It's Okay To Cover Up Child Molestation - If You're Christian

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2015 May 22, 12:41pm   26,624 views  47 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

The Duggar family, the one with 19 kids who are all over your TV sets, had a teeny family secret. It seems that their oldest son molested a few of his sisters and someone else when he was 14 or 15, depending upon the story you read. But he's really, really sorry - and he received "counseling" from a family friend who is NOT a professional. And, they had him get a stern talking to from a family friend, a police officer who is currently in jail for some molestation of his own. So he learnt himself a lesson.

The parents should have reported it immediately, the kids should have gotten counseling, etc. TLC has pulled the TV show for now not sure if they'll take it off the air, even though they pulled another TV show after the "star" allowed a child molester contact with the little kids. Whatever will they do now that their money train is derailed?


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1   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 22, 1:07pm  

No it's just OK for Liberals to say it's OK when they are BUT hurt, because the people they keep electing promising them free shit, keeps screwing them over.
So point your fingers at a reality show character and claim "Oh It's OK bap bap bab bah bah blah".

I'm less concerned with the idiots on TV, than I am with the idiot in Washington. Remember I cut the cord, you guys should do the same. Especially if you can't tell the difference between tv show characters and people who make policy. Shame on you all..

2   HydroCabron   2015 May 22, 1:21pm  

CaptainShuddup says

I'm less concerned with the idiots on TV, than I am with the idiot in Washington

What if they're committing suicide because of terminal illness? You seem to care then.

I guess molesting girls doesn't rise to that level of outrage.

3   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 22, 1:23pm  

Get rid of the Idiots in Washington then people wont be all killing them selves then.

You should be outraged, be very outraged, Obama winning twice was some bullcrap!

4   Dan8267   2015 May 22, 1:24pm  

CaptainShuddup says

No it's just OK for Liberals to say it's OK when they are BUT hurt

What is your obsession with liberals and butt hurt?

5   HydroCabron   2015 May 22, 1:30pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Obama winning twice was some bullcrap!

Obama should be in jail, because he implemented - and, in some cases, worsened - Republican policies on domestic spying and whistleblower persecution.

Not because he signed an imaginary executive order raising gas prices and narrowing airline seats.

6   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 22, 1:47pm  

BAO I can see that this Duggar feller really disappointed you.

As far as Huckabee goes, I wouldn't invest too much time worrying about his chances of winning.
He just like Hillary was a Presidential has been, but never was candidate.
They never ever run again and actually win, not since Nixon anyway.

8   HydroCabron   2015 May 22, 1:56pm  

socal2 says

Its OK to Defend a Pedophile - if you are Hillary Clinton.

Do you have any idea of how an adversarial legal system works?

John Adams defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial. Do you comprehend why he would do that?

9   socal2   2015 May 22, 1:58pm  

HydroCabron says

Do you have any idea of how an adversarial legal system works?

John Adams defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial. Do you comprehend why he would do that?

Yes - I understand all that.

But I wouldn't laugh about it later as Hillary does on the audiotape.

Then again, Hillary has a long history of trashing rape victims in an effort to defend her husband.

10   socal2   2015 May 22, 2:18pm  

anonymous says

socal2 - you also going to tell me Clinton was the only attorney turned politician of either party to have won some case(s) by using questionable but technically legal tactics? And why should she have to apologize - why not the victim? She was doing what she was paid to do - get the best possible deal for the client.

I'm pretty sure that none of the Republican candidates running for the presidency defended pedophiles and is on tape laughing about bloody underwear.

Talk about "war on women"!

11   socal2   2015 May 22, 2:25pm  

anonymous says

socal2 - this is from the dailycaller - your source for the Hillary bit - interesting isn't it?

They have the audio tape of Hillary laughing about defending a pedophile. She seemed to enjoy it, not just doing a shitty job out of duty.


anonymous says

By now, you’ve heard about the Josh Duggar molestation scandal.

Honestly - I've never heard of this Dugger guy before today, and I like to think I am fairly plugged in.

