Violent Crime Rises And Falls With Black Population

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2014 Jul 26, 12:38pm   102,669 views  182 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The noted science fiction writer Philip K. Dick once declared that Reality is what continues to exist whether you believe in it or not. Such an observation should be kept in mind when we consider some of the touchier aspects of American society. Recall the notorious case of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, whose 1965 report on the terrible deterioration in the condition of the black American family aroused such a firestorm of denunciation and outrage in liberal circles that the topic was rendered totally radioactive for the better part of a generation. Eventually the continuing deterioration reached such massive proportions that...

It's not just poverty. Poor Hispanics do not commit crime at nearly the same rate as similarly poor blacks.


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1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Jul 27, 12:47am  

Our love affair for their properly penned exploits make up 90% of our Pop Culture. They do what they do, and we just want state of the art television sets to get up close to all of the action.

2   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 2:30am  

The most important part of law enforcement today is making sure white people do not realize how crime prone blacks and hispanics are.
If whites knew exactly how much crime non asian minorities committed, something would have to be done about it. That is the last thing the powers that be want.
It is common knowledge in every police department that if you report black/hispanic crime accurately you will be replaced by someone who will skew the stats.

Look at the graphs in the link. The 'white' crime rate went up dramatically as the 'hispanic' crime rate went down at the same rate.

They simply relabeled criminals named Jose Juarez as a white in an official crime report and magically hispanic crime drops.
This is extremely apparent on the Texas most wanted website. They are all hispanic/latino/mestizo males on the site, but all are classified as white.


The reason for black and Hispanic crime being far beyond the White and asian rate is genetic. Intelligence is mostly genetic. Average intelligence varies between the races. IQ is the best measure of intelligence that modern science has come up with.
The only way to change IQ is by changing genetics.

Purebred sub saharan africans have an average IQ of 70.
"African Americans", who are not purebred sub saharan african, have an average IQ of 85.
mestizo/latino/hispatnics have an average IQ of 90.
Purebred White Europeans have an average IQ of 100.
Asians have an average IQ of 105.

You can't force an 85 IQ person to behave the same as a 100 IQ person. This is the part liberals/egalitarians/anarchists don't get.

3   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 2:30am  

Call it Crazy says

Philip K. Dick once declared that “Reality is what continues to exist whether you believe in it or not.”

That should be the header here at Patnet!!


4   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 2:34am  

if you have any question as to the nature of black people, simple look at the places that are dominated by blacks. There is continent for instanced called Africa that has scarcely reached the level of development of medieval Europe. But these convenient lies we tell ourselves about these racial groups gets people elected so we continue to tell them.

5   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 2:36am  

were constantly talking about accommodating hispanic culture and how unfair it is that they dont get everything they demand.

most of the Americas are dominated by 'Latin Culture' and none of the Latinos want to live in these places, as is evident from recent news.

6   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 2:43am  

it goes similarily for Muslims, they appear to have an immense level of pride for their religious-ethnic group however they universally wish to live and populate European/white areas.

this sort of thing is going to bring forth another strong man like Adolf Hitler although this time I don't think he will be anti-Jewish, perhaps he will be Jewish himself because Jews seem to be universally in favor of eliminating or reducing these sorts of problems I just described.

7   HydroCabron   2014 Jul 27, 3:02am  

The Original Bankster says

But these convenient lies we tell ourselves about these racial groups gets people elected so we continue to tell them.

Not arguing that point - there's some truth there - but similar lies in the other direction get people elected as well.

Most presidential campaigns are determined by which candidate can most subtly hate blacks. And politicians at all levels create scary black problems to solve when there is a need for a campaign issue. Any new drug scare features the big scary black male as its poster child: threatening even to cops with guns, this PCP-/crack-/cocaine-/speed-addled gorilla is a scourge on our property and lives! The early bans on marijuana cited usage among blacks as a particular danger. But even where usage is higher among white kids, blacks are more likely to go to jail for it.

