but it should be

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2014 Sep 11, 6:59am   17,404 views  22 comments

by GonzoReal   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

Free speech is not always civil

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1   curious2   2014 Sep 11, 7:09am  

Please delete this thread. You've already created one today on the same topic. You are not a bot. You are a person, meaning you chose to do this twice. The first was bad enough. Don't make the same mistake twice on the same day, littering/spamming the home page with your garbage.

2   curious2   2014 Sep 11, 7:37am  

The Professor says

Do you believe

I believe that you are deranged. How do you expect me to ignore you and answer your questions? Don't bother answering that. I will Ignore you. Someday, you may recover from your insane delusion, although your need to spam it and troll may take longer.

3   Strategist   2014 Sep 12, 1:57am  

The Professor says

Do you believe the official story that 3 steel framed buildings collapsed due to office fires caused by 2 planes crashing?


4   Strategist   2014 Sep 12, 1:58am  

The Professor says

curious2 says

I believe that you are deranged.

But do you believe that THREE steel framed buildings collapsed due to fire?


5   Strategist   2014 Sep 12, 2:40am  

The Professor says

Strategist says


Even though it never happened before 9/11 and never happened since?

Commercial planes fully loaded with fuel have not crashed into similar buildings

6   Strategist   2014 Sep 12, 6:06am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

Commercial planes fully loaded with fuel have not crashed into similar buildings

No plane hit WTC7 and yet it fell into it's foot print at close to the acceleration of gravity. The official NIST report claims that this complete collapse with pulverized concrete floors and twisted and partially vaporized steel beams was caused by office fires burning for 6 hours.

Do you REALLY believe that or are you just a sock puppet that can do nothing but spew government propaganda?

No plane hit WTC7, true. I have no reason to doubt the government version.

7   Blurtman   2014 Sep 12, 8:24am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

Commercial planes fully loaded with fuel have not crashed into similar buildings

No plane hit WTC7 and yet it fell into it's foot print at close to the acceleration of gravity. The official NIST report claims that this complete collapse with pulverized concrete floors and twisted and partially vaporized steel beams was caused by office fires burning for 6 hours.

Do you REALLY believe that or are you just a sock puppet that can do nothing but spew government propaganda?

One would expect that the realization that office fires could collapse a major high-rise building has caused a major re-work of building specs around the world. This has to have caused huge waves in the fields of building design and construction. Plus, there must be warning messages in buildings not up to spec. Warning: In case of office fires, this building may collapse.

All you have to do is show this evidence to put to rest the doubters who believe there was some conspiracy at work. Should be incredibly easy to do.

8   HEY YOU   2014 Sep 14, 4:06pm  

The Professor says:

"Do you believe the official story that 3 steel framed buildings collapsed due to office fires caused by 2 planes crashing?"

Of course they did,just like "Iraq has WMD."

Bullshit flows freely from the mouths of Rep/Con/Teas.

9   elliemae   2014 Sep 14, 4:27pm  

I think you need a new tin-foil hat. The one you're wearing is rather old.

10   carrieon   2014 Sep 14, 7:24pm  

This video really pisses off the propaganda bots. lol

11   Strategist   2014 Sep 15, 1:30am  

The Professor says

I meant 47 stories. A 47 story building with a footprint the size of a football field was brought down, according to the official story, by burning carpets, curtains, computers, couches. and other office furnishings.

Almost two thousand architects and engineers, who know way more about office construction than us, do not believe the official story.

I have no idea why that 48 story building came down. I have an acquaintance whose retired father is a structural engineer. He read a few paragraphs from someone and concluded it was brought down by explosives. A few paragraphs is all it takes to conclude such a vital issue? The 2,000 architects and engineers do not speak for the millions of their peers who believe the official story.
There are a lot more than 2,000 who believe the world is flat.

12   Strategist   2014 Sep 15, 2:34am  

The Professor says

Not only architects and engineers but many well known and respected senior U.S. military officers, intelligence services and law enforcement veterans, and government officials have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report or have made public statements that contradict the Report.

Criticizing a report in not indicative of anyones belief that the government engineered 911.
We as Americans have lots of rivals and bitter enemies who would love nothing more then to convince their people and the rest of the world that America engineered 911 just to blame the Muslims. Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China, Middle East, Pakistan, N. Korea etc etc etc. They have lots of engineers to decipher the truth, but I do not see them make any bizarre claims about 911. Why do you think that is?

