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2016 Aug 16, 7:15am   22,331 views  51 comments

by MMR   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

A Muslim-American woman competing in the 2016 Olympics in Rio, Ibtihaj Muhammad, made history as the first American Olympic participant to wear a hijab while competing. The fencer won her first round, then lost in a second round. She is due to take part in a team competition later on during the Olympics. However, with all the media attention she has received to date for wearing the hijab and speaking out as a Muslim advocate against her country’s treatment of Muslims as well as against Donald Trump, you would think she had already won the gold.

Rather than focus on the fact that she was representing America as part of Team USA, Ms. Muhammad chose to distance herself from her fellow Americans. Before the competition even began, she complained about not feeling safe in America because she was a Muslim. She has been whining about how she feels threatened because of her faith, and has politicized the Olympic Games with derogatory comments regarding Donald Trump’s candidacy for president.

Considering that “anti-Semitic crimes accounted for roughly 60 percent of religious hate crimes last year,” according to a 2015 Washington Post report, and “anti-Muslim crimes now make up about 13 percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes,” the Jewish-American Olympic competitors would have had more reason to speak out about not feeling safe in America. However, they are in Rio to compete for the gold on behalf of their country, not to trash it.

"I wish that, not just my life, but the lives of Muslims all over the world were a little bit easier, particularly in the United States,” Ms. Muhammad was quoted by the Associated Press as saying after arriving in Rio for the competition. (Emphasis added.) “I'm hoping that with my first-time appearance as a member of Team USA here at the Olympics, I'm hoping that the rhetoric around the Muslim community will change."

This is a woman who had the opportunity to meet with President Obama and even offer the First Lady a fencing lesson. Indeed, Ibtihaj Muhammad has lived the American dream. She graduated from a top school, Duke University, where she attended on a scholarship. To fund her ambitions to become a world class fencer, she worked as a substitute teacher and fencing coach. She also founded her own clothing line Louella. And she has gotten some big name corporate endorsements. She missed qualifying for the 2012 Olympics, but continued working hard to make the 2016 team, which, to her credit, she succeeded in doing.

Explaining her primary motivation for going after a spot on the 2016 team, Ibtihaj Muhammad focused on her attachment to the Muslim community, not simply on the honor to represent America. She said, "When I heard that there had never been a Muslim woman on the U.S. team to wear the hijab, that is when I made this conscious decision to go for 2016.” She added: “I am excited to represent not just myself, my family and my country - but also the greater Muslim community."

If Ms. Muhammad were truly interested in representing “the greater Muslim community,” she should use her celebrity status to speak out against the atrocious living conditions of women in Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Muslim majority countries.

Did Ms. Muhammad by chance have the opportunity to speak with any of the very few female competitors from Saudi Arabia, for example? That devout Muslim country discriminates against its own female population, all under the banner of Islam’s sharia law. It is allowing just four women athletes to compete in the Olympics this year, after having received an ultimatum from Olympic authorities in 2012. At home in Saudi Arabia, women are not even allowed to attend national team competitions as spectators, let alone participate in any tournaments or state organized sports leagues of their own. "Our society can be very conservative," said Prince Fahad bin Jalawi al-Saud, a consultant to the Saudi Olympic Committee. "It has a hard time accepting that women can compete in sports."

More generally, there is strict gender segregation in Saudi Arabia. And merely wearing a hijab head cover would not be enough to keep a woman out of trouble for dressing too immodestly.

In commenting on the recent spate of Islamic terrorism, Ms. Muhammad blamed it on an “unhealthy situation” caused by “(M)isunderstanding of religion, of what different societies need in order to thrive.” It would appear that Ms. Muhammad has a basic misunderstanding of the doctrines in her own religion that have fueled violent jihad around the world.

As an example of political correctness run amok, there was mounting pressure on Michael Phelps, who was elected by his teammates to serve as flag bearer in the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, to decline the honor in favor of Ibtihaj Muhammad, who came in second in the voting. Various media outlets called for Phelps to yield. Perhaps the most ridiculous article was a CNN op-ed piece addressed to Phelps by W. Kamau Bell, in which the author says that “America has enough tall, successful, rich white guys hogging the spotlight” and that “Muhammad carrying the flag would be nearly a one-stop inclusion shop.”

The Olympics should be all about sports competition for the top prize based on merit. It should not be about religious faiths or domestic politics. Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, earned the honor to carry the flag on behalf of the United States. Muhammad has not earned that honor, unless being Muslim, wearing a hijab while competing and trashing her country constitute the new standard of “excellence.”


