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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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78623   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 8:59am  

Let me ask you a question, do you believe the bullshit that Assad, knowing the US was doing a full court press to overthrow him like Saddam, had any incentive to use chemical weapons?

Or was the Obama Admin lying like Bush?

78624   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 9:17am  

And here's something else to ponder.

SONY was hacked, and to this day there is no agreement as to whether it was North Korea or Disgruntled Employees

Now, if years later we don't know if DPRK, activists, or ex-employees performed these massive hacks. Naturally all the government Crowdstrike type companies were all 100% sure it was DPRK, but most independent supergenius consultants and Conference Keynote speakers think it was disgruntled employees.

Is DPRK more or less sophisticated, you think, than the FSB?

Yet apparently within weeks, the entire Intelligence Apparatus is confident the DNC Leaks were definitely Russian.

Anybody believe that Russia is less capable of covering it's tracks, less sophisticated than the DPRK?

78625   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 9:23am  

Maybe Obama should take up Assange on his offer:

100% track record on verifying the authenticity of material. And believe me, every snoop and legacy media outfit wants them to slip up just once out of millions of documents, so they can accuse them of possible fabrication forever.

78626   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 9:26am  

Quigley says

he is a much better leader

So what you're saying is that you wish we had a ruthless dictator who silenced or strongly intimidated opposing views.

78627   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 9:27am  

Ironman says

Ahhh, another report for you to get TRIGGERED about.

An employee's laptop, not connected to the grid system.

The malware's source code is available on the internet.

Just more hype.

78628   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 9:29am  

Not to sidestep the thread, but where are the interviews with Trump's Sex Crime victims?

Can the media follow up on the frontpage with the status of any civil filings?

Or did it all just disappear in the hours surrounding the election, like most of these old fashioned dirty trick claims do.

It's very serious that we have a potential pussy grabber in the WH.

78629   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 10:37am  

Straw Man says

All this clamoring from Russians and their useful idiots demanding "moar proof wit moar details" is an attempt to find out the extent of US intelligence capabilities. Don't you worry, congressmen will see all the proof during the investigation.

Exactly. Some might argue that we can't trust our own intelligence agencies. That may be true at times. But it doesn't mean we can be demanding that they show the entire public their evidence which is of a highly classified nature. AS much as the Russians would love it if they did.

78630   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 10:38am  

Ironman says

Do you think posting the same thing over and over makes it true??

Says the guy whose never put together an argument beyond empty assertions and personal insults.

78631   smaulgld   2016 Dec 31, 10:52am  

Another web security firm analyzes the "proof" says its wasn't Russian intelligence

78632   SoTex   2016 Dec 31, 12:38pm  

This is a Dennis Baughn / Shrekgrinch thread.

78633   Patrick   2016 Dec 31, 12:55pm  

Booger says

Russian hackers did not write those emails, corrupt Democrats did

This is the essence of the situation.

If the Russians helped expose corruption in the Democratic Party, we should be grateful.

They do not seem to have tampered with any actual voting. The worst you can say is that they did not expose emails from the RNC.


78634   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 31, 1:17pm  

No need for nukes when liberal leaders ruin the world bringing terrorists to our countries ruining us from within.

78635   Ceffer   2016 Dec 31, 1:36pm  

zzyzzx says


Swedish judge refuses to deport teens who gang-raped child

A Swedish judge has refused a prosecutor’s request to deport five Afghan teenagers who forced a younger boy into a wood and then gang-raped and beat him at knife-point.

The five young men dragged the victim into the woods surrounding Gottsunda suburb in the city of Uppsala at the end of October.

The beat him all over his face and body, and then forcibly penetrated him while one of the boys held a knife, threatening to stab and eve...

In San Francisco, some places charge for doing this.

78636   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 31, 1:40pm  

just_passing_through says

That depends.
Trump can be morphed into a lizard or frog, there are even pro Trump Meme's that do this as well.
Is it necessarily racist to say a Human has primate features?

Ah here's an Alien Obama is this one less racist than the Planet of the Apes pic above?

Just imagine the hell to pay if you ran this one in 2009 with Obama wearing the Hat


It's silly all Meme's in a world where any silly meme is tolerated and allowed freely and openly.
What would really be great is if the media ignored Ignorant people doing stupid shit.

78637   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 3:48pm  

Looks like the Vermont Utility story has now totally crumbled, btw. Never connected to grid, has nothing to do with the grid, employee probably downloaded porn or installed "FreePokerCasino.exe"

Remember when Democrats didn't were angry the Government - backed by every alphabet agency in the book - exaggerated and obsfucated?

