Trump bans immigrants from countries that don't attack us

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2017 Jan 27, 5:10pm   17,864 views  66 comments

by joeyjojojunior   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Notably absent from the executive order:

Saudi Arabia

Looks like Trump has been bought and paid for by the Saudis already.


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17   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 10:23am  

Quigley says

We do need to remember who the real enemies are: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and Madonna.

You forgot Shia LeBouf.

18   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 10:24am  

rando says

Even if Trump is only inadvertently trolling the press here, it's a very good thing to have the extremely close connection between Saudi and terrorism front and center in the public discussion.

Wouldn't it be better to have that discussion after he banned Saudis?

19   Patrick   2017 Jan 28, 10:31am  

No, I like this because it points out the corrupting influence of the Saudi trillions on our political leaders.

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 10:39am  

1. Saudi and the Gulf states do not take in Syrian Refugees. They do allow guest workers, but they must come to a pre-arranged job, and ONLY Sunnis are admitted - no Druze, no Christians, and of course no Shi'a or Alawites. The Jihadi insurgents in Syria are... Sunni.

2. Iraqi refugees have been convicted of supporting Sunni Jihadi groups with money and arms smuggling.

2b. And for using IEDs against US troops, before migrating to the USA

3. Protecting LGBTQ, Minorities, Women and American Values generally:

In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles. The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who do not support the Constitution, or those who would place violent ideologies over American law. In addition, the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including "honor" killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation.


21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 10:40am  

The above text is excellent. There are a million or more Christian workers in Saudi Arabia. Churches are forbidden by law. Official Sunni Leaders paid by the state call for Church removal all over the MENA. Yet Saudis and their front groups bitch about the least prejudice towards Sunnis in EU and USA.

Quigley says

I do wonder if this isn't Trump trolling the Leftist media once again. Leaving out a few obvious terror hotspots makes for articles, and then he can say, "Well, ok! Since you asked, I'll ban them too!"

rando says

No, I like this because it points out the corrupting influence of the Saudi trillions on our political leaders.

I hope this is the case. "Why are you complaining? You guys ran countless articles in January saying we should ban Saudi Arabians, if anything!"

If he did ban Saudi immigration, they'd be Shrieking: he's only hurting liberals and moderates, creating instability that will jack up oil prices and hurt the economy, is attacking an "Ally" (LOL), helping the Ayatollah, putting big Saudi Investment money in Equities at risk, etc. etc. etc.

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 10:46am  

This is a great executive order.

All of these termporarily banned countries are united have experienced domestic turmoil, with religion being a key component, which breeds terrorism.

It explicitly exempts those fleeing for political or religious minority oppression from the ban. Which means we can welcome Syrian Christians fleeing ISIS.

It makes the vetting process uniform, without 'special emergency rapid approval' from people from war-torn countries where one could expect many radicalized people to come from. Requires in-person interviews.

He makes reciprocity the order of the day, countries that put Americans through the nth degree (to make sure for one, that they aren't missionaries) will get the same treatment.

He is reviewing the "Visa Express" which ridiculously was re-applied to Saudis, allowing them to come here without an in-person interview at the Embassy or Consulate first.

In short:

23   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 10:56am  

Not surprisingly, TLL Lips loves this order despite that fact that it doesn't include any of the countries that have actually exported terrorism to the USA.

Once again, he has shown his ridiculous hypocrisy when it comes to anything Trump does. After spending countless posts criticizing Clinton for her close ties to Saudi Arabia and explaining how Saudi is the problem with the Middle East, TLL is happy when they are excluded from the immigration ban. Because.... well, because he's happy with anything Trump says or does.

TLL and Patrick can rationalize this any way they want, but the bottom line is that Trump has once again shown he is no better than any other politician when it comes to Saudi Arabia. Just like he did when it came to Wall St. And everything else he's done so far. He's got all the worst qualities of every politician, along with his narcissism, low attention span, questionable judgment, and thin skin. Woo-hoo. Great job Trumpkins.

24   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 10:58am  

T L Lipsovich says

He is reviewing the "Visa Express" which ridiculously was re-applied to Saudis, allowing them to come here without an in-person interview at the Embassy or Consulate first.

Oh, wait, he's "reviewing it?? I take it all back. He's really showing the Saudis. I bet they are shaking in their boots!! He's REVIEWING it!!?!! Next, he'll put them on double secret probation too!!

25   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:00am  

T L Lipsovich says

If he did ban Saudi immigration, they'd be Shrieking: he's only hurting liberals and moderates, creating instability that will jack up oil prices and hurt the economy, is attacking an "Ally" (LOL), helping the Ayatollah, putting big Saudi Investment money in Equities at risk, etc. etc. etc.

So why didn't he do it then? Is hurting liberals his goal?? Isn't trolling the media and liberals the reason behind most of his decisions thus far? Why stop now?

