Over a dozen witnesses confirm cop, Darren Wilson's version of what happened

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2014 Aug 19, 5:57am   14,669 views  47 comments

by lakermania   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

A St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter says that Ferguson, Missouri, police confirm that more than a dozen witnesses to the shooting of teenager Michael Brown have backed up the account of the incident offered by the officer who killed the teenager.


There are also rumors out there that Brown have been charged as a juvenile in connection with a murder.

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26   Strategist   2014 Aug 19, 7:58am  

Ceffer says

Strategist says

How did the Brown family come up with the money to pay for a high end private coroner to make their case? I think they are among the people who don't have $400 for an emergency. Their nice attorney must have footed the bill. How nice of him.

Yup, as they say, so called expert witnesses are like hookers in July, just lining up for those massive lego-bucks, you'll only get impartial testimony from them, har.

My guess...$25,000 for a few hours work, and a lot of BS.
Worth every penny when the nice attorney stands to make millions.

27   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 19, 8:00am  

thunderlips11 says

Straw Man says

thunderlips11 says

Never goes to the Jury. Police have "If an officer feels threatened..." in the Policy. DA says "Yep, looks like the incident conforms to policy" and declines to prosecute.

In case of "100lbs 12yo" it sure goes.

If the community is outraged, the media laughs at the Police Malevolent Association, and either the local DA is forced to, or the State/Feds take over.

Nope. Always. I double dog dare you to find an example where bare-handed 100 lbs 12 y.o. were shot by 200 lbs police officer and the latter wasn't prosecuted because his claim of "fear of death" was accepted. If such shooting ever happened, of course, which also seems to be highly unlikely.

28   anonymous   2014 Aug 19, 8:12am  

You shouldn't be able to holster a handgun if you're such a scaredy pants little bitch that you might just piss ur pants, close ur eyes, and unload your weapon into a crowd one day if a big kid strikes fear into your 'heart'.

Nary a peep about all the danger the LEO put everyone else in harms way by firing his weapon multiple times on a city street. Where do the bullets go that miss? He's obviously a poor aim. I have a friend whose younger brother was killed by a stray bullet way back when. He was sitting in his bedroom and then, life was over for him.

29   anonymous   2014 Aug 19, 8:17am  

What I find most fucked up here is that so many rush to complain about the looting by the savages. They're not bothered as to why its happening,,,,to some of these simple simon-fuck-"americans" ( I feel sick calling them my fellow countrymen) the big problem here is the rioting

Not that a police officer, whose gig is to protect and serve, while upholding the law, executed a teen on the streets in midday, with no imminent danger

Not that said police officers fellow union members are beating up on the entire town now

Not that these worthless government union slackers are pissing on the freedom of press, detaining journalists and photographers

No. This sect of "american" is most bothered by the chance that some big black kid lifted two blunts, and he was gonna go smoke some more grass. When little miss scaredy cat LEO decided to harass him before executing him.

He had it coming to him

30   HydroCabron   2014 Aug 19, 8:33am  

At least the bankers don't steal cigars.

31   Y   2014 Aug 19, 8:40am  

There's no evidence that the officer developed a finger cramp.

errc says

That if they are such cowardly little pussies that even with an entire gang of fellow gun wielding union members one radio click away, that with the protection of their gear and their gun, an appropriate response to fear is to close your eyes and squeeze the trigger till ya can't squeeze no more?

32   Y   2014 Aug 19, 8:42am  

which makes your entire post irrelevant.

errc says

Police could learn something from walmart. Stealing something so petty isn't even worth prosecuting. Oh wait, the store clerk where the alleged robbery took place didn't even call it in to police.

33   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 19, 8:45am  

errc says

No. This sect of "american" is most bothered by the chance that some big black kid lifted two blunts, and he was gonna go smoke some more grass. When little miss scaredy cat LEO decided to harass him before executing him.

He had it coming to him

So it's basically the same "Trayvon song" we've already heard bazillion times.

34   Y   2014 Aug 19, 8:47am  

The white cop was already assaulted in his car.
His weapon went off as the perp went for it, before the perp clocked the white cop causing orbital fractures.
Then the perp walks away, turns and charges the cop, but in your world the cop should have just handed the perp his gun so we'd have white cop brains blown out all over the sidewalk.
Then, and only then, would your suppressed liberal guilt over 1700's slave trading be mitigated, maybe for a few minutes....

errc says

Regardless,,,,what the hell does it matter to the case of the 28 yo white cop murdering the 18 yo black kid

35   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 19, 8:47am  

errc says

Not that a police officer, whose gig is to protect and serve, while upholding the law, executed a teen on the streets in midday, with no imminent danger

It's about money.

According to a study by the St. Louis nonprofit Better Together, Ferguson receives nearly one-quarter of its revenue from court fees; for some surrounding towns it approaches 50 percent.

Municipal reliance on revenue generated from traffic stops adds pressure to make more of them. One town, Sycamore Hills, has stationed a radar-gun-wielding police officer on its 250-foot northbound stretch of Interstate.

With primarily white police forces that rely disproportionately on traffic citation revenue, blacks are pulled over, cited and arrested in numbers far exceeding their population share, according to a recent report from Missouri’s attorney general. In Ferguson last year, 86 percent of stops, 92 percent of searches and 93 percent of arrests were of black people — despite the fact that police officers were far less likely to find contraband on black drivers (22 percent versus 34 percent of whites). This worsens inequality, as struggling blacks do more to fund local government than relatively affluent whites.