8   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 3:13am  

HydroCabron says

Most presidential campaigns are determined by which candidate can most subtly hate blacks.

It is not hate for a white person to want to exclude blacks from their life. It's called 'freedom of association'. It is a natural right in a free society.

It is not hate for a white person to not want to subsidize a group of people that refuse to or are incapable of participating as an equal citizen in a modern healthy society. Normal white people feel that the money that is spent on bad behavior, of which blacks always seem to have a overrepresented percentage, should be spent on something positive instead.

"Hate" is the black on white crime rate. This is hardly ever discussed because it shows blacks as extremely violent when compared to any other major race in the USA.

9   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 3:14am  

fuck off Hydrocarbon, have you ever been in a black neighborhood?

do you know what a black American's concept of 'success' is?

living with the white people.

they hate each other just as much as white people hate them.

10   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 3:17am  

foxmannumber1 says

HydroCabron says

Most presidential campaigns are determined by which candidate can most subtly hate blacks.

It is not hate for a white person to want to exclude blacks from their life. It's called 'freedom of association'. It is a natural right in a free society.

It is not hate for a white person to not want to subsidize a group of people that refuse to or are incapable of participating as an equal citizen in a modern healthy society. Normal white people feel that the money that is spent on bad behavior, of which blacks always seem to have a overrepresented percentage, should be spent on something positive instead.

"Hate" is the black on white crime rate. This is hardly ever discussed because it shows blacks as extremely violent when compared to any other major race in the USA.

it's pretty simple really.

if these categories are the result of UNFAIR 'discrimination' .. then black people would simple live with other black people happily and everyone would be fine.

but we all know that never happens. Actually the place where blacks overwhelmingly dominate is literally hell on earth. The AIDS rate in some African countries is above %20.

sure we can listen to HighDroCarbon for a while and pretend things are really the 'rich white male's fault' while our neighborhoods continue to turn to shit. Isn't Highdocarbon just wonderful and great? he just loves everyone, lets' vote for hydrocarbon so black people can rape your daughter with impunity.

11   HydroCabron   2014 Jul 27, 3:24am  

The Original Bankster says

lets' vote for hydrocarbon so black people can rape your daughter with impunity.

Any time a rich guy is facing obstacles to raping our wallets with impunity, we hear about blacks and dirty immigrants.

Every wonder why that might be?

12   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 3:25am  

HydroCabron says

The Original Bankster says

lets' vote for hydrocarbon so black people can rape your daughter with impunity.

Any time a rich guy is facing obstacles to raping our wallets with impunity, we hear about blacks and dirty immigrants.

Every wonder why that might be?

it's fairly clear that the liberals are the ones doing the raping.

13   John Bailo   2014 Jul 27, 3:28am  

If you include homicides in your analysis you'll find that most of those are black on black crime.

So this analysis gets a bit circular.

What I see is that when any group is circumscribed in any way, it will therefore have a limited range of resources. Couple that with a high birth rate and what we see is competition among the alpha (and wanna be) males for those resources.

In most cases, for a middle class white dude watching from the sidelines, no skin off my nose. And you see that in the news. Many middle class whites will live butt up against a high crime zone, but never experience it. It's like in the old days of living in a Mafia controlled neighborhood. As long as you're not in their way, you actually end up being quite safe.

Individually, I live in the very white state of Washington. And some of our largest urban areas end up at the top of the FBIs crime lists! Property crimes are especially high. The typically "young jerk" can be just as violent, and thieving as his equivalent in any Eastern city.

Anecdotally, I have been the victim of only one crime in my adult life, and it took place a few years ago in broad daylight in downtown Seattle. As I was using my laptop outside of Starbucks, two guys approached me. One distracted me by asking for change, while the other grabbed the screen and fled with my computer. Both white.

