Good riddance asshole.

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2014 Nov 2, 11:00pm   50,552 views  102 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Welcome To Hyrdro's butt hurt thread

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65   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 3, 11:28pm  

Dan8267 says

Quit your trolling. I offered the Captain useful advice and a free resource where he could improve himself. You are just being a petulant child.

Maybe if the Liberals improved their writting "Content" then they could improve them selves.

YOu know in the end, it's not how you scribbled it's what you scribbled, that matters to 90% of the adult population in the world in almost every culture. Only elitists Liberal morons worry about that type of shit in something as informal as an internet forum or thread. BTW Aholes this isn't even a Blog. The blog is main page that the owner keeps with the message that reflects his purpose of this site with blog and a forum.

66   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 3, 11:52pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Maybe if the Liberals [sic] improved their writting [sic] "Content" [sic] then they could improve them [sic] selves.

Wow. Like a lecture on morality from Ted Bundy.

Any plans to dump that stupid religion you want the government to foist on everyone else? You know: the one with based on the babblings of ignorant near-savages, wild lies, old wives' tales and gibberish, badly translated into several languages successively?

67   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 4, 12:19am  

Good riddance assholes indeed!

68   Dan8267   2014 Nov 4, 12:35am  

CaptainShuddup says

YOu know in the end, it's not how you scribbled it's what you scribbled, that matters to 90% of the adult population in the world in almost every culture.

Which is why you should take a writing course. What you scribe is mostly unintelligible.

69   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 4, 12:37am  

Hey guys let me know when my penmanship gets on your nerves!

70   elliemae   2014 Nov 4, 12:46am  

Strategist says

Captain, this is the most disgusting thread of 2014. It's sickening beyond belief. If anyone needs help, it's you.

The year's not over yet.

CaptainShuddup says

I didn't think she would do it, or at lest not so soon. I didn't post about the news last week on her, because I didn't want to fuel a situation where the thread sounded like it was egging her on.

CaptainShuddup says

The doctor gives everybody pills that will kill you for every ailment known to man.

Do we need a "Special" pill?

Who is this doctor? And why haven't you seen him for your malignant negativity?


"GBM, as glioblastoma multiforme is called, is the deadliest, most aggressive form of brain malignancy..."

I actually have both personal and professional experience with GBM. This type of tumor is invasive; one day the patient can be independent and the next day the tumor can invade another area of the brain, rendering the patient incapacitated.

I've heard so many people talk about their plan to take enough pills to kill themselves "when the time comes." Unfortunately, by the time a person realizes that the time has come, they're often incapacitated and unable to take the pills.

And then there's the issue of the pills that dear sweet cap'n mentioned - the ones that every doctor prescribes that will kill you. Since everyone is different, a lethal dose differs from person to person.

There's also the issue of obtaining enough medication to kill oneself. Since the medical profession is designed to help the patient either be cured or be comfortable, no physician will prescribe enough to be a lethal dose. It could take months of hoarding in order to obtain enough to possibly be lethal.

The patient might take what he considers to be a lethal dose, but it might not be deadly. If I had a deadly form of cancer and there was no chance that I would recover, it would suck if I tried to end it all and it didn't work. Especially if the overdose created all sorts of other complications, such as ulcers, liver/kidney damage, etc.

We do have a pill that will end one's life. It's legal in Oregon and this woman used it as intended. Why you believe that it's any of your business is beyond me - but pretty much everything you say these days is a negative, angry assertion of facts about which you lack even a rudimentary knowledge.

Cap'n, I realize that you have an opinion on everything and have chosen to share it with the patnet world (rather than to share it with people in the real world). I'm guess it's because you can't find anyone else to listen to your uninformed rants that always end up in blaming Liberals for some imagined transgression.

Age tends to mellow people, unless they are miserable, unhappy curmudgeons who lack the ability to communicate on a personal level. At that point, they often turn to the internet and anonymously pontificate about pretty much everything. Guess which category you fall into?

71   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 4, 12:51am  

I don't have any ranks, and that's been the Liberals failing, that they can't seem to grasp. You guys have a ranks, then expect a partisan bipartisan debate.
Meaning you only have one view but you're open to debate a fools argument about two parties.

People start talking about self sufficiency and self reliance, and a government that looks out for little people and keeps big businesses in check with proper regulation and not just oppressive prohibitive pet mandates that creates Monopolies where competition can never expect to get a foothold.

It send you guys into overtime attacking the messenger, then YOU your self conscripted me into the Republican ranks because I wouldn't shut up, and my politics is more Liberal than anything any self admitted liberal on Patnet could ever stomach.

Your Chicken McNuggets are coming home to shit.

