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then the often favorable financial dynamics (for women) of ending a marriage combine with this fact to make some marriages more fragile than they otherwise would be.
This is true.
Another reason I forgot to mention about less people getting married is that it is much preferable financially to stay single, but cohabitate. If people make good money, they save on taxes. If they are poor, they qualify for more programs / incentives. The benefits of being married kick in when you are older and looking for health insurance and other benefits, like survivor social security. If my wife were less sentimental, we might not be officially married.
Haha, the extrapolations of the 1980 and 1990 curves are overly optimistic for marriage - why the kinks?
Half of my cousins in Europe have partners and children, but are not married. It's very common.
When I looked at the plot, I questioned the kinks in the predicted data, because none of the plotted data (1970 cohort and earlier) shows the kinks. I'm betting that the reason that they are predicting it is that they have plotted the data for the 1971-1979 cohort (not shown) through more years, and that they see a kink at 35. It does look weird though that they predict a kink the very moment that the data stops.
I get what she means by old fashioned, that's why I added the ":)".
But still, does every 26yo single woman must have been on the carousel?
I get what she means by old fashioned, that's why I added the ":)".
Wrong emicon. You should have used winky. ;)
I get what she means by old fashioned, that's why I added the ":)".
Wrong emicon. You should have used winky. ;)
Yeah, you are right.
"If you have a good sense of humor"
Sorry for loss, Dan. Lol
YesYNot All Pussy are Rigged says
it is much preferable financially to stay single, but cohabitate
I've watched People's Court for 34 years and Judge Judy since 1996 or so--you see the same scenarios over and over to exhaustion. Just the other day, a lady, probably in her mid 40's was suing the man, about the same age, for money she had loaned him during their five year--are you ready for it--on again, off again relationship. He had lived in her house which was exclusively in her name, but had contributed a lot to the house during the years and didn't feel he owed her anything and by the way he'd bought her a salad sometime in the past. He was flabbergasted when Judy explained to him that when people play house and choose not to get married, courts aren't set up to divvy out who bought this or that (she used the example of the salad) as they would if he had been willing to make the commitment to marry and thus enjoy the benefits of the community property laws. He probably owns nothing at this stage of his life and was convinced he was getting the best end of the deal because he could cut and run at the least provocation. After Judy banged the gavel I could see him look around to someone with this can you believe what just happened expression on his face.
I could see him look around to someone with this can you believe what just happened expression on his face.
so it's on again
Marriage rates have been declining for decades
Marriage is just a piece of paper. It's the commitment that counts.
Moral failure on a massive scale, we are becoming a nation of sinners. The judgement day on all of us will be brutal and well earned.
We need God today more than ever
He didn't go anywhere, we as a nation walked away from Christs teachings. It's all our fault.
We need God today more than ever
Where did God go??
Moral failure on a massive scale, we are becoming a nation of sinners. The judgement day on all of us will be brutal and well earned.
But God loves all his creations, especially man. Children raised in a an ever increasing less Christian society do not know the sins they commit. This absolves an ever increasing segment of the population from that brutal judgement. The brutal judgment will be reserved for those who knew better, sinned themselves, and failed to devote their life to God and converting others to the proper ways.
It's open to interpretation. The Bible has said lots of conflicting things ... just like Trump. ;)
He didn't go anywhere, we as a nation walked away from Christs teachings. It's all our fault.
And the less we know, they more we are protected. Rejoice!
The hell we are building on earth isn't punishment enough for your kind? What's good about living in chaos, poverty, immoral hell? And forgiveness isn't automatic, none of us have it.
Moral failure on a massive scale, we are becoming a nation of sinners. The judgement day on all of us will be brutal and well earned.
But God loves all his creations, especially man. Children raised in a an ever increasing less Christian society do not know the sins they commit. This absolves an ever increasing segment of the population from that brutal judgement. The brutal judgment will be reserved for those who knew better, sinned themselves, and failed to devote their life to God and converting others to the proper ways.
It's open to interpretation. The Bible has said lots of conflicting things ... just like Trump. ;)
What's good about living in chaos,
Chaos mostly caused by God. Look at the Islamic world.
It's God's fault. He did not provide.
immoral hell
Which God decides what is immoral?
YesYNot All Pussy are Rigged says
Another reason I forgot to mention about less people getting married is that it is much preferable financially to stay single, but cohabitate.
Well, replace the married # with number of children and my guess is you will see the same calamitous levels of successful reproduction.
Marriage or not.
Moral failure on a massive scale, we are becoming a nation of sinners. The judgement day on all of us will be brutal and well earned.