How about when they were critical of the MSM coverage?

Pepperridge Farm Remembers.

Democrats 2016: It's our turn to Yellowcake

78638   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 3:49pm  


I wonder if Ironman, Thunderlips, Quigley, and the rest of the Putin Fanboys go around in their real lives telling everyone how great, free, transparent, and wonderful Russia is, and how amazing and manly Putin is.

Tough words coming from a guy with a Blank Username.

78639   FortWayne   2016 Dec 31, 4:11pm  

I am not coming to the same conclusion based on that article that you are OP.

78640   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 31, 4:19pm  

Eviction day can't get here soon enough.

78641   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 4:22pm  

Dan8267 says

Now Putin gets to gloat how he's the bigger man by not expelling diplomats and he's repairing US-Russian relations. Obama looks weak in not being able to deal with this issue before he leaves office. But hey, Obama still has 20 days to close Gitmo and keep his campaign promise. Anyone think he will?

Not anymore than he's likely to pardon Snowden or Assange in advance.

Or try to get a better than an F- rating from Electronic Frontier Foundation.

All-time record Whistleblower Prosecutor under the Espionage Act. Not Nixon, Not Reagan, Not LBJ beat Obama.

Yet fewer felony convictions for Financial Executives than during the S&L Scandal, which was a pitiful fraction in scale vs. the Financial Crisis.


I wonder if Ironman, Thunderlips, Quigley, and the rest of the Putin Fanboys go around in their real lives telling everyone how great, free, transparent, and wonderful Russia is, and how amazing and manly Putin is.

Anybody remember when Democrats put out Cartoons and Memes calling Americans morons for believing the Government and Corporate Media about WMDs?

78642   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 4:25pm  

Which Butthurt reactionary Hillarite Blue Team Loyalist that disappeared from Pat.net the night of November 8th is "Mr. Blank"?

HydroCabron or Robertta?

78643   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 4:41pm  

South America is littered with the corpses of College Students, Labor Unionists, and Pesky Priests because the democratically elected President didn't listen to his staff when they told him a coup was imminent, to declare martial law, call up these loyal Army/Navy units to surround the Palace, expel the US Army Liason, and arrest General Criollo, Coronel Phalange, and Senador Coppermine.

"Oh no, they'd never do that. We got to be all law-abiding and principled."

Not only did that President and most his staff get shot in the head, but lots of 19-year olds, steelworkers, and volunteer doctors got 500 AGL Helicopter rides because of his "Principles". And then it took more than a decade to restore anything like a democracy.

78644   Dan8267   2016 Dec 31, 5:04pm  

Of course Russia has an agenda. So does Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, Wikileaks, and every other media outlet in the world. If you are arguing that any "unbiased" investigative journalism should be stopped, then you have to stop all journalism. There is no journalism that isn't selective.

The solution isn't to get rid of all selective journalism. The solution is to enable all sides to get their evidence on the table, and then to refute bad evidence while letting good evidence persuade the people.

Are you attempting to make the case that the evidence the Russians leaked was erroneous or bad? It's not. If it were, we'd have seen counter-evidence showing tampering of the text or the taking of the text out of context.

The only way to deal with biases and deliberate manipulation is with more evidence, not less.

78645   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 31, 6:04pm  


YOU still are an anti-American Russian apologist and Putin fanboy. People like you disgust me.

Such salty expressions of impotent rage. I'm guessing HydroCabron because there is better formatting and spelling than Roberto.

Turn Down for WHAT?!

78646   Shaman   2016 Dec 31, 6:48pm  

Oh stop it, @putin fanboy!
You're giving me the warm fuzzies!

78647   Shaman   2016 Dec 31, 6:50pm  

@Putin fanboy is my new favorite troll!

We Patnet denizens are going to have SO much fun with him!

78648   Y   2016 Dec 31, 6:59pm  

SlutBitchHoe has risen!

78649   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 31, 8:27pm  

Putin Fanboy says

NEWSFLASH: Completing a failed two-term presidency

78650   SoTex   2016 Dec 31, 10:17pm  

Quigley says

Putin fanboy is my new favorite troll!

78651   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2016 Dec 31, 11:42pm  

mostly the basics of hacking 101 but the libs are stupid they will eat anything Obozo crapped out.