#politics #religion #sports

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12   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 11:33am  

MMR says

Ms. Muhammad were truly interested in representing “the greater Muslim community,” she should use her celebrity status to speak out against the atrocious living conditions of women in Saudi Arabia, Iran and other Muslim majority countries.

exactly. And this is why she sounds disingenuous

13   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 11:35am  

MMR says

In commenting on the recent spate of Islamic terrorism, Ms. Muhammad blamed it on an “unhealthy situation” caused by “(M)isunderstanding of religion, of what different societies need in order to thrive.” It would appear that Ms. Muhammad has a basic misunderstanding of the doctrines in her own religion that have fueled violent jihad around the world.

IOW a "bad muslim" who doesn't follow the dictates of the Qur'an to a T.

What Islamic majority countries need is simple: Secular, brutal dictators, because they, collectively, cannot be trusted to do "the right thing" But you'll never hear her speaking the truth.

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 16, 11:35am  


Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia should be banned from the Games, it's a direct violation of the spirit. Already this Olympics, especially in Judo and MMA where Israel (and Israeli Women) had a great shot, these nation's athletes dropped out of the game rather than facing an Israeli Opponent.

And of course there is the lovely history of the Poor, Oppressed Palestinian Freedom Fighters butchering hostages and athletes in cold blood at the Munich Games.

In fact the next Wonderwoman is an Israeli Female MMA Instructor from the IDF, Gal Gadot.

She made recruits run 7 miles a day with her between hand to hand combat instruction.

15   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 11:36am  

MMR says

W. Kamau Bell, in which the author says that “America has enough tall, successful, rich white guys hogging the spotlight” and that “Muhammad carrying the flag would be nearly a one-stop inclusion shop.”

Fuck Kamau Bell. He is a product of privilege who had far more than I ever did growing up. But he's the "right color" and I'm not.

16   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 11:38am  

MMR says

Muhammad has not earned that honor, unless being Muslim, wearing a hijab while competing and trashing her country constitute the new standard of “excellence.”

Appeasement policy, not unlike Neville Chamberlain towards Hitler in WW2.

17   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 11:44am  

MMR says

less safe than they are in the United States?

violence against muslim women in the US is probably just as likely to be a family member as an outsider. I'm basing this on articles of muslim women killed in north america. I'll let those who need a link look it up themselves.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 16, 12:01pm  

MMR says

violence against muslim women in the US is probably just as likely to be a family member as an outsider. I'm basing this on articles of muslim women killed in north america. I'll let those who need a link look it up themselves.

Was that the Honor Killing where the 20-year old Iraqi Guy's Daughter was run over for being a whore by her father (along with her boyfriend's mother), and her OWN MOTHER tried to get into the hospital to finish the job, and the cops wouldn't let them in. Here's the Audio of the Mother calling the police, begging to be allowed into the hospital to finish the job.


Or was it the double murder of both daughters in Texas? The mother married the Muslim at 15 and helped him get a green card. MENA Immigration is only a win-win!

Absolutely incompatible with Western Civilization. There's no vetting for this shit. And God knows how many more that were successfully blamed on random street violence but were done by the family.

Allah is merciful, compassionate!

19   Rew   2016 Aug 16, 12:06pm  

MMR says

violence against muslim women in the US is probably just as likely to be a family member as an outsider.

Violence against ANY woman in the USofA is most likely to be a family member or someone close to them. That's not somehow unique to Muslim Americans.

MMR says

The willful ignoramus doesn't seem to grasp that life for muslim women is FAR BETTER in the United States. Makes her sound rather ungrateful. Doubt she could go to a university equivalent to Duke University if in a middle eastern country or Pakistan.

Like most Americans (humans) she just cares about her country most. I think you are jumping to big conclusions that by her quote, she doesn't realize how lucky she is.

Dan8267 says

I'd be more impress if she wore the hijab while in the 1500 meter freestyle swimming event.

What a drag man ... what a drag.

FortWayne says

We are a free nation, she doesn't like it than she is free to move out to a "Muslim" country of her choice.

Isn't it great that not only does she have the freedom to move to a different country, but also the freedom to change the country for the better through expression and participation in politics? I love the U.S.!

20   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 16, 12:07pm  

It' so important to know what an Olympian says.

The First Amendment to THE CONSTITUTION give everyone the Right to
criticize America.
I shall give her a lesson in criticism.

Please add to the list. Invoke your 1st Amendment rights.

21   Strategist   2016 Aug 16, 12:09pm  

thunderlips11 says

The mother is not a sick individual. She is a sharia loving Islamic bitch.
These are the type of Muslims who should not be allowed into the country.

22   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 16, 12:10pm  

I need to make a correction. No. 1 should be;


23   epitaph   2016 Aug 16, 12:11pm  

Islamic culture and western culture are like oil and water.

