Clinton & DNC Operatives Admit (on Video) To Inciting "Anarchy" @ Trump Rallies

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2016 Oct 17, 7:32pm   7,901 views  34 comments

by freespeechforever   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

BREAKING: Undercover Video PROVES DNC Hires People to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

Update: It appears James O'Keefe's findings have upset the establishment...

WOW! @FoxNews just canceled my appearance. Are these publically traded media corporations afraid of @TheJusticeDept reprisals / retaliation?
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 17, 2016

* * *

As we detailed earlier:

In this explosive new video from Project Veritas Action, a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign.
The video documents violence at Trump rallies that is traced to the Clinton campaign and the DNC through a process called "bird-dogging."
A key Clinton operative is on camera saying, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker." 
Submitted by Joseph Jankowski via PlanetFreeWill.com,

An undercover video produced by James O’Keeffe’s Project Veritas shows Hillary Clinton campaign operatives admitting to starting the violence that occurred back in March during a Trump rally in Chicago which lead to the event being completely shut down over security concerns.

Project Veritas was able to infiltrate the private political consulting company Democracy Partners and its contractor the Foval Group which have ties to the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

According to Foval Group founder Scott Foval, “The campaign (Hillary Clinton campaign) pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval group, Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”

What Scott Foval means by “shit on the ground” is the agitation that starts disruptions and places bad press on whichever Trump or Pence event they decided to hit.

An operative by the name of Aaron Minter, who goes by the alias Aaron Black, told project Project Veritas that the disruption in Chicago during Trump’s rally in March was an operation of Democracy Partners.

“So the Chicago Protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners) than me,” said Aaron Minter, “but none of this was suppose to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party.”
It is not totally clear why Minter, a full-time employee of Democracy Partners uses an alias, but one can assume that it is to shield his true identity from being tied into the violence he helps stir.

According to Project Veritas, Minter’s job is to direct the “spontaneous” protests at Trump and Pence rallies.

“So if we do a protest and if its branded a DNC protest, right away the press is going to say partisan,” Minter went on. “But if I’m in there coordinating with all the groups on the ground and sort of playing field general but they are the ones talking to the cameras, then its actually people. But if we send out press advisories with DNC on them and Clinton campaign doesn’t have that same effect.”

Zulema Rodriguez, who works in the office of the Foval Group, appears on the video to also claim credit for the violent protest that prevented the Chicago Trump rally from taking place.

“So B and I did the Chicago Trump Event where we shut it down like all the yeah..” Zulema said before being interrupted.

Project Veritas’ video makes it clear that the disruption coordinated by Democracy Partners and the Foval Group is indeed that, coordinated and planned out disruption.

“We have to be careful because what we don’t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid ‘X’ people to..that’s not going to happen,” Scott Foval was caught saying on undercover video.

According to the founder of Democracy Partners Bob Creamer, his group has “a call with the campaign every day to go over the focuses that need to be undertaken.”

Zulema Rodriguez also admitted to having daily calls with the Clinton Campaign.

*  *  *

This was not the first time (as Breitbart exposes).

Wikileaks reveals that at least one “bird-dogging” operation was approved directly by Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. In an email dated July 4, 2015, Mook approved a plan “to bird dog” Donald Trump, meaning specifically to infiltrate volunteers into his campaign events and ask him questions about immigration.
Trump supporters have frequently been the victims of real, as opposed to staged, violence.
While the mainstream media has tried to paint Trump supporters as violent and over the top, it turns out that it was actually the other side of the aisle who was being just that.

An undercover investigative group called “Project Veritas” has discovered that numerous disruptions, disturbances, and violent outbreaks at Trump rallies were orchestrated and funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The group, which is lead by James O’Keefe, infiltrated the organization known as “Americans United for Change” this year where it recorded national field director, Scott Foval admitting that his organization contracts “directly with the DNC and the Clinton campaign both.”

