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1   Shaman   2014 Nov 16, 3:44am  

Pitbull ownership is a disease that appears to fester and be spread among the lower class people. The more ghetto the subject, the more likely they will own a pitbull and that it will be a dangerous dog. That breed is inherently unstable, and I've had some experience with it. Even a well treated dog (and many are not) is more likely to attack than other breeds, and they really have the ability to do damage when they do.
The fact that the dogs are also dropped off in rural areas or let loose to roam when the lowlife owners no longer want the responsibility means that there are feral dog packs becoming a huge problem. You really don't want to come across a pack of 20 ravening pit bulls.

2   marcus   2014 Nov 16, 3:54am  

MAybe she (the pit-bull owner) should settle for -200K.

3   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 16, 4:14am  

Pit Bull owners(Or their landlords) should have to at least pay as much more on property insurance for having them. As I do for the Wind Mitigation scam that is the insurance industry of Florida. That would tack on another $1500 a month on their insurance policy right there. On top of the $1500 extra they are already paying for the wind mitigation. That would make their average yearly premium about $5K to $7K .

Dog owners that don't have their dog listed on their insurance policy or the landlord didn't comply for their renter having a pit bull, should be fined $250K and jailed for 5 years. That's if there was no incident if there was a vicious mauling involved they should be charged with Assault with a deadly weapon or Manslaughter depending on the circumstances.

4   lostand confused   2014 Nov 16, 4:56am  

I just can't believe the gall. Her 4 pitbulls break into somebody's yard and kill their dog and she is suing for 1 million dollars?? I mean.....

5   Tenpoundbass   2014 Nov 16, 5:17am  

Well this woman(the one with the pit bulls) should have insurance that will have to pay if she wins.

She should not only go screw her self, but sue her self as well.

6   HydroCabron   2014 Nov 16, 5:19am  

This smells to me like suing first in order to intimidate the neighbor into submission. By the time the neighbor has dealt with a couple of lawyers, she'll no longer have the fight in her to hit back after the first lawsuit has been thrown from the court with great force and much judicial chuckling.

7   FortWayne   2014 Nov 16, 6:47am  

This is why gun ownership is important. If some people can own dangerous dogs, I should be able to own a gun to defend myself from such an animal.

8   Strategist   2014 Nov 16, 6:51am  

HydroCabron says

This smells to me like suing first in order to intimidate the neighbor into submission. By the time the neighbor has dealt with a couple of lawyers, she'll no longer have the fight in her to hit back after the first lawsuit has been thrown from the court with great force and much judicial chuckling.

That's exactly what this ridiculous lawsuit is. I would go ahead and sue the bitch and her dogs.

9   NDrLoR   2014 Nov 16, 7:46am  

Quigley says

That breed is inherently unstable

And so are the people who own them.

10   Strategist   2014 Nov 16, 8:12am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

IF the beagle was packing M134, the pit bulls would have been shredded meat.

Exactly as the Founders intended.

Poor little beagle, massacred by ISIS dogs.

11   Y   2014 Nov 16, 8:53am  

I always did have a spot in my heart for chili con pitbull.

FortWayne says

This is why gun ownership is important. If some people can own dangerous dogs, I should be able to own a gun to defend myself from such an animal.

12   New Renter   2014 Nov 16, 10:42am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

IF the beagle was packing M134, the pit bulls would have been shredded meat.

Exactly as the Founders intended.

Not so farfetched:

13   Peter P   2014 Nov 16, 10:46am  

If people can have pit bulls as pet I should be allowed to have an ocelot too.

14   Shaman   2014 Nov 16, 11:12am  

Peter P says

If people can have pit bulls as pet I should be allowed to have an ocelot too.

How about a bull gorilla to really inspire fear in the neighbors?

15   Peter P   2014 Nov 16, 11:18am  

Quigley says

Peter P says

If people can have pit bulls as pet I should be allowed to have an ocelot too.

How about a bull gorilla to really inspire fear in the neighbors?

Nah, I am a cat person.

16   New Renter   2014 Nov 16, 12:11pm  

Peter P says

Quigley says

Peter P says

If people can have pit bulls as pet I should be allowed to have an ocelot too.

How about a bull gorilla to really inspire fear in the neighbors?

