Patrick, Please delete thread out of respect.

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2016 Jun 6, 12:13am   68,673 views  320 comments

by freespeechforever   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

In light of the recent passing of TD, and out of respect for her friends and family, whereby TD could not have desired her real name be associated with her not-in-real-life comments and postings, please remote this thread.

Thank you.

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60   anonymous   2016 Jun 7, 9:23pm  

You're a good sport, turtledove

Making America great again

61   marcus   2016 Jun 7, 9:30pm  

turtledove says

More than $12,000 for this ugly, shapeless garment she wore to her speech about inequality.

Yeah. Trump's not the only one who knows how to play the media. I'm guessing this was not a mistake.

62   turtledove   2016 Jun 7, 9:41pm  

marcus says

Yeah. Trump's not the only one who knows how to play the media. I'm guessing this was not a mistake.

To what avail? That just looks sooooo bad. Here she is pontificating on inequality, all the while wearing an ugly ass jacket that costs as much as a minimum wage earner makes in 7 months of working full time. I know she's smart. It's hard to imagine it went over her head.

63   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 7, 9:45pm  

turtledove says

A vag shot is kind of nasty. I'm not sure what you mean by "clean."

Yeah, no vag shot. I call them "Roast Beef" pictures, reminds me of a roast beef being sliced at a buffet. Clinical. I like to be down there or in there but not stare there.

Lingerie or tush, please!

64   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jun 7, 9:47pm  

Rin says

Does anyone remember the p*rn knockoff on Sarah Palin? ...

Lisa Ann . You're welcome.

65   Y   2016 Jun 7, 9:50pm  

I'd be happy with a middle aged hairy ear lobe...preferably outfitted with a couple of flattened wax frisbees intertwined with earphone sponge remnants...
I mean...really. I'm not greedy.

66   turtledove   2016 Jun 7, 9:59pm  

thunderlips11 says

Yeah, no vag shot. I call them "Roast Beef" pictures, reminds me of a roast beef being sliced at a buffet.

Never in a million years. It's just not pretty. It's up there with looking at laparoscopy photos of fallopian tubes.

A silhouette of a person's figure is much prettier.

67   turtledove   2016 Jun 7, 10:04pm  

Sexy, isn't it?

68   turtledove   2016 Jun 7, 10:07pm  

The hydro in one of tubes is especially hot (notice how one part of the tube is much bigger than the other... that's not normal.) This isn't my photo... I just quickly grabbed it off the web, but it's a great example of a hydrosalpinx. Interesting, but not hot.

69   Ceffer   2016 Jun 7, 10:52pm  

I want to see a picture of Turtledove waterboarding Kim JongDong.

70   komputodo   2016 Jun 8, 1:56pm  

Flop those fuckers already

71   komputodo   2016 Jun 8, 2:00pm  

Dan8267 says

Btw, I would have made the same bet with my penis

never trust a man who uses the word penis.

73   Dan8267   2016 Jun 8, 2:51pm  

turtledove says

Brings up a good question. At what point does a vagina go from being sexually attractive to being icky? How far up the canal until that happens?

74   Dan8267   2016 Jun 8, 2:52pm  

komputodo says

never trust a man who uses the word penis.

Trust is for idiots. I'm all about transparency.

75   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jun 8, 4:21pm  

I never realized how brilliant Turtledove really is.
I bet she's smokin' to boot. Gawd Conservative women are God's gift to the thinking man.

76   freespeechforever   2016 Jun 8, 9:54pm  

"I never realized how brilliant Turtledove really is.
I bet she's smokin' to boot. Gawd Conservative women are God's gift to the thinking man."


77   turtledove   2016 Jun 11, 11:12am  

zzyzzx says

NSFW suggestions:


Not to make a topless photo declasse, but this picture gives me a thought that might require a new photograph. Rather than body paint, what about a (temporary) cannibal anarchy tattoo? There are kits for such a thing.... @DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie , does artwork already exist?

Not suggesting switching from top to bottom, just thinking that I should consider a new pic that incorporates a cannibal anarchy tat.

79   Strategist   2016 Jun 17, 6:54pm  

turtledove says

Not to make a topless photo declasse, but this picture gives me a thought that might require a new photograph. Rather than body paint, what about a (temporary) cannibal anarchy tattoo? There are kits for such a thing.... @DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie , does artwork already exist?

Not suggesting switching from top to bottom, just thinking that I should consider a new pic that incorporates a cannibal anarchy tat.