24   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 7:50pm  

Rew says

freedom to move to a different country, but also the freedom to change the country for the better through expressio

Yeah just look at all the improvement in Europe

25   Strategist   2016 Aug 16, 7:52pm  

Rew says

Isn't it great that not only does she have the freedom to move to a different country, but also the freedom to change the country for the better through expression and participation in politics? I love the U.S.!

The only countries we need to change for the better are the Islamic countries.

26   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 7:53pm  

Rew says

Isn't it great that not only does she have the freedom to move to a different countr

She has the freedom, but I doubt she would move to another country, because she knows which country is better.

27   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 7:54pm  

Rew says

she doesn't realize how lucky she is

even if she realizes, she is still ungrateful. If she wants to make a political statement, talk about the countries where life for muslim women is much tougher, such as Saudi Arabia.

28   Strategist   2016 Aug 16, 7:56pm  

MMR says

Rew says

Isn't it great that not only does she have the freedom to move to a different countr

She has the freedom, but I doubt she would move to another country, because she knows which country is better.

I wish she would move. I'm sure we can raise the cost of a one way ticket.

29   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 8:07pm  

Rew says

Violence against ANY woman in the USofA is most likely to be a family member or someone close to them. That's not somehow unique to Muslim Americans.

FACT: Globally, as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner. I would say that number is significantly higher amongst muslims

Honor killings, are almost exclusively a Muslim thing though, In India, we see these things amongst hindu people in North India, where people are ass backward. Probably took their cue from muslims during Mughal empire days.

Do you personally know anyone who was arrested for attempting to commit an honor killing or its equivalent(murder of boyfriend on religious grounds)? I do. Palestinians in Gallup, NM to be exact, back in the 90's. In fact, all the gun deaths I saw from the early 80's to mid 90's, which were few, were perpetrated by Arabs on other Arabs.

30   MMR   2016 Aug 16, 8:17pm  

Strategist says

I wish she would move. I'm sure we can raise the cost of a one way ticket.

Unfortunately her family is a bunch of nutcases from Maplewood, NJ. This is the town that banned halloween in school to avoid offending the religious sensibilities of "minorities". I've


I don't even remember if I ever wore a costume on halloween, but why ban it when 80% are against banning it?

31   Shaman   2016 Aug 16, 8:22pm  

Rew says

There will be so many that immediately wish her unwell.

Count me in that group! If she represented America half as well as she represents a despicable authoritarian murderous religion, she would have won a medal. Instead she's just another whiny Muslim in a cloth bag we can't afford to ignore (because she's a Muslim and those people is CRAZY!)

32   Strategist   2016 Aug 16, 8:30pm  

MMR says

Strategist says

I wish she would move. I'm sure we can raise the cost of a one way ticket.

Unfortunately her family is a bunch of nutcases from Maplewood, NJ. This is the town that banned halloween in school to avoid offending the religious sensibilities of "minorities". I've


I don't even remember if I ever wore a costume on halloween, but why ban it when 80% are against banning it?

When we go to their countries, we have to respect THEIR traditions.
When they come to our country, we have to again respect their traditions.
Fuck them.

33   The Original Bankster   2016 Aug 16, 9:15pm  

Thunderlips, are you a jew?

34   Strategist   2016 Aug 16, 9:20pm  

The Original Bankster says

Thunderlips, are you a jew?

He's a damn atheist.

35   turtledove   2016 Aug 16, 9:24pm  

MMR says

"When I heard that there had never been a Muslim woman on the U.S. team to wear the hijab, that is when I made this conscious decision to go for 2016.” She added

So, this isn't even about her real beliefs.... Since no one had done it before, she wanted to do it. Period.

36   Y   2016 Aug 16, 9:33pm  

when you talk wearing the hijab, it just sounds like mumbling...

MMR says

Why can't she use her position to discuss the well-being of her fellow muslim women in the middle east, who are far more oppressed and often, less safe than they are in the United States?

37   lostand confused   2016 Aug 17, 4:40am  

Stupid crazy nutbag. Why does she try and walk with her attire in Saudi Arabia? They will arrest her and lash her with a whip and if she persists-hang her. Jihadists lunatic-of course Obozo met her.

It is funny, the left which claimed to like science is now culitsh to the point of being cartoonish.

38   carrieon   2016 Aug 17, 4:57am  

This Muslim should of used her other passport to represent Iran.

39   lostand confused   2016 Aug 17, 5:31am  

Meanwhile, in one area in Syria liberated from ISIS-people celebrate freedom from Islam.
Men shave off their beards, women rip their veils off, one old woman dares to smoke a cigarette!


40   lostand confused   2016 Aug 17, 5:34am  

Meanwhile, this stupid woman wears a scarf over her head-which is allowed-the whole leftist lunatic world hail her as the next Joan of Arc. Einstein was right-Genius has its limits-but stupidity has none.

