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Hey @errc, my tits are indeed sweet, but I dunno, don't think you're my type.
Uhhh... Not that kind of slumber party... and I've actually met Patrick before, so it's not quite the same... but I appreciate you thinking outside the box.
I'm tempted. I'll probably come. San Clemente is less than an hour away, and the last one I missed by three days (was in San Fran earlier that week whilst on vacation with the fam). Might get the family to come by promising them a shopping trip at the outlets there 😎
My family will be there too. So your kids will have company. Mine are 12.
And my daughter loves the little ones... She's the total babysitting type.
Thank you for your gracious invite. Will do my best to make this one.
Try to make it although it’s a busy month for me, I’m in northern LA but a lot of my friends are in Costa Mesa if I make it I'll make a day out of it.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I won't come if I can't bring my Gatling gun.
Nixon has been seen in San Clemente.
Pffft, I bet you're just a big cuddly teddybear in real life ;)
But, yeah the ghost of Nixon might be an added attraction for some?
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I won't come if I can't bring my Gatling gun.
You can bring your Gatling guns.
Rin can bring his ho's.
Logan can bring his charts.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I won't come if I can't bring my Gatling gun.
You can bring your Gatling guns.
Rin can bring his ho's.
Logan can bring his charts.
I'd attend of Rin brought a ho or two
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I won't come if I can't bring my Gatling gun.
You can bring your Gatling guns.
Rin can bring his ho's.
Logan can bring his charts.I'd attend of Rin brought a ho or two
Rin won't mind sharing. The ho's would love to be shared.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I won't come if I can't bring my Gatling gun.
You can bring your Gatling guns.
Rin can bring his ho's.
Logan can bring his charts.I'd attend of Rin brought a ho or two
Rin won't mind sharing. The ho's would love to be shared.
You guys could get a group discount.
Sorry, kids, if I'm going all the way to SoCal, I'm going SURFING!
SC just happens to be a great surfing destination.
Sounds like fun. I'll see if I can make it.
SC just happens to be a great surfing destination.
I think the closest breaks are San O and Trestles, not bad at all.
Not really. In the case of DFJ, the feeling is mutual. Some of these people really hate, not just liberals in the abstract, but they bring some semi serious emotional challenges of their own to the table.
You read WAY too much into people's online comments. Spend some time on 4chan/b/, learn to loosen up.
I noticed there was no @Ceffer in there. I guess nobody wants to vomit beer pizza through their nose.
I noticed there was no @Ceffer in there. I guess nobody wants to vomit beer pizza through their nose.
I was saving yours for the special invite list. Yeah.... that's it.
I'm sorry. I was quickly doing it last night and just rattling off as many screen names as I could think of off the top of my head. With all the recent name alterations, I probably got a bunch wrong. But I definitely want beer coming out of my nose!
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I won't come if I can't bring my Gatling gun.
You can bring your Gatling guns.
Rin can bring his ho's.
Logan can bring his charts.I'd attend of Rin brought a ho or two
Rin won't mind sharing. The ho's would love to be shared.
Meh, I guess I can reactivate my humaniplex account. Not sure my wife would be happy, but I'd be able exchange war stories with Rin.
@just any guy
Just note, we're still finalizing details. Once we get the details ironed out, I'll start a new thread with a formal invite to minimize confusion. Does the 10th work for you? (I've had a complaint about the 17th).
Dec 10th works for me
Awww, thanks. I'm juggling a few things right now so I cannot say anything with certainty about December. It is the better time of year to be down in the desert, though :).
Seriously.... does my Halloween costume fucking rock, or what? The last part arrived today. I may wear this to the meetup.
Actually, if you notice.... I'm wearing a French hood.... so Anne Boleyn. My husband is the executioner (French swordsman). He lacks the corpulence to carry off Henry.
I'm like a kid. I made dinner wearing this. Actually, I'm worse than the kids. My daughter is hinting that she might want to switch. I'll let her, but, between us, I'll be super disappointed. Like Scarlet O'Hara even compares.
These are the only non smiling ones I have.. can't help it. I like to smile. Even the non smiling ones are sort of smiling.
I may sleep in this tonight. Other than the oppression of the time, you have to hand it to them... the fashion for women was spectacular.
Incidentally, if your wife/partner needs to borrow a costume... I'm a treasure trove. Been collecting for decades.
Yup, it rocks, Turtle, that's some real Halloween style.
Just don't let anybody wear a sheet this year, they might get blown away as a jihadi.
Nooo, stop it! I was just daring you. Smiles hide wrinkles. My sincere apologies (you look ok tough).
Nooo, stop it! I was just daring you. Smiles hide wrinkles. My sincere apologies (you look ok tough).
And I thought you were aiming for authenticity of period portraiture. Smiling in pics just wasn't done in those days. Probably to hide the teeth.
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Several people have expressed interest in a Southern California meet-up. If this is anything like the one last summer in SF, it will be a lot of fun. And maybe we can convince some of our Bay Area friends and out-of-staters to join us. Any suggestions on a place?