Besides, do Libs really want to make some sort of guilt by association with Conservatives to pedophiles? You really want to do that with the Clinton's running?

When is Bill going to respond to hanging out with convicted pedophile Epstein?

12   HydroCabron   2015 May 22, 2:44pm  

Apparently, Hillary cackled about a case she defended 40 years ago.

Therefore we should ignore molestation.

13   socal2   2015 May 22, 2:44pm  

anonymous says

Of course, this sort of favoritism and lack of vetting is utterly consistent with a conservative movement that is starstruck.

You are talking about Hillary - right?

With all the dirt coming out now about Hillary, she shouldn't have been within a country mile of being the Democrat's only presidential candidate.

But as you say, some folks are "starstruck".

14   Vicente   2015 May 22, 3:53pm  

The Christian Bible that most Americans read, never specifically references child molestation.

It seems to give a pass on incest and rape, so I think Josh is all good with White Jesus.

15   lostand confused   2015 May 22, 4:54pm  

Well, the Catholic priests certainly agree.

16   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 May 22, 5:34pm  

Okay, I don't know the details. I do know that 16-year old boys (and girls) have been arrested and given lifetime Sex Offender registry status for HJs and BJs or just Feeling Up, aka "Inappropriate Touching". The fact his dad turned him in for leaving some girl's room is weirdo behavior. I assume the girl was neither a close family member or pre-puberty.

I despise Religion, but I also despise turning routine stupid kid experimentation into some Unholy Horrible Crime.

That being said, maybe there's more to the story. Any time you find one of these values freaks, scratching the surface usually reveals more than just petting or asking for a boob flash.

17   Dan8267   2015 May 22, 8:09pm  

anonymous says

Mike Huckabee Defends Josh Duggar: "Good People Make Mistakes"

Huckabee would never say this about the Clintons or Obama. Funny how forgiveness and reform are so very selectively given out by conservatives.

18   elliemae   2015 May 23, 12:19am  

anonymous says

What I am going to do is zero in on what struck me as an especially interesting, if largely unrelated, sentence in the Washington Post’s coverage of the story: “Duggar was running a used-car lot before he became the new face of the Family Research Council.”

How does this happen? I’m not suggesting that someone who runs a used car lot in Arkansas can’t eventually become the executive director of a group like FRC Action. But is that where you start? Shouldn’t you maybe, I don’t know, work for a social conservative outfit before being promoted to essentially running one?

The guy was a "celebrity,' and as such, he was handed a cushy job as the mouthpiece for a conservative cause. How fast he rose, and how quickly he fell. They'll find another obnoxious mouthpiece.

I'm more concerned about the parents - 19 children and yet they allowed this admitted molester to be around young girls ( I guess if he was sorry, that was good enough for them). What about the girls who were molested - do they feel violated and - if so - did they receive counseling? Or were they told that it's their place to be a plaything for a male figure, that their opinions and feelings don't matter.

They would have had the opportunity to press charges if the adult figures had come forward at the time they found out - but in this family with "Christian values," shit like this obviously isn't spoken of in polite circles. They're too busy blaming gay people for everything.

On another note, Cap'n, I'm proud of you. First response to my post, and you found a way to blame Obama. On some level, you must realize that we don't take you seriously and I doubt anyone reads your posts the whole way through. All we hear is
CaptainShuddup says

"Oh It's OK bap bap bab bah bah blah Obama Obama Obama".

Who will you blame your life on in two years?

19   elliemae   2015 May 23, 12:30am  

I guess this has been a well known secret for years: http://defamer.gawker.com/the-web-has-known-about-josh-duggar-for-years-when-did-1706258269

Why would the Teevee keep airing their shows if this info was out there? Haven't they ever heard of google?

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 May 23, 1:14am  

Okay, his own sisters. That's just f**king weird.