Foval reveals in the video that funding for the “conflict engagement” takes a circuitous and borderline illegal route. “The (Clinton) campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the s***… …Democracy Partners is the tip of the spear on that stuff,” he said. Foval goes on to explain that the roundabout process is to keep the hands clean of those who are at the top, as they can plausibly deny having any knowledge of it. “The campaigns and DNC cannot go near [Super PAC] Priorities, but I guaran-d**n-tee you that the people who run the Super PACs all talk to each other and we and a few other people are the hubs of that communication,” he added.

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6   lostand confused   2016 Oct 18, 6:01am  

Tampajoe says

Wait a second. Didn't we have proof back then that they were Bernie supporters?

They were holding bernie signs and chanting Bernie slogans. Hmm , looks liekt he Hilalry mafia tried to kill two birds with one stone. Pay goons to disrupt Trump rallies-while pretending to be Bernie supporters. Trump gets branded violent-as does Bernie.
Why any bernie supporter would want to support this corrupt, mafia queen is really surprising.

By the way, these videos are not some vague, unfounded accusations-but the perpetrators in their own words confessing to it and implicating Hilalry. But the tinfoil brigade just has one frequency in their antenna.

7   lostand confused   2016 Oct 18, 6:09am  

Winning is one thing, but the corrupt thug has to govern a populace where she has been exposed to be a fraud that can do anything and have a separate justice system for herself. Either that makes us a third world country-where this si normal-or people are not that dumb as the lefties and care about law and order. We still have a choice-my parents came here from a third world country legally and I still have relatives there and visit. Clintons scandals and corruption is just normal there and politicians do not go to jail even for murder-I just hope we are not heading there.

I mean she got a subpeona from congress-and then destroyed 33,000 emails and then destroyed 13 phones with a hammer. WTF -that she is not in jail for that is a surprise -but she is leading to be president??

Now it looks like she tried to bribe the FBI,, leads a thug army that forments violence in oppositions rallies-I wouldn't be surprised if the firebombing came from this group, Good thing I have a dual citizenship-at least there it is open-you pay your bribes and nobody pretends to be beacons of peace and tolerance.

8   Y   2016 Oct 18, 6:42am  

It's the 'supremes at any cost' mindset.
Put up with the corruption of your candidate for 4 years, in exchange for 40 years of favorable rulings...
Doesn't matter what either candidate does or has done...

lostand confused says

But the tinfoil brigade just has one frequency in their antenna.

9   bob2356   2016 Oct 18, 7:07am  

lostand confused says

By the way, these videos are not some vague, unfounded accusations-but the perpetrators in their own words confessing to it and implicating Hilalry. But the tinfoil brigade just has one frequency in their antenna.

WTF, did you just discover the sun rises in the east? This has been going on a long time with both parties. You don't think the koch bro's aren't doing the exact same thing right now?Or the Gore/Obama teams? Or Karl Rove for 2 elections. Ride into town last night on a turnip truck? Trust me, trump's team is doing the exact same thing and trump is just as implicated. Where do you suppose the hillary for prison or bill=rapist protesters came from? Duh.

Trump supporters are a lot more willing to take the bait and turn things into a brawl. Maybe trump winding them up and encouraging them to be violent has something to do with it? No, say it ain't so. Who would have thunk it? The same trump who is now calling for armed insurrection if he doesn't like the election results? That's going to work out well..

Grow up and join the adult world. This is how the game is played on both sides. Everyone in the political realm knows all about it and accepts it as a normal part of doing business. Why the alt right echo chamber and trumptards have no clue and think they just uncovered the secret to the universe is a mystery.

Pinocchio could have beaten hillary. The only republican on the planet other than trump who couldn't beat hillary is charles manson. The trumptards picked a winner all right. Maybe you guys should have checked out how nutty trump was before voting him in as the candidate. It wasn't hard to look up.

President hillary, what a fucking nightmare. Now I do have to give up my US citizenship. Thanks morons.

10   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 18, 7:55am  

If you were injured by one of Hillary's paid thugs, sue Hillary and/or the Clinton Foundation / Soros for damages.

11   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 18, 7:56am  

I'm suing for mental damages.

