Man Accidentally Sends Naked Selfie To HR Manager After Job Offer

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2015 Sep 4, 9:11am   12,987 views  32 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


While scantily clad selfies may have helped heighten the profiles of social media marvels like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian, theyre probably not the best career move when it comes to those in corporate America. This is a lesson that a 23-year-old Chicago resident learned the hard way. After landing a job at a St. Charles, Ill. company earlier this month, he mistakenly sent two naked selfies over the course of three days to the human resources manager who offered him the position. Immediately upon receipt, the HR manager phoned the police.

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1   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 4, 9:18am  

How do these people wash themselves, keep their homes from burning down, and drive from place to place?

2   Patrick   2015 Sep 4, 9:27am  

it would be a better story if they included the selfie images!

3   elliemae   2015 Sep 4, 9:47am  

1) I blame Obama.

2) I have adivorced friend who, several years ago, asked me to watch his little kids while he went to work. His 8yo daughter was trying to send song lyrics to her mom and clicked "attach," which defaulted to the last thing he sent to someone. A beautiful photo of his penis, in all its glory, saluting the camera. Luckily she was distracted by SpongeBob and I hit the "close" button and told her it shut down & I didn't know why. His ex would have jumped on this thing (no pun intended) and in our conservative state he would have lost custody rights. And, yes, I was hugely impressed.

I don't know about y'all, but I do believe that taking naked photos can be a problem and maybe this is stuff best left off the interwebs.

4   justme   2015 Sep 4, 1:32pm  

elliemae says

he mistakenly sent two naked selfies over the course of three days to the human resources manager who offered him the position.

What position was that?

(Paging Mikey.....what the hell happened to Mikey??)

5   Ceffer   2015 Sep 4, 1:47pm  

Maybe it was a matter of magnitude. With an itty bitty pecker, the manager thought he was a loser. If he was "hung like Holmes", he would have gotten an instant promotion.

6   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 4, 3:20pm  

What mistake? He thought she was into that sort of thing.

7   FortWayne   2015 Sep 4, 4:17pm  

HydroCabron says

How do these people wash themselves, keep their homes from burning down, and drive from place to place?

This is the new generation, the future of this nation. They'll grow up eventually. They got it harder than our generation, we couldn't screw up so badly by accidentally sending an email to a wrong person, we had to mail a form letter!

9   Dan8267   2015 Sep 4, 9:15pm  

elliemae says

Man Accidentally Sends Naked Selfie To HR Manager After Job Offer

So did Anthony Weiner get the job?

10   Dan8267   2015 Sep 4, 9:19pm  

“[Police] advised the offender to cease any contact with the victim,” according to the report.

How exactly is the recipient a "victim"? Does seeing a penis cause blindness? Really, what adult, man or woman, has never seen anyone else's penis in their entire life? If your that sheltered then you need to live in a plastic bubble.

Meanwhile, the same HR employee probably has no problem going through a TSA rape-scanner.

11   Dan8267   2015 Sep 4, 9:20pm  

Immediately upon receipt, the HR manager phoned the police. “My understanding is they’ve rescinded the offer of employment,” local police chief Michael Ruth told The Chicago Tribune.

My guess is that they weren't impressed.

Also, somehow I doubt if an attractive 23-year-old woman did this, the offer of employment would be rescinded. She'd probably get a promotion.

12   lostand confused   2015 Sep 4, 9:57pm  

Dan8267 says

How exactly is the recipient a "victim"?

Maybe she was an immense hirsute lesbian who was shocked by pictures of a dick?

13   Ceffer   2015 Sep 4, 11:01pm  

An IHL would have just regarded it as an average size IHL clitoris and would have asked for more shots.

This guy has obviously not learned the ropes on selfy dick shot etiquette and has paid for his gaffe. Maybe he should write a letter to Miss Manners on the subject.

14   elliemae   2015 Sep 5, 12:57pm  

Dan8267 says

How exactly is the recipient a "victim"? Does seeing a penis cause blindness? Really, what adult, man or woman, has never seen anyone else's penis in their entire life? If your that sheltered then you need to live in a plastic bubble.

Meanwhile, the same HR employee probably has no problem going through a TSA rape-scanner.

Political correctness has certainly gone too far in our society. That being said, sending photos over several days is an inappropriate thing to do to the department head who is responsible for ensuring political correctness in the workplace. If he had sent them to someone else it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal

15   Patrick   2015 Sep 5, 1:37pm  

justme says

elliemae says

he mistakenly sent two naked selfies over the course of three days to the human resources manager who offered him the position.

What position was that?