Nah, I am a cat person.

Try one of these instead:

Better yet adopt a shelter cat.

17   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2014 Nov 16, 10:10pm  

You guys are ridiculous. Pit bulls are nice dogs that have historically been abused or otherwise treated poorly.

This case is par for the course. The dog's owner is clearly off her rocker, but the response is that the dog breed is the problem.

If pit bull owners should have to pay $5K / year insurance, then gun owners should pay $100K. Guns result in 600 accidental deaths per year in the US. Dog attacks result in total result in about 20-30 human fatalities / year. So, accidental gun deaths occur 20 times as frequently as deaths by dog.

18   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 12:03am  

YesYNot says

You guys are ridiculous. Pit bulls are nice dogs that have historically been abused or otherwise treated poorly.

Why is it always the pit bulls that stir up trouble? All breeds are abused by some asshole or other.

20   RWSGFY   2014 Nov 17, 1:41am  

CaptainShuddup says

Pit Bull owners(Or their landlords) should have to at least pay as much more on property insurance for having them.

I bet they do. Some insurance companies refuse to even talk to you if you own a dog from their list of dangerous breeds.

21   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2014 Nov 17, 6:53am  

Strategist says

Why is it always the pit bulls that stir up trouble? All breeds are abused by some asshole or other.

The breed is a magnet for wackos and they make great headlines, but the dog's aren't that bad. A google search for pit bulls, yields 3 stories of humans raping pit bulls on the front page. Wierd. Another search hit on the front page was a about a guy who nearly lost his genitals to a pit bull.

Call it Crazy says

OK, based on your logic train, what should tobacco users, doctors, alcoholics, drug users, car owners and lastly baseball players pay for their insurance a year?

Some astronomical amount, which was my point. The amount of harm done by pit bulls each year is very minor, but it seems to be a lightning rod for overly emotional responses. Apparently, the people who are not trying to have sex with pit bulls are afraid the dogs will chew off their genitals.

22   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 7:48am  

YesYNot says

Strategist says

Why is it always the pit bulls that stir up trouble? All breeds are abused by some asshole or other.

The breed is a magnet for wackos and they make great headlines, but the dog's aren't that bad. A google search for pit bulls, yields 3 stories of humans raping pit bulls on the front page. Wierd. Another search hit on the front page was a about a guy who nearly lost his genitals to a pit bull.

These wackos that rape pit bulls deserve to have their genitals bitten off.

23   Peter P   2014 Nov 17, 10:06am  

I am all for banning dangerous dogs. At least, they should be regulated as dangerous pets.

Dog owners should be charged with murder if their animals kill someone.

24   Peter P   2014 Nov 17, 10:08am  

I will not oppose strict licensing for dog ownership.

25   Peter P   2014 Nov 17, 10:10am  

But I am biased. To me, the only good dog is a hot dog.

26   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:17am  

Call it Crazy says

Pit Bulls & Staffordshire Terriers

Doberman Pinschers


German Shepherds

German Shepherd is number 4. Uh oh.
When a stranger is close to the gate our German Shepherd moves in for the kill. She appears vicious, and I literally see the UPS guy shake with fear. Other than that our dog is a pussycat.

27   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:19am  

Peter P says

I am all for banning dangerous dogs. At least, they should be regulated as dangerous pets.

Dog owners should be charged with murder if their animals kill someone.

Peter P says

I will not oppose strict licensing for dog ownership.

Peter P says

But I am biased. To me, the only good dog is a hot dog.

A dog is awesome. The right dog will die for you.

28   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2014 Nov 17, 10:22am  

Peter P says

Dog owners should be charged with murder if their animals kill someone.

This is silly. Look up the definition of murder, and see if this fits the definition.

Crazy - we know that pit bulls kill more people than other breeds, but they are also raised as fighting dogs more than other breeds. I don't care to own any terrier these days including a pit. I owned a partial pit when I was younger, I've known a few, and have fostered a few. They are generally sweet dogs when they are not abused.

You are probably aware of this, but humans that are abused when they are young also tend to be more violent.

29   Peter P   2014 Nov 17, 10:26am  

Strategist says

Peter P says

I am all for banning dangerous dogs. At least, they should be regulated as dangerous pets.

