Liberals trying to solve more problems no one thinks are a problem.

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2016 Feb 1, 9:23pm   39,614 views  88 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Didn't I say a year ago that liberals care more about house pets, dogs and other shit, than they do about humans? Boy was I right.

Not enough land lords accept pets. I didn't ever think it was a problem, but apparently to liberals it is the #1 priority for city council to consider. I guess most of us never knew this was a problem, or got bigger issues in our lives such as trying to make a living, making sure kids can get educated, trying to have enough money not to become broke. But those are not issues for liberals, they are out saving Barkie and Scratchy because that's the limit of what the mush of their decayed brain is capable of.


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64   Dan8267   2016 Feb 7, 10:28pm  

FortWayne says

That's a really bad exhibit Dan, had to borrow from a TV show huh? In reality it looks very different.

Jesus Fucking Christ, you're an idiot. That's not a TV show. That's the actor Neil Patrick Harris with his real life husband and their two real life adopted children.

So honey, it is fucking reality. What you just demonstrated is that your perverted sense of reality looks very different from actual reality.

Here are a few dozen more real life pictures of the Harris family that you can pretend are from a sitcom, you bigoted moron.

Yes, this is reality.

Not a promo picture.

Look how much gay marriage has fucked up children. This kid is miserable and would be much happier as a parentless ward of the state.

Real people don't love like this. It has to be staged like the moon landing.

Gays, destroying the family unit.

Fort Wayne, you are the biggest asshole in the world.

65   Dan8267   2016 Feb 7, 10:30pm  

OK, I'll admit that this one is a bit gay.

66   Dan8267   2016 Feb 7, 10:32pm  

Most awesome picture.

67   tatupu70   2016 Feb 8, 5:07am  

mell says

FortWayne says

Who talks about equality all the time, and complains that wealthy have more? Democrats.

Who has all the feminists screaming that outcomes are not equal and equal salaries are required? Democrats.

Need more?

These are big points, esp. the 2nd one.

Except it's bullshit. It's amazing that conservatives have to lie to make any points. Is your platform and your policies that bad that you cannot simply state them? Instead you have to lie and misrepresent what the other guys want?

68   Dan8267   2016 Feb 8, 8:35am  

FortWayne says

And Dan still obsessed with an actor who is on television all day long, trying hard to ignore that reality for most Americans does not involve glamor and polished image of hollywood actors.

The example is a well-documented one because Harris is an actor. If I showed you 500 examples of non-famous people it would not persuade you anyway. Plus I'd have to break into 500 Shutterfly accounts.

But what does Harris being an actor have to do with those personal family pictures? They aren't part of a TV show and Harris's spouse and children are not actors. So you're pulling bullshit out of your ass.

The fact is that this gay couple has a better relationship with their children then you have with your son. And maybe that's why your so jealous. But honey, that's one you. You have no one but yourself to blame for you poor relationship with your son. If you made the effort to reconcile with him then you'd have a better relationship, but your stupid pride won't let you. Don't go blaming gays for that.

Here's some ordinary gay families who are also happy, healthy, and wonderful. Not that any of this will matter to a bigot like you.

69   FortWayne   2016 Feb 8, 9:44am  

No, it's equal pay regardless of who works harder or better. Warming chair = working hard. 2 people can do same job different, but must be paid same. Welcome to communism where they pull you down instead of letting you achieve

tatupu70 says

Except that's a completely bogus argument even if you agree. The argument is equal pay for equal work. Not equal pay for everyone regardless of what they do.

70   Dan8267   2016 Feb 8, 9:49am  

Anyone who believes that people should be paid according to the wealth they produce must believe that executives are parasites as they are paid hundreds of times what the wealth producing employees are paid and executives are, at best, overhead. They produce nothing. Even more so for owners.

In fact, if we accept that a person's income should be directly proportional to their wealth production, no one should be allowed to have rental income of any sort as such income is inherently non-productive. Rent seeking must be banned.

71   tatupu70   2016 Feb 8, 9:50am  

FortWayne says

No, it's equal pay regardless of who works harder or better. Warming chair = working hard. 2 people can do same job different, but must be paid same. Welcome to communism where they pull you down instead of letting you achieve

Yes, that is your bogus argument.

