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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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78971   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 12:23pm  

Perhaps to keep the bait agreeable among members, something would be set up that would require several predetermined members to agree the the bait comment before it goes live?

Without this, I see it getting out of hand lol

78972   lostand confused   2017 Jan 8, 12:24pm  

I still think this whole thing in public is to distract from the disastrous Israel vote.
China hacked and got all the info-names, address, phone numbers and God knows what else info on all people who have secret clearance in our country-every single one. Obozo never cared. Who knows how many other countries also have that info.

They are saying the Russians revealed the corrupt nature of the DNC -basically revealed the truth. But Clinton revealed our nuclear launch timings in a debate and put out all her secret stuff for all the hackers to see.

I think there is far more intelligence failures/breaches/secrets lost under the Obozo admin and he is trying to strike first. trump might reveal all this and he si maybe hoping the Russian hacking will derail him.
I really want to know why we sold 20% of our uranium to Russian interests after the Clinton foundation got millions and Podesta's daughter had shares of the Russian interest company. The amount of hacking is huge and Obama has let it gone on unhindered .

The CHinese hack is the biggest in history-every single one of our secret clearance folks-names/address/personal details is now with China and God knows who else -and they are worried about some dem gossip and hold public hearings??

Where are the public hearings on China-punishment..

There is far more to this -lets see-hopefully trump will protect our homeland better than this clown.

78973   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 12:26pm  

In that case, carry on lol 👍

78974   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 1:08pm  

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) says he regrets the decision by Democrats in 2013 to trigger the "nuclear option" for most presidential nominations.

The change to the Senate rules lowered the threshold for confirming Cabinet nominees to a simple majority vote — something that will now help President-elect Donald Trump push through his nominees.

"I argued against it at the time. I said both for Supreme Court and in Cabinet should be 60 because on such important positions there should be some degree of bipartisanship," Schumer told CNN.

"I won on Supreme Court, lost on Cabinet. But it's what we have to live with now."

The "nuclear option" was triggered by former Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who retired at the end of the last Congress. Schumer is taking his place as leader of Senate Democrats in the new Congress.

In 2013, Democrats in the Senate altered the filibuster rules, lowering the number of senators needed to confirm presidential nominees from 60 to a simple majority of 51. Supreme Court nominations were excluded from the change.


Dems have only themselves to blame, AGAIN.

78975   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 1:23pm  

The Democratic National Committee "rebuffed" a request from the FBI to examine its computer services after it was allegedly hacked by Russia during the 2016 election, a senior law enforcement official told CNN Thursday.
"The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated," a senior law enforcement official told CNN. "This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier."

This statement is in response to reports that the FBI never asked the DNC for access to the hacked systems.
Clapper: 'Disparagement' of intel agents cause for worry
The DNC told Buzzfeed News that they did not receive a request from the FBI to access their computer servers.
"The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI's Cyber Division and its Washington Field Office, the Department of Justice's National Security Division, and US Attorney's Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC's computer servers," Eric Walker, the DNC's deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News.
The FBI instead relied on the assessment from a third-party security company called CrowdStrIke.


So basically, Crowdstrike, the contractor hired by the DNC, did the FBI's assessment.

And they still aren't interested, because their only goal is to blame Russia for everything, leaving the Clintonistas in power blameless.

78976   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 1:27pm  


I can't see any of my postings on the Twitter feed.

Am I be censored?

I'll make big crocodile tears!

Which comment did you try to tweet? Should have worked if it was text. There is no access control except being logged in to patrick.net.

Note again that images will not work yet. Only text can be tweeted.

78977   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 8, 1:51pm  

Doesn't the US meddle in every other countries business?

Funny how Hillary had every single advantage in this election and she STILL LOST.

How many COUNTRIES supported Hillary? What about the UN, the REPUBLICAN PARTY and the the MEDIA?

All Trump had was Twitter, some alternative media sites and some brass balls.

You whiny ass liberals can take your sorry asses back to your safe room, with your transgendered cheating cyclist friends.

