Boo hoo hoo

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2016 Nov 11, 11:09am   9,699 views  42 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Nov 11, 11:13am  

Someone crop dusted and she walked into the cloud.

2   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 11, 11:21am  

Remember when I said many of you are going to have to get a new job?

I wasn't lying. This woman has only had one job in her whole life. That is making my life fucking miserable.
It will be nice to see her working the McDonald's drive through since she championed it as our GDP.

3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Nov 11, 11:25am  

Maybe someone grabbed her pussy?

4   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 11, 2:02pm  

I was wondering what happened to Huma. And yes, for the record, that is one incredibly satisfying picture.

5   Peter P   2016 Nov 11, 2:04pm  

At least she got her coffee.

6   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 11, 2:20pm  

I like this one.
This was shortly after they met with Preibus trying to get Trump thrown off the ticket because he was being mean to little Jebbie

7   Patrick   2016 Nov 11, 2:26pm  

I'm sure things will not go well for her when she makes her next report to the Saudi king about Operation Hillary.

The Saudis will just have to find someone to sleep with Trump instead. Not that that would be terribly difficult, but I doubt that a new presidential consort will have anywhere near the level of access and control that Huma had.

8   Peter P   2016 Nov 11, 2:29pm  

rando says

Not that that would be terribly difficult, but I doubt that a new presidential consort will have anywhere near the level of access and control that Huma had.

Trump knows better. He will not over-invest.

9   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 11, 2:35pm  

I think Trump's libido has lost its prime. It's probably why he waited so long to run so that his Johnson couldn't get him trouble.

Not that I think he would cheat, but he did have a habit of trading in a 40 two 20's in his day. That's not something you want the President doing while he's in office. Ditching his wife and running off with one of the hot Republican babes in Washington. There's a ton of them.

10   Strategist   2016 Nov 11, 2:49pm  

rando says

The Saudis will just have to find someone to sleep with Trump instead.

Maybe the Saudi King will offer one of his daughters to Trump, to make peace. Just like the good old days.

11   anonymous   2016 Nov 11, 2:59pm  

rando says

I'm sure things will not go well for her when she makes her next report to the Saudi king about Operation Hillary.

The Saudis will just have to find someone to sleep with Trump instead. Not that that would be terribly difficult, but I doubt that a new presidential consort will have anywhere near the level of access and control that Huma had.


12   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 11, 4:41pm  

joshuatrio says

I was wondering what happened to Huma. And yes, for the record, that is one incredibly satisfying picture.

I like this version better:

13   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 11, 7:19pm  

G.W.Bush is in the House of SAUD ,SUCK MY DICK before any meeting.
He will soon be sucking Trump's dick!

14   turtledove   2016 Nov 11, 7:56pm  

Sorry guys... I'm the wimp of the group. But I'm a girl, so it's my prerogative.

I don't like kicking people when they're down. She's got a weird husband. Her whole life, now in a shambles, is owed to the Clintons. She might go to jail due to her allegiance to the Clintons. Her marriage, made possible by the Clintons, ended in shame and humiliation. No, she is not responsible for her husband's actions. However, I don't think there is a woman on the planet who wouldn't feel horribly humiliated by the things her husband got caught doing. The guilt (did I do something?), the shame (why aren't I enough?) stemming from her husband's actions alone would be enough to cause most women to go into depression. As for the other stuff... as a person beholden to the Clintons, I have no doubt that she got caught up in their win-at-all-costs mantra and acted accordingly. "She's like my daughter" is a great manipulation tactic. Her only hope was Clinton winning the election. And she's probably now just learning that she's just another Clinton casualty in their insatiable need for power.

I am not offering excuses... Just understanding. No doubt, her tears are real and well earned. She's lost a lot. Personally, I'd give her a pass on the crying-in-public thing. I'm sure she feels very vulnerable right now. She should have to pay the piper if she's found to have violated our laws, of course.... But she's earned a tear or two.

15   Ceffer   2016 Nov 11, 8:01pm  

IHLlary and Huma will be fluffing Rin's hookers in Montreal when they flee for their lives from Trumpligula. It's their only job option.

16   komputodo   2016 Nov 11, 8:06pm  

turtledove says

I am not offering excuses... Just understanding. No doubt, her tears are real and well earned. She's lost a lot. Personally, I'd give her a pass on the crying-in-public thing. I'm sure she feels very vulnerable right now.

A lot of folks are struggling and it's kinda hard to feel sorry for someone that's wearing $5000 worth of clothes and flies first class.

17   Y   2016 Nov 11, 8:39pm  

If little jebbie wasn't such a fat fuck he may have gotten somewhere in life...