So... the opening went unfilled? ;-)

16   Patrick   2015 Sep 5, 2:23pm  

elliemae says

sending photos over several days is an inappropriate thing to do to the department head who is responsible for ensuring political correctness in the workplace. If he had sent them to someone else it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal

If we assume it was deliberate, then you have to admire the guy's audacity. He must have huge balls. Hope they were in the photos.

17   Ceffer   2015 Sep 5, 3:55pm  

Is there any such thing as a politically correct penis?

18   elliemae   2015 Sep 5, 4:41pm  

Ceffer says

Is there any such thing as a politically correct penis?

It would have to salute the military

19   Ceffer   2015 Sep 5, 6:17pm  

elliemae says

It would have to salute the military

Half mast in mourning during Taps?

20   Ceffer   2015 Sep 5, 11:13pm  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

If someone can't drive a nail with their hard-on, what would inspire anyone to hire them?

Does it count if you can push a pretzel around with it a little bit?

21   elliemae   2015 Sep 6, 9:23am  

Ceffer says

Half mast in mourning during Taps?

Well played, Ceffer. My only comment would be that it wouldn't be half-mast if it weren't for the gloves.

And I'm never shaking the hand of a member of the military wearing white gloves. At least Michael Jackson was honest, wore one glove and sang "Beat It."

22   rktbrkr   2015 Sep 6, 1:06pm  

What a gutless douchebag in HR to call the cops on the guy. Are there any straight white males working in HR? It was really stupid thing to do but nobody has a sense of humor anymore and everybody is scared, worried if they didn't report the dummie they'd be accused of being a Jared Fogle.

23   HydroCabron   2015 Sep 6, 2:47pm  

A lot of women working in HR have never seen an erect penis.

24   resistance   2015 Sep 6, 3:11pm  

rktbrkr says

Are there any straight white males working in HR?

hmmm, there were in fact no straight white males in HR in any of the last 3 companies i worked for.

perhaps this obvious discrimination is the basis for a massive class action lawsuit!

the irony would be delicious.

25   mmmarvel   2015 Sep 9, 10:03am  

If we assume it was deliberate, then you have to admire the guy's audacity. He must have huge balls. Hope they were in the photos.

Or a really thick head - which also would have shown up in the picture.

26   turtledove   2015 Sep 9, 11:22am  

Perhaps I'm gullible, but I would have assumed it was an accident. Why didn't she just write the guy back, immediately? Something like, "I don't think you meant to send this to me." His response would have clarified his intentions. He probably would have been mortified to learn of his mistake. Why assume the less likely possibility that he's a sicko who likes to sabotage his employability by sending potential employers naked pictures of himself?

27   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Sep 9, 5:52pm  

turtledove says

Why assume the less likely possibility that he's a sicko

Well... he did take pictures of himself naked and texted them to someone....

28   Heraclitusstudent   2015 Sep 9, 5:56pm  

Dan8267 says


Maybe he felt he had to establish his credentials.

29   elliemae   2015 Sep 9, 6:43pm  

turtledove says

Perhaps I'm gullible, but I would have assumed it was an accident. Why didn't she just write the guy back, immediately? Something like, "I don't think you meant to send this to me."

He sent two pictures over the course of three days. The first might have been an accident, but the second was stalker-ish. It also shows that he isn't very tech-savvy, which is necessary in order to effectively communicate in the modern workplace.

Personally, if I had received that first photo, I would have contacted him and asked if the dick pic slip was intentional; and hopefully that would have been the last of it. I don't work in HR, so it really doesn't matter what I would have done. The guy was really stupid and got what he deserved. Hopefully his career will recover and he will be ok.

30   Dan8267   2015 Sep 9, 7:16pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

turtledove says

Why assume the less likely possibility that he's a sicko

Well... he did take pictures of himself naked and texted them to someone....

As has virtually every person who entered adolescence after the invention of the digital, film-less camera.

31   turtledove   2015 Sep 9, 8:52pm  

elliemae says

He sent two pictures over the course of three days. The first might have been an accident, but the second was stalker-ish.

I guess I just imagined that maybe the HR person has a similar name to someone who is already in his address book... Maybe he thought he was sending the pics to someone else. Since she didn't respond, he didn't realize he had done it, which caused him to compound his mistake. I just find it hard to believe that he would go to the trouble of interviewing for a job... Interview so well that he got the job offer... Then intentionally sabotage his chances at the job for a cheap thrill. I know there are all kinds of people in the world, but it seems illogical... Not that there aren't illogical people in this world.

32   Y   2015 Sep 9, 9:52pm  

wow. you really don't get out much, do you....
source any kind of proof or retract this statement.

Dan8267 says

As has virtually every person who entered adolescence after the invention of the digital, film-less camera.

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