Dog owners should be charged with murder if their animals kill someone.

Peter P says

I will not oppose strict licensing for dog ownership.

Peter P says

But I am biased. To me, the only good dog is a hot dog.

A dog is awesome. The right dog will die for you.

My wife likes German Shepards. If we have to get a dog it will most likely be a Golden Retriever. Alas, I rather get a few more cats.

30   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:31am  

YesYNot says

Peter P says

Dog owners should be charged with murder if their animals kill someone.

This is silly. Look up the definition of murder, and see if this fits the definition.

Crazy - we know that pit bulls kill more people than other breeds, but they are also raised as fighting dogs more than other breeds. I don't care to own any terrier these days including a pit. I owned a partial pit when I was younger, I've known a few, and have fostered a few. They are generally sweet dogs when they are not abused.

You are probably aware of this, but humans that are abused when they are young also tend to be more violent.

You are right, but I still think pit bulls need to be tightly controlled. Claiming it's the bad owner who is at fault is not good enough. We do need to cut down on dog bites.

31   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:36am  

Peter P says

Strategist says

Peter P says

I am all for banning dangerous dogs. At least, they should be regulated as dangerous pets.

Dog owners should be charged with murder if their animals kill someone.

Peter P says

I will not oppose strict licensing for dog ownership.

Peter P says

But I am biased. To me, the only good dog is a hot dog.

A dog is awesome. The right dog will die for you.

My wife likes German Shepards. If we have to get a dog it will most likely be a Golden Retriever. Alas, I rather get a few more cats.

Golden Retrievers are wonderful pets. But if you want a loyal dog for security and protection, a German Shepherd is just outstanding. We don't even get anyone placing flyers at our gate anymore. Our dog never threatens or barks at children, even if they happen to come up to the gate. She just loves kids.

32   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:37am  

Call it Crazy says

Peter P says

If we have to get a dog it will most likely be a Golden Retriever. Alas, I rather get a few more cats.

How about both?? Here were my two.


Isn't that cute. :)

33   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:42am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Isn't that cute. :)

Notice something??? It's NOT a pit bull!

Yup, I sure did. I love Labs and Golden Retrievers too. I would not go for a Pit Bull. Rottweiler, maybe.

34   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 10:54am  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

But if you want a loyal dog for security and protection, a German Shepherd is just outstanding.

I'm trying to narrow down my choice for a Level 3 dog and it's between a Belgian Malinois and a German Shepherd. Although the Malinois is a little lighter and quicker, I'm leaning towards the G.S. for the overall package.

I am naturally biased towards German Shepherds. Try and go pure breed.....easy to train.

35   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 11:10am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Get a border collie. They can help with the crossword if you get it before they finish it in ink and will put a bullet through a burglar's head and call the cops for you without waking you up. Some give uncanny stock tips and brew their own beer.

I hear the Border Collie is the most intelligent dog. Can they replace a realtor?

36   lostand confused   2014 Nov 17, 11:16am  

I guess German Shepherds must be trained well or you will have problems I hear?

I think pitt owners defense is rather silly. Those dogs have the hardware and will to kill grown adult humans. One must acknowledge that. A Chihuahua can be a 1000 times more aggressive than a pitt-but an adult has nothing to fear-one kick can send it flying away. I can be walking a dark alley and if a pack of Chihuahuas come snarling at me-I wouldn't even turn back. But two pitts come at me -that would scare me. Two or three can easily take out a grown man. You have to acknowledge what you are dealing with-an animal that can take out humans .

Rotts scare me too-although Dobermans seem to be far more trainable-under the right hands. Give me a lab or a golden any day-though do like collies too. Same size dogs-but bred for something different .

37   Strategist   2014 Nov 17, 11:48am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Strategist says

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

Get a border collie. They can help with the crossword if you get it before they finish it in ink and will put a bullet through a burglar's head and call the cops for you without waking you up. Some give uncanny stock tips and brew their own beer.

I hear the Border Collie is the most intelligent dog. Can they replace a realtor?

Seven at a time by IQ alone. What you spend on the pup, you'll make back having a dog that can file your taxes and give a second opinion on brain surgery.

That's great, but can a dog cheat on my taxes like a realtor can. I think the dog is too honest. I need a real criminal to do my taxes.

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