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78763   JZ   2017 Jan 4, 10:20pm  

All financial instruments have risks.
"Saver" are those takes the least risk with the goal to actually "save" to buy foods, or shelter. the goal is NOT large yield or capital gain. Preservation is the key, hopefully without losing purchasing power too quickly. The instruments "savers" use are money market funds or CDs.

"Bond" investors reach out to more risks by going for longer durations. They understand the risks of inflation and speculate on interest rate moves. They do multiple durations to balance risk and reward. They can tolerate fluctuations and make sure they are ready for it since those are NOT money they need to "save" to buy food or shelter.
"Savers" as contrast, do NOT have to deal with these risk management because they want certainty and stability. The only thing they might watch is inflation. They do NOT have to speculate on rate or default risks like Bond investors.

I remember back in 2000-2007, the fed funds overnight is 4% and 1 year CD, money markets are between 4 and 5. Once Obama came in office in 2008, the 4% becomes zero. So the savers saved their income since 2008 received 0% while seeing their cost of living rise. Look at rent, house prices, health care, tuition, those that matter.

Now compute how much those "saver" saved for the past 8 years, and you do 4% compounding. That's the money "wealth transferred" to "fed window" debtors who borrows at 0% and do the dirty work for Obama buying 10 year treasury at 3%.

When money is created in Fed, it goes to 2 places. Either economy such as goods or services, OR financial assets. Obama's 8 year is defined by QE/ZIRP driving existing finaical assets up without having any real impact on econonmy. It also forces savers to take on more risks to award people who take on previous debt to gain control of assets.

Above are my thoughts.

78764   JZ   2017 Jan 4, 10:30pm  

Since the whole threat is started to blame Obama, my thought is that he did NOT do anything to structural change the situation he started with. He just coped with it through monetary policy.
To me, he is neighther good nor bad. He did NOT make things materially worse from structural point of view nor did he became a hero and try to change things by risking his life/career.

He is simply coping along and finally became IRRELEVANT in history other than being the first black president.

Because he keeps the "borrow-spend-bailout" structure intact, as time goes by, the system reinforces hollowing out of the economy and make wealth concentrated in the hands of people who know how to do "wealth transfer" better than "wealth creation". When that elite rentier dynamic goes to extreme, history has shown civilizations tends to go from order to chaotic until new order merges. In most incidents, it is violent and bloody.

78765   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 5, 4:04am  

What a dumbass. My children could have hacked that.

78766   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Jan 5, 6:16am  

Ironman says

Really, he can't afford $100 a year to get his own, protected domain like johnpodesta.com or something similar?

Seriously. He should have followed Hillary's lead with clinton.com to insure safety. No one would bitch about that.

78767   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 6:19am  

Speaking of Russians, whatever became of the 20% sale of our uranium to Russia-John Podesta's daughter holding shares of the Russian company, Hilalry foundation receiving millions or was it tens of millions from the Russian interests etc etc.

Are the repubs investigating it or too afraid their own skeletons will come tumbling out?

78768   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 6:31am  

When are these intelligence-or dumb-agents going to look into Russian influence on the dems. The uranium, donations to Hillary's charity, John Podesta's daughter owning the Russian company's shares.

Obama is like that crazy chick that throws your clothes and stuff out the window. He can't believe after he made it personal, told people he would be personally insulted if they didn't vote for Hillary-that people voted for trump. He is going crazy.

78769   anonymous   2017 Jan 5, 7:35am  

more bullshit from a failed administration and a failed campaign with egg all over its face AND LOTS of wasted donor money.

it's anyone's / everyone's fault but theirs.

78770   anonymous   2017 Jan 5, 7:37am  

lostand confused says

Obama is like that crazy chick that throws your clothes and stuff out the window. He can't believe after he made it personal, told people he would be personally insulted if they didn't vote for Hillary-that people voted for trump. He is going crazy.

he's always been a little arrogant bitch, and now we're seeing a sore loser as his "legacy" and "signature legislation" will be gutted starting on day one of trump admin.

78771   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 5, 7:40am  

I have come to the conclusion if the Liberals want to believe Putin campaigned for Trump and he called me during dinner and talked me into voting for Donald J. Trump and convinced me that Donald will make America Great Again.

Then Damn it let them!

Yo Putin! Thanks for the solid!

78772   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 5, 7:41am  

lostand confused says

Obama is like that crazy chick that throws your clothes and stuff out the window. He can't believe after he made it personal, told people he would be personally insulted if they didn't vote for Hillary-that people voted for trump. He is going crazy.

I hope he feels as if I personally spat in his face.

