Its time to face facts: Obamas presidency was a failure

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2017 Jan 15, 10:04am   11,620 views  37 comments

by Booger   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


It’s time to face facts: Obama’s presidency was a failure

#failure #obama

Comments 1 - 37 of 37        Search these comments

1   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 15, 10:25am  

Tim Aurora says

It's an opinion piece with absolutely no data. Spin away

Patnet rule #7- Never post anything with data, only opinions.

2   Tenpoundbass   2017 Jan 15, 12:08pm  

Tim Aurora says

It's an opinion piece with absolutely no data. Spin away

You ought to know.

3   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Jan 15, 12:40pm  

the "data" are the fact that Trump won by a landslide with half the costs while hated by the establishment.

4   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 12:48pm  

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

the "data" are the fact that Trump won by a landslide

It appears you don't know the definition of the word "landslide". He actually lost the popular vote, it only looks like a landslide due to the way the Electoral College votes are allocated in most states (i.e. winner take all).

5   Shaman   2017 Jan 15, 1:28pm  

Oh dear God another "popular vote" apologist! The rules have been posted for over 200 years. You Leftists are like girls who lose and then want to change the rules of the game so you've actually won.

Never before has the media completely coalesced behind one candidate to sing her praises while spending the rest of their time vilifying her opponent and attacking any of his supporters with serious brown shirt action!
The elitists pulled out ALL the stops . . . and it just WASN'T ENOUGH!

6   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 1:37pm  

Quigley says

Oh dear God another "popular vote" apologist!

Where did I say anything disparaging about the Electoral College? I was just pointing out that Trump didn't win by a landslide as it was a very close election and that RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks was an idiot for say Trump won by a landslide. You should try commenting on what someone has actually written.

7   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Jan 15, 1:39pm  

astronut97 says

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

the "data" are the fact that Trump won by a landslide

It appears you don't know the definition of the word "landslide". He actually lost the popular vote, it only looks like a landslide due to the way the Electoral College votes are allocated in most states (i.e. winner take all).

LOL thanks for the lesson in the how the electoral college works. you must be a shinning star of the democratic party.

8   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:21pm  

Ironman says

Can you tell the difference between the colors of red and blue??

Well you are a fucking dumb ass! Geography doesn't vote, voters do. All this map shows it a bunch of fucking idiots who live in the middle of fucking no where and are out numbered by livestock voted for trump. The blue areas, where civilization exists, are much more densely populated and so this map is just a map of cities versus country. More people voted blue than red you moron.

9   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:23pm  

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

LOL thanks for the lesson in the how the electoral college works. you must be a shinning star of the democratic party.

I'm independent, so you are a fucking idiot.
Only a complete moron would say Trump won by an landslide and so you've outed yourself, congratulations!

10   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Jan 15, 5:36pm  

Ironman says

Can you tell the difference between the colors of red and blue??

you are talking to a dumb chimp

11   Strategist   2017 Jan 15, 5:38pm  

astronut97 says

I'm independent, so you are a fucking idiot.

Only a complete moron would say Trump won by an landslide and so you've outed yourself, congratulations!

I'm an independent too.
You could safely say....Trump won against all odds. The Republican Elite's opposed him. The press opposed him. Most of the world opposed him. Hispanics opposed him. Blacks opposed him. He had nothing going for him, yet he won. Wow, that is an achievement that goes beyond a landslide victory.

12   anonymous   2017 Jan 15, 5:41pm  

astronut97 says

a bunch of fucking idiots who live in the middle of fucking no where and are out numbered by livestock voted for trump.

ah, there it is. nobody matters but the coastal "educated" voters. it's not like making a living off the land is brutally hard or anything. yep, much harder to go into an office all day and get everything you ever could think of under the sun delivered to your door same day. that's a hard knock life, for sure.

13   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:47pm  

landtof says

ah, there it is. nobody matters but the coastal "educated" voters. it's not like making a living off the land is brutally hard or anything. yep, much harder to go into an office all day and get everything you ever could think of under the sun delivered to your door same day. that's a hard knock life, for sure.

The Republication party doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone who isn't in the top 1% and the Democrats aren't that much better but at least do promote social programs to help the other 99%. These morons in the flyover states keep voting for people that despise them and actually cut programs that could actually help them.

14   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:50pm  

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

you are talking to a dumb chimp

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

Ironman says

Can you tell the difference between the colors of red and blue??

you are talking to a dumb chimp

You guys are the idiots, not even as smart as dumb chimps. Trump didn't win by an landslide, it only appears so because the way the Electoral College votes are counted. He won, but it was a close contest.

15   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:53pm  

Ironman says

Those FREE social programs for the 99% are paid for by the 1%...


Prove it asshole, it mostly business taxes that pay for it. Most businesses are public meaning they are "owned" by the stockholders not some 1% asswipe.