78978   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 8, 1:55pm  

The narrative that the media was somehow against Trump is the funniest of them all. It's been objectively shown that there was (far) more time spent on TV and written in print on Clinton's email server than spent on any of the Trump scandals. How much time was spent on the Clinton Foundation vs. the Trump Foundation?

78979   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 1:57pm  

Ironman says

Why can't the libbies answer those basic questions in the OP??

They don't want to go on the record with a description, because the issue will take up anything that could be remotely demonstrated, no matter how trifling or dated (ie RT's Occupy coverage), over time.

If they tie it down to a few things, it may go off in a direction they said wasn't an issue.

When the whole thing ceases to be useful, the Dem Leadership will drop this tactic like a hot potato.

78980   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 3:40pm  

You have to click the new "tweet" link on the comment that you want to post to https://twitter.com/patrickdotnet

And even then it will just post the first 115 characters or so of the text. Improvements can be made, but for now, that's how it works.

78981   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 3:59pm  

I want to know when America will officially express its gratitude to Russia for helping to expose corruption in the DNC.

If we're sure the Russians exposed that corruption, then they deserve at least some token of appreciation from the American people for free services rendered in support of American democracy.

The key point is that the Russians did not make up any of the shit that the DNC did. The DNC really did it.

78982   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 4:04pm  


What about our initial posts?

It's just for comments for now. Most of the original posts are too long to fit on Twitter.

BTW I added a link to the patrick.net twitter feed in the footer of every page.

78983   Patrick   2017 Jan 8, 4:10pm  

You can include @realDonaldTrump and see what happens.

Looks like you get 116 characters if I include the backlink to p.net which takes 24 away from the 140 Tweet limit. So count down in the edit box character counter to 1884.

78984   joshuatrio   2017 Jan 8, 5:17pm  

Ironman says

No, a shitty and dishonest candidate in Clinton helped Trump win

I don't see why the Dems can't see through this. Clinton was a terrible candidate. Sanders would have won. The DNC screwed themselves over this year.

78985   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 8, 5:20pm  

You guys are so sad. The point is that a foreign government illegally interfered in a US election to increase the odds of their preferred candidate winning. If you don't think that's a major issue because it's the same guy you wanted to win, then you're idiots.

I think the word "rationalization" is pretty apt.

78986   Strategist   2017 Jan 8, 6:08pm  

Thank you for your success Obama, now go play golf.

78987   Strategist   2017 Jan 8, 6:18pm  

Ironman says

Moore said he would be in D.C. there for the women’s march, which is expected to be the largest demonstration around Trump's inauguration.

They should all march naked for a true impact. The march of the pussies.

78988   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 6:21pm  

Hopefully there will be rubber bullets if there are any disruptions to the planned event

78989   Strategist   2017 Jan 8, 6:26pm  

BayArea says

Hopefully there will be rubber bullets if there are any disruptions to the planned event

Put AF in charge, and you will have real bullets gatling guns.

78990   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 6:36pm  

Strategist says

BayArea says

Hopefully there will be rubber bullets if there are any disruptions to the planned event

Put AF in charge, and you will have real bullets gatling guns.

If it were up to me, I'd have AF front and center leading security.

78991   Strategist   2017 Jan 8, 6:47pm  

Hey AF, we will pay you $5 million plus $1,000 for every sore loser you shoot and kill.
Do you want the job? Yes or no?

78992   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 8, 7:10pm  

Hillary's negatives were almost as high as Trump PLUS she had a political track record of Ho-Hum or Ugh that Trump didn't have (since he had no prior Gov. experience).

Her Unfavorability was ahead by double digits from the fall of 2015 until Election day, save only during the initial primary season Dec15-Feb16.

After she won the nomination in Philly, her unfavorability rose yet again.

Her rallies were sparsely attended, even in Super Dem Friendly areas and audiences like in Philly or as the freakin' keynote at that NAACP Meeting.

