Ebola touches down in NYC

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2014 Oct 23, 10:55am   8,564 views  24 comments

by lakermania   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


A doctor in New York City who recently returned from treating Ebola patients in Guinea tested positive for the Ebola virus Thursday, becoming the city’s first diagnosed case.

The doctor, Craig Spencer, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital on Thursday and placed in isolation while health care workers spread out across the city to trace anyone he might have come into contact with in recent days. A further test will be conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control to confirm the initial test.


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1   Tenpoundbass   2014 Oct 23, 10:58am  

...and Some where Rush Limbaugh is getting his blood pressure meds refilled.

2   Strategist   2014 Oct 23, 11:35am  

Call it Crazy says

..."Dr. Spencer began to feel sluggish on Tuesday but did not develop a fever until Thursday morning, he told the authorities. At 11 a.m., the doctor found that he had a 103-degree temperature and alerted the staff of Doctors Without Borders, according to the official.

Even as the authorities worked to confirm that Mr. Spencer was infected with Ebola, it emerged that he traveled from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the subway on Wednesday night, when he went to a bowling alley, and then took a taxi home.

The next morning, he reported having a temperature of 103 degrees, raising questions about his health while he was out in public."

It's a good thing he wore his complete PPE to protect him from contracting the virus..


The Dow Jones was up 300 points 3.00pm EST. When this news came out the Dow quickly dropped a 100 points. When his tests came out positive after the close, the futures show a drop of 85 points.
I don't understand the panic.

3   Strategist   2014 Oct 23, 12:13pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

The Dow Jones was up 300 points 3.00pm EST. When this news came out the Dow quickly dropped a 100 points. When his tests came out positive after the close, the futures show a drop of 85 points.

I don't understand the panic.

It's ALL about the panic... Watch what happens in NY tomorrow and how many businesses are shut-down or quarantined and all the people put into 21 day isolation.

Let's hope he walked through the NYSE and infected all the dishonest financial people...

The market could come to it's senses by then. The Ebola is supposed to be containable.

4   Y   2014 Oct 23, 2:00pm  

DNC, the party in charge who stuck their head in the sand and refused to quarantine all people coming from the infected countries for PC purposes...

Call it Crazy says

Who gets to absorb all the costs due to his boneheadedness?

5   Strategist   2014 Oct 23, 2:02pm  

SoftShell says

DNC, the party in charge who stuck their head in the sand and refused to quarantine all people coming from the infected countries for PC purposes...

Call it Crazy says

Who gets to absorb all the costs due to his boneheadedness?

Go easy guys. Obama is just going through the learning curve.

6   Y   2014 Oct 23, 2:07pm  

you are right. a community organizer who never voted for or against anything has a long steep 8 year learning curve....

Strategist says

SoftShell says

DNC, the party in charge who stuck their head in the sand and refused to quarantine all people coming from the infected countries for PC purposes...

Call it Crazy says

Who gets to absorb all the costs due to his boneheadedness?

Go easy guys. Obama is just going through the learning curve.

7   Blurtman   2014 Oct 23, 2:14pm  

Upside - Wall Street finally gets their due.

8   lostand confused   2014 Oct 23, 2:16pm  

How come all these things come from Africa??

9   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 23, 3:51pm  

Call it Crazy says

Let's hope he walked through the NYSE and infected all the dishonest financial people...

Does that include me?


We need to mass murder all those infected with Ebola. It is self-dense. Gas chambers need to be built in concentration camps for those infected.

All of Africa should be nuked by all the militaries in the world. Everybody needs to be killed in Africa. It is self-defense. There is simply no other way. This disease is so FUCKING deadly that even those wearing hazmat suits were STILL infected!!!!

Think about that.

This selfish little fucking prick of a doctor should have his medical license revoked and thrown in hot lava to destroy his contamination of humanity.

Doctors are the biggest fucking ASSHOLES and the medium through Ebola infestation in other countries from Africa.