78773   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 7:45am  

So Obozo not only allowed ISIS to grow-he also allowed the Russians to hack us and the Chinese and God knows who else??

78774   anonymous   2017 Jan 5, 7:47am  

Tim Aurora says

They did not say that. They agreed that this was not the only reason.

let me spell this out, because this is just how fucking authoritarian these cunts are:

the DNC and the obama admin want to paint the 2016 election as "un-american" and "foreign-influenced" because THEY LOST. they want to instill a sense of destabilization, because THEY LOST. and not only did they lose, THEY GOT OBLITERATED AND EMBARRASSED - BY A TOTAL BUFFOON IN DONALD TRUMP.

so, yeah - they're gonna say whatever it takes to get people to believe that it wasn't their fault / that they were the VICTIM instead of merely the incompetent, corrupt, anti-American, lying sacks of shit that they are who were just tried in the court of public opinion and got HANGED.

78775   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 7:49am  

Tim Aurora says

ou can surely complain about this on a different thread and I may agree with you, but on this thread we want to discuss Russia's involvement in our election.

Assuming it was the Russians, your complaint is they revealed the truth???????????

78776   anonymous   2017 Jan 5, 7:51am  

obama actually thought that he had such swagger and bravado over the american people that he could just walk out on the campaign trail and COMMAND THE MASSES to do as he says and vote clinton. the DNC thought that they could just hold conventions and rallies and speak spanish to attendees and the election would be theirs.


78777   anonymous   2017 Jan 5, 7:52am  

Tim Aurora says

It is foreign influenced. So if next time Chinese hack and Democrats win, you will be OK. Thanks for letting me know that.

that is propaganda from a failed admin. please keep up with the discussion.

78778   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 7:59am  

Tim Aurora says

My complain is the Trump will be a Russian stooge for rest of his presidency and we seem to be OK with it. At least some of you, and it seems it is the ones who paint themselves as patriotic and independent. Ironic !

Nah that is Hilalry. Why did she sign off on giving 20% of uranium to the Russians-you do know what Uranium is used for??. Why did she take millions for her foundation from the Russians and why does Podesta's daughter have shares in the Russian company that seems related to this whole mess?

During the Obama years, Russia has grown in size, they annexed Crimea, have a war in Syria where we hide and they take the initiative and are now grwoing closer to NATO ally Turkey. Why would they want Trump????????? If Hillary, all they would have to do is throw another 100 million to the foundation , give ten million dollars to Bill Clinton for "speeches" and complete what they started in Crimea-annex Ukraine.

78779   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 5, 8:10am  

Class act all the way.

78780   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 8:14am  

I actually read this and was shocked. That is low-even for him.

78781   Blurtman   2017 Jan 5, 8:17am  

Tim Aurora says

That was the question.If a foreign power interferes with our democracy

Did Donna Brazile interfere with our democracy?

78782   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 5, 8:49am  

landtof says

more bullshit from a failed administration and a failed campaign with egg all over its face AND LOTS of wasted donor money.

Not to mention Clapper, who perjured himself live on CSpan.

Podesta's emails are now "Critical National Infrastructure".

78783   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 8:52am  

Thew question should be which country has not hacked us under OBama's leadership.

78784   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 5, 8:52am  

Tim Aurora says

It is foreign influenced. So if next time Chinese hack and Democrats win, you will be OK. Thanks for letting me know that.

Actually, the Chinese did do a big hack against us. More than one - the Dept of Energy, the FDIC, etc. - key information and critical US infrastructure, some of it nuclear related.

Most recently, China hacked the Office of Personnel Management and got information on just about every Federal Employee.

Strangely, there were no sanctions - it was if it never happened.

Why didn't Obama take strong action?

78785   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 5, 8:56am  

JON KARL, ABC: So when the Chinese hacked OPM in 2015, 21+ million current and former government employees and contractors had their personal data stolen by the Chinese. Why did the White House do nothing publicly in reaction to that hack? Which in some ways, was even more widespread than what we saw here from the Russians?

JOSH EARNEST: These are two cyber incidents that are malicious in nature but materially different.

KARL: 20 million people had their personal data taken... fingerprints, social security numbers, background checks. This was a far-reaching act--

EARNEST: I'm not downplaying the significance of it, I'm just saying that it is different than seeking to interfere int he conduct of a U.S. national election. I can't speak to the steps that have been taken by the United States in response to that Chinese malicious cyber activity--

KARL: But nothing was announced. There was not a single step announced by the White House. '

EARNEST: It is true that there was no public announcement about our response, but I can't speak to what response may have been initiated in private.

KARL: But no diplomats expelled, no compounds shut down, no sanctions imposed, correct?