72   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 4, 12:57am  

CaptainShuddup says

oppressive prohibitive pet mandates

You mean like telling desperately ill people they can't off themselves because of your belief in an invisible cloud being from the era before indoor plumbing?

73   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 4, 1:00am  

I never said they can't off them selves in fact I have stated that more than 2 or 3 times in this thread. Your dishonesty is exactly why America has called the Roto Rooter truck out today.

74   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 4, 1:09am  

No SHIT you say somebody has ranks?
Call the fucking book of records people!

75   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 4, 1:14am  

Why you mad bro?

76   Howdy There   2014 Nov 4, 12:40pm  

Let's see. His new icon has shiny teeth and kinda funky shades. But on the other hand, he called a dead woman an asshole. On the balance, he's a jerk.

77   Y   2014 Nov 4, 12:42pm  

Why they are all mad...this

GOP seizes Senate


CaptainShuddup says

Why you mad bro?

78   elliemae   2014 Nov 5, 1:10am  

sbh says

Translation into Cap speak:

There is absolutely no translation for the cap'n's words on this one.

On the one hand, he appears to be angry about the medical system paying millions for procedures and treatments that have no positive outcome (and believes it's all the fault of the physicians). On the other hand he appears to believe that this woman diagnosed with a terminal disease should remain alive, receiving costly treatment.

He also has the audacity to call a dead woman with terminal cancer - whom he has never met - an "asshole."

Apparently he doesn't have a mirror.

79   NDrLoR   2014 Nov 5, 1:28am  

elliemae says

diagnosed with a terminal disease should remain alive, receiving costly treatment.

I don't think he should have called her that, but why at this point wouldn't she have been receiving hospice care since there was no hope of recovery?

You're in the medical profession, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't hospice care kind of evolve because the medical community simply won't accept the fact of death and treats and treats in spite of declining capabilities of the ill person until they are virtually nothing but a living shell that wants to die and probably would have in earlier times. My neighbor's son placed his 89 year old mother in assisted living in December, 2011 when she had already lost many of her mental faculties. By mid-2012 she was in the part where they had to do everything for her, but in 2013 she had some kind of emergency and it became a fullbore effort to save her body from passing on--this dragged on for two months before the end finally came. I don't know what it cost at the end, but expect it was prohibitive although covered. If she had been at home with hospice she could have just gone naturally.

80   elliemae   2014 Nov 5, 2:56am  

P N Dr Lo R says

You're in the medical profession, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't hospice care kind of evolve because the medical community simply won't accept the fact of death..

Hospice care is a type of care provided at the end of one's life in order to make them as comfortable as possible while the natural process of death proceeds. It can be provided at home, in an ALF, or in a SNF (nursing home). Hospice programs provide equipment, medications and medical care designed to keep the patient as comfortable as possible, while not hastening the patient's death.

Hospice was created to allow patients the choice to die of the disease in as dignified a manner as possible, rather than to go to the hospital to receive treatments that are not only expensive but ineffective for advanced disease processes. Since our hospital system is designed to keep people alive rather than to allow them to die, it gave the hospitals an "out" so that their death rates aren't as high. Yep - hospitals will send an actively dying patient to a hospice to decrease their death rates. If the patient dies in transport, it's not part of the hospital's statistics.

So in your case above (elderly woman in ALF), she could have received hospice care wherever she was. A lot of families have a difficult time letting go and patients go back & forth to the hospital until they die, at a cost of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars (to the Medicare system, of course). Hospice is significantly less costly, both financially & emotionally.

Hospices provide all of the medications and have them delivered to the house - and supplement the care in the home. However, depending upon the patient, the family, and the hospice workers, some patients die in pain. I've met many families who refuse to allow the patient to have stronger meds because they want the patient as alert as possible.

I've seen patients in intractable pain, yet caregivers don't want them medicated. I've seen patients who were so agitated it was painful to watch, but again family members don't want to medicate them. There are also those patients with disease processes that are so incredibly painful (pancreatic cancer & bone cancer come to mind) that it's nearly impossible to make these patients "comfortable."

Many hospice patients do become (to quote you) "virtually nothing but a living shell that wants to die." They just don't do it in the hospital - and hopefully they are medicated and cared for appropriately.

This 29 year old woman who was diagnosed with a terminal disease chose to forego watching her life ebb... she didn't want to become bedbound, incontinent and confused, unable to speak. She chose not to go through the process of being able to function less day-by-day (or being okay one day, and losing function the next). Not knowing whether her family could provide the care she needed, she either chose not to have her family provide 24-hour care, changing & bathing her - or being placed in a nursing home because they couldn't care for her.