26   Shaman   2017 Jan 28, 11:17am  

joeyjojojunior says

You forgot Shia LeBouf

True. That asshat is always making stupid movies when he's not running around being a fucktard.

27   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:17am  

Ironman says

Poll: 13% Of Syrian Refugees Support ISIS.

What % of Saudis support terrorism?

28   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:21am  

Ironman says

What percentage of Illinois residents support terrorism?

Well done. Equating Saudi Arabia with a US State when it comes to terrorism. You have a firm grip on reality.

29   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 11:21am  

joeyjojojunior says

Oh, wait, he's "reviewing it?? I take it all back. He's really showing the Saudis. I bet they are shaking in their boots!! He's REVIEWING it!!?!! Next, he'll put them on double secret probation too!!

Why didn't Obama do something about it, he had 8 years and he didn't need Congress, either.

joeyjojojunior says

So why didn't he do it then? Is hurting liberals his goal?? Isn't trolling the media and liberals the reason behind most of his decisions thus far? Why stop now?

Damned if he do, damned if he don't. The Media wants to protect their Banker-Silicon Oligarch interests. Saudi Investment, Weapons Sales, etc. more important that stopping violent Jihad worldwide.

The NYT is in full fury mode today. They'll be bringing up one or two examples of an Iranian Scientist or something, and some 6 figure earning families who haven't pursued citizenship because their investment visa allows them to dodge taxes. You know, same as the Times readership demographic that believes anyone earning less than $80k is an Evil Methhead Redneck, or a poor oppressed minority.

joeyjojojunior says

What % of Saudis support terrorism?

Ironman says

joeyjojojunior says

What % of Saudis support terrorism?

What percentage of Illinois residents support terrorism?

Or Detroit Residents :)


30   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:24am  

T L Lipsovich says

Why didn't Obama do something about it, he had 8 years and he didn't need Congress, either.

Good. So you admit Trump is no better than a typical politician then?

T L Lipsovich says

Damned if he do, damned if he don't. The Media wants to protect their Banker-Silicon Oligarch interests. Saudi Investment, Weapons Sales, etc. more important that stopping violent Jihad worldwide.

Exactly. And Trump is trying to screw the media at every turn. So why did he exclude Saudi Arabia? It might have actually been prudent AND it would have screwed the media. Win-Win. So why did Trump exclude them??

31   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:25am  

Once again I'll tell you TLL, when you find yourself agreeing with Ironman you need to reassess your views.

32   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 11:28am  

joeyjojojunior says

Once again I'll tell you TLL, when you find yourself agreeing with Ironman you need to reassess your views.

Hey, what do you think of all the drone strikes that ended up hitting wedding parties with the suspect long gone from the area?

Is that more humane than a ban on refugees from war-torn areas where religious conflict and radicalization is a big part?

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 11:29am  

joeyjojojunior says

Good. So you admit Trump is no better than a typical politician then?

So you admit Obama did nothing?

joeyjojojunior says

Exactly. And Trump is trying to screw the media at every turn. So why did he exclude Saudi Arabia? It might have actually been prudent AND it would have screwed the media. Win-Win. So why did Trump exclude them??

Because it was a bridge too far - for now - politically. He chose countries currently in massive domestic conflict involving radical religious beliefs, and a major state supporter of terrorism. Maybe when he speaks with his Sith Lord Master, he can get combined action to pressure Saudi Arabia and put them on the back foot.

34   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:31am  

T L Lipsovich says

Because it was a bridge too far - for now - politically

bwahahahaha. Give me a break. He specifically excluded countries where he has business interests because he didn't want to jeopardize the only thing he really cares about---his own new worth.

35   casandra   2017 Jan 28, 11:33am  

Well, If Trump is banning immigration from countries that don't attack us as well as from those that do, I suppose you are saying he truly is an honest and fair man!

36   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 11:40am  

joeyjojojunior says

bwahahahaha. Give me a break. He specifically excluded countries where he has business interests because he didn't want to jeopardize the only thing he really cares about---his own new worth.

Extreme vetting for Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia:
While Obama (and certainly Hillary would have) maintained Visa Express. What country did the San Ber shooter come from?

He wanted to get something done without pushback, and Obama left him a poison pill authorizing mass Sunni Radical immigration from Syria he had to stop.

There are probably all kinds of other things like pending Lockheed-Martin Sales.

Psst: Politicans sometimes legitimately have to pick their fights.

37   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:56am  

T L Lipsovich says

He wanted to get something done without pushback, and Obama left him a poison pill authorizing mass Sunni Radical immigration from Syria he had to stop.

It was an executive order. How could he not have gotten that done? And he's already getting a ton of pushback. So, care to try again?

What is the point of banning Muslims if you don't ban the ones that are most likely to be terrorists?

T L Lipsovich says

Extreme vetting for Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia:

Great--can you detail exactly what measures are being taken? How it's different than what was being done already under normal vetting?

38   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:57am  

Ironman says

The current group of terrorists AREN'T coming from Saudi.