Let me know if you want to have a real discussion.

Honestly, please show me ANYONE who has argued this point. Even one person. I bet you can't do it.

72   Dan8267   2016 Feb 8, 9:51am  

PCGyver says

Dan I think you got it wrong cause this guy isn't saying "LA LA LA LA LA I can't hear you LA LA LA LA LA"

Well, Fort Wayne has completely ignored the examples of gay couples successfully raising healthy, happy, normal children including the "commoners" he requested. It takes a big man to admit he was wrong. Fort Wayne is not a big man.

73   tatupu70   2016 Feb 8, 10:22am  

Ironman says

What do you think Bernie and the liberals are trying to achieve in this country?

Ever hear of Redistribution of Wealth?

Yep, it's been redistributing from the people who work to the 1% who sit on their ass for about 40 years now.

74   Dan8267   2016 Feb 8, 11:54am  

The ONLY way to end welfare is to end the exploitation of the working (wealth-producing) class by the owner class. Nothing else can end the welfare state.

You pay welfare because McDonalds and Walmart do not pay living wages or even half the wealth generated by their employees as compensation. So you, the tax payer, must make up the difference.

75   tatupu70   2016 Feb 8, 12:06pm  

Ironman says

We should just TAKE it from those evil rich people, who used hard work, innovation, personal investment, took risks and worked 80+ hours a week to earn their money and GIVE it to all those lazy slobs sitting on their asses who refuse to work!

Yep, that will solve everything!!

You make several incorrect assumptions to further your emotional point.

1. There is no evidence that people in the 1% work(ed) any harder or longer hours than those in the 99%.
2. The vast majority of poor/lower middle class work. The guys who sit on their ass are in the 1% being driven around in limos or flown on their private jet.
3. Nobody is calling rich people evil. It's not about good and evil. It's about promoting a healthy economy.

76   tatupu70   2016 Feb 8, 12:22pm  

Ironman says

Talk about incorrect assumptions, from someone who never started or ran a business, but thinks he knows everything about the business world.

Do you think Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk, etc. just sat around working their 40 hours a week, then went home to drink cocktails?

I don't know everything--but I know a helluva lot more than you. I think the gentlemen you list worked very hard. Just like a LOT of Americans that aren't in the 1%. What's your point? How hard do the 3rd, 4th or 5th generation kids of wealth work?

Ironman says

tatupu70 says

2. The vast majority of poor/lower middle class work.

Do you think this furthers your point? As people age, they work less. This has been and will always be the case. So, the more people that are 50-80 years old, the more people will be out of the labor force.

Ironman says

and TAKING from one group and GIVING to another group is "healthy"?

Want to continue with your "incorrect assumptions"?

I didn't say anything about giving to anyone. But, yes--reducing inequality should be the #1 goal right now. It is the one single thing that can have the most dramatic effect on the US economy.

77   FortWayne   2016 Feb 8, 11:35pm  

tatupu70 says

Honestly, please show me ANYONE who has argued this point. Even one person. I bet you can't do it.

That's a bogus argument? That's the proposed law pinhead.


States that the bona fide factor defense shall apply only if the employer demonstrates that such factor: (1) is not based upon or derived from a sex-based differential in compensation, (2) is job-related with respect to the position in question, and (3) is consistent with business necessity. Makes such defense inapplicable where the employee demonstrates that: (1) an alternative employment practice exists that would serve the same business purpose without producing such differential, and (2) the employer has refused to adopt such alternative practice.

78   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 5:07am  

FortWayne says

That's a bogus argument? That's the proposed law pinhead.


States that the bona fide factor defense shall apply only if the employer demonstrates that such factor: (1) is not based upon or derived from a sex-based differential in compensation, (2) is job-related with respect to the position in question, and (3) is consistent with business necessity. Makes such defense inapplicable where the employee demonstrates that: (1) an alternative employment practice exists that would serve the same business purpose without producing such differential, and (2) the employer has refused to adopt such alternative practice.

Did you miss where I said this?

tatupu70 says

Except that's a completely bogus argument even if you agree. The argument is equal pay for equal work. Not equal pay for everyone regardless of what they do

That's what this law is--same pay for same work. I don't agree with it, but that's beside the point.