16   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:54pm  

Ironman says

Sure thing asshole... Want to remind us how many States turned Red that were Blue both times with Obama??

Obama won the popular vote both time, so fuck off asshole!

17   Strategist   2017 Jan 15, 5:58pm  

astronut97 says

Prove it asshole, it mostly business taxes that pay for it. Most businesses are public meaning they are "owned" by the stockholders not some 1% asswipe.

Only $300 million, 10% of the total federal revenue came from corporate tax. Most of it came from individuals paying federal income tax.

18   astronut97   2017 Jan 15, 5:58pm  

Ironman says

You really are a special type of stupid, no wonder you're a Democrat.

Not a democrat, I'm a progressive. Now that Republicans are regressives means I'm closer to being a Democrat is true but that's a positive thing if you are into reality. You on the other hand are a complete moron if you think the 1% pay for anything. Ask Donald how much tax he's paid recently.

19   Strategist   2017 Jan 15, 6:02pm  

Tim Aurora says

It's an opinion piece with absolutely no data. Spin away

What exactly did Obama succeed in, besides preventing a depression and his energy policy?

20   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 15, 6:31pm  

Obama couldn't have been such a Nobel Peace Prize WARMONGER LOSER without his
wonderful Democratic supporters.

21   HEY YOU   2017 Jan 15, 7:57pm  

Damn Obama!
You couldn't even get the market to 20,000 and keep it there.

22   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2017 Jan 15, 8:15pm  

astronut97 says

Trump didn't win by an landslide, it only appears so because the way the Electoral College votes are counted. He won, but it was a close contest.

the EC votes are the only things that count dumb chimp.

even if your chimp IQ magically doubled, you wouldn't be able to comprehend strategic, cost-effective campaigns in key states let alone why the forefathers made it that way in the first place.

23   Shaman   2017 Jan 15, 9:26pm  

astronut97 says

Obama won the popular vote both time, so fuck off asshole!

And he had the single most attended and hyped inauguration of all time! Followed by the single least effective presidency of all time. He's literally an eight year place holder. Nothing he did will last. And that's because everything he did was partisan and wrong for the country.

24   Strategist   2017 Jan 16, 7:39am  

The Obama's came with a promise of "change"
They leave with Michelle saying "There is no hope"
That is an admission of failure.

25   marcus   2017 Jan 16, 8:59am  

Booger says

Its time to face facts:

Booger is a dimbulb right winger that always hated Obama and isn't willing to objectively consider the facts.

27   MMR   2017 Jan 16, 10:28am  

HEY YOU says

Obama couldn't have been such a Nobel Peace Prize

why did he win a peace prize again?

28   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2017 Jan 16, 10:36am  

Ironman says

You really are a special type of stupid, no wonder you're a Democrat.

A space cadet.

29   marcus   2017 Jan 16, 10:38am  

MMR says

why did he win a peace prize again?

Maybe it was this, or expectations of this.

30   marcus   2017 Jan 16, 10:44am  

When it comes to the military, you could say that Obama has been very bad for business.

31   Strategist   2017 Jan 16, 10:51am  

marcus says

When it comes to the military, you could say that Obama has been very bad for business.

You could also say Obama has been very good for ISIS. Just ask the Yazidi girls who were enslaved, tortured and raped.
Great decision making Obama. You have 4 more days to keep screwing up.

32   marcus   2017 Jan 16, 11:55am  

Strategist says

You could also say Obama has been very good for ISIS

Yes, but that has to be looked at in a larger frame that includes what we did in Iraq the six years before Obama came to office.

I saw that comment coming. Almost added it for you.

35   Y   2017 Jan 26, 6:12am  

Trump 306
Clinton 232
Not even close.
#4 applies below.

Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
noun, Also called, especially British, landslip [land-slip] (Show IPA), (for defs 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.
the mass itself.
an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes:
the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.
any overwhelming victory:
She won the contest by a landslide.

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

the "data" are the fact that Trump won by a landslide

astronut97 says

Trump didn't win by an landslide, it only appears so because the way the Electoral College votes are counted.

astronut97 says

It appears you don't know the definition of the word "landslide". He actually lost the popular vote

astronut97 says

I was just pointing out that Trump didn't win by a landslide as it was a very close election

astronut97 says

Only a complete moron would say Trump won by an landslide

36   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 26, 7:15am  

"Trump 306
Clinton 232
Not even close.
#4 applies below.

Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
noun, Also called, especially British, landslip [land-slip] (Show IPA), (for defs 1, 2).
the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope.
the mass itself.
an election in which a particular victorious candidate or party receives an overwhelming mass or majority of votes:
the 1936 landslide for Roosevelt.
any overwhelming victory:
She won the contest by a landslide."

It was the ninth biggest electoral college victory of the last 11 Presidential elections. So, it's in roughly the 20th percentile of landslides. Wow.

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