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Do you ever see blacks living in Asian countries? very rare.
The First American defector was a black man who defected to North Korea.
I blame blacks for things like this:
123 posts yet no-one states the truth, the problems associated with blacks are caused by the government.
"I dont hate Jews... I just think their country should be completely wiped off the map."
Black people invented violence. I learned this watching episodes of "The Tudors".
123 posts yet no-one states the truth, the problems associated with blacks are caused by the government.
It's all Obama's fault!!!
I don't blame Jews you pitiful excuse for a human being.
Well that's not at all a racist comment.
In fact, the Palestinians have a much more recent claim on the land than the Israelis
It's an utterly insignificant amount of land compared to the vast hoards of land in the Middle East. The only reason the so-called Palestinians want it is because Jews are occupying it and they hate Jews and don't want Jews anywhere near them.
That said, the easiest and most practical solution is to physically move Israel, dirt and all, far away from the Middle East. Let the Mediterranean Sea occupy Gaza and Israel's current location. Then the Palestinians -- who are just emigrants from various other Middle Eastern countries -- can found their own country using a piece of Saudi Arabia.
Problem solved. The Israelis get their precious holy land and the Palestinians get the Jews to move away, which is all they want. Hell, if we moved Israel, the so-called Palestinians might give up the ruse that they want a homeland and simply return to their country of origin.
The fact is that these two kids are not going to play nice together until they both grow the fuck up. So separate the kids.
And yes, moving Israel would be way cheaper than putting up with this nonsense.
Margeret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood was an outspoken Eugenicist
And the Republican Party were early supporters of Planned Parenthood. Maybe they were only in it for the eugenics?
Then the Palestinians -- who are just emigrants from various other Middle Eastern countries
Where are you getting this? Last I checked, Palestinians aren't wanted in other Arab countries, despite being refugees there. They are basically the Arab world's N-word in those countries.
The only reason the so-called Palestinians want it is because Jews are occupying it
Yes, because there's no such concept as "the right of return." In addition, genetic studies have shown that Muslim Palestinians are descendents of the Jews and Christians of the Levant, so there's definitely more to it than "Jews are occupying it." And on that note, let's not forget that there are many Christian Palestinians (typically orthodox), and that not all are Muslim.
The irony is that a huge percentage of Israeli Jews (not talking about the Russian and American Jews who moved there) and Muslim Palestinians are related quite a bit genetically.
You seem to have an extremely right-wing view about the occupied territory, one that is considerably outside the mainstream.
Then the Palestinians -- who are just emigrants from various other Middle Eastern countries
Where are you getting this?
Good question, and a good question deserves a good answer.
There is no actual "Palestinian" people. The PLO was originally created for the sole purpose to kill all the Jews. Yes, this was in the PLO charter.
The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!
Here's a decent video on the history of the conflict. Basically, the desire for a "Palestine" state didn't come about until the Jews came and "polluted" their land with the mere existence.
Basically, after WWII and the holocaust, the European powers were so guilt-ridden, they decided to redraw the maps and create Israel. But European powers redrawing indigenous maps never works out well.
There is no actual "Palestinian" people.
This is like saying there are no Mexicans in Texas. Because technically these "Mexicans" were just part of indigenous tribes interbred slightly with the Spanish that happened to live there. "Mexicans" are just an artificial construct of indigenous North American tribes who mixed with some Europeans from Spain. There's really no such thing as a Mexican, and they only really wanted to live in Texas after the various treaties and purchases that made it part of the United States.
Can't tell if you're trolling or what, but I reiterate that you are extremely far out of the mainstream about this and bordering on bgamall4-level arguments here (only on the opposite side, obviously). Every other Arab country doesn't want "those people" in their country. Saying they are emigrants from those countries is greatly missing the point, especially since genetic research shows differently (which I note that you've ignored).
In addition, your nonsense about the PLO ignores the fact that there are Palestinian Christians who identify as Palestinian (some of which live in the US).