I do have intimate experience with this particularly nasty tumor: my step-mother died of a Glio and it took months. The family member in charge of decisions had her admitted to the hospital, a nursing home for rehab, home, hospital, rehab, home, hospital, then home to die. It took about 3 months after she finally was discharged home, during which time she had a private paid caregiver (hospice care supplements but doesn't provide 24-hour care) in the home.

Hospice is good - it does allow for closure. It also allows those people who want to at home to remain there. But it's not always a Hallmark moment. I've seen family fights, caregivers abandon patients, caregivers who appear to be taking the patient's drugs, patients who are mean to the caregivers... I've seen people who wanted to die at home be placed in nursing homes because they couldn't afford caregivers....

I've seen more "functional" deaths than "dysfunctional," but it ain't always a Hollywood movie where everyone comes together and sing Kumbaya.

If it were me, seeing what I've seen, I'd be on my way to Oregon.

81   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 5, 3:15am  

Think anyone would have known the difference is she had just not made it a social media, and chose to handle her personal life with just her and her loved ones in the whole experience?

Public executions are never peaceful. And if they evoke feelings of anything for you other than despair, sadness or anger. Then you are already dead.

82   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 5, 3:52am  

CaptainShuddup says

Think anyone would have known the difference is she had just not made it a social media, and chose to handle her personal life with just her and her loved ones in the whole experience?

Aaaand she is compelled to keep quiet about it why, exactly?

She had to move to fricken' Portland, Oregon to end her life legally. Nobody should have to enter Portland under any circumstances, but to do so at the end of life is truly grim.

Do you also heckle the parents of Amber, for whom the Amber Alert is named? Do you spit on the relatives of other victims of injustice, on the grounds that they should have just kept quiet about it?

Are individual examples of injustice only suitable for pushing wingnut agendas?

83   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 5, 3:58am  

I don't have any agenda, I just told you my opinion, this is America and before you assholes decided to change that with your Twitter Verse and Facebook, where Ironically we're all supposed to be more open and honest, instead you guys want to shame everyone for having a different opinion than yours. Had she been talking about God and Jesus and looking forward to meet them "On the other side" you same people would have have had judges trying to stop it, because she was surely being brain washed by crack pot religious nuts.

Look I respect her situation, I respect the way she wanted to end it. I don't respect or condone the public spectacle of it. That's my opinion, and I'll stick with it. At least I'm honest about it, so go ahead super haters, call me the hater for having the balls, to say my opinion.

84   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 5, 4:05am  

CaptainShuddup says

Ironically we're all supposed to be more open and honest, instead you guys want to shame everyone for having a different opinion than yours.

She shared her opinions. You said "Good riddance asshole" to shame her for having those opinions.

You're in a hole. Stop digging.

Had she been talking about God and Jesus and looking forward to meet them "On the other side" you same people would have have had judges trying to stop it

So you're claiming, in an act of projection, that many of us are assholes and make it our business to shame religious people who are terminally ill. And this justifies you doing the same thing?

Stop digging.

85   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 5, 4:13am  

She killed her self and you cheered, stop calling me the bad guy.

86   Ceffer   2014 Nov 5, 8:00am  

Who is Rachel Maddow, Ellen DeGeneres' evil brunette lesbo media twin?

Maybe they should do an on the air bush snarfing gala during one of the times when Portia Di Rossi is in rehab.

87   Ceffer   2014 Nov 5, 8:11am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

She is a widely hated necrophilic lesbian who defiles dead women

Unlike most lesbos, she enjoys a good stiffie.

88   Ceffer   2014 Nov 5, 8:14am  

The Dead Lesbians sounds like a great name for an all chick rock band, like the Dead Kennedys.

89   Dan8267   2014 Nov 5, 9:00am  

Sounds more like the only way CIC could get a date.

90   elliemae   2014 Nov 5, 10:07am  

If trolls came equipped the baby oil, the internet would be a much happier place.

CaptainShuddup says

Look I respect her situation, I respect the way she wanted to end it. I don't respect or condone the public spectacle of it.

I get that - and all of you keeping score, please mark your calendar as I believe this will be the one time this year that I agree with the Cap'n. A public spectacle SHOULD be unnecessary. But this woman chose to make her choice public because it's sad that she had to travel hundreds of miles in order to fulfill her wishes to die from a disease that was gonna kill her anyway. She wanted to open the issue up for conversation - and hopefully her struggles will help others with the same issues.

I would like to live in a world that doesn't require people to go far, far away in order to die from a disease that will rob them of their autonomy, health, happiness, and their ability to live relatively free of pain. I would like to live in a world that doesn't force people to make these decisions. But I don't live in such a world. I applaud the courage of this woman and her family, who opened themselves up to a horrible world of bloggers, posters and other judgmental people who believe it's their business to criticize her decisions.