13   Strategist   2014 Sep 15, 3:53am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

any bizarre claims about 911

Bizarre claims like office fires destroyed a steel frame building?

Have you even looked at the evidence at AE911truth.org?

Don't need to. I am not an engineer.
The official report is good enough for me.

14   Strategist   2014 Sep 15, 5:35am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

The official report is good enough for me.

Have you read it?

Nope. It would be like reading about proof the world was flat.

15   Strategist   2014 Sep 16, 8:57am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

Nope. It would be like reading about proof the world was flat.

The architects at AE911truth.org have properly applied the hard sciences of engineering and architecture, physics and chemistry, metallurgy and construction, have authoritatively decreed that the 9/11 events of building destruction could not have occurred as they are described in the official 9/11 Commission Report. The over 2500 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are just one of various highly qualified groups who have weighed in on this extremely weighty matter.

Not all of them are Bob's dogs.

There are tens of millions of architect and engineers the world over. China and India alone turn out a million + every year. One group with an opinion does not make a fact.
I would also ask you again.....Why don't our rivals and enemies like Iran, Mid East, N. Korea, Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela etc. not dispute the government version of the 911 events?

16   bob2356   2014 Sep 16, 10:34am  

The Professor says

The architects at AE911truth.org have properly applied the hard sciences of engineering and architecture, physics and chemistry, metallurgy and construction, have authoritatively decreed that the 9/11 events of building destruction could not have occurred as they are described in the official 9/11 Commission Report. The over 2500 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are just one of various highly qualified groups who have weighed in on this extremely weighty matter.

Not all of them are Bob's dogs.

The proof that they are all (or at least 2499 of them) are actually architects or engineers is located where exaclty? Or proof that any of them are actually a or e's for that matter?

17   Strategist   2014 Sep 16, 10:59am  

The Professor says

Strategist says

One group with an opinion does not make a fact.

True, but one group with facts outweighs your opinion.

ha ha ha. you are right, I give you that. There are bigger groups with facts that outweigh your opinion, and the opinion of the little group.

The Professor says

Strategist says

I would also ask you again.....Why don't our rivals and enemies like Iran, Mid East, N. Korea, Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela etc. not dispute the government version of the 911 events?

They have, check Google, not MSNBC or wherever you get your talking points.

CNBC, CNN, BBC and Common Sense (I don't know what channel that is)

18   bob2356   2014 Sep 16, 12:23pm  

The Professor says

bob2356 says

The proof that they are all (or at least 2499 of them) are actually architects or engineers is located where exaclty? Or proof that any of them are actually a or e's for that matter?

Check the website, Bob.


The website provides no proof. I know it's hard for you to comprehend, but just posting a web page isn't proof of anything.

19   bob2356   2014 Sep 16, 12:27pm  

Strategist says

ha ha ha. you are right, I give you that. There are bigger groups with facts that outweigh your opinion, and the opinion of the little group.

No that's not true, the 2500 alleged e&e's, which is maybe .001% of the a&e's, are the only opinion that counts. All the rest are just lick spittle government lackies.

20   Indiana Jones   2014 Sep 16, 2:57pm  

all you doubters - just watch the video already. Jeez.


21   Y   2014 Sep 16, 10:13pm  

Office furnishing fires? No.

but I believe this.

The actual maximum burning temperature of a Jet-A fuel (standard jet fuel type in U.S.) is 980 deg. Celsius. If you refer to the Iron-Iron Carbide phase diagram, the temperature at which steel changes from cementite and pearlite (strong phases of steel) to austenite (significantly less strong) is 702.5 deg. Celsius. Also, if a steel structure is exposed to a temperature just below or at the eutectic (702.5 deg.) for a period of time, martinsite is formed (very weak). All it would take is a few I-beams to lose their structural integrity before the "chain reaction" would start.


The Professor says

Do YOU believe that office furnishing fires can cause a 48 story steel framed building to collapse in a pile of melted beams and pulverized concrete?

22   Y   2014 Sep 16, 10:25pm  

Using large groups of people who think alike as supporting evidence for drawing a conclusion does not always pan out if one were to study history. For example, a majority of americans voted into the highest office in the land a community organizer with a record of abstaining from just about every vote he was eligible to cast.

The Professor says

Not only architects and engineers but many well known and respected senior U.S. military officers, intelligence services and law enforcement veterans, and government officials have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report or have made public statements that contradict the Report

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