Wasn't I right that doctors are worse than lawyers today?!?

Where is Adolf Hitler when you need him!?!

We need Eugenics for those infected with Ebola. FUCK treating this shit!

Just eradicate it by legally mass murdering those infected. They are carriers and therefore Ebola Zombies...

Looks like the APOCALYPSE is here!

May APOCALYPSEFUCK help us! He is all we have left now as our savior!

10   Ceffer   2014 Oct 23, 3:59pm  

Strategist says

Go easy guys. Obama is just going through the learning curve.

Maybe after another five or six terms he will learn how to be President. So far, he has only mastered the bullshit.

11   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 23, 4:02pm  

Ceffer says

Maybe after another five or six terms he will learn how to be President. So far, he has only mastered the bullshit.

Of course!

He needs more experience first... Give him the experience...

You are his guinea pigs ASSHOLES!

12   Vicente   2014 Oct 23, 4:08pm  

Oh if only Ebola would run rampant down Wall Street.

You'd see a cure come to market PDQ.

13   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2014 Oct 23, 4:09pm  

Vicente says

Oh if only Ebola would run rampant down Wall Street.

You'd see a cure come to market PDQ I think.

If only Ebola would run rampant in Main Street...

My wet dream!

14   HydroCabron   2014 Oct 23, 11:07pm  

This asshole just made more money for Fox News than a printing press.

15   Blurtman   2014 Oct 23, 11:26pm  

Why is Frieden still heading up the CDC?

16   bob2356   2014 Oct 23, 11:40pm  

Hey, what happened to all the people in contact with the guy who died in dallas, like the people living in the apartment with him, the people who powerwashed his puke, the medics, all the people on the plane he rode on, all the people he met? Do they all have ebola now? Didn't see that on the news, did anyone? Pandemic here we come.

17   Blurtman   2014 Oct 23, 11:46pm  

bob2356 says

Hey, what happened to all the people in contact with the guy who died in dallas, like the people living in the apartment with him, the people who powerwashed his puke, the medics, all the people on the plane he rode on, all the people he met? Do they all have ebola now? Didn't see that on the news, did anyone? Pandemic here we come.

The Dallas health care workers were placed in quarantine, as the NYC doctor should have been upon his return.

18   zzyzzx   2014 Oct 23, 11:53pm  

lostand confused says

How come all these things come from Africa??

Because black people are filthy.

19   zzyzzx   2014 Oct 23, 11:54pm  

Blurtman says

Upside - Wall Street finally gets their due.

Yes, I am expecting the stock market to panic sell today.

20   Y   2014 Oct 23, 11:56pm  

and that's just from drinking the 24oz big gulp....

Call it Crazy says

It's ALL about the panic... Watch what happens in NY tomorrow and how many businesses are shut-down or quarantined and all the people put into 21 day isolation.

21   bob2356   2014 Oct 23, 11:58pm  

Blurtman says

bob2356 says

Hey, what happened to all the people in contact with the guy who died in dallas, like the people living in the apartment with him, the people who powerwashed his puke, the medics, all the people on the plane he rode on, all the people he met? Do they all have ebola now? Didn't see that on the news, did anyone? Pandemic here we come.

The Dallas health care workers were placed in quarantine, as the NYC doctor should have been upon his return.

Read the question. I asked about all the people in contact before he went to the hospital. Where are they now?

22   Y   2014 Oct 23, 11:58pm  

a damning freudian slip....

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

We need to mass murder all those infected with Ebola. It is self-dense.

23   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Oct 24, 2:23am  

What is with sending Ebola patients to big urban hospitals?

Wouldn't Plum Island or some other facility in a less dense area with better access control be a better choice?

24   Blurtman   2014 Oct 24, 2:39am  

thunderlips11 says

What is with sending Ebola patients to big urban hospitals?

Wouldn't Plum Island or some other facility in a less dense area with better access control be a better choice?

Cheaper than drone decontamination, and effective.

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