Captain, what I absolutely don't respect or condone is your derogatory comments about her. If you don't like what she did, don't read about it. Click off the web page, or turn the page of the newspaper. Calling her an asshole is just plain mean, and is either indicative of your limited vocabulary or your lack of compassion. Or both.

91   Dan8267   2014 Nov 5, 10:50am  

elliemae says

If trolls came equipped the baby oil, the internet would be a much happier place.

Is it just me or does CIC seem obsessed with masturbation? He has made the same lame joke a dozen times already on several threads. He's either highly unoriginal or secretly turned on by the fantasy of watching me masturbate.


92   marcus   2014 Nov 5, 11:24am  

sbh says

Translation into Cap speak:

What you jackoffs don't know about Jimmy pissagimp in the rest of the story. Back when it mattered to Idiots! I've been telling you Tards for Years about it dogs don't fuck cats when you know enough to find out the REAL story! It's been UP THE ASS for 16 years with that Fashist Rice Beater!!!!

I'm always right and I never lie!

Wow, you captured his essence there perfectly. Except I understand what you're saying a little better than I get about half of his posts.

93   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 5, 12:01pm  

marcus says

Wow, you captured his essence there perfectly. Except I understand what you're saying a little better than I get about half of his posts.

I actually feel a little guilty about mocking Captain, because the diction, plus the occasional episodes of actually lucid writing, suggest alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

After years of hitting the sauce, your brain is basically Swiss cheese; moods and cognition are all over the place. He can wipe his face with a tissue and it comes up bloody, from the ruptured capillaries.

The occasionally improved writing occurs either during periods when the liquor store is closed or the vehicle is impounded, or after he has persuaded one of his few remaining gullible relatives/neighbors to give him a ride down to buy some more Night Train or Thunderbird. Some alcoholics are at their best in the first 2-3 hours of a binge following a dry spell.

It's just not funny. It's sad.

94   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 5, 12:52pm  

sbh says

It truly amazes me how a primate of higher evolutionary order can blithely debase the aggregate advance of an entire species.

Captain has the excuse of alcoholic dementia, plus abandonment by his wife and children due to years of broken promises, missed dance recitals, and lies about the liquor store spending. CIC is just stupid.

For Captain, it's a daily battle against shaking hands, piles of empties in every room of the house, and a urine smell so powerful that social services won't come near.

95   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 5, 12:52pm  

This time next year bgamall4 will be saying it was all a hoax, and a Zionist plot and all you assholes will say is... "Oh Gary... sigh..."(wa wa WA)

96   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 5, 12:54pm  

CaptainShuddup says

This time next year bgamall4 will be saying it was all a hoax, and a Zionist plot and all you assholes will say is... "Oh Gary... sigh..."(wa wa WA)

Knock back a Thunderbird for us, rummy.

97   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 5, 1:24pm  

These guys love it too much, they are Circle Sluts.

98   elliemae   2014 Nov 6, 1:55am  

Wow, AF. Is it a reaction to the photo, or do you spout shit too?

99   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 6, 2:23am  

elliemae says

Wow, AF. Is it a reaction to the photo, or do you spout shit too?

Ellie at least people GET your schtick.

100   HydroCabron   2016 Nov 7, 8:42am  

Disgusting how these sick people have the nerve to exist. Why can't they shut the fuck up?

101   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 26, 8:48am  

You Folks all still cool with being snuffed out by the medical staff?

After three months of watching medical sectors world wide furloughing Doctors and Nurses that care, so that Doctors and Nurses willing to intubate COVID patients to get the CDC data point numbers up. While criminalizing HCQ and outlawing the Doctor Patient discussion on best desired treatment?
You get one choice with the Liberals, getting a high pressure air hose shoved down your throat, and turned on high until your heart explodes.
102   Tenpoundbass   2020 May 26, 9:17am  

Also the lockdown and how the medical community handles COVID deaths has proved me right in this thread as well.

I was simply arguing, that anyone that feels like they are terminally sick and want to give up. Can kill themselves without any legal ramifications, because you'll be dead.
I see the danger, a huge Danger in legislating a situation where you are killed, as any kind of medical procedure, certainly now assisted suicide.

Now if it was an issue of legal language after death, for legal issues with your surviving family and loved ones not getting benefits because it's a suicide, vs Natural death.

Just look at the precedence the Blue States have labeled the Covid deaths.

If you have a terminal disease and you commit suicide, then the underlying condition should trump the suicide. So you see, no need to legislate legally killing people.

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