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81412   anonymous   2017 Feb 26, 8:22pm  

We know Trump exaggerates and is inconsistent with what he says. Honestly, I don't fucking care just as long as he blows up Washington and implements the major policies that may actually change our future for the better. We have no other alternatives now, so why fret over minutiae.

81413   marcus   2017 Feb 27, 6:16am  

This last week must have been a low one for Trump lies, becasue I can't see that anyone is listing "the week in Trump lies" for this most recent week. But here's his first 100.

The First 100 Lies: The Trump Team’s Flurry Of Falsehoods

Yeah sure, just another President in a long line of politicians. "Typical politician." "Nothing to see here folks."

Yes, it's true many of his lies are exaggerations such as the ones about the standing ovation he didn't receive at the CIA (not that the abundance of this type of lie aren't disturbing). But many of them are important BS, like when he says the murder rate is the highest it's been in 46 years. The uptick is the highest in a similar period of time, but the actual rate is about half what it was 25 years ago.

THe big picture is that the murder rate has dropped an amazing amount. WE know Trump must know this, so why does he say such lies ? MY theory ? To troll the press, so that gullible fools (I won't name any names of people around here) will believe that the press is being mean to him and that he is justified in creating his own branch of the media that will be the ones entitled to cover him close up.

81414   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 6:23am  

CBOEtrader says

Are you referring to talking wo a teleprompter for 90 minutes, only to have a point about "sweden last night" be willfully misinterpreted and used as fake news. Is that one of your "examples"?

How was that wilfully reported? "You look at what's happening last night in Sweden" is an obviously misleading claim, so how exactly do you suggest the media should respond to such a comment?

81415   mell   2017 Feb 27, 9:11am  

marcus says

So the guy found a couple small examples, like the guy saying that reading stolen emails was a crime, when it is and yet it isn't, becasue they are freely available.

Small example? The day a "news" organization spews out such dangerous, utterly false, grossly misleading and condescending bullshit is when they become fake news and need to be taken off the air.

81416   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 27, 9:32am  

marcus says

highest it's been in 46 years.

marcus says

uptick is the highest in a similar period

It makes me smile that you found the answer yourself.

Remember that trump speaks for 90 minutes w/o a teleprompter. If you try anyone can willfully misrepresent his underlying meaning. Ex:

Rashomon says

"You look at what's happening last night in Sweden" is an obviously misleading claim,

No. Its an ambiguous and poorly phrased reference the current trends in Sweden. He cleared that up when asked. See how easy that is?

Yelling about racism and lies is just childish way to stick your fingers in your ears. Everyone else sees through it.

81417   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 27, 9:33am  

CBOEtrader says

No. Its an ambiguous and poorly phrased reference the current trends in Sweden. He cleared that up when asked. See how easy that is?

And then Kek steps in and there's a riot in Sweden right after. It's almost as if the Cosmic Joker hates the Media.

81418   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 27, 9:44am  

"1: White House press secretary Sean Spicer falsely claimed the crowd on the National Mall was “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.” (Jan. 21)

That's the first lie in your article?

I listened to Sean Spicer's statement. Its totally reasonable. This is a perfect and obvious misinterpretation.

Should I continue?

81419   anonymous   2017 Feb 27, 9:48am  

FP says


How is it different to GLD?

81420   mell   2017 Feb 27, 9:48am  

CBOEtrader says

"1: White House press secretary Sean Spicer falsely claimed the crowd on the National Mall was “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.” (Jan. 21)

That's the first lie in your article?

I listened to Sean Spicer's statement. Its totally reasonable. This is a perfect and obvious misinterpretation.

Should I continue?

Also it is largely irrelevant, it was a big crowd alright. Who gives a shit if it was bigger than any or all of its predecessors? This has nothing to do with reporting news anymore, but looking for petty fights and misinterpretations everywhere. Lamestream media is losing it.

81421   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 27, 9:53am  

Forgotten Stories:

Obama’s Orwellian Image Control

Obama’s Efforts to Control Media Are ‘Most Aggressive’ Since Nixon, Report Says

Whereas this is just retaliation for trifling basic bitch coverage of the Administration:

81422   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 27, 9:54am  

rando says

OK, does it seem like a good move to buy silver now?

That's what I'm holding. I'll swap when the ratio dips. I go with physical because I like investments I control directly. Silver rounds or junk silver, premiums on investment coins always disappear before a market tops. Also, if you want to offload some of your investment unexpectedly, coins are much easier to exchange, liquidity is good.

