The True Cause of Poverty

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2014 Sep 4, 12:33pm   49,404 views  297 comments

by Peter P   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Poverty exists because of bad values. It is that simple. The majority of poor people think wealth is a sin. It is not surprising their moral high ground is a swamp.

It is all too human to find comfort in blame. As a result, the goal to lift oneself out of poverty is entirely forgotten. On the other hand, winners do not waste time with excuses.

Do you want to succeed? Or would you like to have the most beautiful, heart-wrenching story of your failure.

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120   Peter P   2014 Sep 5, 10:58am  

Dan8267 says

By definition of zero-sum, no. And we're talking economics, not leisure.

It is the same thing. Life is a game. It would be sad if we do not have fun.

121   Peter P   2014 Sep 5, 11:08am  

Dan8267 says

Peter P says

Nicholas Tesla is the biggest loser of all.

And that comment is why the opinions of people like you on any subject matter is worthless.

Everybody wants to be in the shoes of Thomas Edison instead.

122   indigenous   2014 Sep 5, 12:08pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Not saying those people don't exist...most certainly the do us has Paris Hilton

Even Paris Hilton is mostly self made, Reality was saying a while back that she would not have a fraction of what she has now if only from inheritance.

"But the question of what counts as “self-made” is now in the political spotlight after President Barack Obama’s “you didn’t build that” comments and attacks on Mitt Romney’s family privilege.

United for a Fair Economy breaks down the Forbes list using a baseball analogy. It says 35 percent of the list was born in the “batter’s box,” with a lower-middle class or middle-class background.

That includes people like Larry Ellison of Oracle , who was born in a lower-middle class part of Chicago. It also includes Harold Hamm, a one-time gas-station attendant who built an oil and gas empire.

The report says 22 percent of the list were born on first base: they came from a comfortable but not rich background and might have received some start-up capital from a family member. This group includes Mark Zuckerberg and hedge funder Louis Bacon, who started Moore Capital Management with help from a small inheritence.

Only 11.5 percent were born on second base, the report says. Second base is defined as people who inherited a medium sized company or more than $1 million or got “substantial” start-up capital from a business or family member. (Read more: Millionaire Parents Say Kids Are Not Fit to Inherit)

This group includes Donald Trump, who built on his father’s real-estate business, and Donald Schneider who inherited the Schneider International trucking company.

The report says 7 percent were born on third base, inheriting more than $50 million in wealth or a big company. The report includes Charles Koch and Charles Butt on third base.

The report says 21 percent were born on home plate, inheriting enough money to make the list. The home-basers include Forrest Mars Jr. and Bill Marriott. The report listed 3.25 percent as “undetermined,” meaning there was insufficient information on their financial background.

How do you define “self-made” wealth? Can you inherit your dad’s company and still be self-made?"


123   indigenous   2014 Sep 5, 12:16pm  

Peter P says

It seems all the growing countries (USA, China, etc) have a long and fat tail

But they are coincident with QE, there is no magic

124   Bellingham Bill   2014 Sep 5, 1:00pm  

When I think of wealthy people, I think of real estate and health care.

These are wealth extraction sectors here, compared to other countries with lower costs and thus lower economic rents being hoovered up by a relative few. Lots of rent-seeking, precious little capitalism going on now. And these sectors amount to over HALF our wages!

No problem here. Move along.

125   Howdy There   2014 Sep 5, 2:02pm  

The true cause of poverty is that people aren't equal, amplified by the fact that people aren't equally connected. Poverty won't be eliminated by policy; it will be eliminated by human evolution. Wait times may be lengthy. Sigh.

126   indigenous   2014 Sep 5, 2:19pm  

The reality is that if someone wants to improve themselves they have to find out what is wanted and produce it. Entrepreneurs are exceptional at this.

Anything to the contrary is just a bunch of propaganda people adopt to use as an excuse not to try.

127   Howdy There   2014 Sep 5, 2:26pm  

indigenous says

The reality is that if someone wants to improve themselves they have to find out what is wanted and produce it.

Someone with no resources (including credit rating) can't produce anything. They probably can't even determine what is wanted. Wish it wasn't so, but we're talking an insurmountable challenge nine-point-nine times out of ten.

128   indigenous   2014 Sep 5, 2:52pm  

Howdy There says

Someone with no resources (including credit rating) can't produce anything. They probably can't even determine what is wanted.

I don't agree, in fact that is the propaganda that the left wants you to believe.

In any case anyone anywhere can DO something to improve their situation, and that is a fact.

129   anonymous   2014 Sep 5, 3:13pm  

Dan8267 says

It is you who is putting up straw man arguments.

Such as?

130   anonymous   2014 Sep 5, 3:16pm  

jazz music says

You focused on it, you arrogant prick.

No I didn't...I just mentioned it. You're the one who keeps focusing on it.

131   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 2:13am  

Howdy There says

indigenous says

The reality is that if someone wants to improve themselves they have to find out what is wanted and produce it.

