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Nice to know I can publish the schematics for nuclear weapons here.
Yes. If you can get them, then you could post them lots of places.
Tovarichpeter has every right to post anything he wants, as long as he does not break the rules on Patnet.
I like a lot of his articles.
This is the correct usage in this case. "Pal" is like the principal in your school because he's your "pal". I didn't dignify by saying he/she but used the generic "he" to cover both sexes (there are only two), so I'm sure someone is offended.
TovBot doesn't have nearly enough compelling, contemporary news about the state of Immense Hirsute Lesbians.
TovBot doesn't have nearly enough compelling, contemporary news about the state of Immense Hirsute Lesbians.
Wow, patrick.net is the top Google result for Immense Hirsute Lesbians! We have arrived!
It is, however, disturbing that there are >65 million results for that search.
Did a google image search for "immense hirsute lesbian" too and am very proud that the first two images are also from patrick.net!
But then the cherry on top (so to speak) is that this search also brings in the realtor logo! Woot!
Somebody has been reading this web site for 10 years, but has been too much of a pussy to say anything? Surely, you can't be serious.
I suggest you beg your wife or mother to give you your balls back, and start posting some of your own threads. In the mean time, stop complaining about people who actually contribute.
Patrick, most of those IHLs are thinner than your typical American lady. This is not what comes to my mind when I read IHL. Thankfully, we don't have a truth in advertising campaign going on here, because I'm happy leaving this particular topic to the imagination. I love the R logo nestled in there.
a drive-by propaganda mouthpiece. a super bored individual.
Two new requirements to post on patnet.
Helped me to make right decision a decade ago, and then another right decision
Thanks for the compliment!
You must not have paid over 10% of asking price for a shack.
Then tripled the appraised value & sold to an overpaying buyer.
@"most of the folks" Yeah, I get it, my assumption that tovarichpeter is a low-budget bot was wrong, reality is much more intriguing.
> I suggest you beg your wife or mother to give you your balls back, and start posting some of your own threads.
This IS my thread, you stupid fuck.
Helped me to make right decision a decade ago, and then another right decision
Thanks for the compliment!
You must not have paid over 10% of asking price for a shack.
LOL. Good, but not that good.
Did a google image search for "immense hirsute lesbian" too and am very proud
Something rarely said in public.
This IS my thread, you stupid fuck.
Ah, I see an opportunity for "mostly reader" to use the ignore function!
@"mostly reader" note that if you are ignoring a user they cannot comment on any threads you start. Click on their name or icon to go to their user page, then click ignore.
I like Peters Post and he respect my demented tirades never has he ever tried to shout me down or attack me because I had a different point of view than him, or didn't react the way he was expecting.
I don't get how so many people could have a beef with him. And wonder if they or most aren't the same person.
Leave Peter alone for fucksakes. (TPB Crying with mascara running down his face)
Why does Patrick keep tovarichpeter on the board?
Years ago PAtrick used to share a lot of links to variou reality based pieces as well as some opinion pieces. But that was too time consuming. Then for a while a lot of us were sharing links. Many of the articles that tovarichpeter posts are good and not all that biased. Lately, as many reality based people had a lot of trouble with the Trump candidacy he probably did seem biased. But all in all over time, most has been neutral, unless you consider not being hard core alt right or right wing media wing nut material as overly biased.
This IS my thread, you stupid fuck.
Ah, I see an opportunity for "mostly reader" to use the ignore function!
@"mostly reader" note that if you are ignoring a user they cannot comment on any threads you start. Click on their name or icon to go to their user page, then click ignore.
The opportunity to use "ignore" is there for sure, but I meant the irony: the retard runs his mouth that I should start posting my own threads (as some indication of courage). In my own thread.
Many of the articles that tovarichpeter posts are good and not all that biased.
He's not even a hard liner. Out of all the Aholes here me included. Having a beef with Peter I just don't get it.
something about how USA should be more like Sweden.
ONLY if there are pictures of some yummy Swedish babes in the posting.
never has he ever tried to shout me down or attack me
that tovarichpeter is a low-budget bot
The best ones are when someone brags about their intelligence, misspelling half a paragraph in the process...
I meant the irony: the retard runs his mouth
This IS my thread, you stupid fuck.