81423   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 27, 9:58am  

But, I thought the media loved and was extremely biased towards Obama??

You mean they wrote negative stories about someone OTHER than Trump?

81424   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 27, 9:58am  

RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks says

owning precious metals is only better than leaving money in a saving account.

You give me an investment stock or real estate that didn't rely on an insider tip or deal, and I'll show you how much more you could have made if you had invested in silver or gold. What your fiat currency-centric mind doesn't understand is gold and silver have been outpacing inflation(the dollar) for nearly a decade. While every other paper investment has been saddled with the same loss.

You never adjust your profit for inflation!?

81425   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 27, 9:59am  

"Who gives a shit if it was bigger than any or all of its predecessors?"

Exactly! So why did Spicer make a point to say it at the press conference? Why did Trump tweet about it?

Who cares?

81426   joeyjojojunior   2017 Feb 27, 10:07am  

"If you try anyone can willfully misrepresent his underlying meaning"

You mean, anyone who listens can hear the blatant lies. There is no underlying meaning. He just lies on purpose because he knows that folks like you don't care.

81427   smaulgld   2017 Feb 27, 1:33pm  

I marked this as ad hominem to test the new feature.

81428   missing   2017 Feb 27, 7:00pm  

SubOink says

How is it different to GLD?

higher volatility + has earnings

81429   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Feb 28, 3:44am  

Who made that graph? If we ever get to points D and E, there will only be thermophillic bacteria left. Maybe, they could have shortened the Energy axis.

I really appreciate your discussions on sea ice extents and temperature. However, the antarctic ice set a record for maximum extent in 2014 and a minimum in 2017. It is certainly erratic as opposed to a steady trend. I think two reasons for this are that the antarctic is largely isolated by ocean currents, and the ice nearly completely melts each year, so while the amount left over varies greatly as a percentage of the average minimum extent (around 2M km2), it is small relative to the average maximum extent (20M km2). What is striking to me about this graph is not the trend of increasing or decreasing extent, but the trend of increasing amplitude of the changes. That is, the antarctic ice extent has been getting more erratic over the last 30 yrs. IDK if this is meaningful or not, or what the implications are.

81430   OneTwo   2017 Feb 28, 4:17am  

CBOEtrader says

Still no source? or example of trump lying. Figures.

Are you actually trying to argue that Trump hasn't lied? Seriously?

Here's a video from The Guardian. Yes, yes, I know, it's not Breitbart, so it must be fake news, or whatever other line you might take. Why not just tell us what is inaccurate in the video?


81431   Shaman   2017 Feb 28, 6:18am  

And now, I've marked all Marcus posts ad hominem. It appears there is no judge of these things so he will have to deal with it.

81432   Dan8267   2017 Feb 28, 11:01am  

AllTruth says

Not the first time Trump fucked an immigrant.

81433   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Feb 28, 11:15am  

Your theory is that there is no more ice and hence no more heat sink, so the water has warmed and needs time to cool before forming new ice. This doesn't fit the data, though, as there are 2 million km^2 of ice still in the water.

81434   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 28, 12:11pm  

Rashomon says

Are you actually trying to argue that Trump hasn't lied? Seriously?


81435   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 28, 12:27pm  

Which of your supposed "lies" in your video would you like to discuss?

I am suggesting the MSM turns misstatements, poor phrasing, and ambiguity into their own fake misinterpretation, then go into full hysteria attacking the fake representation.

Its fake news, over and over again.

The inauguration crowd size is the example to which I've already responded above. Trump said it looked like 1 million people, maybe 1.5, from where he stood. The CNN megapixel pic showing the POTUS POV did indeed look like a million people. After that Spicer makes a case that the total (including TV and digital) audience was the biggest ever. Neither of them lied, or even said anything unreasonable. Every shred of the hysteria calling Trump a liar is wasted energy, each hit story lowers the MSM a bit closer to complete joke status.

81436   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 28, 1:05pm  

Heres Your Card says

CBOEtrader says

Trump is an obvious lying tyrant (he isnt).

He obviously is.

He's a tyrant because you say so? Wrong. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/445185/trump-less-authoritarian-obama

Heres Your Card says

CBOEtrader says

The rest of us disagree

Heh, heh, that's a stupid thing to say. More than half the voting population disagrees with you and likely thinks you're an idiot.