Someone with no resources (including credit rating) can't produce anything. They probably can't even determine what is wanted. Wish it wasn't so, but we're talking an insurmountable challenge nine-point-nine times out of ten.

It does not take much to publish a book nowadays. Determining what is wanted is a matter of curiosity and the want to improve oneself. There is also a need to seek mentors, not "friends" who will say whatever you want to hear. 99% of the challenges can be overcome from within.

132   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 2:45am  

Howdy There says

The true cause of poverty is that people aren't equal, amplified by the fact that people aren't equally connected.

Also, poverty exists because people are labelled as such. This encourages the development and persistence of bad values.

"Once you label me you negate me."
-- Søren Kierkegaard

133   indigenous   2014 Sep 6, 2:47am  

Peter P says

99% of the challenges can be overcome from within.


134   New Renter   2014 Sep 6, 3:27am  

Peter P says

Howdy There says

indigenous says

The reality is that if someone wants to improve themselves they have to find out what is wanted and produce it.

Someone with no resources (including credit rating) can't produce anything. They probably can't even determine what is wanted. Wish it wasn't so, but we're talking an insurmountable challenge nine-point-nine times out of ten.

It does not take much to publish a book nowadays. Determining what is wanted is a matter of curiosity and the want to improve oneself. There is also a need to seek mentors, not "friends" who will say whatever you want to hear. 99% of the challenges can be overcome from within.

Well if that's the case it should be no problem at all for you to overcome your relative poverty and join the 0.001%

Just grab your bootstraps and get to work and you'll be surroundimg yourself with montreal hookers aboard one of your many yachts

135   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 3:35am  

New Renter says

Well if that's the case it should be no problem at all for you to overcome your relative poverty and join the 0.001%

Just grab your bootstraps and get to work...

It should be everyone's goal to keep moving up. The most dangerous thing in life is aiming too low. Fail fast and fail up.

Then again, not everyone can reach his goal, and that is fine. The world will benefit from us trying.

136   New Renter   2014 Sep 6, 4:07am  

Peter P says

The world will benefit from us trying.

Ah yes, Kim Jong Il's personal mantra.

137   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 4:10am  

New Renter says

Peter P says

The world will benefit from us trying.

Ah yes, Kim Jong Il's personal mantra.

That guy's comedic talent is unmatched.

When is The Interview coming out? Can't wait to see it.

138   marcus   2014 Sep 6, 4:23am  

Peter P says

The solution to the poverty problem is to emphasize the piety of wealth.

If people want to live better, they must have the right belief systems.

I'll ask the logic question again. Is it theoretically possible that if everyone had the necessary beliefs that there would be close to zero poverty ? Or even far less poverty?

139   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 4:25am  

marcus says

Peter P says

The solution to the poverty problem is to emphasize the piety of wealth.

If people want to live better, they must have the right belief systems.

I'll ask the logic question again. Is it theoretically possible that if everyone had the necessary beliefs that there would be close to zero poverty ? Or even far less poverty?

Why does that matter?

140   marcus   2014 Sep 6, 4:29am  

Peter P says

Why does that matter?

LEt me get this straight. You talk about the cause of poverty, and the solution to poverty, and then you ask, why does it matter if you're full of shit and don't even believe the nonsense you're spouting ?

I guess you have a point. But unlike you, I wasn't trolling. I thought maybe you really believed your nonsense.

141   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 4:36am  

marcus says

LEt me get this straight. YOu talk about the cause of poverty, and the solution to poverty, and then you ask, does it matter if you're full of shit and don't even believe the nonsense you're spouting ?

Everyone has his own reality, influenced by his values and belief system. That is all that matters. Whether there is zero poverty, or 3.14% poverty, or any percentage is an arbitrary concept in the mind of otherwise unemployable social "scientists."

142   marcus   2014 Sep 6, 4:38am  

Ah, I see you're above seriously answering the question. Funny that such a psuedo intellect who spews nonsensical meaningless generalizations about peoples realities would also talk about social scientists being unemployable.

Let me guess. You're a fan of "the secret." "Think and grow rich," perhaps ?

143   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 4:45am  

"The Secret" is no secret. Even if you disagree on the operating principles of the universe, you must agree that positive thinking brings positive result.

144   marcus   2014 Sep 6, 4:48am  

Of course attitude and beliefs are hugely important to the individual.

But they have nothing to do with the general cause of poverty in society.

145   prodigy   2014 Sep 6, 4:49am  

There's a reason you people are having neural spats of meaningless angerism...

146   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 4:49am  

marcus says

Of course attitude and beliefs are hugely important to the individual.

But they have nothing to do with the general cause of poverty in society.

The general cause is just a matter of collective beliefs.

147   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 4:51am  

prodigy says

There's a reason you people are having neural spats of meaningless angerism...

Astrologically, we are living in interesting times.

148   marcus   2014 Sep 6, 4:51am  

Peter P says

The general cause is just a matter of collective beliefs.

SO was it the collective beliefs of slaves in the US that ended slavery ?

