 3:43am  

New Renter says

Indiana Jones says

In any case, difficult and scary to look at.

Ugh, its just a !@#$% picture.

But at least you're not choking out your cat in this one.

Would this fuss exist if I were a man? The original accusation was that I was trying to be seductive, followed by being told that I look like a witch. So, a whore and a witch. Now, I know these were popular accusations against learned women in centuries past, but one would hope we've moved on from that. I see, for some, we have not.

I didn't address The Original Banker's (TOB) comments because, I don't consider them to be genuine attempts to engage in a discussion. Rather, I view them as some kind of attempt to draw me into an argument that exists entirely inside TOB's head. For the last week, his comments to me have either attacked my appearance or attacked me for being a woman. I know it's a little confusing because TOB's posts seem like they are picking up from an existing conversation, yet the other part of the conversation is impossible to find. Don't be confused. I can explain.

You see, TOB and I are having an argument. From what I gather, my half of the argument exists ONLY in his head. Since his last comments to me devolved into an attack on my appearance, it would seem he's losing his imaginary argument.... which is a shame. One should always be victorious against the imaginary opponent.

That said, my pictures were just that. Pictures. Though I think that a personal touch is nice, causing emotional outbursts, personal attacks, or even debate, over my picture, was never my intention. I'd rather we just stick to emotional outbursts, personal attacks, and debates about the actual, posted news item.

So, no worries. The color and individuality has been subdued. I'm now just like everyone else. Perhaps this will help TOB forget that I'm not a man. If not, perhaps TOB will opt to "ignore" me. Since we don't burn our witches and whores anymore, it is the best option for him to smite me from his patnet universe.

22   Strategist   2014 Jul 20, 3:52am  

Facebooksux says

Go fuck yourself.

She is nothing short of a hero.

It's an "it", not a she.

Facebooksux says

I'd gladly donate money for her medical expenses.

Please do. We sure as hell don't want to.

23   Ceffer   2014 Jul 20, 3:55am  

Turtledove, is that a male bird in your new pic?

Your previous, peering ones made me feel very guilty of something, I don't know what, but very, very guilty. You were never in a convent, were you?

24   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 20, 3:56am  

question, is bradley going to have his dick chopped off?

will it be donated to science? auctioned off on Ebay?

will he date Republican or Democrat men?

25   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 20, 4:33am  

The Original Bankster says

and seriously turtledove, you look like a witch. yes, you have lost it.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'd hit it.

26   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 20, 4:37am  

CaptainShuddup says

The Original Bankster says

and seriously turtledove, you look like a witch. yes, you have lost it.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'd hit it.

Captian Shuddup and Turtledove TOGETHER 4EVER!

27   turtledove   2014 Jul 20, 6:52am  

Ceffer says

Turtledove, is that a male bird in your new pic?

Not a clue. Probably so, since I think it's typically the boy birds who have the prettiest feathers.

Ceffer says

Your previous, peering ones made me feel very guilty of something, I don't know what, but very, very guilty.

"... in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them (Romans 2:15)."

Ceffer says

You were never in a convent, were you?

4th through 10th grades.

28   turtledove   2014 Jul 20, 10:36am  

sbh says

turtledove says

4th through 10th grades.

Then I'm guessing it was you who disliked my comment about communion?

Absolutely not. I'm staunchly irreligious. A good old fashioned heretic.

29   Strategist   2014 Jul 20, 10:52am  

mmmarvel says

turtledove says

I don't get it.

What don't you get? What was wrong is now right. What was abnormal has been declared normal. What was down is now up and what was up is now down. Black is now white and vice-versa. Bad guys are now the good guys and good guys are now vilified. It's all so simple.

I still don't get it.

30   New Renter   2014 Jul 20, 10:54am  

turtledove says

Ceffer says

Turtledove, is that a male bird in your new pic?

Not a clue. Probably so, since I think it's typically the boy birds who have the prettiest feathers.

I liked the "witch" pic better.

31   Strategist   2014 Jul 20, 10:55am  

New Renter says

turtledove says

Ceffer says

Turtledove, is that a male bird in your new pic?

Not a clue. Probably so, since I think it's typically the boy birds who have the prettiest feathers.

I liked the "witch" pic better.

Pretty witch!

33   Ceffer   2014 Jul 20, 11:44am  

Is that the queen of nuns or Snow White's evil step mother?

34   turtledove   2014 Jul 20, 11:55am  

Ceffer says

Is that the queen of nuns or Snow White's evil step mother?

Snow White's evil step mother, of course. That day, I thought it would be funny to pick the kids up from school in my costume. When I got to the pre-school, there was this little kid on the other side of the locked front door. He could see me through the window. I tapped on the door and motioned for him to open the door. He just stared at me... and then began vigorously shaking his head, "no." He's no dummy!

35   New Renter   2014 Jul 21, 1:06pm  

turtledove says


Nice work!

36   mmmarvel   2014 Jul 21, 8:43pm  

Strategist says

I still don't get it

We gave up on you getting it LONG ago (lol).

38   Indiana Jones   2014 Jul 22, 2:37am  

Maybe it was because the picture is small and I could not make out exactly what was going on, but I just want you to know from my perspective it looked like you had just come from feasting on blood, with blood around the mouth and on the shirt. Maybe this was what you intended? It is completely your prerogative, of course, and you have a right to use any picture you desire. At the same time, others have a right to comment on that picture, woman or man, right or wrong.

39   HEY YOU   2014 Aug 16, 4:51pm  

Doesn't matter what sex I am,the Democrat & Republican voters are constantly fucking me.

40   mmmarvel   2014 Aug 17, 12:43am  

HEY YOU says

Doesn't matter what sex I am,the Democrat & Republican voters are constantly fucking me.

Ah, you're a bisexual, bi-party sexual toy, thanks for clearing that up.

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