21   spydah_hh   2015 May 23, 7:29am  

elliemae says

I'm more concerned about the parents - 19 children and yet they allowed this admitted molester to be around young girls ( I guess if he was sorry, that was good enough for them). What about the girls who were molested - do they feel violated and - if so - did they receive counseling? Or were they told that it's their place to be a plaything for a male figure, that their opinions and feelings don't matter.

2 parents of 19 has failed at being a parent just for having 19 children. There is no way a couple could provide the necessary attention of 19 or so children or even 10 children. Once you get to the realm of 5 or more kids I am not sure how a couple who has to work or even if only one just work, can provide the mental attention kids will need. It's a good reason why the rest of the children and family of the Duggars are all acting like this is nothing. Which is even more scary because it says that this is the norm for them.

22   socal2   2015 May 23, 9:45am  

What's the difference between Lena Dunham and Josh Duggar?

Lena is a star in Liberal circles and flat out admitted in her best selling book she molested her sister.

23   socal2   2015 May 23, 9:49am  

spydah_hh says

2 parents of 19 has failed at being a parent just for having 19 children. There is no way a couple could provide the necessary attention of 19 or so children or even 10 childre

Older siblings help out. Families did it for thousands of years before birth control. Somehow they managed.

24   Vicente   2015 May 23, 9:59am  

socal2 says

Older siblings help out.

In this case, a bit too much.

Siblings are not interns.

25   lostand confused   2015 May 23, 11:39am  

Disgusting as it may be-maybe sibling hanky-panky is the norm in that area. This man who ran for Governor of Georgia claims that when you grow up in a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule!!

26   Dan8267   2015 May 23, 12:35pm  

lostand confused says

when you grow up in a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule!!

A step up for CIC.

27   Dan8267   2015 May 23, 1:00pm  

socal2 says

What's the difference between Lena Dunham and Josh Duggar?

Lena is a star in Liberal circles and flat out admitted in her best selling book she molested her sister.

The difference is that Duggar is a known pedophile who, as an adult, forced himself on children. The right wing is being extremely hypocritical because Duggar advocates their culture.

Dunham, at worst, was a child who played doctor with her sister, something that is normal and common, if not something that the vast majority of children do. This hardly makes Dunham a pedophile.

Of course, right wing hypocrites want Dunham to be a pedophile so they can say "it's a wash", when in reality it is not. Sexual abuse is more common in conservative societies precisely because its covered up (especially if the criminal is a cleric or preacher), whereas in liberal societies it is not. One need only look at the Middle East to see this principle in action.

Finally, socal2 once again demonstrates that he or she has no comprehension of the difference between the left and liberals. Dunham and her show Girls have nothing to do with liberalism or "liberal culture". Liberalism is culture agnostic. But idiots like socal2 and his leftist counterparts think that the whole world revolves around "cowboys vs hippies", but it doesn't. I'm a hard-core liberal and I listen to both NPR and KISS Country. There is no cultural contradiction there.

Our entire national politics is really all about cowboys vs hippies and which culture is better. Well, they both suck and the majority of Americans don't identify with either of these primitive cultures. Fuck cowboys and hippies. We should all be astronauts.

28   Dan8267   2015 May 23, 1:01pm  

Call it Crazy says

How does that compare to Dan's current girlfriend?

How does jerking off compare to being assfucked by a donkey? You actually have to ask that question? 'Nuff said.

29   Dan8267   2015 May 23, 1:12pm  

P.S. The impact of a joke is inversely proportional to the number of times you told it. Eventually, telling it again just shows how uncreative you are. So feel free to keep copying and pasting that joke. My original comeback the first time you told that joke seven months ago was far wittier.

In fact, we could repeats quite a few of those posts like...

Best of all, it's not gay after the flesh has rotten off.
- CallItCrazy

30   socal2   2015 May 23, 4:09pm  

Dan8267 says

The difference is that Duggar is a known pedophile who, as an adult, forced himself on children. The right wing is being extremely hypocritical because Duggar advocates their culture.

Dunham, at worst, was a child who played doctor with her sister, something that is normal and common, if not something that the vast majority of children do. This hardly makes Dunham a pedophile.

