ISIS is a product of the CIA

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2014 Aug 31, 4:25am   8,380 views  33 comments

by indigenous   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

The Syrian jihadist supported by the western powers and, for some baffling reason, Turkey, ran amok. A previously unknown band of gunmen known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant were trained and armed in Jordan by CIA, then turned lose on Syria.

What makes IS so effective is that the major portion of its leaders and soldiers are veterans of President Saddam Hussein’s army, notably the Republican Guard. With IS is the last surviving Saddam insider, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.



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1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 31, 4:52am  

If it's a formidable force anywhere in the world, then chances are we not only trained their army, but played some role in their leader being where they are today.

2   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 31, 6:09am  

Call it Crazy says

Oh god...

It's God! Damn You...

God was the original grammar Nazi.

3   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 6:50am  

indigenous says

ISIS is a product of the CIA

Above is a silly claim. :(

4   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 6:58am  

Strategist says

Above is a silly claim. :(

Did you read the article. They said the same thing about Al Qaeda.

And the Captain confirmed it above.

5   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 6:59am  

Contrary to the Republicans I do question the need for an ongoing war whose main instigator is the defense contractors through lobbyist such as McCain who is tawdry in his rhetoric.

6   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 7:02am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Above is a silly claim. :(

Did you read the article. They said the same thing about Al Qaeda.

Saying the same thing about Al Qaeda is just as silly.

7   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 7:06am  

Strategist says

Saying the same thing about Al Qaeda is just as silly.

I can't believe you question the Captain? WTF

No it is true, the CIA has a shitload of skeletons in their closet.

8   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 7:07am  

Call it Crazy says

Hey, they need a reason to test all the newly weaponry on somebody...

I thought they were going to start doing that domestically to save money?

9   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 7:09am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

indigenous says

ISIS is a product of the CIA

Above is a silly claim. :(

It's conspiracy theorists that write these stories. Probably offspring of the ones who thought the CIA killed the Kennedys.

Everyone knows the CIA is just an intelligence gathering agency that keeps America safe for democracy.

Claiming we create people that take off the heads of children displaying them in parks for other kids to see, and who train their 7 year olds to take off a human head, is silly, stupid and part of the problem. As if that green book they read had nothing to do with it.

10   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 7:13am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Saying the same thing about Al Qaeda is just as silly.

I can't believe you question the Captain? WTF

No it is true, the CIA has a shitload of skeletons in their closet.

I'm sure they have lots of skeletons in their closet. They are a secret service set up to protect us. If they don't have skeletons, they aint doing their job.
The Captain has nothing to do with this claim.

11   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 7:14am  

Strategist says

Claiming we create people that take off the heads of children displaying them in parks for other kids to see, and who train their 7 year olds to take off a human head, is silly, stupid and part of the problem. As if that green book they read had nothing to do with it.

It is so outrageous that you just want to go to war, huh?

Your mistake is assuming these guys have scruples or fecks (is that a word? I mean you can be feckless)

12   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 7:14am  

indigenous says

Call it Crazy says

Hey, they need a reason to test all the newly weaponry on somebody...

I thought they were going to start doing that domestically to save money?

Maybe they should have on the rioters, but they were too afraid of upsetting them.

13   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 7:16am  

Strategist says

The Captain has nothing to do with this claim.

Au Contrair, merely look at this post in this thread:

CaptainShuddup says

If it's a formidable force anywhere in the world, then chances are we not only trained their army, but played some role in their leader being where they are today.

14   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 7:16am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Claiming we create people that take off the heads of children displaying them in parks for other kids to see, and who train their 7 year olds to take off a human head, is silly, stupid and part of the problem. As if that green book they read had nothing to do with it.

It is so outrageous that you just want to go to war, huh?

Who wants wars? It's such a waste. I want these barbarians exterminated once and for all so that we don't have any wars.

15   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 7:17am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

The Captain has nothing to do with this claim.

Au Contrair, merely look at this post in this thread:

CaptainShuddup says

If it's a formidable force anywhere in the world, then chances are we not only trained their army, but played some role in their leader being where they are today.

OK, so the Captain has an opinion. What's the big deal?

16   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 7:36am  

Strategist says

Who wants wars?

Defense contractors.

17   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 7:36am  

Strategist says

OK, so the Captain has an opinion. What's the big deal?

He is saying the same thing as me.

18   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 9:02am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Who wants wars?