How about a tattoo that says "Patrick.net is the best"

80   Strategist   2016 Jun 17, 6:56pm  

Strategist says

How about a tattoo that says "Patrick.net is the best"

Or "The best of Patrick.net" right on your breasts.

82   Dan8267   2016 Jul 5, 12:48pm  

zzyzzx says

And we men are pigs for viewing women as "sex objects"? Are we not supposed to be turned on by such extravagant attempts to turn us on?

83   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 5, 12:50pm  

Women are definitely visual. Chicks in my office, if a built guy walks in or a built temp is around, it's like a gaggle of 12-year old teenyboppers in there, with ass remarks.

84   Ceffer   2016 Jul 5, 1:00pm  

Turtledove needs to cover her flesh with cheeto-orange spray on tan before she bares all, with pale eye holes under the baby bottles.

85   HEY YOU   2016 Jul 5, 1:43pm  

Dan8267 says:
"At what point does a vagina go from being sexually attractive to being icky? How far up the canal until that happens?"
My dick doesn't have eyes or a brain.


Too early?

86   Dan8267   2016 Jul 5, 3:56pm  

HEY YOU says

My dick doesn't have eyes or a brain.

That's strange. My dick has one eye and definitely thinks for itself.

87   turtledove   2016 Jul 5, 5:52pm  

HEY YOU says


Too early?

Yes, too early. The dates of the Republican convention are July 18-21st. The nomination should be final on the last day. I still haven't decided if I'm going to do a mass, 48-hour ignore of overt Hillary supporters.... Perhaps I should give them a chance to save themselves by making them say one bad, TRUE thing about Hillary's qualifications as president.

88   turtledove   2016 Jul 5, 9:13pm  

Show us you can be objective....

89   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 5, 9:42pm  

turtledove says

Here's your chance. Be objective. Say one bad, true thing about Hillary and I'll give you an ignore-pass.

90   turtledove   2016 Jul 5, 9:46pm  

Dan8267 says

And we men are pigs for viewing women as "sex objects"? Are we not supposed to be turned on by such extravagant attempts to turn us on?

Will it change your vote? C'mon.... You can't seriously vote for Hillary. She's insidiously flawed. Trumps is more in-your-face-flawed. That is so much better. Hillary is like a cancer that you don't realize until it's metastasized to your lymph nodes... Trump you can see coming from a mile away. Think about it.

91   Ceffer   2016 Jul 5, 11:07pm  


92   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Jul 6, 6:48am  

turtledove says

Here's your chance. Be objective. Say one bad, true thing about Hillary and I'll give you an ignore-pass.

I've said bad things about Hillary, and even voted for Bernie in the primary. But most of the right wing knocks against her are 90% exaggerations. Take email-gate as an example. She was cleared by a Republican head of the FBI who has loads of prosecutorial experience. She fucked up. She admitted it. She was not completely honest about it during the campaign. These are problems, but they are somewhat typical of politicians, and are not disqualifying. The whole thing was mostly a political circus designed to help get the Republican elected. The people constantly wasting resources, time, and attention on personal attacks are the real villains.

So, if you want to put me on ignore, go ahead. That no more makes me gay than this whole thing makes your husband a cuckold.

93   Dan8267   2016 Jul 6, 7:53am  

turtledove says

Will it change your vote? C'mon.... You can't seriously vote for Hillary. She's insidiously flawed. Trumps is more in-your-face-flawed. That is so much better.

I agree. I've gone on the record stating I could never vote for anyone who voted for the USA Patriot Act or the NDAA.

Trump is a loose cannon and unpredictable, but that's far less dangerous than the systematic evil that Hillary has endorsed and enacted over the past 16 years. Trump is also better on most social issues despite being deliberately divisive and offensive. Trump is not a threat to liberty. He's a con man who has conned his way to the GOP nominee and may very well con his way to the White House, but he's not an ideologue by any means. Nor is he beholden to the established power base that has corrupted both parties like Hillary. Trump is the lesser of the two evils.

Trump will be a terrible president. Hillary will be worse. Furthermore, the damage Trump does will mostly be borne by the GOP whereas the damage Hillary does will be borne by the Democrats. It's better for the Democrats to let Trump take the White House and concentrate on keeping and getting as many senate and house seats as possible.

Of course, the best thing the Democratic Party could do is get the super delegates to nominate Sanders. This will not only ensure a White House victory but will also get a lot of people who would vote for Democratic representatives and senators into the polls. The more people who show up to vote, the better the Democrats do, and Sanders brings in a lot of people who hate Hillary and would just stay home if she's nominated.