12   lostand confused   2016 Oct 18, 9:48am  

bob2356 says

TF, did you just discover the sun rises in the east?

Typical garbage from you. There is speculation and then there is proof. Here is the proof and yet the tinfoil brigade supports her.

13   bob2356   2016 Oct 18, 4:28pm  

lostand confused says

bob2356 says

TF, did you just discover the sun rises in the east?

Typical garbage from you. There is speculation and then there is proof. Here is the proof

Proof of what? There has been proof in every election for the last 40 years. They all do it. People were talking about bird dogging in the nixon election. Grow up.

14   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 18, 7:05pm  

That old man in a few years with pussy on each arm... "And this is the elbow I used to cold cock that son of a bich with right as he walked by, I knew dog gone dang well he was Hillary spy. Becuase the Black Feller next to me told me. "
"Oh you better believe it! I said the Next time WE may have to kill him, Oh they didn't like that, they tried to call me a racist. "

15   HEY YOU   2016 Oct 18, 7:16pm  

How stupid is a trump campaign that let's bird dogs in?
These dogs were paid by trumpsters to create false flags.

16   freespeechforever   2016 Oct 18, 7:27pm  

Zulema Rodriquez is a busy, busy bee for Hillary.

She's literally a professional agitator.

I would bet Hillary has thousands of Zulema Rodriquez's on her payroll.

17   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 18, 7:46pm  

Folks remember then when the BLM went to Hillary rally's blowing off steam acting big and bad. For Hillary to then win them over?
Funny how Hillary didn't stop the RAPE Bill Clinton T-Shirt wearing black guy the security guard threw to the ground, and Hillary gave them the emperor's thumb to heave him out. Which the BLM protesters never got that treatment.

You all remember right?

Pepe Farms remembers...

18   lostand confused   2016 Oct 18, 8:18pm  

bob2356 says

Proof of what? There has been proof in every election for the last 40 years. They all do it. People were talking about bird dogging in the nixon election. Grow up.

Typical. people talked about bigfoot -so it is true. This is hard evidence caught on tape. But of course nothing ever penetrates your brain filters. By your logic somebody talked about the moon god -so it must be true.
Your willful stupidity really amuses me.

Somebody talks about the truth fairy-it must be true-where is my money-I lost all of me tooth-LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19   Rew   2016 Oct 18, 10:56pm  

Watching both the recent Project Veritas videos, the editing and style just reminded me so much of the planned parenthood baby part selling video. Did a search Project Veritas, which leads to James O'Keefe. Bingo! Same guy.

20   AllTruth   2016 Oct 18, 11:14pm  

Let me simplify this:

Main Stream Media: "Trump supporters are bigoted, violent, racist, xenophobic, thugs, who enjoy beating up peaceful protestors at Trump events."

Video proof of DNC/Hillary Campaign recruiting professional provocateurs who have intention to disrupt Trump events & foment angry responses (these provocateurs are well-paid, bile-spewing actors whose intent it is to provoke reactions from ordinary Trump supporters for the cameras).

Main Stream Media: Forced to "discuss" this for a few seconds before downplaying it and then ignoring it while turning on the 24/7/365 anti-Trump reporting again.

21   Rew   2016 Oct 19, 1:02am  

AllTruth says

Let me simplify this:

Let's not. Simplification at this point is the last thing we need in our political discourse.

Trump supporters: some (a minority) are actually a basket of deplorables. The majority are angry at the uneven economic recovery and feeling like the system is set up to not allow them to have a political voice anymore.

Clinton supporters: the majority are going to agree with that last segment of Trump supporters very much. But Hillary's statesmanship and diplomacy are the stuff American Presidents are made of. She is establishment. She isn't going to be major reform, but she isn't unknown reform and careless divisive talk.

Mainstream media: rightly reporting on a very atypical election, and a very atypical candidate: Trump. You cannot fault them for that. Trump is newsworthy every time he opens that unfiltered mouth.