So--can you show me ANYONE who is arguing for same pay for everyone?

79   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 5:11am  

Ironman says

I didn't reference the 50-80 years old group. How about these people below, did they retire too?

Of course you didn't. You're too dim to understand what is happening now with demographics. A population with a high percentage of 30-49 yr olds will have a much higher participation rate than one with a higher percentage of 50-60 yr olds. So, as the boomers age, it's natural that the participation rate will decline.

Ironman says

Why do you ALWAYS go off the rails and pick such a MINORITY group to try and make a point? You're such a clueless joke!

Is it a minority group? What percentage of the top 1% made their own money?

80   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 8:02am  

Ironman says

Nice try, but if what you say is true, the participation rate for the 55+ should be dropping as they retire, but the rate has INCREASED since the recession.

Nope--that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying the participation rate for 55+ is LOWER than for 30-49. Which it is as you show above. As more people move from 30-49 to 50-60, even if the participation rates of both categories stays the same, the participation rate of the general population with go down. I think that logic is probably over your head, but I had to try.

81   FortWayne   2016 Feb 9, 8:12am  

tatupu70 says

That's what this law is--same pay for same work. I don't agree with it, but that's beside the point.

So--can you show me ANYONE who is arguing for same pay for everyone?

That is not beside the point, those who support the law support whats in it.

82   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 8:24am  

FortWayne says

That is not beside the point, those who support the law support whats in it.

My feeling on the bill is beside the point.

So, do you understand now that NOBODY is asking for equal pay for everyone?

83   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 8:25am  

Ironman says

So, tell me, since the population count is roughly the same in the 55 age area and the 25 age area, why has the trend in LFPR (in my charts above) gone up for the 55+ group by approx. 10% but dropped in the 25 age group by approx. 10%?

Sure--that's easy. PCGuyer already answered it.

PCGyver says

Tells me older people aren't retiring opening up the jobs for a younger generation. Why because they are unable to live off savings rate of .08% APY and they fear not having enough for retirement.

84   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 8:43am  

PCGyver says

I'd like to know what is wrong with this law? All it is saying is that if person a and person b have same skills education and experience they should be paid the same. Basicly you can't pay a minority or women less for the same job.

If you don't like this law FortWayne then you are saying it is ok to pay a woman or minority less for the exact same job a white male does. This is not communism. It is equal pay for equal work.

Here's my problem--it's anti-PC to say it, but women have babies. They are MUCH more likely to miss time due to family obligations. That does affect their productivity at work. Pretending it doesn't is naïve. So, I think it's OK for companies to pay slightly less knowing that statistics show that women are slightly less productive then men.

85   FortWayne   2016 Feb 9, 8:50am  

tatupu70 says

So, do you understand now that NOBODY is asking for equal pay for everyone?

If it's in the bill someone is asking for it. They don't just randomly write words until bill comes out. I get it, that you are having hard time admitting that you were wrong about socialistic bill, and it is very amusing.

86   FortWayne   2016 Feb 9, 8:54am  

PCGyver says

What if that woman can't have babies, should they still be paid less?

What if 2 men have same job title, but one works hard and other one does bare minimum. Why should they both be paid the same?

87   NDrLoR   2016 Feb 9, 8:57am  

tatupu70 says

it's anti-PC to say it, but women have babies. They are MUCH more likely to miss time due to family obligations. That does affect their productivity at work. Pretending it doesn't is naïve

It also doesn't seem to enter the equation when allowing women into combat either. One of the most disruptive things in the military today is the time lost investigating scandals and the inevitability of pregnancies due to the intimate proximity of the opposite sex. There's something wrong with a society that forgets that women give and nurture life, not take it--men are supposed to be the protectors. Can you imagine the public's reaction to seeing Doris Day or Peggy Lee in combat in 1943? At most they could have bored the enemy to death with their singing.

88   tatupu70   2016 Feb 9, 9:03am  

FortWayne says

What if 2 men have same job title, but one works hard and other one does bare minimum. Why should they both be paid the same?

They shouldn't. And nobody--liberal, conservative, independent--is arguing they should.

I honestly don't know where you come up with this nonsense.

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