94   tatupu70   2016 Jul 6, 8:22am  

turtledove says

Here's your chance. Be objective. Say one bad, true thing about Hillary and I'll give you an ignore-pass.

I'm a Hillary can do no wrong disciple?? You clearly have not read any of my posts. Just because I think Trump is an egotistical, lunatic with absolutely no business being President doesn't mean I think Hillary is good.

Hillary sucks. I've never voted for her and I wish I never have to. Her judgment is poor, she deceives, I don't trust her. She's probably more conservative than some Republicans. Shall I go on?

95   Shaman   2016 Jul 6, 9:39am  

YesYNot says

The whole thing was mostly a political circus designed to help get the Republican elected.

If Hillary had been indicted, Bernie would be the nominee running against Trump. All the polls have him with a double digit lead over the narcissistic billionaire. So your statement couldn't be more false. I'd rank it as "pants on fire!"

96   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 6, 9:46am  

We're phukked.

I just announced that we're about to see another economic collapse that is equal to or greater than that which we saw in the 2008-2010 period on my boat on July 3rd to about a dozen people.

The last time I made such a djre prediction was august of 2007.

I'm an attorney and a real estate developer (who also represents other real estate developers).

This downturn will be worse because there's more leverage baked into even more asset classes, most asset classes are stuffed full of way more debt (e.g. corporate bonds/indentures), there are political crises in many developed nations.

97   freespeechforever   2016 Jul 6, 9:58am  

My comment was inadvertently interrupted -

China is about to enter a full blown economic depression (it's already contrasting in real GDP terms due to falling exports AND it even is suffering from declining real imports - which just illustrates how sick its economy is, despite their lying published statistics).

The EU is going to disintegrate (or become 1/2 its current size, which is effectively the same thing) within 2 years.

Americans and westerners are re-leveraged up their added in debt again (consumer credit card debt, auto loan debt and tuition debt is higher than 2007 and at all-time highs, while mortgage debt is 88% of the way to prior all time high in 2006 and rising quickly).

Central banks have the pedal to the floor, with interest rate policy at the zero bound already (actually negative territory in Japan and much of Europe in real terms), as they are the entities responsible for asset reflation (temporary) through ZIRP/NIRP) which has helped cover the banks/financial sector's cancer for the time being while crushing Main Street.

Corporations have all-time record debt loads (look it up) as do governments (through official channels and less-emphasized vehicles such as sovereign investment funds, not to even mention future entitlement obligations).

The U.S. is about to go through its most surreal general election in its history as are many western "democracies."

I officially now call another crash equal to or greater than that which we experienced in 2008-2010' and am on record as of July 3rd, 2016.

98   Strategist   2016 Jul 6, 10:12am  

freespeechforever says

I officially now call another crash equal to or greater than that which we experienced in 2008-2010' and am on record as of July 3rd, 2016.

Wont happen.

99   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 6, 11:04am  

Dan8267 says

Trump is a loose cannon and unpredictable, but that's far less dangerous than the systematic evil that Hillary has endorsed and enacted over the past 16 years. Trump is also better on most social issues despite being deliberately divisive and offensive. Trump is not a threat to liberty. He's a con man who has conned his way to the GOP nominee and may very well con his way to the White House, but he's not an ideologue by any means. Nor is he beholden to the established power base that has corrupted both parties like Hillary. Trump is the lesser of the two evils.

The great thing about Trump is his practical, pragmatic positions. This is in contrast to somebody deeply ensconced with Wall Street, the Military Industrial Complex, the Private Prison Industry, and Saudi Money. She is incapable of standing up to these interests as they are her core power base.

He's already destroyed the Republican Party - mostly by pointing out the crap decisions on Iraq, One-sided Trade, and Wanton Immigration.

tatupu70 says

Hillary sucks. I've never voted for her and I wish I never have to. Her judgment is poor, she deceives, I don't trust her. She's probably more conservative than some Republicans. Shall I go on?

Excellent. Trump has never shown outrageously poor acts (as in actual actions) of judgement; however his rhetoric may be. Hillary has a long record of going along with horrible policies despite warnings and cautions, because it suits her politically at the time, or her power-cash base wants it. Libya (and I mean the ultimate outcome, not Benghazi) and Syria don't speak to her ability to handle foreign affairs but the opposite.

Her desire to impose a no-fly zone over Syria is plain nuts, and her bellicose attitude towards Russia is literally Goldwater-level dangerous.

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