14   Shaman   2014 Jul 27, 3:29am  

What I found the most fascinating about the article is where the author finds that liberal researchers appear to be already aware of this super correlation between blacks and crime, and are perhaps working to correct the problem through strong encouragement of immigration. Since Latino crime rate is roughly equivalent to white and Asian crime rate, it's better to invite a few million Latins over to settle in the poor(cheap) black areas and do the "heavy lifting" of ousting the indigenous population, thus drastically lowering the crime rate.
This idea strongly meshes with the anti-Obama, anti-immigrant sentiment that's being expressed by the black community lately. Blacks feel betrayed by Obama giving preference to Latinos, encouraging immigration, and they should! By furthering the liberal pro-immigration agenda, he's condemning them to an ongoing race war with the Latins. One that they have and always will lose.

From the article:
However, a closer examination reveals a very different situation. The small city of Palo Alto is one of the most desirable local residential areas, home to the late Steve Jobs, as well as the current CEOs of Apple, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and a host of other companies; by some estimates, it may contain the world’s highest per capita concentration of billionaires. On three sides, Palo Alto abuts communities of a similar character: Mountain View, containing Google; the Stanford University campus; and Menlo Park, the center of America’s venture capital industry. But on the fourth side, mostly separated by Highway 101, lies East Palo Alto, which for decades was a dangerous ghetto, overwhelmingly black.

I moved back to Palo Alto from New York City in 1992, and that year East Palo Alto recorded America’s highest per capita murder rate; although relatively few of the homicides, robberies, and rapes spilled across the border, enough did to leave many people uneasy. Gated communities and even street fences are quite uncommon in the region, and for years anyone who wished could go to the home of Steve Jobs and walk around his yard or even peer into his windows. Meanwhile, the sort of harsh racial profiling widely practiced in some large cities was completely abhorrent to the socially liberal citizenry. One may easily imagine a scenario in which escalating street crime from the ghetto next door might have produced a collapse in high housing prices and sparked a massive flight of the wealthy.

One reason this did not occur was the vast influx of impoverished immigrants from south of the border that swept into the less affluent communities of the region during those same years and rapidly transformed the local demographics. Between 1980 and 2010 the combined Hispanic population of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties nearly tripled. A city offering cheap housing such as East Palo Alto saw far greater relative increases, reversing its demographics during that period from 60% black and 14% Hispanic to 16% black and 65% Hispanic. Over the last twenty years, the homicide rate in that small city dropped by 85%, with similar huge declines in other crime categories as well, thereby transforming a miserable ghetto into a pleasant working-class community, now featuring new office complexes, luxury hotels, and large regional shopping centers. Multi-billionaire Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife recently purchased a large $9 million home just a few hundred feet from the East Palo Alto border, a decision that would have been unthinkable during the early 1990s. Technology executives are highly quantitative individuals, skilled in pattern recognition, and I find it difficult to believe that they have all remained completely oblivious to these local racial factors.

15   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 3:32am  

Quigley says

Since Latino crime rate is roughly equivalent to white and Asian crime rate

This is false. The latino/hispanic/mestizo crime rate is far greater than the White or Asian rate.

They simply label the hispanic criminals as 'White'. Please read my first post in this thread.

16   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 3:36am  

all these things are excuses for what we all know to be true.

blacks, in general have much lower intelligence and tend to be violent. They are used as a political device by some parties to gain votes and the primary tactic is in selling this idea that they can be exactly as white are.

They put Jews in ghettos and what happened? they quickly turn into the 'nice part of town'. they put blacks in ghettos and what happens, constant financial/crime liability and they all want to find a way to live with the white people.

You can't change nature and we all know that, but as is usual Liberals are basically professional liars and manipulators and the black equality lie is one of their greatest tactics. the other is feminism.

17   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 3:37am  

foxmannumber1 says

Quigley says

Since Latino crime rate is roughly equivalent to white and Asian crime rate

This is false. The latino/hispanic/mestizo crime rate is far greater than the White or Asian rate.

They simply label the hispanic criminals as 'White'. Please read my first post in this thread.