78652   Dan8267   2017 Jan 1, 12:44am  

Good use of the first post of the year.

78653   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 1, 8:22am  

What really sucks is that these people think I would rather hear them sound exactly like the studio produced track, and not inject any new phrasing or emotion into the song.

The best part of a Grateful dead concert for me, was when Jerry flubbed the words, or sung verses out of order. There would be a nano second pause where the whole band would acknowledge laugh, shrug then continue on with the altered song singing the missed verse after that one. There were some flubbed versions on bootleg concert tapes that I liked better than the original arrangement.

I don't get why these Pop stars feel compelled to lip sync unless they can't really perform at all and it's all studio magic.

78654   GNL   2017 Jan 1, 8:49am  


Why are people like you stupid as fuck? I assume you believed the washington post story about the Russians hacking an electric company in Vermont also?

78655   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 1, 8:51am  

I am actually very much in favor of the Government preventing interference in the US elections.

Here's what we can do.

1) Paper Ballots
2) Have a commission on why the excessively well funded Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies failed to take action prior and during the election. Money is no excuse, they are drowning in it; and they already Unconstitutionally gather all digital communications - hard to claim they can't find it if they look for it.

And most of all:

3) Campaigns and Political Parties CANNOT refuse offers of assistance from the FBI if the FBI suspects they are being hacked. Or their bank accounts will be frozen until compliance, in order to preserve the election process.

When the DNC refused FBI assistance in the most haughty and dismissive manner. And IF the Russians did it, DNC's refusal to work with the FBI helped Putin hack the election.

Of course we wouldn't have exposed lies to the American Public about neutrality in the Primary Process (part of the US Election system) and pay-for-play at the DNC. You know, only 5 DNC Executives resigned this year as a result of leaks and investigative journalism.

78656   Blurtman   2017 Jan 1, 8:52am  

Why not complete the faux entertainment and just show a music video?

78657   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 1, 9:30am  

PCGyver says

Unless of course our response is to start WWIII.

I don't know about WWIII, but Obama just signed the Portman-Murphy "Counter-Propaganda" act which will put Cold War Style Propaganda and Disinfo stuff back in business with a shit ton of taxpayer cash. Not like it ever went away.

We always gotta have a war going, they know they ain't gonna get another big one in the MENA, and they can't risk their Slave Labor Factories with Dormitory Anti-Suicide Netting in China. That kinda narrows it down.

Besides GCC/OPEC states give generously to US Lobbyists, Think tanks, Presidential libraries, Influential Universities.

Guess who isn't an OPEC member but has a lot of oil, massive untapped reserves, and has a history of battling Sunni Fundamentalists and Turkish Influence?

78658   mell   2017 Jan 1, 11:00am  

Funny how the armchair quarterbacks think they could run a country like Russia better than Putin. This guy has weathered many crisis situations and has been dealing with Russia's endemic issues while bolstering nationalism and the people's support for their country, not just from the proles but also from the elites and most of the educated people, giving him approval ratings over 80%. All the while the reigning elite politicians in Western Europe and the US have completely lost touch with their voting base and have displayed open contempt for the people that voted them in. The reality is that most are begging for his sanctifying balm while soundly rejecting the flaccid effeminated autocrat dicks the mainstream EU and US politicians have become, jet-setting around the world on taxpayer money while lecturing the proles and importing problems everywhere except for into their expensive neighborhood circles. The EU and US mainstream press today is closer to the former pravda than RT is - a centralized, government-controlled task force to combat "fake" news, really?? Orwell called and wants his ideas for 1984 back! And you guys have the gall to point the fingers at Russia? Laughable. Happy deplorable 2017!

78659   Ceffer   2017 Jan 1, 12:32pm  

Trumpligula can hardly wait for his Russian mobster bukake.

78660   Ceffer   2017 Jan 1, 3:26pm  

There is something special about the first inaugural bukake as President. Trumpligula will feel so anointed.

78661   casandra   2017 Jan 1, 3:39pm  

Audiences today are very simple and feeble minded. Producers today just put a stripper in front of them and have them bump and grind while singing terribly and everybody claps and other so called stars praise them as talented. Then they go on TV and try to sway intelligent voters who also clap when they bad mouth certain politicians, but still see this only as entertainment and stick it to the horses ass stars and vote they way they want.

78662   Ceffer   2017 Jan 1, 3:52pm  

She needed to go to plan B and do naked handstands.

Or at least bounce around with her ankles behind her neck.

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