Why does Microsoft want me to windows 10 so badly?

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2015 Dec 31, 9:35am   26,846 views  39 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

freakin' popups spamming me, Microsoft desperately wants me to upgrade to windows 10. why? what to do? I currently have windows 8, freaking hate it and use the windows 7 screen.

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12   Dan8267   2015 Dec 31, 12:03pm  

marcus says

But why is it that PCs (windows) seem to be more vulnerable to viruses and hack attacks ?

Seems and is are too entirely different things. Crackers go after the most popular platforms because that's where the money is. It's not worth your time to break into a Commodore 64 or an Apple desktop. Now breaking into people's iPhones, that's worth the time. And it happens because that's where the money is.

The focus of crackers have always shifted quickly as the popularity of platforms have shifted. The alleged security of Apple's System 9 and before was a laughable myth. It was just that no one bothered to attack MACs because their customer base was so unprofitable. iOS, being a platform that tracks users' locations, banking, and purchasing habits is a much more attractive target, and you'll see more attacks on mobile platforms, especially iOS and Android, as crackers shift to mobile computing targets. Whichever platform, iOS of Android, becomes the more popular will be attacked more and will seem like the less secure platform.

13   elliemae   2015 Dec 31, 5:55pm  

Blurtman says

Go Mac.

I agree

14   Bellingham Bill   2015 Dec 31, 6:18pm  

I got the best of both worlds by installing my old OS X 10.10 installer (from my dead Macbook Pro) onto a new x86 build.

Takes something called Clover to adjust the motherboard into something OS X can install on.

It's not for the masses but it's really f-ing awesome to be running OS X 10.11 now on standard x86 hardware, hardware I hand-picked from newegg.

To get a similar iMac from Apple would cost $1000 more than it cost me.

Aside from laptops, Apple offers me zero value-add with their hardware designs now. I actively hate the iMac and Mac Pro, actually. Mini too.

All I want is a decent nVidia GPU with a decent Intel CPU with a decent SSD and 16GB of RAM. Apple says "f- you!" to that, but at least the Hackintosh avenue is open to me for some reason.

I had a Mac from 1989-2015 (IIcx, 1995 PowerMac 7500, 1999 G3, 2002 PBG4, 2006 Mac Pro, 2008 Macbook Pro) but it was great only spending $600 at newegg for exactly what I wanted, nothing less and nothing more. I plan on getting a Pascal graphics card next year when they come out.

15   Bellingham Bill   2015 Dec 31, 7:55pm  

Dan8267 says

. The alleged security of Apple's System 9 and before was a laughable myth

The old Mac OS wasn't particularly secure, but to hack it you had to have a Mac, and having a Mac made one to want to not ruin the fun for other Mac users.

16   bob2356   2015 Dec 31, 11:14pm  

Dan8267 says

I'd be more comfortable with an OS that didn't recently require patching up memory leaks. The key tasks of an operating system, particularly managing resources and process lifecycle, are the very first things the OS needs to get right, and it needs a long history of not having problems with these responsibilities. Only then can you go on to the operating system's API and desktop shell.

I'm guessing you've never googled windows 10 memory leaks (or 8 or 7 or me or xp or whatever). Be serous, windows always had leaks. Every OS ever written has leaks. I've had a lot less trouble with it on ubuntu than xp which was the last ms product I will ever use.

17   Vicente   2015 Dec 31, 11:35pm  

I'll disagree with many here.

I had Windows 7 since it came out. Finally my install became very creaky and unstable. I wiped it and installed Windows 10 and I couldn't be happier. Even on my 2007-era desktop it performs just fine.

I also have Macbook and iPhone, but sometimes I need Windows.

I have also warmed to Office 365. There are risks of course, but I can get a lot of Office type basics done anywhere I have a web browser now. Physical hardware dies, it's not the end of ability to work any more.

18   Strategist   2016 Jan 1, 4:43am  

Vicente says

I'll disagree with many here.

I had Windows 7 since it came out. Finally my install became very creaky and unstable. I wiped it and installed Windows 10 and I couldn't be happier. Even on my 2007-era desktop it performs just fine.

Just wait a year. You'll be sorry. With Apple, you don't have any of those headaches, and it installs new operating systems by itself.

19   Bellingham Bill   2016 Jan 1, 8:09am  

but sometimes I need Windows

yeah I got Windows 10 on the other SSD. Haven't booted it up in weeks . . .

20   mmmarvel   2016 Jan 1, 8:19am  

Strategist says

With Apple, you don't have any of those headaches, and it installs new operating systems by itself.

Have never found an Apple product that I like. And windows wants to install it's updates itself but gives you the option of allow you to allow that to happen or not, like making grown up decisions.

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jan 1, 8:23am  

Dan8267 says

I'd be more comfortable with an OS that didn't recently require patching up memory leaks. The key tasks of an operating system, particularly managing resources and process lifecycle, are the very first things the OS needs to get right, and it needs a long history of not having problems with these responsibilities. Only then can you go on to the operating system's API and desktop shell.

