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As hard as he tries, our Captain just can't find a reason to like Obama.
He doesn't have to try hard at all... The dislike for Obama is growing everyday across the country... Obama makes it very easy to not like him...
The Captain does not even try to like him.
I liked him a lot when he caught and fed Bin Laden to the sharks. I also liked him when the economy did not go into a depression and housing started recovering. But for the last one year, housing has stopped recovering, and al Qaeda is back as ISIS.
We need a touch of the Republican magic.
I liked him a lot when he caught and fed Bin Laden to the sharks.
Yeah that happened!
The Captain does not even try to like him.
I said from the get go that he is nothing more than a media product, and he has not disappointed me YET. An interloper would be an over reach and a compliment he doesn't deserve. At least interlopers stumble upon situations that they put themselves in.
I liked him a lot when he caught and fed Bin Laden to the sharks.
Yeah that happened!
Well he did take a chance and gave the final go ahead to go into Pakistan and give Bin Laden what he deserved.
Obama deserves credit for that.
History will side with me over you gullible morons I promise you that.
They wont be wearing Liberal rose colored ass kissing glasses.
He's not the counter guy at Burger King he's the President, a proper response would have been raising his head and just raising his eyebrow at him and not saying a word. That would have been plenty, and a respected response. Sometimes it's what you don't say.
Yes, when you are President, there are times for being friendly with the people but then there are times for being Presidential, like when you are in a neighborhood voting hall.
Hey, at least he wasn't also wearing tan suit. You have to give him that.
History will side with me over you gullible morons I promise you that.
They wont be wearing Liberal rose colored ass kissing glasses.
Haha. I still sometimes think you are a "liberal" in drag. Because you always choose the bullshit nonsensical thinkgs to criticize him over, and your thinking is always put forth in riddles and metaphors. Never a simple or logical explanation.
This was the shot that took out Bin Laden, his glamorous movie career also ended at that moment. A drama queen like him would not have NOT refrained from making a thousand more videos in the time since this incident to the time that Obama lied about it. He lived for it, it was the only thing was capable of. It was also a very important recruiting tool. When his vids stopped al-Qaeda's influenced dropped tenfold.
Those of us that were awake at about 4:34 in the morning just minutes after that happened and saw the live debriefing saying we with 100% certainty got Bin Laden, knows what happened to him.
They only back tracked the next day, because they knew they would never be able to go into Iraq, if our primary objective was achieved.
And Obama can't do it 99% of the time with handlers and advisors - advantage, Captain.
Gee, are we by any chance hearing from another sore loser right winger ?
Republicans can't lose with even the slightest bit of class.
At least I could admit that Reagan had some interpersonal charms and positive attributes for being figure head. I could see Reagan as an excellent King.
They only back tracked the next day, because they knew they would never be able to go into Iraq, if our primary objective was achieved.
So where do the Zionists and the Illuminate fit in to these theories of yours ?
So where do the Zionists and the Illuminate fit in to these theories of yours ?
A former Delta Force commander, using the pen name "Dalton Fury", who fought at Tora Bora, wrote that bin Laden escaped into Pakistan on or around December 16, 2001. Fury gives three reasons for why he believes bin Laden was able to escape:
A guy who we wont name claims he escaped and the President you chose shoots a man without a face and then dumped him in the ocean, and you don't have any questions... Why?
Oh I get it, because of Obama's impeccable transparent and honesty record.
Who needs Jews when I've got you Turkeys?
Besides I was there, I was awake when the Generals were doing the victory dance and popping bubbly at 4:30 am live on every cable news station, upon hearing the news that they Killed Osama.
Besides I was there, I was awake when the Generals were doing the victory dance and popping bubbly at 4:30 am live on every cable news station, upon hearing the news that they Killed Obama.
I get it, they bombed the hell out of the location that he had a decent probability of being at. And then they celebrated that fact.
For all we know some clan who had a lot of enemies in Bora bora, said Bin Laden was there. You only had to have an IQ of about 60 to realize that that would be a great way to bomb your enemies back to the stone age, and get this, to have the U.S. pay for it and execute it.
Oh, but the Captain wants to believe that they got him then, why ? Oh, it's because he just knows in his gut.
How have you lived so long not being able to tell the difference between what you wish to be true and what is true ?
I agree that the burying him at sea sounded fishy, but I take it to meant that they might have kept him alive (can you say tranquilizer gun?). Yes, I will admit that that would not be very transparent of them, but it makes more sense than your version. Under your version, some folks that knew, would want yo expose it. You know how those republicans are (Benghazi !)