This is like saying there are no Mexicans in Texas.
Let me clarify. The so-called Palestinian people do not come from some long-existing Palestinian culture. They were created after WWII as a response to the creation of Israel. It's not like there's a centuries-old Palestinian people who happen to occupy the land where Israel is located. Hell, if the Jews never immigrated to the Middle East, there would be no Palestinian people or movement for a Palestinian state.
That said, both sides are engaging in a horrific game of tit-for-tat. The only solution is to separate them, and the only practical way to do that is to move Israel. I think it's worth the expense doing so, and I'm including the moving the land itself.
The actual land area Israel has and/or wants is miniscule compared to the total land area of the Middle East. We have the technology to move that land someplace else, perhaps a nice island off the coast of Spain or to Texas. We can even offer a carrot in the form of much more land.
And if it's the dirt that's holy, then move the dirt along with the buildings. It would be less expensive than another century of warfare. Hell, Dubai builds land all the time.
In addition, your nonsense about the PLO ignores the fact that there are Palestinian Christians who identify as Palestinian (some of which live in the US).
Never seen a Christian Palestinian who became a suicide bomber. Why is it always the radical Muslims?
I reiterate that you are extremely far out of the mainstream about this and bordering on bgamall4-level arguments here.
I am making legitimate arguments here and this backs me up:
No you are not. Too many of your posts just portray hate.
Are you such a fool that you cannot see the ongoing crime?
Look, we get it. You hate Jews. You really, really hate them.
But look at it from the side of everyone else in the world who's not buried in this conflict. Both sides look like assholes. Yeah, we could argue about which side is worse, but that's pointless. Both sides are wrong and neither side is going to live with the other. At this point assigning blame serves no purpose. We need solutions not people whining about how bad the other side is.
Are you such a fool that you cannot see the ongoing crime?
Look, we get it. You hate Jews. You really, really hate them.
But look at it from the side of everyone else in the world who's not buried in this conflict. Both sides look like assholes. Yeah, we could argue about which side is worse, but that's pointless. Both sides are wrong and neither side is going to live with the other. At this point assigning blame serves no purpose. We need solutions not people whining about how bad the other side is.
What would be your solution?
I know you don't believe in the God who will judge your sorry ass, Dan.
If your god judges me to be worthy of your hell, then he's an evil god and all bets are off.
If there were a supreme, all-knowing, all-good god then that god would be highly appreciative of skeptical atheists like myself. After all, it would be trivially easy for such a god to unquestionably reveal himself, end the Middle East conflict, and bring unity to mankind. So if he exists but hasn't done that, he must not want us to believe in him.
Besides, when I advocate morality, I'm doing so for the sake of all mankind, not for some selfish reward or to avoid some punishment. That makes me far more moral than any faithful could possibly be. Doing the right thing for selfish motives is not morality.
In other words, Dan, the plan was to boot the Palestinians out from the start. It is a crime Dan. It is indefensible.
I never hear you speak out against suicide bombers killing kids in pizza parlors.
That is even less defensible.
What would be your solution?
We have the technology to physically move the buildings and the dirt that's "holy". It's even more practical than endless war. Worldwide shipping capacity is so large, no one even knows how much tonnage is shipped every year. It's freaking huge!
What would be your solution?
We have the technology to physically move the buildings and the dirt that's "holy". It's even more practical than endless war. Worldwide shipping capacity is so large, no one even knows how much tonnage is shipped every year. It's freaking huge!
The holy sites are not just the buildings, but the ground underneath it too.
We need a better solution if there is one.
I never hear you speak out against suicide bombers killing kids in pizza parlors.
That is even less defensible.Two wrongs don't make a right. But, the Palestinians have been oppressed as a people for decades, many decades. It is approaching a century of oppression. It is a crime the Zionists have committed for almost a century.
Speaking out against just one wrong does not make a "right" either. Where is your sense of fairness and balance?
