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I hope Huma gets her 72 virgin guys or whatever for sacrificing herself for her country.
Huma is hot! Where can I volunteer :-) :-) Please throw in Ivanka as well.
Well, she might like girls - don't judge.
I suppose, but I get the impression she's simply a paid agent that will do whatever she's told for the cause.
BTW the US shot down an Iranian civilian plane years ago and Iran only wanted reimbursement for damages .
Donald had better prepare more for the next debate. Hillary won this one.
The anti-Trumps still don't get it. Who/what Trump is does not matter. What matters is that we have somebody exposing these lyers and murderers for who they are.
And so it's ending - the blowhard versus the liar, the loser ... the United States.
Lester with another anti-Trump question.
Doesn't have stamina.
Now that's just blatant. Hillary goes on and on playing the woman card... and Trump get 10 seconds.
Hillary - I support this democracy ... as long as I win. Or I'll make sure that I get elected.
Trump - I want to make America great again, I can do it, I don't believe Hillary can.
Hillary - I support this democracy ... as long as I win. Or I'll make sure that I get elected.
Two words "Faithless Electors". It will only take a few.
Hillary looked a lot more poised than I thought.
Trump's answers could have been better.
She played "politician" and trolled him, which put him on defense and got him off of his message.
Not good
At least FB was right about the rising crime rate - he just got murdered.
Hillary looked a lot more poised than I thought.
Trump's answers could have been better.
It felt to me that Hillary was driving the conversation for a lot of the debate. He seemed very concerned about setting the record straight... Not sure if I agree with that strategy. He left a lot of topics that should have been brought up off the table.
I don't think it was bad for Trump, but Hilalry showed she was a human-so that was a plus for her. It was fun, Trump has two more debates to bring up Hilalry's corruption, email and other stuff. But he held his own and I don't think he lost.
How hard can it be not to bring up Rosie O'Donnell in a presidential debate?
It was a "hands-on", get it done, in the trenches personality against a polished politician who knows all the talking points, but weak on accomplishments.
I was hoping she would look bad. People don't know the issues and that she is full of shit. They decide on impressions.
"Perception is Reality". To the low information voters not paying attention, she sounded more professional.
Sad but true.
Hillary is neocon, show stopper for me.
She is more of the same show stopper
She is way corrupt and evil show stopper big time
I think Trump dealt Trump the worst blow all night.
His shoot em in the ass rant about race problems in large cities had me squirming.
There's a lot of truth to what he is trying to say. But if you're going to sell that message you better have a better plan and message that what he laid out.
But he did go around the country and was a hit with the black community for the most part. I don't if he was off message from the eloquent way he put it to them.
Or maybe he didn't do that bad at all. And it was the triggered response we've been conditioned to think. But if I lived on MLK in many cities around the country.
I bet I would know what Donald was saying. Listening to bullets whiz by all night. I bet the drive by victims surviving family knows what He was saying.
Very educational. Trump needs to change his campaign from 'SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA!' to 'FLEECE THE WORLD AND SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA!" It demonstrates a much more expansive vision.
I think I would rather spend some quality time in Shelob's lair than debate IHLlary and Dworkin Golem.
So who really think that this changed anyone's vote? Did it change an undecided's vote? More of the same nonsense from each. Such a sad choice.
Hillary looked a lot more poised than I thought.
Trump's answers could have been better.
Agree. I thought he was supposed to be a bit more restrained. After a while, he couldn't explain himself too well.
Decision - Hillary Clinton, ahead on all cards.
But he got some real good punches. But she being the career politician, just let them roll off with that stupid grin. he was good, she practiced for 20+ days-but now he knows her-lets see the next debate.
You can't say he lost.
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I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...
For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).
So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"
Finally! Some drama!