On the other hand, supposedly there are pictures of his body that high clearance people have seen. Either that or those high clearance people know the real story.
...Then just like that...
He was gone!
IF he decided to go into hiding, not putting out videos, and allowing a rumor to exist that he's dead, then that helps his chanced of being searched for way less. Maybe the price on his head simply was too high. But he put out a lot of audio tapes. You would think that the experts could identify whether those were real or not.
But he put out a lot of audio tapes.
Not one single one of those tapes authenticity of when they were created were confirmed. He never mentioned one single current event in any of those releases.
The gist of those tapes were...
"America... you son of a bitch, I hope you rot in hell, I implore all of the floor smootchers in the world to rise up against the US"
Yeah damning evidence that he was still alive alright.
There's a reason why not one single captured al-Qaeda operative has been brought to trial. The last thing the government want's the world to hear is the real version of what has been going on since January 2002.
How have you lived so long not being able to tell the difference between what you wish to be true and what is true ?
I've laid out more proof than Obama has.
Bin Laden wasn't a Bilfish, you don't catch and release the world's most wanted man, in the history of world of manhunts, shoot him in the face then dump him in the ocean my ass.
Yeah that's right, name one single time in History that's ever been done, or would have made sense? Just one! I'll take it!
The gist of those tapes were...
"America... you son of a bitch, I hope you rot in hell, I implore all of the floor smootchers in the world to rise up against the US"
You have the internet right here. No need to make up your facts
The media has been silent about it, because Obama has been a tyrant.
The last thing someone wants is to be Juan Williams'd or labeled a racist for questioning the supreme leader.
When this Loser is out of office, you'll get the facts.
You might be right, about him being dead before. But not about us "getting the facts."
Maybe that was his son that we took out in Pakistan. Maybe Bin Laden was very ill, and not wnating to mave around a lot, which would have been a reason for him to keep a low profile.
You have the internet right here. No need to make up your facts
Ah Wiki the other Left brain...
I say he was dead by December 12, 2001 to December 17, 2001.
those tapes are all riddled with controversy, weren't you alive back then or at least watching the news?
Just look at the final quip on all of those noted tapes and videos, they don't do a good job of reinforcing your claim and refuting the truth.
On December 20, 2001, German TV channel "Das Erste" broadcast an analysis of the White House's translation of the videotape. On the program "Monitor", two independent translators and an expert on oriental studies found the White House's translation to be both inaccurate and manipulative stating "At the most important places where it is held to prove the guilt of bin Laden, it is not identical with the Arabic" and that the words used that indicate foreknowledge can not be heard at all in the original. Prof. Gernot Rotter, professor of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Asia-Africa Institute at the University of Hamburg said "The American translators who listened to the tapes and transcribed them apparently wrote a lot of things in that they wanted to hear but that cannot be heard on the tape no matter how many times you listen to it."[9]
The study concluded that the sample set of bin Laden recordings is too small to allow any researcher draw a conclusion regarding the videos validity.
Colin Powell told a United States Senate panel that he'd reviewed a transcript of a message from bin Laden stating that he was in "partnership with Iraq",
US officials said that the tape was authentic
BBC News reports that it was "undated and correspondents say it may be re-run footage. Its authenticity also cannot be independently verified."[23]
Once again is an audio message, with no new imagery of bin Laden seen. A video version of the message was released showing an older still image of bin Laden while an audio message plays in the background.
. Its authenticity also cannot be independently verified.
The authenticity of the tape has not been independently verified.[60]
The release of your prisoners in the hands of our brothers is linked to the withdrawal of your soldiers from our country," said the speaker on the audiotape
A recording purported to have been made by Osama shortly before he died has been released by al-Qaeda.
I liked him a lot when he caught and fed Bin Laden to the sharks.
There was some leak in the news recently, might interest you. They didn't bury him in the ocean. Military brought him back to US. Doesn't say if he was dead or alive.
How have you lived so long not being able to tell the difference between what you wish to be true and what is true ?
I've laid out more proof than Obama has.
Bin Laden wasn't a Bilfish, you don't catch and release the world's most wanted man, in the history of world of manhunts, shoot him in the face then dump him in the ocean my ass.
Yeah that's right, name one single time in History that's ever been done, or would have made sense? Just one! I'll take it!
Oh God. You really are turning into Gary.
I liked him a lot when he caught and fed Bin Laden to the sharks.