My comment was about requiring facts as a jumping off point for a wild claim. I'd certainly hope more than just Trump supporters still believe in using facts.

81437   CL   2017 Feb 28, 3:24pm  

Good thing they all started thinking about it now, after 7 years of bitching about it. I heard a Repugnican "leader" say they were going to meet with Doctors' groups, hospitals and so on to see what they thought. It never crossed their minds to do it when they were all talking about "Repeal and Replace"?.

81438   Ceffer   2017 Feb 28, 3:27pm  

Ad hominem? The itchy trigger finger and the twitchy threat of immediate armed assault is what keeps things civil.

Trump learned everything he (remembers) about health care from Doogie Howser re-runs.

81439   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 28, 4:06pm  

smaulgld says

I marked this as ad hominem to test the new feature.

I sure hope that stupid drooling fuckstick shit-for-brains Drumpf doesn't register on PatNet because calling him a cunt is a basic human necessity.

81440   Patrick   2017 Feb 28, 4:09pm  

Heres Your Card says

I sure hope that stupid drooling fuckstick shit-for-brains Drumpf doesn't register on PatNet because calling him a cunt is a basic human necessity.

No, it's not a necessity at all.

In fact it is the worst possible response because it simply hardens the opposition.

If you're a human being, try to see the human beings on the other side. What is their fear? What are they concerned about?

81441   curious2   2017 Feb 28, 4:20pm  

In fairness to the President, the issue needn't be nearly so complicated as it is. You could set a million monkeys at a million typewriters for a million years, and choose deliberately their most convoluted output, and it would not come close to the broken system that we have. Decades of both major party establishments dividing and misruling the public, aggregating constituents into different pools and programs, maximizing patronage network spending/revenue, have made it so. On Capitol Hill, you can usually translate "reform" to mean "increase spending for the dominant patronage network at the expense of everyone else." I've posted elsewhere on PatNet relevant quotations from Noam Chomsky (about manufacturing consent, and the most educated being the most indoctrinated, book smart but not street smart). I've posted also a longer excerpt from George Orwell's 1984, about the perceived need to maintain scarcity while destroying surplus in a way that the population finds psychologically acceptable. Any amount of waste, fraud, and abuse can be psychologically acceptable to the regressive virtue signalers on the left, as long as you call it a "benefit" for "health", even if you're actually irradiating innocent people and increasing their risk for cancer, or poisoning them with toxic placebos. It's the left's version of the drug war, where any amount of private prison spending (including private contractors that sell to government prisons and lobby legislators and write criminal laws via ALEC) can become psychologically acceptable, no matter how much waste, fraud, and abuse it entails, so long as it is punishing defiance. The two major parties use a "good cop, bad cop" two step, so they look different, but they're both working for overlapping patronage networks, and the waste, fraud, and abuse are the pie that they want to grow, because they can get their fingers in most easily where no real value needs to be produced and delivered.

81442   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 28, 4:27pm  

rando says

Heres Your Card says

I sure hope that stupid drooling fuckstick shit-for-brains Drumpf doesn't register on PatNet because calling him a cunt is a basic human necessity.

No, it's not a necessity at all.

In fact it is the worst possible response because it simply hardens the opposition.

It's without any question absolutely necessary and one of the most basic human obligations: speaking the truth of one's convictions. And it's preposterous to consider a hardening of opposition as a reason to suppress opposition. Trump is deranged and I couldn't care less if you or anyone else doesn't like the feelz of the statement. It's your website Patrick, so act like Trump if you think you must, but trying to muzzle others' opinions of a man who clearly has at best a tenuous grasp on reality and the emotional maturity of an eight year old is a waste of your moral character.

81445   curious2   2017 Feb 28, 4:38pm  

Heres Your Card says

I couldn't care less....

That's basically the AntiFa narrative: they start by committing to an extreme hallucination, and then use that to justify any bizarre tactic supposedly in opposition to it. So, now, we see the TDS comment calling the previous President names too, supposedly in the voice of the current President, but not fooling anyone. I suspect AntiFa are most likely the ones phoning in threats to Jewish centers and schools, in order to maintain the phony narrative about Nazis. Anyone else can see it's phony, but the AntiFa crowd have crowd dynamics, encouraging the most committed to ever more extreme tactics to maintain the shared hallucination.