78993   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 8, 7:27pm  

Ironman says

Wait, I found the Russian troll:

78994   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 8, 7:33pm  

I've narrowed it down.
It's either this guy

or this guy

78996   Shaman   2017 Jan 8, 7:50pm  

Tim Aurora says

our ardent enemy

speak for yourself bozo!
We weren't "ardent enemies" until Obozo declared it so, and since we don't agree with anything Obozo says or does, we reject his proclamation as well. Russia might be "ardent enemies" with the Swift banking cartel, and that cartel might own a good chunk of America, but we are free men and not slaves of any banking house, so fuck off with your neocon bankster-blowing propaganda!

78997   rootvg   2017 Jan 8, 8:06pm  

These people are desperately trying to remain relevant by keeping their names in the news. One year from now, we won't remember any of them or whatever the hell it was they were selling.

78998   BayArea   2017 Jan 8, 8:09pm  

They made some entertaining YouTube videos of crying on Nov 8th.

They'll try to protest up to inauguration, and then they'll disappear (and if the Democratic Party wants any chance in 4yrs, they'll need to distance themselves).

78999   rootvg   2017 Jan 8, 8:30pm  

If we start seeing substantial changes in the tax code and/or there's action on the border wall, the everyday Joes will stop paying attention to this stuff. Many of them already have.

There is no chance in four years. Try six at the earliest.

79000   Gary Anderson   2017 Jan 8, 8:40pm  

They can wait 4 years and then confirm. McDumbass from Kintucky does it.

79001   Gary Anderson   2017 Jan 8, 8:56pm  

This was not failure. It was likely done on purpose. The secret goverrnment of the US wants the US to be just like Israel. What is it about Israel that they want? They want us to impose gun control and they want us to hate Muslims.

Israel has strict gun control and hates Muslims.

Wake up Patnet.

Some of you guys are comatose.

When you watch TV, the police always, always defer to the FBI. The FBI are traitors, IMO. CIA too. Trump can't overcome this, no one can.

This is a SMOKING GUN.

79002   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 8, 10:30pm  

Give 'em hell Democrats!
Fight them every minute for the next four years.

BOYCOTT ALL Republicans!

79003   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 8, 10:30pm  


79004   bob2356   2017 Jan 9, 6:41am  

Ironman says

Since you're in the legal business, do courts of law work on "apparently", or do they need some verifiable PROOF before they convict someone?

The standard is beyond a reasonable doubt for criminal, clear and convincing evidence for civil. Not verifiable proof. Pretty sad you don't even know the basic principles of the society you live in. But you've proven that time and time again.

79005   bob2356   2017 Jan 9, 6:48am  

Ironman says

bob2356 says

The standard is beyond a reasonable doubt

So the term "apparently" fits "beyond reasonable doubt"??

This is a criminal matter? Who is prosecuting it and under what statute? Too funny.

79006   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 9, 6:49am  

"DWS broke the bylaws. Hence the bylaws were not followed. Hillary knew or should have known DWS was breaking them."

Even if Clinton knew DWS broke the bylaws, that's not the same as Clinton breaking them. You are wrong.

79008   lostand confused   2017 Jan 9, 7:13am  

rootvg says

Many of them already have.

There is no chance in four years. Try six at the earliest.

Yeah and that is my fear. It is like the boy who cried wolf too many times. The lefties fake outrage -fake rape claims, fake racism, fake caring of the middle class, fake ivory tower condescension will actually drown out any legittimate issues Trump has. Tha party has a long hike in the desert before they wake up-if they ever will.

Repubs lost it in the 1920s and dems had a massive majority for decades after-so it may be awhile.

79009   MMR   2017 Jan 9, 7:39am  

T L Lips says

Her rallies were sparsely attended, even in Super Dem Friendly areas and audiences like in Philly or as the freakin' keynote at that NAACP Meeting.

B-b-but the polls said differently.

79010   MMR   2017 Jan 9, 7:55am  

joeyjojojunior says

Even if Clinton knew DWS broke the bylaws, that's not the same as Clinton breaking them. You are wrong.

If clinton had shred of integrity, the nomination would have gone to Bernie Sanders. Sanders had a better shot of beating trump than Clinton.

In any event, the bylaws were not followed, Clinton probably knew this and was the beneficiary of this malfeasance. Using your logic, I suppose that since she didn't break them, that should absolve her of any blame.

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