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More than $12,000 for this ugly, shapeless garment she wore to her speech about inequality.
She could have gotten this for $25.00 from Kmart.
The question is... what do we do with the Hillary supporters? They shouldn't get to partake. It would cheapen the moment.
You are trying to share soft porn on the internet, and make it exclusive some how?
She could have gotten this for $25.00 from Kmart.
Maybe she just borrowed it from Kim Jong-un? Looks very similar to outfits I've seen him wear.
More than $12,000 for this ugly, shapeless garment she wore to her speech about inequality.
She could have gotten this for $25.00 from Kmart
How do we know she didn't? $25 for the tablecloth, $24,975 to the store for closing it while she shopped. Just sayin'
You are trying to share soft porn on the internet, and make it exclusive some how?
Exclusive is too strong of a word. I just want to increase their hassle factor. Why should I make it easy for them? And that goes double for people who irritate me, in general. I'm going to follow through with what I promised, but I don't have to make it easy for people I dislike. I'm not that generous. I mean, I am a republican for goodness sake. We don't care much for easy freebies to useless freeloaders.
Kim JongDong is prettier than IHLlary.
In the good old days they would make peace through marriage.
I think Hillary should marry Kim Jong Un, to make peace with N Korea. It's either Kim, or some Arab Sheik.
Send them a picture of your husband doing the pizza delivery girl under a big oval desk....they'll understand...
The question is... what do we do with the Hillary supporters?
Shillary is the announced one by power of Super non-democratic Delegate "smoke filled room tactics."
'Tis was always meant to be. Destiny pre-ordained, and the American Middle Class gets screwed even harder and faster!
Viva Crony Corpocracy!!!
Save the Banks! Kill the middle class!!
More favors and free, unlimited taxpayer provided $$$ for Hillary & Bill's buddies on Wall Street (and Chelsea's hedge fund husband, too)!!!
Turtledove - double or nothing: If Trump wins Presidency in November, you have to post bare breasts & pic of tastefully groomed (shaved is fine) and clean vag.
I know she's married, and I'm a classy guy, sooooo....
...I'll be the 1st to give her a pass and defend her if she chooses not to bare her breasts, no matter the reason.
You are very sweet for saying that, but it's all good. My husband was the photographer, my identity is shielded (should I ever decide to run for public office someday), and I'm not actually all that shy about body parts. We have an IVF clinic. I see half naked females every day of my life. Perhaps it's desensitized me, a bit. They are just breasts... It's not like I'm posting a video of me waterboarding someone. But I appreciate your generosity. It's mighty kind of you, fine sir.
Turtledove - double or nothing: If Trump wins Presidency in November, you have to post bare breasts & pic of tastefully groomed (shaved is fine) and clean vag.
No, a promise is a promise. I haven't decided yet what I will do if Trump actually wins. A vag shot is kind of nasty. I'm not sure what you mean by "clean." More accurately, I'm confused as to what a "dirty" vag would be... (pictures are NOT necessary... use your words, instead). I saw a picture once in a medical journal that showed a woman who had essentially amputated her own clitoris when it became entangled in her own overgrown pubic hair. That was a disturbing sight. I've meticulously shaved ever since. But you'll have to trust me on that because there is zero chance I'm putting up a photo to prove it.
I'm serious when I say I'd be first to defend your insistence if you wanted to back out, and am just teasing you about the rest.
But it sounds like you're similar in thought process to my wife and I; we'd much rather have our young one grow up European style, seeing naked body parts (NOT porn; more like the human body is to not be ashamed of, and nudity does not insinuate sexuality)) in the natural human state than watching standard-fare, primetime American movies, television and other media where people are regularly depicted getting violently killed with bullets to the head, chopped up with axes, etc.
More than $12,000 for this ugly, shapeless garment she wore to her speech about inequality.
Yeah. Trump's not the only one who knows how to play the media. I'm guessing this was not a mistake.
Yeah. Trump's not the only one who knows how to play the media. I'm guessing this was not a mistake.
To what avail? That just looks sooooo bad. Here she is pontificating on inequality, all the while wearing an ugly ass jacket that costs as much as a minimum wage earner makes in 7 months of working full time. I know she's smart. It's hard to imagine it went over her head.
A vag shot is kind of nasty. I'm not sure what you mean by "clean."
Yeah, no vag shot. I call them "Roast Beef" pictures, reminds me of a roast beef being sliced at a buffet. Clinical. I like to be down there or in there but not stare there.
Lingerie or tush, please!
I'd be happy with a middle aged hairy ear lobe...preferably outfitted with a couple of flattened wax frisbees intertwined with earphone sponge remnants...
I mean...really. I'm not greedy.
Yeah, no vag shot. I call them "Roast Beef" pictures, reminds me of a roast beef being sliced at a buffet.
Never in a million years. It's just not pretty. It's up there with looking at laparoscopy photos of fallopian tubes.
A silhouette of a person's figure is much prettier.
The hydro in one of tubes is especially hot (notice how one part of the tube is much bigger than the other... that's not normal.) This isn't my photo... I just quickly grabbed it off the web, but it's a great example of a hydrosalpinx. Interesting, but not hot.
Btw, I would have made the same bet with my penis
never trust a man who uses the word penis.
I haven't decided yet what I will do if Trump actually wins.
NSFW suggestions:
Brings up a good question. At what point does a vagina go from being sexually attractive to being icky? How far up the canal until that happens?
never trust a man who uses the word penis.
Trust is for idiots. I'm all about transparency.
I never realized how brilliant Turtledove really is.
I bet she's smokin' to boot. Gawd Conservative women are God's gift to the thinking man.
"I never realized how brilliant Turtledove really is.
I bet she's smokin' to boot. Gawd Conservative women are God's gift to the thinking man."
NSFW suggestions:
Not to make a topless photo declasse, but this picture gives me a thought that might require a new photograph. Rather than body paint, what about a (temporary) cannibal anarchy tattoo? There are kits for such a thing.... @DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie , does artwork already exist?
Not suggesting switching from top to bottom, just thinking that I should consider a new pic that incorporates a cannibal anarchy tat.
Not to make a topless photo declasse, but this picture gives me a thought that might require a new photograph. Rather than body paint, what about a (temporary) cannibal anarchy tattoo? There are kits for such a thing.... @DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie , does artwork already exist?
Not suggesting switching from top to bottom, just thinking that I should consider a new pic that incorporates a cannibal anarchy tat.
How about a tattoo that says "Patrick.net is the best"
How about a tattoo that says "Patrick.net is the best"
Or "The best of Patrick.net" right on your breasts.
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