As Chomsky writes in his Peace in the Middle East?, “In the American Jewish community, there is little willingness to face the fact that the Palestinian Arabs have suffered a monstrous historical injustice, whatever one may think of the competing claims. Until this is recognized, discussion of the Middle East crisis cannot even begin.â€
Bull shit. Jews have faced a greater injustice throughout history. They deserve a homeland.
He will judge you for calling him evil too.
Well that sounds petty, especially since any intelligent being would know I was talking about a hypothetical god that would toss someone into hell for not believing in his existence. Is your god truly that petty?
The Palestinians do not want to be shipped from Palestine
Honey, please read my statements before jumping onto your delusions. I didn't advocate shipping Palestinians in cargo holds. I advocated moving the state of Israel to someplace else, which is exactly what you want. The Israelis can fly first class rather than in cargo holds.
Speaking out against just one wrong does not make a "right" either. Where is your sense of fairness and balance?
The occupier always bears more responsibility than the occupied. You know that. Where is your sense of fair play? Where is your brain?
And they are keeping up with their responsibility of avoiding the deaths of civilians, and going after Hamas...a treacherous, baby killing terrorist machine.
And they are keeping up with their responsibility of avoiding the deaths of civilians, and going after Hamas...a treacherous, baby killing terrorist machine.
That must be why 1000 civilians have died. And btw, Strategist, the two state solution must come before this killing. That is the crime. It is a crime everytime an Israeli soldier gets up in the morning.
Hamas does not want a 2 state solution. They want to exterminate Jews and Israel. Other Islamists want to exterminate pretty much everyone else.
I don't understand how you can support people who train their children to be suicide bombers.
It's not just poverty. Poor Hispanics do not commit crime at nearly the same rate as similarly poor blacks.
but it still can be accumulated prejudice and racism, plus culture, before we even get to epigenetic and genetic factors.
We need to fix all that crap before we start tarring entire populations with racist brushes.
That's actually part of the problem, not solution.
And yes, white supremacists should quit while they're ahead before they find out their aryan or whatever stock is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
A culture thing is not the same as a "race" thing. It is true that most wealthier countries are further away from the equator. Singapore is an exception. Perhaps the capitalist dictatorship is the explanation?
I have to say I don't understand the premise of this thread, since the most recent scientific evidence points to the fact that we are one species, not a bunch of "races."
I'm also surprised that Patrick would start such a thread and not defend whatever position he takes in relation to it, but so be it.
This is either a total put on, or the grossest display of stupidity I've seen recently, and I drive a lot!
I'm checking out. See ya.
I have to say I don't understand the premise of this thread, since the most recent scientific evidence points to the fact that we are one species, not a bunch of "races."
Of course there are "races," they are in our heads. Groups race against each other. It means nothing, but humanity brings no meaning either.
I have to say I don't understand the premise of this thread, since the most recent scientific evidence points to the fact that we are one species, not a bunch of "races."
Given a million more years with no interracial breeding we would all have evolved into completely different animals. But with the world getting smaller, and interracial breeding expanding, we will all have descendants of the same human race.
Eventually, who is smarter, superior, and prettier will make no difference.
Hamas does not want a 2 state solution. They want to exterminate Jews and Israel.
Wrong again. Hamas has called for a two state solution. That is the LEAST Israel MUST DO.
Then, after that there is still ongoing negotiations about the Palestinian claims on the land.
You have not done your homework. Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel. Israel is willing to go for a 2 state solution, which is why the gave up Gaza in exchange for peace. What did they get? suicide bombers.
scientific evidence points to the fact that we are one species, not a bunch of "races."
My guess is Bgamall4 would hate zionists even if Israel did not exist. His persona reminds me of germany before WW2.
Excellent rational by Sam Harris on why secularists need to support Israel-
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It's not just poverty. Poor Hispanics do not commit crime at nearly the same rate as similarly poor blacks.