Eastwood - "American sniper is an anti-war statement"

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2015 Feb 3, 2:32pm   17,083 views  23 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


"The biggest antiwar statement any film" can make is to show "the fact of what [war] does to the family and the people who have to go back into civilian life like Chris Kyle did," Clint Eastwood said at Saturday's Producers Guild Award Nominees Breakfast, which took place at The Saban Theater in Beverly Hills."

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1   Blurtman   2015 Feb 3, 2:37pm  

I dunno. For many Americans it redeemed an invasion under false pretenses, and morphed an occupier who killed those resting occupation into a hero. It made a complex story simple for the average knuckle dragger, and turned an evil occupation into a heroic act.

2   CL   2015 Feb 3, 3:03pm  

Is this that guy who done did talk to his chair?

3   dublin hillz   2015 Feb 3, 3:10pm  

CL says

Is this that guy who done did talk to his chair?

Yes, although in his defense conversations with inanimate objects sometimes produce greater insight because monologue can focus thoughts.

4   CL   2015 Feb 4, 9:49am  

If I recall, it was something like this:

5   HEY YOU   2015 Feb 4, 10:58am  

Fuck PTSD! Grow up & be a man.

But I didn't know being in the military would be so hard.

6   CL   2015 Feb 4, 11:15am  

Call it Crazy says

At a campaign event in Beaverton, OR, Obama claimed to have visited 57 U.S. states during the campaign

The difference is that no sentient being believes that Obama thought there were 57 States.

Although it is unlikely that Eastwood thought he was talking to a person, it IS possible.

It is also almost certain he thought the bit would kill, whereas it was DEFINITELY nutrient-free pablum.

7   Y   2015 Feb 4, 12:26pm  

If someone were talking at a fast pace...sure.

But if you allocate a minimalist second or two to process what you have just observed, obama pauses for 3-4 seconds to think about how many states he's been to. That's enough time for the average lowbrow lipsticked librul, or any other person possessing a sub 100 iq, to come up with a number that at least is a subset of 50.

This speaks volumes about the depth of libby-brul guilt that they would elect a person of color just to assuage the sins of their ancestors, experience be damned.

CL says

The difference is that no sentient being believes that Obama thought there were 57 States.

The difference being that no sentient being believes that Eastwood thought he was talking to a person.

CL says

Although it is unlikely that Eastwood thought he was talking to a person, it IS possible.

8   HydroCabron   2015 Feb 4, 12:50pm  

Yeah. Uh-huh.

The same way 'Unforgiven' was an anti-violence statement. Particularly the part where Will Munny goes back into town and non-violently shotguns the wicked sheriff and his boys what whipped the black sidekick to death. You know: solving problems with a shotgun, non-violently, to make a statement about the pointlessness of violence.

9   Y   2015 Feb 4, 1:08pm  

The sheriff built a house with a leaky roof. The sheriff was into real estate..The sheriff was a Realtor.
Deservin's got everything to do with it...

HydroCabron says

Particularly the part where Will Munny goes back into town and non-violently shotguns the wicked sheriff and his boys what whipped the black sidekick to death.

10   EBGuy   2015 Feb 4, 1:18pm  

Some more from the Chronicle film critic:
Clint Eastwood has made a sneaky, complicated film that takes the form of a rousing war movie but whose ideas are almost subversive, or at least too provocative to state overtly.

For that reason, “American Sniper” is bound to be misunderstood even by those who admire it. And it will definitely be misunderstood by people who don’t like it, who might wonder why they didn’t walk out inspired by the story of a real American hero. Well, the clue is in the title. Not “American Hero,” but “American Sniper.”

11   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Feb 4, 1:43pm  

Deserve ain't got nuthin' to do with it.

12   dublin hillz   2015 Feb 4, 2:31pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says

It's a fuck you die, ragheads, fucking die, motherfucking ragheads movie.

One of the criticisms out there is that the film "glorifies killing of muslims." I did not get that impression since the film also shows the iraqi adversary sniper shooting and killing americans and additionally cooper has several scenes where he definitely hopes not to be in a position where he will have to take a fatal shot such as when the boy was about to pick up the RPG but last second decides not to. It ain't like cooper's character was just running around streets of fallujah swigging jack daniels and firing indiscriminately, perhaps a certain directive creativity was missing...

13   CL   2015 Feb 4, 4:01pm  

SoftShell says

The difference being that no sentient being believes that Eastwood thought he was talking to a person.

No, but since he's senile it could be! But what is likely (as I said) is that he thought it was clever. And the idiots at the convention nervously pretended to "get it". But we all know it was as terribly stupid as pretending that Romney would win despite the polls.

Do you seriously think Obama thought there were 57 states, or 57 contests, including Guam, DC, Mariana Islands, etc?

Or was it a code for some of his sneaky Muslim junk? Huh?

It will tell us more about you than anything.

14   socal2   2015 Feb 4, 5:27pm  

Blurtman says

I dunno. For many Americans it redeemed an invasion under false pretenses, and morphed an occupier who killed those resting occupation into a hero. It made a complex story simple for the average knuckle dragger, and turned an evil occupation into a heroic act.

