At least 84 dead, 100s hurt in Nice Bastille Day truck attack, driver shot dead

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2016 Jul 14, 3:30pm   25,562 views  151 comments

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At least 84 people were killed in the southern French town of Nice when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday in a suspected terrorist attack.

The truck rammed into the crowd on the Promenade des Anglais seaside walk in the centre of town, regional newspaper Nice Matin reported, citing its own reporter at the scene.

French television channel BFM TV said the local prefecture in Nice was treating the incident as an attack and was asking people to stay at home.

The reason for the crash remained unclear.

Sebastien Humbert, the prefect for the Alpes-Maritime area, said: "A truck rammed into the crowd over a long distance, which explains this extremely heavy toll."

Mayor Christian Estrosi wrote on Twitter: "The driver of a van appears to have killed dozens. Stay in your homes for now. More info to follow."


#france #terrorism

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74   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 7:38am  

rando says

lol at @inidigenous !

Back at ya.

Your blame it all on the Muslims is myopic to say the least.

The statistics on the last two wars for the US are north of 200,000 dead civilians. Do you really think that the Muslim terrorists have killed a fraction of that?

More importantly you are drinking the military industrial kool aid on this. As is most of America.

75   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 7:39am  

Strategist says

There you go again.


76   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 7:48am  

Fucking baby killers.

77   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 7:49am  

note that the word "islam" or "muslim" does not occur on that home page.

nor on the ny times home page today.

gosh, why not?

78   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 7:51am  

They are ready for prime time all right.

Strategist says

Fucking baby killers.

You mean this?


79   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 7:52am  

I wonder what France/World will do about Islamic terrorism. Or should I ask ....What can we do?

80   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 7:53am  

indigenous says

Do you really think that the Muslim terrorists have killed a fraction of that?

do you really think boko haram in nigeria has anything at all to do with US foreign policy?

or the murders in bangladesh?

or the terrorists in the southern phillipines?

please explain how the US created those terrorists.

consider the alternate more parsimonious explanation: their religion tells them to kill


but of course the gay community of orlando attacked iraq, so they had what was coming to them!

81   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 7:53am  

indigenous says

Strategist says

Fucking baby killers.

You mean this?

That's BS.

82   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 7:54am  

rando says

note that the word "islam" or "muslim" does not occur on that home page.

nor on the ny times home page today.

gosh, why not?

You are conflating me with the apologists, not the case.

83   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 7:55am  

Strategist says

That's BS.

This one has drank the kool aid too long

84   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 7:55am  

you're conflating me with a supporter for US foreign policy, not the case.

86   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 7:57am  

rando says

do you really think boko haram in nigeria has anything at all to do with US foreign policy?

or the murders in bangladesh?

or the terrorists in the southern phillipines?

please explain how the US created those terrorists.

consider the alternate more parsimonious explanation: their religion tells them to kill


but of course the gay community of orlando attacked iraq, so they had what was coming to them!

They use US actions for propaganda to recruit.

You ignore the antecedent, this is not a binary.

87   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 7:58am  

Strategist says

Or should I ask ....What can we do?

most important thing is to tell the truth about islam. it is absolutely in no way whatsoever a religion of peace.

our politicians should stop lying to us about that.

88   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 7:59am  

indigenous says

They use US actions for propaganda to recruit.

they use all actions by all non-muslims, all the time, as propaganda to recruit.

you had the opportunity to submit to the One True Religion (tm) and now you must die because you have rejected it.

89   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 8:04am  

rando says

they use all actions by all non-muslims, all the time, as propaganda to recruit.

you had the opportunity to accept the one true religion (tm) and now you must die because you have rejected it.

I don't think they would have grown the way they have without the fuel of US wars.

90   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 8:11am  

indigenous says

rando says

they use all actions by all non-muslims, all the time, as propaganda to recruit.

you had the opportunity to accept the one true religion (tm) and now you must die because you have rejected it.

I don't think they would have grown the way they have without the fuel of US wars.

History shows Islamic terror for 1,400 years. US did not even exist then.

91   Dan8267   2016 Jul 15, 8:15am  

rando says

yeah dan, you're right, we need to ban all religion because christians and jews and hindus and buddhists and sikhs drive trucks into crowds too! and they murder people in cafes who can't recite the bible or some other holy text! and they blow themselves up in crowds to murder as many non-believers as they can! damn christians and jews and hindus and buddhists and sikhs!

oh wait, they don't.

No, they don't. However, Christian, Jews, astrologists, new age charlatans, etc. all indirectly increase terrorism by fostering an environment in which the irrationality of religion is not only accepted but strongly promoted. They are all parts of a continuous spectrum of behavior in which each point acts as a gateway to the next.