Trump supporters (part II): whining about impending loss because 'it's the media's fault', and 'it's rigged'. Trump playing the base like a fiddle.

Question for AllTruth: the mainstream media has its bias, but does that mean Project Veritas is credible?

22   lostand confused   2016 Oct 19, 1:34am  

Hmm, the veritas videos must be having an impact then. I mean replaying what someone said -shouldn't be too difficult to understand. Said someone visited the white house 200+ times.

I still think Trump has a chance and will make one of the great Presidents-if he can withstand this combined assault.

The left loonies will elect Kim Jong UN -too dumb to realize reality and think in lofty terms.

But at some point people will realize Hilalry for who she is
1) Someone who destroyed 33,000 emails after a congressional subpeona.
2)Someone who claims she did not know what C stood for as a defense-after 30 years in highly secure positions in Government. I mean that is the kind you want as a President? Can't even remember what C stands for.
3) Someone who along with her partner in crime made 250 million plus-mostly from foriegn governments -same aides working dual roles in both the state dept and their "foundation.
4) Someone who said the TPP is the gold standard of trade deals and lied about it in the second debate
5)Soemone who thinks a big chunk of Trump's supporters are ireedemable -but hey she is not divisive.
6) Someone who is a power hungry twit that is just like the Bush brothers-only there because of their connections and not their own.
7)Attempts to bribe the FBI after the subpeona.

Mainstream media -96% of journalists donated to Hilalry, some asked the clinton campaign to edit their articles, others were provided what questions to ask by the campaign for interviews-you know I prefer 3rd world countries. i am the great leader, bow to me or I wipe your family of the face of the earth-common scum. Hilalry shows the same derision for the common man-her own aides acknowledge-if she comes to power despite all this -she will do what 3rd world countries do-use the FBI as her personal army. The media is not going to report on that-LOL! Where is the non stop 24/7 coverage of her destroying 13 phones with a hammer, the veritas accusations-the prime suspect who visited the POTUs 100s of times-the anarchists who were on her payroll , the 100s of millions they have earned from foriegn govnmts-most of whom she met as secretary of state-while the common aides were arranging both meetings. I mena there is so much-journalists instead of doing their jobs are covering up her criminal enterprise-maybe their globalist masters are doing their best -making this a last stand against the anti globalism forces taking over the world. Better a corrupt crony, fascist pig they can control-than someone who may actually be doing good for the common man.

Maybe it comes in cycles-dynasty politics has arrived and I am sure we will see more Clintons and Bushes in the future -maybe they will intermarry and split the throne-err White House alternately. Heaven help us.

The leftiies in their ivory towers will not see, btu there may still be some who may come to their senses and see where this country si headed and right the course. Having been in 3rd world counties with similar structures-the leftie intellectuals are the 1st to be hit severely-see when these thinking people wake up and start thinking for themselves-instead of some ivory tower principles-it can get dangerous for the one thought only allowed brigade-can't have that.

Still think enough Americans will come to their senses-lets see-certainly not looking good now.

23   Y   2016 Oct 19, 6:31am  

The sun does not rise in the east.
The earth rotates eastward towards the sun.

bob2356 says

WTF, did you just discover the sun rises in the east?

24   Patrick   2016 Oct 19, 5:12pm  

freespeechforever says

CNN, MSNBC/NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, WashPost , etc. will NEVER COVER THIS.


Actually, it has arrived at CNN:


A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

If even Hillary's mouthpiece CNN is reporting it, it does seem likely to be true.

25   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Oct 19, 10:59pm  

jew media will not air

26   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Oct 20, 5:53am  

Like I said, if you ain't lying you ain't trying. I don't think a single truthful word comes out of Donna Brazille's mouth in this interview. Worth watching for Brazille's brazenness.


27   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Oct 20, 5:58am  

You gotta love how the Clinton machine's defense is "oh yes we sent those emails but you should ignore them because they were obtained by hackers".

Like that somehow makes the content of the emails valid. I wonder how incredibly dumb they must beleive people are to buy that line of bullshit.

Oh and this is why people hate lawyers.