They aren't? Source?

39   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 11:58am  

casandra says

Well, If Trump is banning immigration from countries that don't attack us as well as from those that do,

You almost have it. He's banning from countries that don't attack us, but ISN'T banning from those countries that DO attack us.

40   deepcgi   2017 Jan 28, 12:03pm  

I guess we'll see if Trump bows lower to the Saudi Royalty than Obama did.

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 12:23pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Great--can you detail exactly what measures are being taken? How it's different than what was being done already under normal vetting?

Applicants will actually have to show up for an interview, and probably a background check, instead of just filling out a form and dialing in a Credit Card or sending a check.

42   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 12:48pm  

The SJW left is more angry about temporary refugee bans and extreme vetting than they ever were about Paris, San Ber, or Orlando.

Also silent on the Haitan and Cuban policies that were just tightened:
Haitians beg Obama to stop deporting them

Or ending wet-foot, dry-foot, which allowed Cubans who reached US soil to stay.

43   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 12:59pm  

Ironman says

Hey Tatty, when did they all become part or states of Saudi?

wtf are you talking about. Who said they are part of Saudi?

44   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 12:59pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Applicants will actually have to show up for an interview, and probably a background check, instead of just filling out a form and dialing in a Credit Card or sending a check.

Except that's not how it works now.

45   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 1:00pm  

T L Lipsovich says

The SJW left is more angry about temporary refugee bans and extreme vetting than they ever were about Paris, San Ber, or Orlando.

Also silent on the Haitan and Cuban policies that were just tightened:

Haitians beg Obama to stop deporting them


Or ending wet-foot, dry-foot, which allowed Cubans who reached US soil to stay.

They're probably angry about another President penalizing countries that didn't attack us, while doing nothing against the countries where the terrorists actually came from.

46   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Jan 28, 1:05pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Except that's not how it works now.

Yes,it's not how it's worked since later Bush and all of Obama's terms.

47   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 1:36pm  

Ironman says

What the fuck is wrong with you?? Your mental illness is really getting bad.

Seriously. You can't even comprehend a simple question. You said the current group of terrorists isn't coming from Saudi. And I asked for why you think that and you respond saying that Syria isn't a part of Saudi Arabia? And you think I have a mental illness?

Just stop posting. Please.

48   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 28, 1:58pm  

Ironman says

If you would read the links you post, like in the OP article, you wouldn't ask such STUPID questions, but would already know the answer

OK great. Could you copy and paste the part of the OP article that you think backs up your claim?

49   bob2356   2017 Jan 29, 2:47am  

joeyjojojunior says

Because.... well, because he's happy with anything Trump says or does.

Trump could sign an executive order to have TLL publicly ass raped by a gang of dildo wielding amazon's and it would be a good executive order to TLL because it is the will of trump. All hail trump.

50   bob2356   2017 Jan 29, 2:55am  

T L Lipsovich says

joeyjojojunior says

Except that's not how it works now.

Yes,it's not how it's worked since later Bush and all of Obama's terms.

Go ahead, feel free to document what you believe is the process. Let us all know how it really works.

51   Booger   2017 Jan 29, 7:40am  

If you see Trump's executive order referred to as a "Muslim ban," you're viewing fake news

52   Booger   2017 Jan 29, 8:01am  

Ban all immigration until unemployment is below 1% with labor participation rate above 80%.

53   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 29, 8:28am  

Booger says

If you see Trump's executive order referred to as a "Muslim ban," you're viewing fake news

I guess Giuliani didn't get the message. He says Trump asked him how to do a Muslim ban but keep it legal.


54   MMR   2017 Jan 29, 8:50am  

Ironman says

Tatty doesn't understand, when you're bleeding, you need to take care of the injury site first, once the bleeding is controlled, then you can move on to other medi

Does a person bleed if they can't see or feel the blood?

55   MMR   2017 Jan 29, 9:03am  

From article:

Sources close to Trump tell Fox News he has plans to cut that by more than half to 50,000.

In an interview with CBN, Trump said persecuted Christians from Syria would get priority.

“They’ve been horribly treated. Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, at least very tough to get into the United States? If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair, everybody was persecuted in all fairness, but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them.”


How many christians are in Saudi Arabia that haven't been forcibly converted or killed? How about Pakistan?

Why has it been so easy for Syrian muslims to come to US and not Syrian/Egyptian Christians....the latter is at more risk for violence.

Sounds like trump wants to reduce obama quota of 110k to 50k and give Christian refugees preference over muslims.

56   joeyjojojunior   2017 Jan 29, 9:09am  

MMR says

Why has it been so easy for Syrian muslims to come to US and not Syrian/Egyptian Christians

First off-it hasn't been easy for Syrian Muslims to come to the US. Second--do you have any evidence that it has been more difficult for Syrian/Egyptian Christians to get to the US than it has been for Syrian/Egyptian Muslims?

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