Tenpoundbass says

I like this one.

This was shortly after they met with Preibus trying to get Trump thrown off the ticket because he was being mean to little Jebbie

18   NoYes   2016 Nov 11, 8:43pm  

At least she is still standing on her two hind legs

19   indigenous   2016 Nov 12, 4:16am  

turtledove says

Her marriage, made possible by the Clintons

Is that true? Damn Almost as good as Chelsea marrying a Mezvinsky. They are off the scale.

21   komputodo   2016 Nov 12, 6:24am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says


Obama thinking about the 3 footer he missed on 18 for an 89..it came up short....never up, never in..

22   theoakman   2016 Nov 12, 7:03am  

it's also kinda hard to feel sad for a woman that waged the most negative campaign that did their best to try to tear apart a family.

23   turtledove   2016 Nov 12, 8:46am  

@indigenous It is my understanding that Bill and Hillary introduced the two. Now if I were Huma, I'd have looked at the Clintons a bit differently just for that. Talk about the worst set-up in history! "Who are your friends, exactly?"

24   indigenous   2016 Nov 12, 8:58am  

turtledove says

Who are your friends, exactly?"

Sactly, OTOH birds of a feather...

25   Blurtman   2016 Nov 12, 9:00am  


1. Political Consultant
2. Lobbyist
3. Tell All Book Tour
4. Talk show
5. Reality TV
6. Porn

26   Shaman   2016 Nov 12, 9:27am  

You're right TD, it must have been hard on her to be forced into being a Muslim brotherhood plant in the Clinton arena of power. Her handlers probably insisted that she go along with the corrupt Clintons every whim including when they wanted her to marry a perverted JEW named Weiner. Gawd that has to sting for a good Muslim gal. And then of course she doesn't really like or have time for her husband given her responsibilities of lying and covering up for Hillary when she wasn't servicing her boss in other ways. It had to be hell, but she stuck with it, demonstrating unshakable loyalty to the criminal
Clinton cartel, all in the hopes that she'd soon be a breath of desert air in the ear of the next POTUS. So close....
So ya I'm sure she feels terrible. And she's not looking forward to being confronted by her Saudi handlers.

27   Strategist   2016 Nov 12, 9:33am  

turtledove says

@indigenous It is my understanding that Bill and Hillary introduced the two. Now if I were Huma, I'd have looked at the Clintons a bit differently just for that. Talk about the worst set-up in history! "Who are your friends, exactly?"

Wow. The e-mails on Weiner's computer contributed to Hillary's campaign loss. I bet the Clinton's are sorry as hell for introducing the two.
Karma justice.

28   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 12, 10:27am  

Sorry TD I'm not buying the hapless victim of Clinton act one bit. You aren't sent in as a foreign agent by Old Oil Money into the political fold to help do their bidding, and end up another casualty of Clinton.
She was as much as enabler of Clinton's success with meetings against our interests as Hillary is the engager here.

29   turtledove   2016 Nov 12, 12:30pm  

I'm not saying "hapless victim." These people are made of much tougher stuff than I am. You know that when THEY are driven to tears in public, it's baaaaad. To me, I guess it feels a little like heckling a guy on his way to the hangman's noose.

30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Nov 12, 12:58pm  

Blurtman says


1. Talk show

2. Reality TV

3. Porn

Porn please. Bukkake preferred.

31   indigenous   2016 Nov 12, 1:13pm  

turtledove says

To me, I guess it feels a little like heckling a guy on his way to the hangman's noose.

I don't believe in accidents, she is not little Bo peep.

32   anonymous   2016 Nov 12, 1:18pm  

Seriously. You come to a free country, marry the Weiner, and give yourself to Lord Clinton. Have some personal responsibilities for your choices.

33   Strategist   2016 Nov 12, 1:58pm  

errc says

Seriously. You come to a free country, marry the Weiner, and give yourself to Lord Clinton. Have some personal responsibilities for your choices.

She was born here. Her father is from India, her mother from Pakistan. She could be an outcast in her community for marrying a Jew.

34   Shaman   2016 Nov 12, 2:31pm  

Strategist says

errc says

Seriously. You come to a free country, marry the Weiner, and give yourself to Lord Clinton. Have some personal responsibilities for your choices.

She was born here. Her father is from India, her mother from Pakistan. She could be an outcast in her community for marrying a Jew.

Maybe she got a special dispensation for being a spy? But then since she couldn't exactly make that public she's probably an outcast even in her family.
But I don't waste sympathy on people like her.

35   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 12, 6:26pm  

Ranina ranina says

If little jebbie wasn't such a fat fuck he may have gotten somewhere in life...