18   John Bailo   2014 Jul 27, 3:38am  

HydroCabron says

Any new drug scare features the big scary black male as its poster child

A couple of years ago during the Black Bloc (anarchist) protests, they stormed downtown Seattle, smashing store fronts of retail outlets like American Apparel.

They dressed all in black, with thick boots, used tools and assaulted policemen.

The group is nearly entirely white.

There was little or no resulting protest from the community, and what seemed like no interest in prosecution. I believe some were eventually sentenced, but only to very short durations.

Another example is the Barefoot Bandit, Colton Harris-Moore. This guy went on a multi-year crime spree that involved thefts as large as boats and a plane (which he nearly crashed potentially killing many).

However, if they run his face in the paper, the comments are full of people talking about "what a sweet young man" he is!!

19   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 3:47am  

bgamall4 says

It takes intelligence to play basketball at a high level

That 'gift' is fast twitch muscles. Something that you find more often in blacks than whites or asians due to genetics.

If you're referring to Tiger Woods, he's not majority sub saharan African.

No one is saying all blacks are stupid. No one is saying that all whites are smarter than all blacks. You can only go by averages, and that's where you find the fault with the black race.

The extremely intelligent blacks in your link are statistical anomalies.

20   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 3:52am  

John Bailo says

Another example is the Barefoot Bandit, Colton Harris-Moore. This guy went on a multi-year crime spree that involved thefts as large as boats and a plane (which he nearly crashed potentially killing many).

Since you would like to bring up specific criminals, let's talk about the Knoxville Horror.


21   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 3:52am  

yes because blacks were bred to live outside, and in some cases as work horses. sorry but this is a fact. you can point out all sorts of things like white crime and what not but we all see Basketball-Americans every day with our own two eyes and see how they are.

I dont think we should punish someone because theyre black but what we have today is this sort of 'affirmative action' attitude that is an attempt to create systemic fixes in society due to the shortcomings of various groups, this will never work and comes at the cost to the production centers of society- causing bankruptcy and poverty.

22   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 4:07am  

All of which is taught by coaches. The most successful coaches are White.

'Stupid' is the level of white fandom in predominately black sports.

Objectively they are worthless activities that have a lot of real world money tied to it. Whites should realize that observing sports is a detrimental activity on a personal level. Participating in sports has a health benefit, but just to watch and cheer for negroes is beyond my comprehension.

23   lakermania   2014 Jul 27, 4:07am  

bgamall4 says

The best golfer in the world in our era is black.

Odds are Tiger is less than 20% "black" since his dad is only half African American.

24   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 4:07am  

bgamall4 says

No one can take credit for their intelligence.

I think we're on the same side of the nature vs. nurture argument.

25   John Bailo   2014 Jul 27, 4:10am  

foxmannumber1 says

You can only go by averages

No, you can't go by averages!

That's the point of having INDIVIDUAL IQ SCORES.

What racist people want to do is say, "oh, I'm white, I must be smarter then each and every member of this other race" because of averages.

But that's the OPPOSITE of what IQ was intended to do.

If you have a high IQ, great -- but ONLY FOR YOU PERSONALLY!

It doesn't translate to your race, your family, your city or the guy sitting next to you!

Put another way, a smart white guy has more in common with Neil de Grasse, then the high school dropout of his same race.

26   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 4:14am  

John youre an idiot.

what we are suggesting is the removal of laws that have their foundation in this concept of social discrimination, as it is false and used to justify damaging programs.

27   John Bailo   2014 Jul 27, 4:14am  

foxmannumber1 says

just to watch and cheer for

You've never been to a baseball or soccer game I guess.

28   John Bailo   2014 Jul 27, 4:16am  

foxmannumber1 says

The most successful coaches are White.


29   lakermania   2014 Jul 27, 4:19am  

foxmannumber1 says

bgamall4 says

No one can take credit for their intelligence.

I think we're on the same side of the nature vs. nurture argument.