According to reports, Dugger was 14. Dunham admits first starting to molest her sister at age 7 and afterwords years later.

Both Dugger and Dunham's behaviors are whacked. I wouldn't defend either.

Dan8267 says

Sexual abuse is more common in conservative societies precisely because its covered up (especially if the criminal is a cleric or preacher), whereas in liberal societies it is not.

Are you kidding?

The difference is that many Liberals celebrate sexual deviancy and will defend any sex arrangement, whereas some Conservatives fail to live up to the standards they profess to hold.

Exhibit A is Bill fucking Clinton. He's hanging out with convicted pedophiles like Epstein and going to his orgy island. Not to mention Monica,.Flowers all the other woman. The Libs in the media and culture think "no biggie, it's just Bill being Bill." Bill Clinton is still a massive star in the Democratic party. How about Kennedy? Spitzer? Menendez, McGreevy, Barney Frank, Studds? All these dudes abused their power to get with younger girls and boys.

But if some no-name back-bencher Republican taps toes with a dude in the bathroom stall or some guy like Dugger I've never even have heard of until yesterday gets caught in some sex scandal, the entire Conservative, Christian or Republican party has to own it by the media.

The double standard is massive. But then again, Liberals get away with it since they profess to have no standards.

Dan8267 says

Finally, socal2 once again demonstrates that he or she has no comprehension of the difference between the left and liberals. Dunham and her show Girls have nothing to do with liberalism or "liberal culture". Liberalism is culture agnostic.

Dan's favorite dodge.

"My" Liberalism isn't like that!

31   elliemae   2015 May 23, 5:31pm  

It just keeps getting better - on Thursday a judge in Arkansas ordered the police to destroy the evidence of the investigation. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/josh-duggars-investigation-record-destroyed-by-arkansas-police-report/ar-BBkacG3

Does anyone else think that the parents and their fucked-up beliefs (no touching besides "side hugs," no kissing, etc) might have led to this child's curiosity about the opposite sex. He certainly couldn't thumb thru his dad's playboys, like a normal child. Molesting your sister without her consent while she sleeps? ew!

Lena Dunham? Seriously, you pulled that one out of your ass

32   Dan8267   2015 May 23, 6:16pm  

socal2 says

According to reports, Dugger was 14. Dunham admits first starting to molest her sister at age 7 and afterwords years later.

There's a big difference between 14 an 7. There's also a big difference between what Dunham said she did in her book and what you are saying. Your very choice of words unveils your political agenda.

And it's not just Duggar, but his whole scene...
Founder of Josh Duggar’s ‘treatment center’ left after ‘sexually grooming’ teens and young women

The founder of a chain of Christian “treatment” centers Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar sent their eldest son to for molesting five girls — including his sisters — resigned in 2014 under a cloud of accusations that he had “sexually groomed” and harassed young women and teens in his ministry.

socal2 says

Dan8267 says

Sexual abuse is more common in conservative societies precisely because its covered up (especially if the criminal is a cleric or preacher), whereas in liberal societies it is not.

Are you kidding?


The Religious Sex Abuse Epidemic
Take for instance the allegations of sexual abuse in several Hasidic Jewish communities, where young boys were routinely abused at religious schools and community gatherings. These children weren't able to come forward with their allegations for years because they feared being cast out from the religious community for accusing one of their "holy" leaders of such a despicable crime. When the boys finally did come forward the rabbis were tried in an ecclesiastical court, much like the Catholic priests who were accused of similar crimes. These courts exonerated the rabbis of their crimes and halted efforts to pursue secular justice against the offenders.