28   HEY YOU   2016 Oct 20, 9:41am  

Study Leftist Revolts.
Piss them off & they will go rogue &
fuck up a whole country & region.
Someone start it & it may never finish.

Left/Right motto: We're right & everyone is ..... FUCK YOU!

29   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 20, 9:43am  

HEY YOU says

Study Leftist Revolts.

Piss them off & they will go rogue &

fuck up a whole country & region.

Someone start it & it may never finish.

Study Gun physics.

30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Oct 20, 11:43am  

Tenpoundbass says

HEY YOU says

Study Leftist Revolts.

Piss them off & they will go rogue &

fuck up a whole country & region.

Someone start it & it may never finish.

Study Gun physics.

These idiots still think the rebellion is coming from the left and the tyranny from the right.

Guess what dingbats? The guns, the former military expertise, the will and desire to fight...its Idaho and Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Texas. The lefties have to PAY people to protest. From Occupy to BLM, none of it is a grassroots uprising. It's all a paid organized sham that the msm is complicit on. If there's an uprising, it won't be on the coasts.

31   Rew   2016 Oct 20, 2:31pm  

The Deplorable DFJ says

If there's an uprising, it won't be on the coasts.

Said differently: "Most of the angry white people are in the heartland." I'll play in your fantasy land for a bit ...

This uprising will start how? You think it will be sudden mass movement of people? Nope. It never happens that way. You need incidents and tensions to build. What form will those things take? Think ... think long and hard ...

... *gasp* incidents of 'domestic terrorism'. Yes. How easy is it going to be for the establishment, and military, to get behind destroying domestic terrorism? And what is this would be rebellion going to attack? What symbol or entity? By the time any larger movement is established, the "angry white people" are surrounded, quite literally, by the worlds strongest military motivated to extinguish them with strong will of people opposing you.

A smarter person would be looking to figure out how to play victim first. See the rise of Jesus, as an example the heartland can really understand.

You need martyrs not shooters.

32   Rew   2016 Oct 20, 2:32pm  

The Deplorable DFJ says

The guns, the former military expertise, the will and desire to fight...

Except for virtually the entire US Navy, now fully geared to project power to shore, and able to hit every inch of the US continent from either coast ... you are correct.

33   5d0d   2016 Oct 20, 7:06pm  

bob2356 says

lostand confused says

By the way, these videos are not some vague, unfounded accusations-but the perpetrators in their own words confessing to it and implicating Hilalry. But the tinfoil brigade just has one frequency in their antenna.

WTF, did you just discover the sun rises in the east? This has been going on a long time with both parties. You don't think the koch bro's aren't doing the exact same thing right now?Or the Gore/Obama teams? Or Karl Rove for 2 elections. Ride into town last night on a turnip truck? Trust me, trump's team is doing the exact same thing and trump is just as implicated. Where do you suppose the hillary for prison or bill=rapist protesters came from? Duh.

Trump supporters are a lot more willing to take the bait and turn things into a brawl. Maybe trump winding them up and encouraging them to be violent has something to do with it? No, say it ain...

WHERE is your proof that this has been going on all along, where are videos of carl rove sending in goons or the koch brothers hiring operatives to commit violent crimes...we are talking about right now and there is no way to deny this criminal act that could have got someone killed....the bill rapists protesters were protesting the rapes (one settled out of court so it would go away) that has nothing to do with trying to insight a riot...and whats with trump supporters taking the bait-----were talking about sending fake trump supporters in to a trump rally yelling "trump says no to N @ # #$ R S(THE N WORD)trying to incite a riot or in other cases making up and filing fake police reports about how they were punched and kicked because they were posing as Sanders supporters.....by saying they all do it shows you have no proof because if trump was doing it ...the media would have caught it a long time ago......the only solid evidence is against KILL - LIE-REE CLINTON

34   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 21, 11:35am  

So is anyone working to have the terrorist in the blue shirt deported, or did Obama give him his citizenship for the hitjob he did on Democracy in this picture?

He fucking HATES America.

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