Regardless of how lopsided the strength of certain attributes are among the races. I hope you realize there are still thousands, maybe millions, of African Americans that are more intelligent, wiser, more ethical and harder working than yourself, so I hope you greet every one of them as a individual.

30   John Bailo   2014 Jul 27, 4:20am  

The Original Bankster says

what we are suggesting is the removal of laws that have their foundation in this concept of social discrimination, as it is false and used to justify damaging programs.

One of the marks of intelligence is discernment.

The idiot makes broad generalizations without facts.

The scientist sees the details.

31   wave9x   2014 Jul 27, 4:40am  

John Bailo, it is quite easy for you, living in your all white fortress, to spout on about the wonders of black neighborhoods, as you have no worry of having to experience living in one. If you were living in East Oakland, you would be singing a different tune.

32   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 4:41am  

wave9x says

John Bailo, it is quite easy for you, living in your all white fortress, to spout on about the wonders of black neighborhoods, as you have no worry of having to experience living in one. If you were living in East Oakland, you would be singing a different tune.

"liberals love black people as long as they dont have to smell them."

33   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 5:57am  

your conveniently popular viewpoints bgamall come at a huge cost- presumably not to you though.

34   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 6:04am  

The Original Bankster says

your conveniently popular viewpoints bgamall come at a huge cost- presumably not to you though.

We live in America. Most people want to live in harmony with their fellow citizens without discriminating anyone.
Racism is going out of style.

35   HydroCabron   2014 Jul 27, 6:22am  

If these devil blaxx are doing all the crimes, where are all the black realtors and bankers?

36   lakermania   2014 Jul 27, 6:23am  

Hmmmm....The Original "Bankster", "foxmannumber1", the Arizona flag as an avatar....all things leftists carry negative stereotypes for and can quickly tie in one's political leanings with their poor taste comments. Left tilting trolls with too much time on their hands?

37   monkframe   2014 Jul 27, 6:24am  

foxmannumber1 says

bgamall4 says

It takes intelligence to play basketball at a high level

That 'gift' is fast twitch muscles. Something that you find more often in blacks than whites or asians due to genetics.

If you're referring to Tiger Woods, he's not majority sub saharan African.

No one is saying all blacks are stupid. No one is saying that all whites are smarter than all blacks. You can only go by averages, and that's where you find the fault with the black race.

The extremely intelligent blacks in your link are statistical anomalies.

I think you're on to something here - has there been a systematic examination of foreheads? Certainly the settled science of phrenology could enlighten us.

38   foxmannumber1   2014 Jul 27, 6:42am  

monkframe says

has there been a systematic examination of foreheads?

There's been a thorough examination of average brain sizes between the races. Asians on average have the largest brains. Next is whites, then way down the line are sub saharan Africans.
Average IQ per race and average brain size show a direct correlation.

For a scientist receiving major funding from the US government to say these things out loud is a career ending statement. Most US citizens like to maintain a nice standard of living so they play along and not do research in the area.

The Chinese are not so politically correct. They will find the genes that shape human intelligence in our lifetimes. Given real life results of black failure, it's logical to conclude that the intelligence genes will be less common in sub saharan Africans.

39   Strategist   2014 Jul 27, 6:45am  

foxmannumber1 says

monkframe says

has there been a systematic examination of foreheads?

There's been a thorough examination of average brain sizes between the races. Asians on average have the largest brains. Next is whites, then way down the line are sub saharan Africans.

Average IQ per race and average brain size show a direct correlation.

For a scientist receiving major funding from the US government to say these things out loud is a career ending statement. Most US citizens like to maintain a nice standard of living so they play along and not do research in the area.

The Chinese are not so politically correct. They will find the genes that shape human intelligence in our lifetimes. Given real life results of black failure, it's logical to conclude that the intelligence genes will be less common in sub saharan Africans.

The brains of women are 10% smaller than males. So they are stupid?

40   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 27, 6:51am  

Strategist says

The brains of women are 10% smaller than males. So they are stupid?


is it really that difficult to make this conclusion?

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