FFS - there are more than enough high budget anti-Iraq war movies churned out by Hollywood in the last 10 years portraying America as a bunch of rapists or oil thieves to satisfy the Left wingers and Jihadis.

- Fahrenheit 9/11
- Redacted
- Rendition
- Stop Loss
- Lions for Lambs
- Valley of Elah

And yes - the type of people Kyle was targeting (Zarqawi's AQI which morphed to ISIS) are "evil".

15   socal2   2015 Feb 4, 7:04pm  

sbh says

You wingnuts are so easily distracted by shiny objects.

Hah - says the dude with a Palin Tourette's syndrome problem

16   socal2   2015 Feb 4, 7:13pm  

sbh says

Where I come from (born in Texas, raised in Montana), if we were invaded, my people would undertake any self sacrifice to repel an invading enemy. Kyle targeted AQI as well as redneck dipshit townfolk defending their piece of dirt on this earth.

So ignorant of the situation.

Nearly 80% of Iraq (Shia and Kurds) were ruthlessly dominated by the 20% Sunni Muslim Baathists. Remember Clinton spent his entire presidency enforcing "No-Fly Zones" in the North and South and bombing Iraq to protect these populations from Saddam's Sunnis?

The people our troops were fighting were mainly:

- Foreign Sunni Jihadis (aka ISIS today)
- Foreign Iranian militias
- Local Sunni's and Baathists who were the former slave masters and had everything to lose
- Local Sadr Shia militias influenced by Iran

The vast majority of the Kurds/Shia were happy to be rid of Saddam and just wanted to go on living their lives. So your Iraqi "redneck dipshit" analogy is closer to the 20% Sunnis being the equivalent of the Southern Confederacy fighting to defend slavery.

They weren't really noble defenders of anything.

17   Strategist   2015 Feb 4, 7:43pm  

So many of you are so anti American it makes me sick. "They had no chemical weapons" " We invaded the wrong country" "We are the bad guys"
Shut the fuck up you unpatriotic morons. This all happened because of 911 by fanatical Islamists. We are not perfect, mistakes will happen. But constantly blaming America for every damn incident is a bigger mistake and a lot more stupid.
Your constant attacks on American values and beliefs is helping terrorists like Al Qaeda, and ISIS. Get that through your heads you morons. If you hate America so much why don't you just get the hell out? No one is stopping you.
Thank You
Proud to be a Citizen of the World. Strategist.

18   bob2356   2015 Feb 4, 7:54pm  

Strategist says

So many of you are so anti American it makes me sick. "They had no chemical weapons" " We invaded the wrong country" "We are the bad guys"

Shut the fuck up you unpatriotic morons.

So believing whatever the government tells you is patriotic? They did that in germany in 1930's. Torturing people and denying them due process of law is patriotic? They did that in Russia for 60 years.

Sorry dipstick you are wrong, holding your government to account is patriotic.

19   Strategist   2015 Feb 4, 7:56pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

Proud to be a Citizen of the World. Strategist.

I'd give you multiple "likes" for that post, but Patrick is too cheap to allow more than one!!

I rarely have more than 2 drinks. But today, I went on a 7 mile hike and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I decided to reward myself with a third wine. It brings out the best in me. :)

20   Strategist   2015 Feb 4, 8:19pm  

bob2356 says

Sorry dipstick you are wrong, holding your government to account is patriotic.

Omama, is the President now. What did we do wrong in the Mid East?

21   Strategist   2015 Feb 4, 8:22pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

so I decided to reward myself with a third wine. It brings out the best in me. :)

I was actually thinking that when I read your post, it must be the wine talking!!!

He he he. The wine makes me tell the truth. That post was the the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

22   socal2   2015 Feb 5, 2:53pm  

sbh says

The invasion WAS evil and based on a lie.

It's evil that you continue to ape the war was a "lie" lie. Surely you have seen all the quotes from Democrat politicians making the same statements as Bush/Cheney on WMD's in Iraq well before Bush took office?

But hack dishonest liberals have to ape Jihadi propaganda in their desire to score domestic political points against Bush and Republicans.

Anecdotal only, but I have several Iraqi neighbors and clients (Kurds and Shia) in SoCal that were forced to flee Saddam's ruthless brutality and were quite happy to have the country liberated from that monster.


23   socal2   2015 Feb 5, 2:59pm  

sbh says

You and I will never know how many people he had to kill who became
anti-American only after their family member was incinerated in a off target
drone strike, or killed by a stray bullet fired by a zipperhead contractor.

This implies that normally peaceful Iraqis (who aren't Sunni Baathists) are too stupid to know who was responsible for most of the violence and oppression (car bombs, blowing up schools, mosques and government buildings).

The Allies accidentally killed roughly 57,000 French citizens in the bombings leading up to D-Day. Did we see a bunch of French joining up with the Nazis after they lost their homes or loved ones?


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