Collectively, they do know one thing: if they don't maintain that mass hallucination, nobody else will. You're not going to see a President with Jewish grandchildren phoning in threats to Jewish community centers. So, if the imaginary Hitler won't do it, the AntiFa people have to do it themselves, lest they be exposed as the hallucinating fools that they are.

81446   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 28, 4:58pm  

curious2 says

Heres Your Card says

I couldn't care less....

That's basically the AntiFa narrative:

Of his myriad disgusting qualities I don't consider antisemitism to be one. It is with the utmost irony that insulting Trump, a person so thoroughly constituted by insulting others (women, the disabled, anyone non-sycophantic) would be countered with a call for lucidity when the man himself is so clearly addled in that category. He doesn't strike me as a fascist either, he's just a narcissist child who thinks he lies at the center of reality for everyone else. There's no need to structure hallucinations to explain people's disgust and disagreement with him: it's just simple rejection of an idiot.

81447   Heres Your Card   2017 Feb 28, 6:07pm  

CBOEtrader says

Heres Your Card says

CBOEtrader says

Trump is an obvious lying tyrant (he isnt).

He obviously is.

He's a tyrant because you say so? Wrong. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/445185/trump-less-authoritarian-obama

So you quote Fake News? No, clearly you're wrong and the lying idiot douchebag tyrant remains a lying idiot douchebag tyrant. Wanna try again? Here's a tip gleaned from your manner and method: Everything you use to support your unfounded claim is Fake News. But please, proceed...and feel free to talk amongst yourself.

CBOEtrader says

Heres Your Card says

CBOEtrader says

The rest of us disagree

Heh, heh, that's a stupid thing to say. More than half the voting population disagrees with you and likely thinks you're an idiot.

My comment was about requiring facts as a jumping off point for a wild claim. I'd certainly hope more than just Trump supporters still believe in using facts.

We do still, he doesn't. How many things has he claimed to be "rigged?". If you want to ferret out "wild claims" that would be the best place to start, namely, at the start of Trump's continuing series of lies. The simple truth is this: He can't function within an objective shared reality without lying to himself and others.

81448   Dan8267   2017 Feb 28, 6:52pm  

Hater says

Is anyone surprised that ice is melting in the southern hemispheres summer?

Is anyone surprise that the shitload of man-made pollution is making a drastic and permanent change in the climate? Is anyone surprise that some people are so god damn selfish that they don't give a rat's ass about the people who will be greatly harmed by this through disease, famine, flooding, and drought?

If Christianity at all promoted morality then every Christian would be protesting in the streets every single day about big business vandalizing their god's creation. If your body is a temple of god, then how much more so is the Earth? Christians are complete hypocrites.

Climate change is first and foremost a moral issue. It is the greatest moral issue of our time.

81449   curious2   2017 Feb 28, 8:35pm  

jazz music says


is precisely the problem with the "resistance" agenda: it commands "resisters" to submit to every part of the official doctrine, including especially the spread of Islam. It prohibits people from thinking for themselves, and recognizing that the President may actually be right sometimes. For example, Islam and Obamneycare generated huge amounts of money for the Clintons and the DNC, but voters oppose them, and rightly so.

Basically, the DNC are trying to hijack the vocabulary of the labor movement, whom the DNC don't otherwise listen to and certainly don't care much about.

Spreading Islam increases divide&rule, mass surveillance, and endless military spending. It makes actual people worse off.

Since Obamneycare hit with full force, medical spending and the mortality rate have increased and life expectancy has fallen, so Americans are dying sooner and poorer.

The "indivisible" slogan requires you to swallow all of their crap as a condition of membership in the so-called "resistance." Instead of actual resistance, it is merely submission by another name. And, in case you forgot, "Islam" means literally "submission."

81450   Rew   2017 Feb 28, 8:41pm  

curious2 says

Since Obamneycare hit with full force, medical spending and the mortality rate have increased and life expectancy has fallen, so Americans are dying sooner and poorer.

False causality is the hallmark of the Trump-era. "Believe me."

81451   curious2   2017 Feb 28, 8:44pm  

Rew says

False causality

Calling it false doesn't actually falsify anything. After reading Obamneycare, I predicted on PatNet that it would cause Americans to die sooner and poorer. Partisan Democrats called me all sorts of names and made silly accusations. Then the numbers proved me right. I ask them for alternative explanations for the observable facts, and they have nothing.

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