Think about it this way. There are banks that launder money for drug dealers. These banks don't shoot people, but they provide benefits that empower the drug cartels that do commit mass murder. Do you say the bankers are guilty of murder? No, but one should acknowledge that the bankers are indirectly and significantly aiding the drug cartels and thus bear some responsibility for those murders. The exact same thing can be said of Christians and Jews, even moderate one. By creating a culture in which belief in false gods is revered rather than ridiculed, they are creating safe havens for Islamic terrorists. If western civilization treated faith as the delusion and psychological disorder it is and did not protect some faiths, then western culture would change and that culture would be exported around the world weakening all religions including Islam.

Furthermore, even without Christians suicide bombing people and driving trucks into crowds, there are plenty of lesser, but still intolerable, evils committed by all Christian and Jewish religions. For example, the suppression of equality for LGBT, unequal prosecution in the courts, laws based on the arbitrary and often hypocritical moral codes of those religions, the teaching of false doctrines like creative design, the forcing of religion on people by the courts through Alcohol Anonymous, the terrible treatment of gays by the Boy Scouts, the denial of climate change and the prevention of actions to mitigate it, the prohibition of even first term abortions through horrific means like requiring women to be subjected to literal rape to get an abortion, and the suicide of a girl to see her dead dad in heaven. And these are just a few examples. The corruption of laws and government in our society by Christianity is perverse and severe penetrating all levels of government. Politicians in the U.S. have to make constant reference to the Christian god to be elected, something that should never happen in a society that is not a theocracy.

So why should we tolerate Christianity? There is no up side and there are a plethora of down sides. Any alleged advantage of Christianity can be perverted and the intended advantage can easily be accomplished more reliably without religion.

92   FortWayne   2016 Jul 15, 8:17am  

Obama to ban assault cars next

93   Dan8267   2016 Jul 15, 8:28am  

rando says

only muslims do those things. islam has a near-monopoly among all religions on insane violence against random unarmed civilians. that's a simple statement of fact.

Today, and only because atheists and agnostics have castrated Christianity over the past 400 years. You give Christianity the power it had back in the Middle Ages and the Christian clergy will be as violent and evil as the Islamic clergy and for the exact same reasons, to grow and maintain that power.

Power corrupts. Power based on superstitious lies and faith is the most corruptible power. Without rational thought, there can be no checks and balances to power. Faith is unquestionable and unaccountable which is why it cannot be both powerful and benevolent. The specific mythology is irrelevant. The clergy can always change the interpretation of holy books to suite their needs and no one can challenge their interpretation as faith does not tolerate reason.

In the age of nuclear and biological weapons and uncontrolled climate change, irrationality can end our species.

Our galaxy is 13.4 billion years old and composed of 100 to 400 billion stars. That's a hell of a lot of opportunity for intelligent life to arise independently many times. Yet the galaxy is a mere 100,000 light years along it's major diameter Traveling at a mere 10% of the speed of light a civilization at one edge of the galaxy, constantly reproducing and sending migrants outwards, would take only one million years to reach the furthest edge of the galaxy. The lag time to set up colonies would be essentially zero as populations on every planet increases exponentially and sends people looking for jobs and resources to less populated planets.

So, why the hell wasn't Earth colonized by aliens a billion years before the dinosaurs evolved? What has killed off all those civilizations? Faith is a very strong contender.

94   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 8:31am  

If lack of assimilation and jobs is the problem, how come the Gypsies and Travellers aren't blowing shit up and ramming trucks into crowds?

95   Dan8267   2016 Jul 15, 8:32am  

Heraclitusstudent says

Any one asking for respect for a book that, if read literally, condone this attack, is defending psychopathy and therefore de facto a psychopath.

The New Testament is pro-slavery. The Christian god is pro-slavery. Any religion based on the New Testament is evil.

96   Dan8267   2016 Jul 15, 8:34am  

FP says

No they don't. But they do elect leaders (W) who start unprovoked wars in which hundreds of thousands die, and the lives of millions are screwed for generations. They deny scientific facts that can have catastrophic consequences for the entire human race.

Exactly. Christianity has been castrated, but it still commits massive harm to the world. It just does it far more subtlety than Islam.

Is the general who orders the slaughter of civilians any less guilty of genocide than the soldiers acting out that order? Indirect action is still a deliberate decision and absolves the decision maker of no guilt.

97   joshuatrio   2016 Jul 15, 9:05am  

Obligatory: Time to ban guns again.

98   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 9:12am  

thunderlips11 says

If lack of assimilation and jobs is the problem, how come the Gypsies and Travellers aren't blowing shit up and ramming trucks into crowds?

For some strange reason it only affects Muslims.

99   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 9:14am  

indigenous says

I don't think they would have grown the way they have without the fuel of US wars.

This article speaks to that point


100   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 9:15am  

thunderlips11 says

If lack of assimilation and jobs is the problem, how come the Gypsies and Travellers aren't blowing shit up and ramming trucks into crowds?

This is apt to that point


101   NuttBoxer   2016 Jul 15, 9:18am  

Dan8267 says

They are all parts of a continuous spectrum of behavior in which each point acts as a gateway to the next.