Tenpoundbass says

I like this one.

This was shortly after they met with Preibus trying to get Trump thrown off the ticket because he was being mean to little Jebbie

This was them walking back, Liberal as Fuck

36   Patrick   2016 Nov 12, 8:48pm  

Strategist says

She was born here. Her father is from India, her mother from Pakistan. She could be an outcast in her community for marrying a Jew.

She was born here but left with her family at the age of two and was raised in Saudi Arabia. Her father was an advocate for Sharia law. She came back for college and was amazingly assigned to be Hillary Clinton's intern while Hillary was first lady.

It is amazing that she married a Jew. But that could simply be cover.

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 13, 7:11am  

rando says

It is amazing that she married a Jew. But that could simply be cover.

I think so. She was modeling Hillary a bit also, a lesbian in a political marriage to a Beard who was allowed to screw around since it was only cover. Scary to think she'd be Assnt Chief of Staff or somesuch. Very little wouldn't pass her desk.

Her mom wrote "Clitoris removal is wonderful Piety" and "Joys of wearing the Burka" articles, and Huma was Assnt. Editor of the Magazine. The publication shared the same office with 2 other Islamic Extremist Groups, all funded by Saudi Arabia.

38   Strategist   2016 Nov 13, 7:26am  

rando says

Her father was an advocate for Sharia law.

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Her mom wrote "Clitoris removal is wonderful Piety" and "Joys of wearing the Burka"

Sick fanatical parents.

39   Patrick   2016 Nov 13, 8:17am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Her mom wrote "Clitoris removal is wonderful Piety" and "Joys of wearing the Burka" articles, and Huma was Assnt. Editor of the Magazine. The publication shared the same office with 2 other Islamic Extremist Groups, all funded by Saudi Arabia.

Is this true? Seems too far out there, almost Onion-like. Got a link?

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 13, 9:15am  

rando says

Is this true? Seems too far out there, almost Onion-like. Got a link?

Various other Radical Saudi-Funded Muslim Orgs sharing same London address of Saleha's Magazine at 46 Goodge Street in London (Google Search reveals countless sources, but here are a few):
Wahabi Mosque
World Muslim League
Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs
World Association of Muslim Youth (WAMY) - the FBI was investigating in 2001 for supporting Jihadis. Dubya ordered them to drop investigation weeks before 9/11.

As The Post first reported, Huma’s mom edits the Journal of Muslim Minority ­Affairs, which has suggested that America had 9/11 coming to it, because of “sanctions” and “injustices” the US allegedly imposed on the Muslim world.

The journal also opposed women’s rights as un-Islamic, arguing that “ ‘empowerment’ of women does more harm than benefit.”

But that’s not all.

In 1999, Saleha translated and edited a book titled “Women in Islam: A Discourse in Rights and Obligations,” published by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Written by her Saudi colleague Fatima Naseef, the book explains that the stoning and lashing of adulterers, the killing of apostates, sexual submissiveness and even female genital mutilation are all permissible practices ­under Sharia law.

“The wife should satisfy her husband’s desire for sexual intercourse,” the book states on Page 202, even if she is not in the mood. “She has no right to abstain except for a reasonable cause or legal prohibition.”

But getting in the mood may be difficult. The book says female genital mutilation is permissible: ­“Cir­cumcision for women is ­allowed.”

On the back cover, Saleha says she is “pleased to launch” the book as part of a series on the study of women’s rights in Islam sponsored by the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC), for which she is listed as chairperson.

Founded by Huma’s mom, the Cairo-based IICWC has advocated for the repeal of Egypt’s Mubarak-era laws in favor of implementing Sharia law, which could allow female genital mutilation, child marriage and marital rape.

Saleha is paid by the Saudi government to advocate and spread Sharia in non-Muslim countries like America.

In 1995, less than three weeks before Clinton gave her famous women’s-rights speech in Beijing, Saleha headlined an unusual Washington conference organized by the Council on American-Islamic Relations to lobby against the UN platform drafted by Clinton and other feminists. Visibly angry, she argued it runs counter to Islam and was a “conspiracy” against Muslims.

Specifically, she called into question provisions in the platform that condemned domestic battery of women, apparently expressing sympathy for men who commit abuse.


911 Article blaming it on the USA, Mother and Daughter on masthead as editors.

IMMA was founded in 1979 after the Terrorist Attacks in Mecca, when the Saudi Monarchy began a program of exporting Wahabism abroad as a means of tying themselves to "True Islam" as well as sending the most radicals out of the country so they'd cause trouble elsewhere that would help Saudi Arabia's political influence abroad rather than harm it at home.

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