149   anonymous   2014 Sep 6, 4:53am  

marcus says

I'll ask the logic question again. Is it theoretically possible that if everyone had the necessary beliefs that there would be close to zero poverty ? Or even far less poverty?

Absolutely. If everyone were responsible, honest and worked hard, there would be FAR less poverty than we have today. Hence, the reason to not prop up the lazy and weak thereby rewarding bad behavior and perpetuating the problem.

150   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 5:41am  

debyne says

Absolutely. If everyone were responsible, honest and worked hard, there would be FAR less poverty than we have today.

Responsibility, honesty, and hard work are colored by value judgement. As a result, one still needs to have the right values.

Responsibility. Individual or societal?

Honesty. Is someone more successful automatically less honest? Is it dishonest to prey on stupidity?

Hard work. In addition to time and effort, one must be in a constant state of reinvention.

151   anonymous   2014 Sep 6, 5:49am  

Peter P says

debyne says

Absolutely. If everyone were responsible, honest and worked hard, there would be FAR less poverty than we have today.

Responsibility, honesty, and hard work are colored by value judgement. As a result, one still needs to have the right values.

Responsibility. Individual or societal?

Honesty. Is someone more successful automatically less honest? Is it dishonest to prey on stupidity?

Hard work. In addition to time and effort, one must be in a constant state of reinvention.

Before I respond, let me see if I can find my trying-to-sound-smart-but-saying-nothing decoder ring.

152   indigenous   2014 Sep 6, 5:54am  

Simple stuff really, if you reward people for producing they will produce if you reward people for not producing they will not produce.

If you reward people for being gimp they will be gimp as with the 10 million on permanent disability.

If you reward people for raising the standard of living for the entire planet then you get the: the google guys, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison (unfairly not Tesla), South Korea (not North Korea), Germany (not East Germany), Hong Kong/Taiwan (not mainland China at the time), US before 1913, etc.

153   indigenous   2014 Sep 6, 6:06am  

Here is a 12 year old entrepreneur in Kenya:


You mutts don't realize how much you have been infected with liberal propaganda.

154   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 6:17am  

RE: Edison and Tesla

Ideas are a dime a dozen. The implementor/marketer is more important than the inventor.

Everybody knows Microsoft and Apple. Who remembers Xerox PARC?

155   indigenous   2014 Sep 6, 6:21am  

Yeah,yeah. I'm not playing one upmanship.

The point was that in a socialistic country you are rewarded for no reason IOW there is no price discovery.

Life organically does have price discovery and rewards it, as with the 12yr old Kenyan boy.

156   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 6:32am  

Yes, price discovery is very important.

I think many people agree, but to them the "cost" is too high. They argue for arbitrary concepts like fairness and merit. I am sure they mean well, but categorical value judgment is meaningless IMO.

Sure, fairness is important, but in what context? In any game, the losers will always cry foul. Should the outcome of all games be a matter of participation only?

The problem is that we are ALL subjectivists. Worse yet, too many of us also pretend to be objective. As a result, reasons are invented for emotional comfort.

157   marcus   2014 Sep 6, 6:48am  

debyne says

If everyone were responsible, honest and worked hard, there would be FAR less poverty than we have today. Hence, the reason to not prop up the lazy and weak thereby rewarding bad behavior and perpetuating the problem.

I can (sort of) agree with the second sentence, in this sense. There is an inherent problem in just paying people a living income for doing nothing. This leads to too many bad parents having children, and a lack of personal responsibility and so on. I don't claim to know how society will address that, but it is addressable as we eventually move into an age where some sort of minimal income to people will be necessary.

But as for the previous sentence ?

"If everyone were responsible, honest and worked hard, there would be FAR less poverty than we have today."

I disagree. If this were the case, a huge number of these people would find themselves in jobs that don't pay enough to live. This already exists to a degree today. People who are willing to work, that is people who insist on working, but the best job (or multiple jobs) they can get, which take up most of their energy, do not pay enough. So they are on food stamps anyway.

Food stamps are a way of hiding the fact that our economy is not working for some who want to work but can't get a good job. WE don't see lines of people begging for assistance. Food stamps are also a back door welfare for the employers who can then pay less than the cost of living, knowing the government will support those people.

If everyone insisted on working, when there are not enough jobs, this only creates more jobs that pay even less.

The idea that more people being responsible and willing to work and having the right beliefs automatically creates more decent paying jobs ? How can anyone believe such illogical nonsense ?

158   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 6:54am  

marcus says

our economy is not working for some who want to work but can't get a good job

A simple desire to work is insufficient. The work must also be something value by the market. One must be in tune with the market and satisfy its wants.

What if I really want to work as a telephone operator? Or an elevator driver?

159   Peter P   2014 Sep 6, 6:59am  

Trust funders are just fine. There are roughly two types: some take advantage of the gift and do something productive (e.g. the Ellison kids), others are pure consumers.

There is much anger leveled against the second group. However, since they are such great consumers, you can just sell more things to them, which means business opportunities for everyone!

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