Dan doesn't believe in gateway drugs, only gateway religions.

102   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 9:19am  

NuttBoxer says

Dan doesn't believe in gateway drugs, only gateway religions.

This article speaks to that point


103   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 9:23am  

indigenous says

I don't think they would have grown the way they have without the fuel of US wars.

ok, i'll grant you that invading iraq after saudi arabia attacked us on 9/11 was an epic blunder, or perhaps simply epic evil.

the cancer of wahabism was not only completely unblamed and unpunished for murdering thousands of americans, it was rewarded by gw bush with the gift of taking out wahabism's enemy iraq so it could spread faster and cause more terrorism around the world.

and so wahabi terrorism continued to spread, facilitated by the rise of the internet, and the spread continued under the clintons, and continued under obama. http://www.wnd.com/2002/04/13621/

trump has a lot of flaws, but at least he says a lot of shit that no one else will say:


anyway, sure, US foreign policy under bush was exceptionally bad and directly helped the saudis continue to spread terrorism around the world, but it's not the cause of wahabism, just one more facilitating factor.


wahabism has one point in its favor: it is extremely honest and unapologetic about what islam really is.

104   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 9:28am  

rando says

and so wahabi terrorism continued to spread, facilitated by the rise of the internet, and the spread continued under the clintons, and continued under obama.

I think you are right on this


rando says

bush was exceptionally bad and directly helped the saudis continue to spread terrorism around the world, but it's not the cause of wahabism, just one more facilitating factor.


There is more to it than that


105   NuttBoxer   2016 Jul 15, 9:30am  

Just to be clear regarding my earlier post. I'm aware Muslims have hijacked planes, etc before we started bombing Iraq. What I'm saying is, since we have escalated our interference in the middle east to previously unheard of levels, the blowback is becoming more extreme, and more frequent. And why not? Just about every religion has a fanatical branch that believes in violence, from the Crusades, to Jihads. Most believers in a religion tend to stay away from the fringes, but when you destroy the fabric of their society, over a sustained period of time through war, you are going to get a larger percentage of the population gravitating towards these extremists.

So what myself and I believe indigenous are saying is, stop giving incentive for people to join up with these nut jobs.

As to the issue of having a decades long war against a certain region, then forcefully relocating people from that war torn region to the very countries who have been bombing them... That level of stupidity is only achievable by the entity we call government.

And yes, France has actively been involved in the bombings under the guise of the UN.

106   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 9:38am  


This is by Dan Sanchez who works with Jeff Tucker


107   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 15, 9:48am  

At least Bush fixed Iraq: Got rid of that bad ol' Saddam who was funding all the terrorists.

108   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Jul 15, 9:55am  

Hey Cabroncito,

Wheres all the sarcastic postings about how its all muslims?

109   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 15, 9:55am  


Obama announces a total truck ban . He says white trucks keep attacking innocent pedestrians

The terrorist truck in Nice, France. A 31 year-old French-Tunisian drove half a mile up on a curb targeting people on Bastille Day.

Newt said Obama will probably call for truck regulation.

“I fully expect by tomorrow morning that President Obama will have rediscovered his left-wing roots and will give a press conference in which he will explain the problem is too many trucks. if only we had truck regulation then we wouldn’t have problems like Nice. Because it is trucks that are dangerous. I mean that is the exact analogue to Orlando and just tells you how nuts the left-wing in America is.“

110   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 15, 10:00am  

dodgerfanjohn says

Wheres all the sarcastic postings about how its all muslims?

Back at you: Where was all the armchair social anthropology on the Muslim roots of all terrorism during the Dallas shooting?

Did you notice how few posts there were in those threads. "Oops - doesn't fit the model."

Finally, I would like to be the first one in this thread to say "Islamic extremism"!

Only Strategist has come close so far, saying "Islamic terrorism," which counts. When Obama fails to say those words, he gives comfort to our enemies.

I had thought that Patrick.net was now mostly Stormfront racists (well, to be fair, people who support a man because he says racist things but they're not racist and he's not racist).
Is Patrick.net full of Islamiacs with hijab-wearing wives? WTF?

111   dublin hillz   2016 Jul 15, 10:01am  

NuttBoxer says

Most believers in a religion tend to stay away from the fringes, but when you destroy the fabric of their society, over a sustained period of time through war, you are going to get a larger percentage of the population gravitating towards these extremists.

The issue is that many of these attackers are homegrown, I believe this guy was a French citizen of Tunisian descent. It is not even a question of split loyalties, this is outright sedition and treason. He is the french version of the "disaffected." Besides, Islam does not really recognize national borders as their followers are instructed to have only religious loyalty in the name of worldwide caliphate.

112   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 15, 10:03am  

dublin hillz says

this is outright sedition and treason


As are Confederate flags in front of statehouses.

113   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 10:44am  

HydroCabron says

I had thought that Patrick.net was now mostly Stormfront racists

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