London sportsbook considers Hillary an overwhelming favorite for president

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2015 Aug 31, 1:19pm   4,462 views  16 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


1.1 to 1 odds in Mrs Ratched
4 to 1 on Bush the 3rd
8 to 1 on Putin of the West


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1   dublin hillz   2015 Aug 31, 2:17pm  

Ironman says

Would that be before or after her prison term?

The chances of her being convicted and incarcerated are the same as jets winning the superbowl.

2   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Aug 31, 2:26pm  

She still has plenty of time to jump in a well on her way there.

3   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 6:03pm  

London pinging Hillary's snap chat.

What do they know about politics, they are more concerned with privileged royal's rights of passage than they are what Parliament is actually doing.

4   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 31, 6:16pm  

But she's got such a charming personality.

5   Strategist   2015 Aug 31, 6:17pm  

Mr Happygoluckofus says

London pinging Hillary's snap chat.

What do they know about politics

I would bet $1,000 for Hillary to win the Presidential elections.
Trump is just dividing the Republicans.

6   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 7:31pm  

Strategist says

Trump is just dividing the Republicans.

Trump is killing the myth of the Republican voter is what he is doing.

The Demoncrats should worry more about them, they don't have anyone that can go head to head with Trump.
Either Trump dies before the Primaires or the CIA does a 911 on Steriods to scare the shit out of everyone and pray for Chenny and Rove to go into a room and manlove produce the next Repulbican president.
A perfectly timed national tragedy that strikes at the heart of "Americher" would be the only thing that make those not even planning on voting get out and vote.

For every Trump supporter in the GOP there is 5 registered Republican voteres that isn't voting for him, but have flatout given up and can't muster up one good single reason to vote against him. Because there's no one they would vote for. Republicans are different like that, they don't vote against people they vote for people.

7   Strategist   2015 Aug 31, 7:38pm  

Mr Happygoluckofus says

For every Trump supporter in the GOP there is 5 registered Republican voteres that isn't voting for him, but have flatout given up and can't muster up one good single reason to vote against him. Because there's no one they would vote for. Republicans are different like that, they don't vote against people they vote for people.

I think they are just scared of Trump, because Trump tells it the way he sees it, which would only embarrass them.
Trump is different from the same old politically correct jerks who get nothing done.
How much would you bet on Trump?

8   lostand confused   2015 Aug 31, 7:43pm  

Strategist says

How much would you bet on Trump?

A hundred emojis? Now does that make me cool-at least according to the Clintons!

9   Strategist   2015 Aug 31, 7:49pm  

Ironman says

Strategist says

Trump is different from the same old politically correct jerks who get nothing done.

How much would you bet on Trump?

If you notice, the top 3 are all NON politicians.... Trump, Carson and Fiorina...

That must have BOTH the DNC and the RNC having sleepless nights...

hhmmmm....Time for a third party, fourth and more. Just the way they have it in the UK.

10   anonymous   2015 Sep 1, 8:24am  

Paddy power?

Pinnacle has changed the wording of their offering from

Will democrats win the presidency (where YES was -160), to Will Hillary be the next president (where YES is now -120).

Not the silly +110 that USAtoday is quoting, but still , much more of a coin flip then OP suggests

11   anonymous   2015 Sep 1, 8:29am  

I would bet $1,000 for Hillary to win the Presidential elections.
Trump is just dividing the Republicans.


If this were a free country, or even 2007 USA, you could. And you'd probably win.

However, boring statist good fer nuthin no goodnicks, like yourself, root for us to lose more freedoms at every opportunity. So you can thank yourself for not having the opportunity to make some easy cash

12   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 1, 8:37am  

Strategist says

How much would you bet on Trump?

I would bet anything on Trump but I wouldn't bet a nickle against our corrupt political system where multiple networks flat out declare to wage a war "Slander" against the prime Republican candidate, by the GOP heads and the talking heads in the media, even the head honcho media head said he's shoot him if he can get close enough. He very well may not make it past the primaries, but I bet it will be because of the ultimate American miscarriage of democracy rather than the lack of support or enthusiasm from the majority of the voter base that wants him.

The GOP will take him to court to be tried by the Obamacare judges that will tell him, that he is a tax and not a valid candidate at all, will be more likely than Trump actually losing traction with his voter base.
Mark my word, Trumps exit from all of this wont be pretty, and will probably kill what little sliver of Democracy was left in this country. And the same goes for Fiona and Carson, they'll share quarters with Jimmy Hoffa before they get the nod.

But it will be better this way, we wouldn't want to get back to serious business we're having a hoot making people watch Gay couples naughty bits in Christian wedding ceremonies. It's not like we're using democracy, so bring homofascism.

13   DazzlingHerring   2015 Sep 1, 9:40am  

Its more of democratic vs. republicans(divided) vs. donald trump(supporting reps.)

14   dublin hillz   2015 Sep 1, 9:47am  

In sports, you can either win with offense or with defense. Trump has basically forced the reps into the corner where they will have to have a large turnout to have any chance whatsoever. His comments against "anchor-babies" aka first generation american citizens will galvanize that group to go out to vote where in the past many of them may have just stayed home. So basically, he is gonna have to overcome those extra votes from opponents by getting additional white votes who otherwise would have just stayed home. It is not a good strategy to have to win the game by 41-38 score!

15   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 1, 9:55am  

If Trump loses the primaries it will be because of all of the Independent and Democrat voters that assumes all of his numbers were coming from registered Republicans.

If he wins, it will be a historical landslide against any Democrat in the general election.

He's such a threat the Democrat field is playing hot potato with their bid for candidacy.

16   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 1, 10:24am  

People are going to elect Donald trump so they can get back to ignoring America's freakshow, instead of having them offically in their faces 24/7 for a gay inspection.

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