Defense contractors.

That I agree with.

indigenous says

Strategist says

OK, so the Captain has an opinion. What's the big deal?

He is saying the same thing as me.

I don't see the relevance.

19   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 9:21am  

Strategist says

I don't see the relevance.

The defense contractors need a reason to go to war. The past 100 years they have come up with one after another.

LBJ = Gulf of Tonkin

This was not true and passed along as true by McNamara to LBJ who then used it as an excuse to go into Vietnam in a big way

Wilson = the Lusitania

Wilson sent the Lusitania into enemy water knowing full well that it would get attacked IIRC the Germans warned him not to do that.

FDR = Pearl Harbor

Because he put sanctions on Japan they almost had no choice but to go to war

Bush (41) = misled Hussein in that the US would not attack if he went into Kuwait

Bush (43) = WMDs in Iraq

You know this story

Point is that EVERY war is provoked by the US in some way or fashion in order to give the military industrial complex something to due at a HUGE cost. That is NOT an investment in anyway fucking shape or form.

Eisenhower was dead on and extremely prescient. Give me more presidents just like him.
Almost all of the inflation can be tracked down to war, certainly hyperinflation anyway.

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 31, 9:25am  

Indigenous, when you talk like this, you remind me of the good side of Libertarianism.

21   Strategist   2014 Aug 31, 9:29am  

thunderlips11 says

Indigenous, when you talk like this, you remind me of the good side of Libertarianism.

Ha ha ha.
It's called anti Americanism, not good side of Libertarianism.
I feel proud standing up for what is just and right. :)

22   RWSGFY   2014 Aug 31, 9:34am  

Call it Crazy says

The Syrian jihadist supported by .... for some baffling reason, Turkey....

"Baffling reason"? They've had Islamist PM (who has recently become their President) for the last 11 years. There is nothing "baffling" about his reasons.

23   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 9:48am  

Straw Man says

"Baffling reason"? They've had Islamist PM (who has recently become their President) for the last 11 years. There is nothing "baffling" about his reasons.

The article is talking about Turkey supporting the Syrian jihadist?

24   indigenous   2014 Aug 31, 9:55am  

bgamall4 says

And the invasion of Afghanistan because of the 9/11 conspiracy.

Just to keep the conspiracies straight, is this part of the trilateral thousand points of light type deal or something else?

25   zzyzzx   2014 Aug 31, 12:07pm  

It's all Obama's fault!!!

26   indigenous   2014 Sep 1, 3:19am  

The Professor says

Remember the Maine!


27   Robert Sproul   2014 Sep 1, 4:58am  

indigenous says

They said the same thing about Al Qaeda.

Hillary admits it here:


28   Strategist   2014 Sep 1, 6:54am  

bgamall4 says

It is fact that the Taliban went to Texas in 1997, and then rebuffed Cheney's pipeline. It was Unocal's pipeline but it would have gone to HW Bush and Cheney investments in energy in the Caspian Sea.

So because the Taliban refused a pipeline, we engineered the 911, so we could invade and take over Afghanistan. We got Afghanistan, where is the pipeline?

29   Strategist   2014 Sep 1, 6:59am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

I want these barbarians exterminated once and for all so that we don't have any wars.

The CIA?

Be careful. The CIA spends every waking hour investigating Patnetters. If they offer me a job, I would accept.

30   Strategist   2014 Sep 1, 7:05am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

The Professor says

Strategist says

I want these barbarians exterminated once and for all so that we don't have any wars.

The CIA?

Be careful. The CIA spends every waking hour investigating Patnetters. If they offer me a job, I would accept.

Too late, you're already on the hit list!

Who turned me in?

31   Strategist   2014 Sep 1, 10:25am  

bgamall4 says

Well, oil shale is in the picture, making the pipeline less urgent.

Oil shale did not come into the picture until recently, and Cheney is getting old anyway.

bgamall4 says

Why do you think Israel wants Assad removed? It has its eye on the oil shale in the Golan Heights.

Israel already controls the Golan Heights. We want Assad removed because he is a mean dude.

32   Strategist   2014 Sep 1, 10:27am  

bgamall4 says

Since Wikipedia has taken out the info about the Golan Heights, here is the scoop, Strategist: http://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-prepares-to-drill-for-oil-in-occupied-golan-new-jersey-based-genie-energy-granted-drilling-rights/5351602

Hope it's true. Drill baby drill.

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