The government is overwhelmingly white, and award contracts to white friends, but the citizens are overwhelmingly black. Check the whole article, it's great.

36   Y   2014 Aug 19, 8:52am  

Typical liberal lie.
One shot found the face, in the eye.
Top of the head is not the face.
Arms are not faces.

It's very plausible that the first four shots were the arm and shoulder shots. Those were not enough to stop the 300 lb african american from charging the already assaulted police officer, who had just moments earlier successfully fended off a physical attack from the perp in which the perp tried to take his gun.

Just what the fuck do you think the white cop thought was going to happen to him, given that experience, as 300 pounds of THC laced flesh came roaring at him again?

Are you that stupid a fuck or what??
errc says

What evidence could possibly come to light that would justify a cop unloading his entire clip into the face of an unarmed citizen?

37   HydroCabron   2014 Aug 19, 9:23am  

SoftShell says

300 pounds of THC laced flesh came roaring at him again?

Vicious reefer junkies, in full cannabis rage, are coming for you! Nothing can stop the blood lust of the ghetto hop-head, tumescent with THC rage!

38   HydroCabron   2014 Aug 19, 9:25am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Thank God the financial services industry keeps the ship of state piloted straight and true!

Lik Dis If U Cry Evertim‎!

39   Oilwelldoctor   2014 Aug 19, 9:38am  

What do statements of facts have to do with it? Never miss an opportunity for a crusade; false or otherwise. Also a chance to get some free stuff.

40   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Aug 19, 10:47am  

Lord please let me hit the Mega Millions so that I may share what I know with the clueless.

Seriously I'd love to but I'd be breaking some laws in the process. If I had millions, it wouldn't be a worry, but at the moment it's an issue.

Strategist and laker mania are dead on point on this one. CIC is right in spirit.

Everyone else pretty much is utterly clueless.

Look, the shooting may be unjustified. The investigation might show that. The chance that is racially motivated is miniscule. But we don't have the results yet and jumping to conclusions is ridiculous. Look at the popular version that's out there about the Trayvon Martin case, facts be damned and all.

Should all cops have cams in the car and body cams? Hell yeah they should! And cops that oppose that(like the LAPD cops in South LA who broke the antennas on the cars that transmit the body cam data....it should have been investigated and those responsible should have been charged with vandalism and fired along with losing retirement benefits) are assholes that shouldn't be cops.

So really the protestors should rally for that...police transparency and cooperation with the community....crush the us vs them mentality.....not riot over a make believe situation with bs racial overtones inserted for no reason.

41   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Aug 19, 10:49am  

Oilwelldoctor says

What do statements of facts have to do with it? Never miss an opportunity for a crusade; false or otherwise. Also a chance to get some free stuff.

Oh for certain everyone at public demonstrations in 2014 who is crying about racism is a liar, and most are emotionally unstable. Corrupt cops? Yeah, sometimes. Cops shooting unarmed people for no reason other than their skin color? That's a lie and complete bullshit.

42   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Aug 19, 11:12am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

dodgerfanjohn says

That's a lie and complete bullshit.

Right, cops shoot people for entertainment until the pension rolls out.

That's actually plausible.

43   lakermania   2014 Aug 19, 11:23am  

errc says

He's obviously a poor aim

So I take it you know how to shoot a pistol and how many shots were fired?

Because it's not like in video games where pistols have pinpoint accuracy at ridiculous distances. They aren't like rifles either which are much more accurate. Even at 20 feet under no duress, it takes skill to put bullets on target with a handgun, especially a semi-automatic handgun. The fact that the cop was able to score 6 shots under pressure with a fractured eye socket into the torso and head area, to me seems impressive.

Again, you speak so matter-of-factly about stuff no one has the info on yet, and which you probably have no experience with.

44   Strategist   2014 Aug 19, 11:32am  

lakermania says

errc says

He's obviously a poor aim

So I take it you know how to shoot a pistol and how many shots were fired?

Because it's not like in video games where pistols have pinpoint accuracy at ridiculous distances. They aren't like rifles either which are much more accurate. Even at 20 feet under no duress, it takes skill to put bullets on target with a handgun, especially a semi-automatic handgun. The fact that the cop was able to score 6 shots under pressure with a fractured eye socket into the torso and head area, to me seems impressive.

Again, you speak so matter-of-factly about stuff no one has the info on yet, and which you probably have no experience with.

Lots of support brewing up for the cop. Seems the evidence is going his way.
I heard some of the arguments the dumb rioters have been coming up with.
Good thing their welfare checks are not based on IQ.

45   zzyzzx   2014 Aug 19, 12:01pm  

If blacks don't like being shot, then maybe they should stop assaulting police!

Obligatory typical black:

46   Y   2014 Aug 19, 12:48pm  

Since THC was the only drug found in his blood, we have to assume this was the trigger for his chemical makeup, regardless of whether you are for or against pot.
This incident is living proof that, given the right mix of human chemistry laced with self-injected additives, anything can happen.

HydroCabron says

SoftShell says

300 pounds of THC laced flesh came roaring at him again?

Vicious reefer junkies, in full cannabis rage, are coming for you! Nothing can stop the blood lust of the ghetto hop-head, tumescent with THC rage!

47   Y   2014 Aug 19, 12:52pm  

What about me?
I'm spouting the same shit....I'm on O'Reilly's payroll too!!

dodgerfanjohn says

Strategist and laker mania are dead on point on this one. CIC is right in spirit.

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