Yes, we realize you summoned the courage to 'speak' after 10 years of 'listening', and that should be encouraged. But your only post so far has been to complain about someone who actually contributes on a regular basis. So, pull your panties out of your crack, and post some content if you want a voice.
Long ago, when Patrick was trying to get more content for this site, he posted a link sharing tool, which made starting posts very easy while you are reading the news. I'm guessing Peter just hits the share button when he sees an article he likes. I happen to like Peter's posts. I usually encounter those articles without his links, but sometimes not.
I like Peters Post and he respect my demented tirades never has he ever tried to shout me down or attack me because I had a different point of view than him, or didn't react the way he was expecting.
I don't get how so many people could have a beef with him. And wonder if they or most aren't the same person.Leave Peter alone for fucksakes. (TPB Crying with mascara running down his face)
I would agree with TPB, though i suspect Tovarichpeter does not read all the comments posted on his threads.
This IS my thread, you stupid fuck.
Yes, we realize you summoned the courage to 'speak' after 10 years of 'listening', and that should be encouraged. But your only post so far has been to complain about someone who actually contributes on a regular basis. So, pull your panties out of your crack, and post some content if you want a voice.
Long ago, when Patrick was trying to get more content for this site, he posted a link sharing tool, which made starting posts very easy while you are reading the news. I'm guessing Peter just hits the share button when he sees an article he likes. I happen to like Peter's posts. I usually encounter those articles without his links, but sometimes not.
"we realize..." - you use plural to speak on behalf of (and get implied support of) the community, or because there are 3 of you - "Yes", "Y", and "Not"? If former - stop looking around for support and soon you'll be able to walk on your own. If latter, have the brain of the trio explain it to the other two dumb fucks:
- he "contributes" the same way as a kid contributes to household by dragging yet another junk from the street into the house. Cute, but useless and bloats garbage output.
- this is a great board, but I must limit my online activities (and it's in your interests that I go back to doing the same)
- glad you like his posts. Gary also suggested that I could learn from them. I'm seeing a pattern here.
- link sharing tool puts things in perspective. suddenly things are making sense again.
something about how USA should be more like Sweden.
ONLY if there are pictures of some yummy Swedish babes in the posting.
That's where I was going with this ))
made the case for tovarichparrot to be BANNED due to spam rule. apparently people have met this jagoff in person and so that makes it all better.
whatever, tvgnus is my preferred bot anyway.
made the case for tovarichparrot to be BANNED due to spam rule. apparently people have met this jagoff in person and so that makes it all better.
He's replied to me numerous times in his post, not always but he has.
you use plural to speak on behalf of (and get implied support of) the community
I used the plural to imply that the point was so obvious that everybody gets it. Reading this site and never posting is like watching your buddy play a video game, but never taking a turn. Maybe you have your reasons - whatever.
Of all the posters to take issue with, tovarich is the least likely target of ill will. He curates mostly decent reading material, with from what I see an overall emphasis on healthy social and environmental values. If all of the posters could be likened to a tv channel, tovarich would be PBS.
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Long time reader, bothered to register to ask this one question. The pattern is fully consistent with a drive-by propaganda mouthpiece. Possibly a bot, possibly a paid schill, possibly a super bored individual.
His/her/it's stats, as of now:
16,717 posts, 489 comments. This means: started 16,717 new threads, only replied in 489. 16,717 drive-by threads, often with misleading header, vs. 489 attempts at conversation.
It's actually worse. Of those 489 comments, majority are his own follow-ups to his own thread titles. As in comment #2 in a thread. Number of legitimate responses to other forum members are either in low 3- or 2-digits. So forget about 489. tovarichpeter ratio is somewhere around 1 response for 100 drive-by copy/paste of propaganda junk. That's his/her/it's contribution to the forum thus far.
Open forum, yeah, yeah. If someone used my real estate, virtual or physical, for his/her/it's political banners, I'd be pissed.
Oh, and thanks for the site. Helped me to make right decision a decade ago, and then another right decision a bit later (although the second one went against site's theme back then, but I listened to both sides)
Edit: turned out, tovarichpeter is a real person and not a bot. Question withdrawn (and title edited, was: "Why does Patrick keep tovarichpeter on the board!?"). tovarichpeter, I promise to read you next 2 links as a penance. Please make them good, something about how USA should be more like Sweden.