Sexual abuse of children is seen in other religions that emphasize a strong clergy and utilize religious courts, such as in Islam and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In Pakistan there are many allegations regarding sexual abuse of children in Islamic religious schools called madrassas. This abuse of children is not widely discussed by the victims, as the religious community routinely shuns those who come forward and "dishonors" their religious leaders. The same situation occurs with the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, whose leaders are accused of wide-spread sexual abuse of children. American Southern Baptist churches also suffer from the same problem, as a bishop was recently accused of abusing a group of young boys in his mega-church. It appears as though these different religious communities, all of whom abide by distinctly different scriptures, share common ground in their efforts to silence victims of sexual abuse through marginalization and exclusion from the community.

Sexual abuse occurs not only because of the specifics of a sexually repressive religious doctrine, but because the leaders of the religious community are given extraordinary power over their followers and are nearly immune to prosecution for their crimes because of the emphasis by those religious communities on handling criminal matters in religious courts. This method of self-prosecution is an obvious conflict of interest, as the community will be less to pursue any action that embarrasses the faith, even if such inaction comes at the expense of justice for the victims.

Prosecutors battle the wall of silence around sex assault in religious communities

Child abuse experts also say that when there’s one child sexual predator in a religious organization, there could also be more. Sexual predators, they say, tend to hide within a culture or religious hierarchy that either ignores or in some way condones their crimes. Members of religious communities that prefer to resolve their problems internally are particularly disinclined to report sexual predators within their midst, experts say.

“In some ways, religion is a family,” says San Diego forensic psychologist Glenn Lipson, who specializes in sexual misconduct issues. “In families, people can deny something is going on because they don’t want to see it and because admitting it would mean their world would collapse. The same can be true for religious communities, where people celebrate births and marriages together. There can be the same response—deny it, ignore it, reassign people.”

So, yes, religion itself is a very big contributor to the sexual abuse of children and the covering up of these crimes. To admit how prevalent pedophilia is in a religion is to open that religion to attack, and since the religion is more important to its followers then children, the followers choose to defend the religion by defending the pedophiles. This is exactly what elliemae was getting at when she posted this thread. The only thing she got wrong was that all major religions and religious communities do this, not just Christians. It's common in Islam and Judaism as well and for the exact same reasons. In America, however, Christian cults get special protection from the law.

33   Dan8267   2015 May 23, 6:18pm  

elliemae says

Lena Dunham? Seriously, you pulled that one out of your ass

Not only did he pull that out of his ass, he pulled out that Dunham is somehow the spokesman for liberalism. Like all conservatives, when caught with their pants down, literally or not, he has to immediate launch an attack, typically false, on the other side to distract from his own side's crimes.

34   socal2   2015 May 23, 6:30pm  

Dan8267 says

Like all conservatives, when caught with their pants down, literally or not, he has to immediate launch an attack, typically false, on the other side to distract from his own side's crimes.

Who is caught with their pants down?

You think Conservatives need to "own" some nobody like Duggar and that he's emblematic of all Christians or Conservatives.

If those are the rules, then logically I can make Clinton, Kennedy and Dunham's sexual predatory behavior emblematic of your ideology.

35   Blurtman   2015 May 23, 6:37pm  

The Duggar kid was 14 or 15 when he fondled 14 year olds. He was a kid then. Kids do inappropriate things. You want all involved to get counseling to prevent long term damage.

You want to know why the jails are full of people? Read the posts above.

36   FortWayne   2015 May 23, 6:41pm  

No one says it's ok, it's just that you people are heavily biased against the only true thing in this world, and that is Christianity. Without Christianity there would be only chaos and pain, but you non believers don't see it like entitled brats who see good and feel entitled to it.

38   socal2   2015 May 23, 6:47pm  

sbh says

We don't defend Clinton and Kennedy.

Bwaha ha! The hell you don't!

39   socal2   2015 May 23, 7:12pm  

sbh says

We don't defend the life of their dicks. We don't fucking care.

I know you don't care.

Even when they are using the power of their office to harass women. Or even when they bang minors at pedophile Epstein's island.

40   HydroCabron   2015 May 23, 9:24pm  

Doesn't Josh have to pay 50 shekels per girl? And aren't they supposed to stone the girls now?

Do these people even read their scriptures? Hello, Deuteronomy?

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