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If they don't release anything before the second debate, they have nothing but empty threats.
There's a reason the big reveals weren't out today. There's another big hack at the Clinton Foundation by Guccifer.
Yes, I'm sure that's the reason, and I'm also 100% certain the foundation named the directory "pay to play".
It sure sounded like the Clintons had gotten to him. Assange actually said he'd release files "before the end of the year". The group itself softened the blow by indicating they'd publish something this week. "Before the end of the year", however, is the phrase of someone who had either lost their nerve or is filling their bank account.
They should made some kind of substantive release. Now he looks like only a blackmailer. All of the noble posturing is out the window.
Now he looks like only a blackmailer.
You reached this conclusion only because he's delayed some release?After all that the guy has done so far?
Get a life!
Liberals are so dumb that they would still vote for illary even if she was a mass murderer.
Yeah, calm down folks. It was the 10th Anniversary of Wikileaks. They also promised a shitload of stuff over the next month.
Outer Party members don't care. Hillary could kill a baby on TV and they'd be like "Well, the alternative is Orangedouchebag."
Liberals are so dumb that they would still vote for illary even if she was a mass murderer.
I think the difference between Trump supporters and Hillary supporters on this hypothetical murder tangent is, Trump supporters would still back him if there was video proof of murder going down by Trump's hand. Hillary supporters would actually still play within the rules of the system, and if she was caught red handed, they would back away because she would be a felon and ineligible to run. The Clinton's are freaking teflon though. (wink)
Or we can just leave the murder bull crap out of the "what-if games" for the candidates and simply say the base of support is strong, and opposed, in both directions.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
Hillary could kill a baby on TV and they'd be like "Well, the alternative is Orangedouchebag."
*face palm*
Remember, this is Trump claiming it is a positive that his base is that ravenous. But, now since Trump is claiming Hillary could get away with murder, on Sep 9th, the Trumpets are picking this up as a negative?
Hillary supporters would actually still play within the rules of the system
"Only" a blackmailer. As in..,before he was a blackmailer, but one with a supposed "noble" purpose. Who had turned down massive sums and published anyway in the past.
Not sure why he hadn't hit the right harder.
Oh, and the Alex Jones clip was hysterically funny. Thanks for posting that. Alex Jones normally really bugs me, but that was hilarious!
Now he looks like only a blackmailer. All of the noble posturing is out the window.
Nah he's not a blackmailer... He's just running a "pay to play" and she refused to pay.
I'm also 100% certain the foundation named the directory "pay to play".
The GOP and fever swamps have always maintained a strict policy of truthful representation of Hillary and anything associated with her.
Fact: Hillary Clinton is the most truthfully-depicted, least lied-about politician in American history.
Okay, so first it was FreeSpeechForever and now Truth will find you (same person ?), with this but they never give any substance. I'm not going to go to Alex Jones, Brietbart, or to see what the hell they're talking about. I guess I'll just wait until Gary comes back and breaks it down for me.
Oh, and the Alex Jones clip was hysterically funny. Thanks for posting that. Alex Jones normally really bugs me, but that was hilarious!
I thought it was a pretty good slice and dice of his show as well. Cheers.
Along the lines of what Marcus is getting at, it is absolutely crazy, but Fox IS looking balanced and sane compared to what most of the Trump hardliners are standing behind as sources for support. Hard to imagine.
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