Because, as we know, nature has fallen. Every natural impulse is a sin and a moral failure.
He didn't go anywhere
No? Just quit doing miracles? (apart from showing his face on toasted slices of bread of course)
Well, replace the married # with number of children and my guess is you will see the same calamitous levels of successful reproduction.
Marriage or not.
You can sort of figure this out by looking at the percent of children born out of wedlock in the us. I was surprised to find out it is 40%. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/unmarried-childbearing.htm
Asshole Dan says
It's funny how whenever CIC thinks of me, he immediately thinks of my asshole. Clear indication of a closeted self-hating homosexual. No wonder he's so obsessed with all things gay.
Come out of the closet already. Maybe then you won't be such a sexually frustrated loser.
Moral failure on a massive scale, we are becoming a nation of sinners.
This thread is about the marriage rates, not the USA Patriot Act.
But since when has America ever been a moral nation? It stated out with slavery and multiple genocides, then had segregation, and throughout the 20th and 21st centuries practiced war crimes, torture, and political assassinations. During exactly what decade was America a moral bastion?
At least America is getting better as liberals cease power from aging and dying conservatives.
He didn't go anywhere, we as a nation walked away from Christs teachings. It's all our fault.
Jesus was the mother of all socialists. His teachings are utterly incompatible with capitalism.
The Gospel According to Matthew 19:21-24
21Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.â€
22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.
23Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.â€
How exactly do you square that with capitalism's greed is good and acquire as much wealth as you can philosophy?
America abandoned Jesus's teachings immediately upon its founding when it embraced capitalism. The two are mutually exclusive and antithetical to each other.
Which God decides what is immoral?
None. Even if there were a god, it would have absolutely no choice in what is good or evil as those concepts, not the concept of god, is a priori. If a god said that raping babies to death was good, it would not make raping babies to death good.
People are trying to screw a sandwich bag attached to a robot. Who needs a wife?
YesYNot All Pussy are Rigged says
I was surprised to find out it is 40%
70% for blacks. I think it was Daniel Patrick Moynihan, author of the 1965 "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action" who warned that if the white population out of wedlock births approached that of blacks, which at the time was something like 35%, our country was really in trouble.
No high commitment man wants a woman who has sexual experience with other men for the exact same reason that no mother wants her son marrying such a woman.
I’m going to say: Don't marry a feminist.
Don’t marry a feminist, son, because she has an ax to grind, and someday you’ll become her target.
Don't marry a feminist because she’s unable to give for the sake of giving. Feminists always tally up a score.
Don't marry a feminist because family will not come first. Her career will.
Don't marry a feminist because equality, not marriage, is her ultimate goal. And for marriage to work, the focus and commitment has to be marriage.
Don't marry a feminist because if you get divorced, which you likely will since competitive relationships don’t last, she'll blame you -- and then use your kids as a weapon.
Don’t marry a feminist because you’ll never be happy. Feminists are perpetually angry and dissatisfied and have no sense of humor.
I know you’ll have to wade through a lot of feminists to find a real woman today, but you will find her.
Don’t settle.
The hell we are building on earth isn't punishment enough for your kind? What's good about living in chaos, poverty, immoral hell? And forgiveness isn't automatic, none of us have it.
Rew says
FortWayne says
Moral failure on a massive scale, we are becoming a nation of sinners. The judgement day on all of us will be brutal and well earned.
But God loves all his creations, especially man. Children raised in a an ever increasing less Christian society do not know the sins they commit. This absolves an ever increasing segment of the population from that brutal judgement. The brutal judgment will be reserved for those who knew better, sinned themselves, and failed to devote their life to God and converting others to the proper ways.
54Booger 2018 Oct 1, 6:28pm
The entire concept of modern marriage is a waste of money, built entirely around a woman's ego and greed, and enabled by all the businesses that make a killing on the process.
I mean, just put aside the horror that is the modern woman and focus on a wedding in and of itself: what does it REALLY amount to? An album you'll almost never crack open until there's a problem in the marriage and you want to relive 'the good old days'? A bunch of overpriced food that any sit-down restaurant could probably make better and cheaper? A wedding dress that's basically grand-theft wrapped in lace, that the woman justifies because she says "our daughter will wear it to hers", but we all know never will?
When all is said and done, what you've actually done is arranged the most expensive family reunion of your life, where half the members are basically strangers. The rest is just the woman puffing up her ego by making every other woman in the now bigger family jealous.
At least in the past it was an economic and legal transaction that the man was PAID for.« First « Previous Comments 19 - 54 of 54 Search these comments