Earnest is saying that revealing that the DNC rigged the Primaries and Caucuses for one candidate against the other is interfering with an election, but actually doing the intefering is not a thing.

78786   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 5, 9:04am  

Tim Aurora says

what they considered to be conclusive evidence

Expose the evidence. LIARS!


I have come to the conclusion that Republicans are STUPID.
Republicans,Trump voters & right wing trolls here just run their mouths
& have not read & do not have access to any security documents.


78787   JZ   2017 Jan 5, 9:10am  

Iron man, you know politicians are lying whenever their lips move. That's a given.
The question is, is it right for everyday joe to expect somebody else to make the change for the everyday joe?

I think in the end, Joe will get what he deserves, NOT what he wants.

If joe thinks through the situation and make good efforts to change things for himself, he will see

If joe give power to somebody else so that somebody else can make change for him, he will find not only the change he wants did not come, but also he is getting new problems because the one he give power is beginning to work against him.

There are only two ways to make people do what you want. Pointing a gun at his head or reward him with money, which is claims on food, shelter and services. The illusion of getting somebody to work for Joe through election process is just NOT how competing human work.

78788   casandra   2017 Jan 5, 9:15am  

It is up to the administration in charge to protect people from so called "hacking", so I guess they failed to do what they were supposed to do. They should be blaming themselves and not the Russians!

78789   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 5, 9:16am  

casandra says

It is up to the administration in charge to protect people from so called "hacking", so I guess they failed to do what they were supposed to do. They should be blaming themselves and not the Russians!

But they don't have enough monnnnneeeeeyyyyy. Give them more money. That's what this hearing is about

Here's another thing they dodge: Snowden wasn't a Federal Employee. He worked for a Contractor. So, should we keep outsourcing Intel stuff?
(Oh no, how would intel officials double dip when they retire?!)

78790   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 5, 9:19am  

By the way - exercise in cognitive dissonance:

"Nothing in the Wikileaks we didn't already know"


"Undermines the Election, Puts people at risk, Hurts National Security."

Well if the first part is true, how can the second part be true?

78791   Blurtman   2017 Jan 5, 9:33am  


Did Donna Brazile interfere with our democracy?

78792   Eric Holder   2017 Jan 5, 9:43am  

Not true! And racist!

78793   Blurtman   2017 Jan 5, 9:46am  

Obama is a Russian agent!

78794   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 9:52am  

Tim Aurora says

Use a seperate theread for these strawman opinions. Stick to the topic

hahaha-I answer you and you say it is a strawman opinion-hahahahaha!!!
Tim Aurora says

That was the question.If a foreign power interferes with our democracy, you are OK with that ? Good to know that Trumpites will stoop down to do whatever it takes to get their candidate elected. Fair enough.

Perhaps you should stop posting strawman opinions. How cute.

78795   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 5, 9:58am  

Democrats,Progressives,Independents on patnet,
Stupid Rightwing,Republicans,trump voters that are on patnet.
DON'T view their threads or comment on their comments.
You know who's the Trash.

78796   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 5, 11:01am  

The Poor Republican failures deserve what they get.

78797   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 5, 11:01am  

Tim Aurora says

Actually the whole democratic party is united against Trump ( and it includes some Republicans too) .

Yes more Unite for division, that worked wonderfully the last 8 years.

I don't think ya'll understand. Old Liberals are not appealing to anyone.
They are the Creepiest sons of bitches on the planet. Good luck winning elections with the Marxist Geriatric Unigender smeared makeup Brigade.

78798   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 5, 11:06am  

How many Republicans can't pay their medical bills without some form of help/ SOCIALIZED COST insurance?
Trolling with the TRUTH!

78799   AllTruth   2017 Jan 5, 11:15am  

Ironman, stooping to the level of calling Obama the N word is undermining your credibility - even with many of those who may agree with you on some or a lot of issues, and makes you appear desperate and as feeble-minded as your political adversaries who stoop to such brainless, ad hominem attacks based on color, religion, ethnicity, etc.

You're doing yourself no favors and appear to be #triggered.

78800   lostand confused   2017 Jan 5, 11:30am  

Based on current dems, I think Trump will win again and repubs are going to be ahead for a while. Whent he dems come to their senses, it would be a good-as we need dems two or more good party.

78801   elliemae   2017 Jan 5, 1:00pm  

who will be blamed after Obama has left office? C'mon - get on the stick! We need a new scapegoat.

78802   freespeechforever   2017 Jan 5, 2:36pm  

He is mulatto but what significance does this have whether you like, dislike or are indifferent to him?

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