There was some leak in the news recently, might interest you. They didn't bury him in the ocean. Military brought him back to US. Doesn't say if he was dead or alive.
i would love that. Bring him over and torture him till he spills the beans. Then feed him to the sharks.
I liked him a lot when he caught and fed Bin Laden to the sharks.
Yeah that happened!
Well he did take a chance and gave the final go ahead to go into Pakistan and give Bin Laden what he deserved.
Is that what that made for TV movie told you?
And CNN. Even Obama made a statement to that affect. :) :)
My personal favorite of all the conspiracy theories or sub-theories:
that the announcement of bin Laden's death was timed to conflict with and take Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice off the air, to punish Trump for publicly questioning the authenticity of Barack Obama's birth certificate.
If you believe in conspiracies, here's a question for you.
If it was a hoax, how many of those people in the famous war room picture would have to know that ? Would Obama have to know ? Maybe the CIA or some black ops group was rogue on the entire thing. Giving the President, the VP, the head of the CIA, HIlary and key military leaders plausable deniability.
Then again, maybe it was all real.
I was living on the Lam
in fear for my life from uncle sam
I was in Pakistan watching a show about a funny man
He was the first black president
read from a teleprompter with arrogance
lost his popularity couldn't get love for charity
Bang bang Obama shot me dead
Landed two black hawk war machines
damn near made shit my jeans
I was watching a show about a guillotine,
heard a flash and bang
Then a loud bell sound rang
my fucking face left my brain
bang bang Obama shot me dead
They mopped my up and put me in a bag
I heard one call me a Hodgie Fag
Went back to the chopper and threw me in the back
I was in a bloody mess
brains and blood where was my face
The turned a sharp left and dumped me in the sea
Bang bang!
my baby shot me
Bang bang!
my baby got me
Bang bang...
Obama shot me dead....
and you guys are hopeless romantics.
Obama jokes like an Asshole
I would think that you would respect Obama for behaving like you do.
and you only had to have an IQ of about 59 to pass a comprehensive nationwide medical insurance bill before flipping a page and reading it.
You only had to have an IQ of about 60 to realize that that would be a great way to bomb your enemies back to the stone age,
I see someone is still peddling worn out lies from 2009. Can't you find some brand new shiny 2014 lies to sell us ?
I heard he had planters for awhile...
Maybe that was his son that we took out in Pakistan. Maybe Bin Laden was very ill, and not wnating to mave around a lot, which would have been a reason for him to keep a low profile.
I see someone is still peddling worn out lies from 2009. Can't you find some brand new shiny 2014 lies to sell us ?
My credibility has held up better than Obama's has since 2009.
See folks Marcus remembers, you remember, I didn't just read this in the funny papers I said this when it went down.
Who was that guy, probably the guy that we killed that pissed the guy off that called the first guy that started putting together ISIS. That's Who.
That's probably why Obama don't want to fuck with them to much. Like one of those Crazy bitches you fucked, and you just ignore them when you bump into them around your wife. You just hope the bitch doesn't say something stupid and you just wish she'd go away. But you definitely don't want to provoke her in anyway. She could ask you to hit your self and you would.
"You Bastard you killed Omar Jahaffar"
My credibility is Like a ROCK!
The Obama administration is claiming executive privilege over more than 15,000 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, including correspondence between Attorney General Eric Holder and his wife, according to records received Wednesday night by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.
Last month, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release to Judicial Watch the list of documents, known as a “Vaughn index,†that it is withholding from the public, calling its requests for further delays “unconvincing.â€
The 1,307-page Vaughn index lists 15,662 documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that the Obama administration is asserting executive privilege over—the first time that full list and description of the records has been released.
According to Judicial Watch, the withheld documents include communications between top officials at the Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), as well as with the United States Ambassador to Mexico.
The Obama administration is also asserting executive privilege over nearly 20 emails between Holder and his wife Sharon Malone.
You keep believing the fairy tales and comedy skits he keeps selling you Suckers.
I've never told a lie here but I've been called a liar, yelled at and told Bush was liar as well. Obama hasn't told one single truth since he took office.
I only wish it was 2016 already. I think Ronald Reagan's corpse would win over any Democrat offering. And that would be a Zombie with Alzheimer.
Welp you got me on technicality, I should just say what you read and not what I mean. Would that make it easier for you?
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Very regal Mr. President, in a ghetto ass way...
The proper response would have been to fire your security detail, not get in a petty squabble with your voting base, then sit there and stew like punk ass bitch.