41   Rew   2016 Aug 17, 9:24am  

turtledove says

So, this isn't even about her real beliefs.... Since no one had done it before, she wanted to do it. Period.

Do you really believe her motivations are as simplistic as "First!"? I think the other things she says give more insight. Maybe its as simple as wanting another good Muslim figure to counter such an easy fear bias that all Muslims are terrorists ready to spread sharia?

For me personally, at the very least, I think some Americans might learn what a hijab is. I'm sure she is receiving so many death threats right now she wouldn't think even that would be worth it ...

Ranina ranina says

when you talk wearing the hijab, it just sounds like mumbling...

... especially when you see things like this. One would think the effort required for Ranina to remain that ignorant would be greater than simply googling "hijab". (sigh)

42   Rew   2016 Aug 17, 9:33am  

carrieon says

This Muslim should of used her other passport to represent Iran.

Her father was a New Jersey police officer and her mother taught special education. She was born and raised in New Jersey.

I think her family can teach more about service to America, and the ideals of this nation, than most white suburban middle class christian whatevers.

43   Dan8267   2016 Aug 17, 9:55am  

thunderlips11 says

Was that the Honor Killing where the 20-year old Iraqi Guy's Daughter was run over for being a whore by her father (along with her boyfriend's mother), and her OWN MOTHER tried to get into the hospital to finish the job, and the cops wouldn't let them in. Here's the Audio of the Mother calling the police, begging to be allowed into the hospital to finish the job.

Religion fucks people up. Beliefs in spirits, deities, and other supernatural entities requires a rejection of rational thought and critical thinking. This is why all religions, no matter how benevolent in mythology or moral teachings, are inherently dangerous and destructive. Rationality is necessary for 7+ billion people to live in peace and tranquility.

44   Shaman   2016 Aug 17, 10:01am  

Rew says

For me personally, at the very least, I think some Americans might learn what a hijab is.

We all know this already. It's the shapeless sack Muslim women wear to hide their inbred deformity from the public eye.

45   lostand confused   2016 Aug 17, 10:07am  

I honestly don't know why Hillary would meet this critter. She wanted to make a fashion statement-fine. There is no rule against it, she can do whatever she wants -but hey she is a world hero. Now try walking without a hijab in Saudi-that is courage.

46   Rew   2016 Aug 17, 10:11am  

Quigley says

We all know this already. It's the shapeless sack Muslim women wear to hide their inbred deformity from the public eye.

You refer to a burqa, not a hijab. Search "muslim model" click "images".

47   MMR   2016 Aug 17, 10:13am  

Dan8267 says

supernatural entities requires a rejection of rational thought and critical thinking.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson said this specifically in relation to Islam and got away with it....Nice trick, to say the least.

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 17, 10:49am  

MMR says

Yeah just look at all the improvement in Europe

It's estimated that with MENA people, France's crime rate would be half. It's not just beatings, rapes, and stabbings, but illegal kebab and pizza businesses that pay and collect no tax, cigarette smuggling. Plenty of Algerians on French Welfare owning multiple homes via family members, but almost nobody is legally employed. Like the landlord-drug dealer who rented out to the Rock Concert shooters. Never a job, family members all on welfare, but all living in multiple Paris apartments apparently purchased by the drug dealing cousin.

49   missing   2016 Aug 17, 1:26pm  

thunderlips11 says

It's estimated that with MENA people, France's crime rate would be half

Yeah, but their soccer team would not be even half as strong as it is now.

50   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 18, 2:09pm  

The Original Bankster says

Thunderlips, are you a jew?

My maternal Grandfather was a Lutheran German of Prussian Petty Nobility on one hand and Hugenots fleeing Catholic oppression in Wallonia (in fact my mother's maiden name is literally a word for Hugenot) on the other. My grandfather threw pebbles at the wedding when he married the Anti-christ Mary Worshipper known as:
My Gandmother, who was an Irish Catholic; my great grandfather was a Kelly of County Cork who married my great grandmother, of Norwegian Brewers at a world Conference of Brewing in Paris. Disowned by both sides of their families.
My Maternal Great Grandfather was a Russian (Georgian?) Jew from Batumi and my Great Grandmother was a Russian Jew from Minsk
My paternal Grandfather is descended from Jews who lived in New Amsterdam and were here long before 90% of other Americans, back in the 1600s.

I'm an atheist, who is extra argumentative the way only an Irish Russian Jew Vikings can be.

51   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 18, 3:54pm  

My SIL was over last night lecturing me on Racist Trump and his mean views of Muslims.
I asked her if she knew what "Haram" was, no not the stable of ho's that belong to the king but "Haram".
She did not, she didn't even know that Sharia Law was a thing.

It's hard to argue with people when you have bring them up to speed from the beginning.

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