I'm running Cinnamon version of Linux Mint. Unfortunately, the NVidia support could still be better but it's much improved. You do have to use a PPA because the I think version 352 doesn't cover 900 series cards very well. Love how I can customize my desktop experience. Crashes almost never happen, when they do it's usually a graphics crash and rebooting the X-Server takes care of that.

Windows sits on a hard drive, and only gets plugged in when I want to play a Windows only game once in a while. I do need to use the Mac for work still, but we've been migrating to a PhP/SQL database and away from the Proprietary 4D garbage, so pretty soon my Mac can go bye-bye, too.

22   zzyzzx   2016 Jan 1, 8:57am  

I use, and recommend Ubuntu.

23   saroya   2016 Jan 1, 9:13am  

Dan8267 says


A very intelligent and helpful analysis. Thanks Dan.

24   HEY YOU   2016 Jan 1, 9:35am  

I'm glad all technology is made in the U.S. creating jobs & boosting our economy.

25   Dan8267   2016 Jan 1, 12:52pm  

saroya says

Dan8267 says


A very intelligent and helpful analysis. Thanks Dan.

Wow, the trolls hate me so much they are now disliking replies that thank me for helpful posts. It's really sad when someone is that filled with hate for a person they never met and whose only influence on their lives is an Internet forum.

These trolls always remind me of a certain scene in Return of the Jedi.

26   zzyzzx   2016 Jan 1, 6:27pm  

elliemae says

Microsoft desperately wants me to upgrade to windows 10. why? what to do?

So they can spy on you with greater speed and efficiency.

27   zzyzzx   2016 Jan 3, 8:45am  

bgamall4 says

So they can spy on you with greater speed and efficiency.

Glad to see you believe in conspiracy, ZZYZZX!

In the case of Microsoft, I'm guessing it's also part of their latest anti-piracy efforts.

28   Strategist   2016 Jan 3, 9:11am  

bgamall4 says

zzyzzx says

So they can spy on you with greater speed and efficiency.

Glad to see you believe in conspiracy, ZZYZZX!

Can you believe it? What kind of people would believe in conspiracy theories? Makes me scratch my head.

29   Strategist   2016 Jan 4, 1:54am  

bgamall4 says

Strategist says

What kind of people would believe in conspiracy theories?

Smart people.

I feel so stupid.

30   komputodo   2016 Jan 4, 7:13am  

elliemae says

Microsoft desperately wants me to upgrade to windows 10. why? what to do?

You should upgrade to avoid being shamed on social media for having an old OS.

31   komputodo   2016 Jan 4, 7:17am  

Dan8267 says

Wow, the trolls hate me so much they are now disliking replies that thank me for helpful posts.

Patrick, here's your first customer. Please sell this guy some LIKES.

32   komputodo   2016 Jan 4, 7:18am  

Strategist says

Strategist says

What kind of people would believe in conspiracy theories?

The kind of people that can't believe the Oswald ONE BULLET THEORY.

33   welfareleech   2016 Jan 4, 6:46pm  

I was an early adopter of 10. I don't like it.
I was an early adopter of 8 and 8.1 after it. Didn't like them.
I was an early adopter of Vista. Didn't like it.
I was an early adopter of XP. I liked it.

1/4? Meh, I still prefer UNIX and UNIX-like systems to Windows. To each their own. Sorry not sorry.

34   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jan 4, 6:52pm  

I wish they would release open soure windows 95.

So it could be tweaked and the OCX crap taken out of it, maybe even ported over to a Linux flavor.

35   steve stevenson   2016 Apr 14, 2:09pm  

Paying MS trough AppStore to have MS totl controll over me ? No thanks but no thaks !!! At the year of Win7 death sure Linux will be more user friendley so Hello Linux ! MS pushes users to Linux ! For internet use Linux os is far more secure as win and now shiny new brand Win10 policiy and crappiest desktop ever created with realtime spying ? No thanks but no thanks !

36   MAGA   2016 Apr 14, 3:56pm  

Bring back Heathkit and HDOS!

37   MAGA   2016 Apr 14, 4:00pm  

I remember receiving the first release of Windows 95. It hosed up my Windows 3.1 PC big time!

I'm using Windows 10. It's OK.

38   Dan8267   2016 Apr 14, 6:49pm  

Dan8267 says

Windows 10 is an ad platform and a store. Windows has seen Google and Apple make a fortune by controlling the software market by having their store fronts right in the face of the end user as the one and only way -- unless your a techie -- to purchase and install apps, or download free apps laden with ads. Google does this on Android, and Apple does this in iOS. Microsoft wants to do the exact same thing in Windows.

I hate being right.

How to Disable Ads on Your Windows 10 Lock Screen

Windows 10, the ad platform.

39   Dan8267   2016 Apr 14, 7:35pm  

A predictable and lame insult from a predictable and lame person.

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