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They were the only ones that would talk to cnn...
It was really weird... The guy's exact words were the people polled were "skewed toward Hillary supporters and democrats.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
I agree that he wasn't as strong as he could have been.
He needs to quit making the duck face when he's on camera.
TIME - Trump winning.
Nate aint posted his pol yet. I pretty sure it's going to be devistating. To the Liberals it will them all worried Trump will lose. But we won't give up hope for you guys. I pinky swear.
Where's that pink panther pussy?
I guess I'd hide too if I was pushing IHLiarry...
Clinton cheated by preparing thoroughly and demonstrating superior temperament, maturity, and stamina
I don't know if you guys can tell, but I'm really getting my nihilism on tonight. I be like, to hell with this shit. I guess this is what "Bernie or Bust" meant.
Well It is time for some exercise. I'm outta here for a while.
She was begging fact checkers to bail her out, which was her biggest fail of the night.
I'm surprised but the polls show it decisively for Trump, Woho I will take it.
Still think the odds makers are going to say Clinton
Because you are judging the debate oldstyle...same as cnn.
Trump is a political torpedo electrically fired with safeguards disarmed to disrupt the process.
It's viewed as an asset that he doesn't know shit about politics.
I'm surprised
Oh, great, now we have to endure the blitzkrieg of faked propaganda polls.
Anyway, back to the important stuff: how many drinks did the debate stimulate in the drinking game. I counted about five drinks.
Because you are judging the debate oldstyle...same as cnn.
Trump is a political torpedo electrically fired with safeguards disarmed to disrupt the process.
It's viewed as an asset that he doesn't know shit about politics.
Makes sense, I certainly feel that way about him. Great Point
Oh, great, now we have to endure the blitzkrieg of faked propaganda polls.
I won most of the online polls, folks. Most of them. But the lyin' media, I mean, they never turn the cameras around to show the crowd. And those things twist like pretzels.
I won most of the online polls. And CNN (BOO, HISS) said I lost. Sad!
Because you are judging the debate oldstyle...same as cnn.
Trump is a political torpedo electrically fired with safeguards disarmed to disrupt the process.
It's viewed as an asset that he doesn't know shit about politics.I'm surprised
Agreed. This was the reason he got the nomination even after events the pundits said he would not survive. When Hillary said a few Republican "military expert" politicians don't deem him fit, he had the only right reply to say he'd rather take the endorsement of admirals and generals than politicians. That moment was a big score and it went unmentioned.
So CNN is the outlier...
Slate has a libby bias?
Absolutely, that's what surprised me.
I can't believe that Trumpligula ADMITTED his tax returns show he pays no federal taxes, and bragged it was "smart". Isn't that the point when his lawyer would have told him to STFU or plead the Fifth?
This is damning evidence of a Trump Victory...
No polls on Mother Jones, Thinkprogress or Salon.
Interesting. Maybe in this brave new world one can be brash and in your face and it is ok?
he had all the substance-she gasp had the style!
I'm just gonna leave this here.
January 2003.
"Perhaps we shouldn't do anything yet. Perhaps we should wait for the UN."
You're welcome for the Fact Check, Lester Holt.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I missed it
Did Trump shout SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA! as I advised him?
He tried, but he couldn't get a word in edgewise. Besides, it is clear from his debate that it is "FLEECE THE WORLD AND SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA!"
At least he didn't say, "SUCK MY DICK, UNIVERSE!"
At least he didn't say, "SUCK MY DICK, UNIVERSE!"
Remember, you start with an extreme demand and let yourself be talked down into the position you want.
What are the results of IHLlary's "Fuckt Checker?" How many times did Trumpligula fuck himself?
I'm surprised but the polls show it decisively for Trump, Woho I will take it.
Still think the odds makers are going to say Clinton
Anyone being honest would say Clinton was the clear winner in that.
Yup I think she won. However she is reprehensible.
**Monday's Presidential debate is now over. Early odds have the Democrats expanding their lead to -250 over the Republican's +190.
Anyone being honest would say that whoever gets the positive bump in the polls is the clear winner...
Anyone being honest would say Clinton was the clear winner in that.
Anyone being honest would say Clinton was the clear winner in that.
If we're grading Clintons success on not passing out.
Clinton won. I doubt you'll even hear CIC denying it. TPB of course will deny it.
Still think the odds makers are going to say Clinton
Gee, I wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with the price/odds at which they will take bets (on both sides) ? There is no better indicator, and according to predict wise, an aggregator of oddsmakers, the current probability of a Hillary win went from 65% to 73% due to the debate. Lets see where things stand this coming weekend.
Right wing bullshitters have some work to do.
So far I've watched the first half or so of the debate. One thing that stood out was that Donald looked sicker and more irritable. If I watched that and anyone told me that one of them was hiding a secret illness, I'd definitely guess Donald. Did someone take Donald's orange makeup away from him? His skin tone reminds me of
CNN is the only Poll that says She won.
Trump won over undecided voters last night. I'm sure he didn't shave off any deviant concious Hillary voters.
Those people are as Evil as she is.
Trump did win people that are wondering what will the President do for them and their family.
Hillary is just more of the same. Everyone saw two on one last night. It's undeniabe the way the debates were handled.
And Trump's biggest damage last night started as soon as the debates were over and continues as we speak.
People are researching Hillary this morning. They've been sheltered from the Truth, just CNN watchers this morning are beliving as I type this.
Hillary won 77% last night.
Hillary will most definately get a Nate Silver bump in the pols.
She'll be ahead by 10 points by Friday. But will still be down by 4 points by next debate.
Because Nate is full of shit.
Right wing bullshitters have some work to do.
CNN is the only Poll that says She won
Like I said, even CIC isn't going to claim Trump won. Did you watch the debate TP ?
Nobody close to objective thinks Trump won it. Better go back to Brietbart and wait for something you can use comes in. Trust me, they are working feverishly on it right now.
There must be a better way to spin this than, "CNN !"
Anyone being honest would say Clinton was the clear winner in that.
Your opinion is really meaningless without even mentioning the incredible bias of Lester Holt.
6 follow ups on trump, none on Hillary.
41 interruptions of Trump, 7 on Hillary.
And false fact checking by Lester Holt...on Trump.
I'm objective, and I'd say Trump won. Trump talked about Hillary/the Clintons/the Establishment failings, and how President Trump will make it all better.
Hillary sat there all smug, talking about Trump.
I'm not sure how even one single person that was on the fence before the debate, is now an actual Clinton voter. However, i can see Trump gaining some votes last night, simply by not being all "racist, mean, and outrageous " as the 1%er media has been trying to scare people into thinking.
**Monday's Presidential debate is now over. Early odds have the Democrats expanding their lead to -250 over the Republican's +190.
The peso has been shadowing Trump
That shit was worse than I imagined it would be.
I weep for my nation.
"Those who switched on this debate thinking that Mr Trump is not qualified to be president will not have changed their minds. Those who began by thinking that Mrs Clinton is a dangerous socialist who should be locked up will have seen nothing to change their minds. But what did the 10-20% of voters who tell pollsters that they are undecided, or planning to vote for a third party, see? They saw one candidate who was well-prepared and a bit rambling, and another who was downright weird at times. 1-0 to Mrs Clinton."
I'm objective
No you're not.
How could any hard working tax paying citizen, listen to Trump who supposedly a billionaire, say that his not paying taxes means he smart, without thinking "fuck him !"
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I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...
For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).
So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"
Finally! Some drama!
